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1、托福阅读答题时间不足如何提升效率 托福阅读答题时间不足如何提升效率?迅速答题2个实用小技巧分享,今天给大家带来了托福阅读答题时间不足如何提升效率,希望能够帮助到大家在托福考试中拿高分,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读答题时间不足如何提升效率?迅速答题2个实用小技巧分享托福阅读时间不足是普遍问题很多托福考生都说,也许在托福阅读中,最影响人的实力发挥的恐怕就是要求55分钟内做完50道阅读题。托福阅读不同于CET4,CET6,与高考也是有区别的,因为这些都是大约4-5篇阅读,20题,而且这些考试都没有要求做完没门考试所用的时间。因此很多同学在一开始做托福阅读的时候,十分不适应托福阅读的时间限

2、制,有的人甚至在考前都没有克服这个问题。托福阅读省时提速技巧分享1. 只看首句1 即先阅读*的首段前4行,注意这里不是前2行,因为现在很多*首句通常是由专业名词组成或者是一些习语组成,大多数中国学生只知道看完首句,然后他们就崩溃了,因为专业词汇和习惯用语一次性将他们打懵。因此这里建议首先读完前4行来了解*主题方向。2. 直接做题然后在题中找关键词回到原文进行点查。不过这里点查也是有技巧的。第一题通常是*的主题题,跳过不做,放到最后来做,其他的很多试题都是标记了行号或者可以通过特殊字符来辨认,比如数字,大写字母,拼写十分怪异的单词等等,当一道题没有这些标示的时候要通过邻近的其他试题来定位本题在原

3、文中的位置。托福考试阅读理解模拟试题及答案A number of factors related to the voice reveal the personality of the speaker. The first is the broad area of communication, which includes imparting information by use of language, communicating with a group or an individual, and specialized communication through performance.

4、A person conveys thoughts and ideas through choice of words, by a tone of voice that is pleasant or unpleasant, gentle or harsh, by the rhythm that is inherent within the language itself, and by speech rhythms that are flowing and regular or uneven and hesitant, and finally, by the pitch and melody

5、of the utterance. When speaking before a group, a persons tone may indicate unsureness or fright, confidence or calm. At interpersonal levels, the tone may reflect ideas and feelings over and above the words chosen, or may belie them. Here the conversants tone can consciously or unconsciously reflec

6、t intuitive sympathy or antipathy, lack of concern or interest, fatigue, anxiety, enthusiasm or excitement, all of which are usually discernible by the acute listener. Public performance is a manner of communication that is highly specialized with its own techniques for obtaining effects by voice an

7、d /or gesture. The motivation derived from the text, and in the case of singing, the music, in combination with the performers skills, personality, and ability to create empathy will determine the success of artistic, political, or pedagogic communication.Second, the voice gives psychological clues

8、to a persons self-image, perception of others, and emotional health. Self-image can be indicated by a tone of voice that is confident, pretentious, shy, aggressive, outgoing, or exuberant, to name only a few personality traits. Also the sound may give a clue to the facade or mask of that person, for

9、 example, a shy person hiding behind an overconfident front. How a speaker perceives the listeners receptiveness, interest, or sympathy in any given conversation can drastically alter the tone of presentation, by encouraging or discouraging the speaker. Emotional health is evidenced in the voice by

10、free and melodic sounds of the happy, by constricted and harsh sound of the angry, and by dull and lethargic qualities of the depressed.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) The function of the voice in performance(B) The connection between voice and personality(C) Communication styles(D) The

11、production of speech2. What does the author mean by stating that, At interpersonal levels, tone may reflect ideas and feelings over and above the words chosen (lines 9-10)?(A) Feelings are expressed with different words than ideas are.(B) The tone of voice can carry information beyond the meaning of

12、 words.(C) A high tone of voice reflects an emotional communication.(D) Feelings are more difficult to express than ideas.3. The word Here in line 10 refers to(A) interpersonal interactions(B) the tone(C) ideas and feelings(D) words chosen4. The word derived获得 in line 15 is closest in meaning to(A)

13、discussed(B) prepared(C) registered 记录,登记,注册(D) obtained5. Why does the author mention artistic, political, or pedagogic communication in line 17?(A) As examples of public performance(B) As examples of basic styles of communication(C) To contrast them to singing(D) To introduce the idea of self-imag

14、e6. According to the passage , an exuberant tone of voice, may be an indication of a persons(A) general physical health(B) personality(C) ability to communicate(D) vocal quality7. According to the passage , an overconfident front may hide(A) hostility(B) shyness(C) friendliness(D) strength8. The wor

15、d drastically激烈地 in line 24 is closest in meaning to(A) frequently(B) exactly(C) severely(D) easily9. The word evidenced表明 in line 25 is closest in meaning to(A) questioned(B) repeated(C) indicated(D) exaggerated 夸大,夸张10. According to the passage , what does a constricted and harsh voice indicate?(A

16、) lethargy(B) depression(C) boredom(D) anger答案:BBADA BBCCD托福考试阅读真题回忆Passage One学科分类:Economy题目: Englands Economy in sixteenth century*原题:Englands Economy in sixteenth centuryIn the last half of the sixteenth century England emerged as a commercial and manufacturing power in Europe due to a combinatio

17、n of demographic, agricultural and industrial factors. The population of England and Wales grew rapidly from about 2.5million in the 1520s to more than 3.5 million in 1580, reaching about 4.5 million in 1610.Reduced mortality rates and increased fertility, the latter probably generated by expanding

18、work opportunities in manufacturing and farming (leading to earlier marriage and morechildren), explained this rapid rise in population. While epidemics and plagueoccasionally took their toll, the people in England still suffered less than did those in continental Europe. Furthermore, the country ha

19、d been pulled out of the war that occurredin France and central Europe during the same period. England provides the prominent example of the expansion of agricultural production well before the general Europeanagricultural revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. A larger population st

20、imulated the increased woollen through crop civilization. English agriculture becamemore efficient and market-oriented than almost anywhere else on the continent. Between 1450 and 1640 the yield of grain per acre increased by at least thirty percent. In sharp contrast with farming in Spain, English

21、land owners brought more dense marshes and woodlands into cultivation.The great land estates of the English society largely remained intact and many wealthy land owners aggressively increased the size of their holdings, a precondition for increasedproductivity. Marriages between the children of land

22、owners also increased the size of landestates. Primogeniture (the full inheritance of land by the eldest son) helped prevent land from being subdivided. Younger sons of independent land owners left the family and went to find other respective locations. Larger farms contributed more to commercialize

23、d farming at the time when an expanding population pushed up demand and prices.Farmland owners turned part of their land into pasture land for sheep in order to adapt to developing woollen trade.Some of the great land owners as well as Yeomen (farmers whose holdings and security of land tenure guara

24、nteed their prosperity and status), organized their holdings in the interest efficiency. Many farmers selected crops for sales in growing London market. In their quest for greater profits, many land owners put their squeeze on their tenants. Between 1580 and 1620 land lords raised rents and altered

25、conditions of land tenure in their favor, preferring shorter phases and forcing tenants to pay an entry fee before agreeing to rent them land. Landlords evicted those who could not afford annual, more onerous terms. But they also pushed tenants toward more productive farming methods, including crop

26、rotation. Englands exceptional economic development also drew the countrys natural resources,including iron, timber, and coal, extracted in far greater quantity than elsewhere in thecontinent. New industrial development expanded the production of iron and pewter in and around the city of Birmingham.

27、But above all textile manufacturing transformed English economy. Woolens, which accounted for eighty percent of the exports, worsteds (sturdy yarn spun from combed woolfibers), and other cloth found eager buyers in England as well as in the continent.Moreover, late in the sixteenth century as Englis

28、h merchants began making forays across the Atlantic these textiles were also sold in the Americas. Cloth manufacturers undercut production by urban craftspeople by putting out work to the villages and farms of thecountryside. In such domestic industry poor rural women could spin and make cading (com

29、bing fibers in preparation for spin) in their homes.The English textile trade was closely tied to Antwerp, in the Spanish Netherlands, where workers dyed English cloth. The entrepreneur Sir Thomas Gresham became Englands representative there. He so enhanced the reputation of English business in that

30、 region that English merchants could operate on credit-the most prominent achievement for sixteenth century. He also advised the government to explore the economic possibilities ofAmericas, which led to the first concerted efforts at colonization, undertaken withcommercial profits in mind.Paragraph

31、1In the last half of the sixteenth century England emerged as a commercial and manufacturing power in Europe due to a combination of demographic, agricultural and industrial factors. The population of England and Wales grew rapidly from about 2.5million in the 1520s to more than 3.5 million in 1580,

32、 reaching about 4.5 million in 1610.Reduced mortality rates and increased fertility, the latter probably generated by expanding work opportunities in manufacturing and farming (leading to earlier marriage and morechildren), explained this rapid rise in population. While epidemics and plagueoccasiona

33、lly took their toll, the people in England still suffered less than did those in continental Europe. Furthermore, the country had been pulled out of the war that occurred in France and central Europe during the same period.1. The word generated in the passage is closest in meaning to? Produced? Stre

34、ngthened? followed? dominated2. The word furthermore in the passage is closest in meaning to? however? in addition? similarly? in general3. All of the following are mentioned in Paragraph 1 as developments that led to Englands emergence as a commercial and manufacturing power EXCEPT? rapid populatio

35、n growth? an increase in the number of jobs? a trend toward earlier marriages? an end to epidemics and a plagueParagraph 2England provides the prominent example of the expansion of agricultural production wellbefore the general European agricultural revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centur

36、ies. A larger population stimulated the increased woollen through crop civilization. English agriculture became more efficient and market-oriented than almost anywhere elseon the continent. Between 1450 and 1640 the yield of grain per acre increased by at leastthirty percent. In sharp contrast with

37、farming in Spain, English land owners brought more dense marshes and woodlands into cultivation.4. Why does the author mention that “English land owners brought more dense marshes and woodlands into cultivation” ? To give an example of a way in which the English increased agricultural production? To

38、 emphasize the influence of English agriculture on the agriculture of other Europeancountries? To emphasize that Spanish agriculture needed to improve their farming methods? To discuss an intended consequence of crop specializationParagraph 3The great land estates of the English society largely rema

39、ined intact and many wealthy land owners aggressively increased the size of their holdings, a precondition for increasedproductivity. Marriages between the children of landowners also increased the size of landestates. Primogeniture (the full inheritance of land by the eldest son) helped prevent lan

40、d from being subdivided. Younger sons of independent land owners left the family and went to find other respective locations. Larger farms were conducive more to commercialized farming at the time when an expanding population pushed up demand and prices.Farmland owners turned part of their land into

41、 pasture land for sheep in order to adapt to developing woollen trade.5. The phrase conducive to in the passage is closest in meaning to? a result of? favorable to? able to? expanded to6. According to paragraph 3 why did wealthy land owners increase the size of the land theyowned? To avoid the neces

42、sity of arranged marriages between their children and the children of other land owners? To ensure that there were enough land to divide between their older and younger sons? To increase the number of goods that their farms produced? To provide more jobs for members of the colony7. Why does the auth

43、or mention that farmland owners turned part of their land into pasture land for sheep? To explain why the younger sons of land owners had to leave the family land and find other jobs? To provide an example of a way in which large farms were eager to improve theirbusiness? To explain how the practice

44、 of primogeniture worked? To describe a strategy land owners used to give their lands from being subdivided.Paragraph 4Some of the great land owners as well as Yeomen (farmers whose holdings and security of land tenure guaranteed their prosperity and status), organized their holdings in the interest

45、 efficiency. Many farmers selected crops for sales in growing London market. In their quest for greater profits, many land owners put their squeeze on their tenants. Between 1580 and 1620 land lords raised rents and altered conditions of land tenure in their favor, preferring shorter phases and forc

46、ing tenants to pay an entry fee before agreeing to rent them land. Landlords evicted those who could not afford annual, more onerous terms. But they also pushed tenants toward more productive farming methods, including crop rotation.8. The word quest in the passage is closest in meaning to? organiza

47、tion? exchange? search? argument9. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in paragraph 4 as a way that English landlords tried to increase the efficiency of their farms? encouraging the use of methods as crop rotation? selecting crops on the basis of demand in the London market? increasing rents an

48、d reducing the length of phases? hiring Yeomen to work on their farms instead of relying on tenantsParagraph 5Englands exceptional economic development also drew the countrys natural resources,including iron, timber, and coal, extracted in far greater quantity than elsewhere in thecontinent. New industrial development expanded the production of i


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