1、托福阅读节省答题时间这些方法值得一试 托福阅读冲刺高分先练基础 ,这3个问题要优先解决,今天给大家带来了托福阅读节省答题时间这些方法值得一试。希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读节省答题时间这些方法值得一试托福考试对阅读能力较高要求首先需要明确的一点是,托福考试中对于考生的阅读能力有较高要求,而这种要求不仅体现在阅读部分,考试中的其它部分也都需要运用到大家的阅读能力,因此,提升阅读能力是解决托福阅读时间问题的关键所在。具体来说,托福考试不仅有单独的托福阅读理解测试,而且在口语以及写作方面的测试中也明显的对阅读能力提出了要求。按照ETS的官方说明,托福阅读中的*都是科普*
2、,结构特征和内容特征是比较明显的,所以大家可以从以下四个方面来提升托福阅读的解题效率减少耗时。1. 背熟词汇才能更快看懂托福阅读*想要做好托福阅读,背托福单词是最基础的。这个就是需要学员自己完成任务。但是尤为重要的一点是,托福考试中,对单词的考查不仅仅是背过单词含义就可以,更重要的是要学会应用,学会在*中理解使用单词。2. 掌握句式提升托福阅读整体速度同中文的一句一句短小的句子不同,英文中的句子多是长句,有时候一个句子就是一段。而且英文的句子多是主从复合句,以中式的思维逻辑来学习会很不习惯,不能适应句子的2.语序。这就需要托福考生在平时的训练中多读多看,扩大泛读。3.了解托福阅读*段落结构加速
7、PLE ANSWER来决定是否复议。也有说法是说如果其他三项的分数都很高,口语复议加分的可能性比较大。作文方面,有的时候自己认为写的很不错的*,拿给别人一看就会被挑出很多毛病,所以作文的主观感觉有时不是很准。作文可以把自己平时的*拿来参照OG上的评分标准。如果平常的*就有一些语法错误和拼写错误的话,真正考试的时候只会多不会少,提分的可能性就不大。问5:申请复议的时间有要求吗?答:自20XX年10月10日起托福网考成绩复议申请期限开始调整改变,由原来的考试结束后的三个月内变为考试结束后30天内提出申请。与此同时,如果考生已申请了向机构或者学校或寄送成绩单,包括免费和付费申请,那么就不能再对该次考
11、eryone in a particular society recognizes social roles: father, mother, child, teacher, student, police officer, store clerk, doctor, judge, political leader, and so on. Every culture expects certain types of behavior from people who play certain social roles. Anyone occupying a given position is ex
12、pected to adopt a specific attitude. A store clerk is expected to take care of customers patiently and politely, and a judge is expected to make wise and fair decisions about laws.Informal social roles are not always easy to recognize, but can be identified with careful research. They are key indica
13、tors of a groups health and happiness. Within the family, one informal role is the family hero, the person who defines integrity and upholds family morality. Others are the family arbitrator, the person who keeps the peace, and the family historian, often a grandparent, who relays valuable cultural
14、information that maintains both the family and the larger society. And finally, there is the family friend, the person who provides comfort and companionship to the family members with emotional needs.1.Why does the author mention a store clerk and a judge in paragraph 1?A. To give examples of peopl
15、e who hold positions of respects.B. To explain why social roles are important to a society.C. To illustrate the behavior required of certain social roles.D. To compare the responsibilities of two different occupations.2.Why does the author use the term key indicators in discussing informal social ro
16、les?A.To identify the most important type of social roles.B.To explain how to identify informal social rolesC.To point out that informal roles are unique to familiesD.To emphasize the value of informal roles to a group答案:1.C 2.DThe many part of the earths atmosphere are linked with the various parts
17、 of the earths surface to produce a whole-the climate system. Different parts of the earths surface react to the energy of the sun in different ways. For example, ice and snow reflect much of it. Land surfaces absorb solar energy and heat up rapidly. Oceans store the energy without experiencing a si
18、gnificant temperature rise. Thus, the different types of surfaces transfer heat into the atmosphere at different rates.We can view climate as existing in three domains: space, time, and human perception. In the domain of space, we can study local, regional, and global climates. In time, we can look
19、at the climate for a year, a decade, a millennium, and so forth. Finally, we depend on our perceptions of the data, so we must include our own human perception into our model. Human perception must be included if our understanding of climatic processes is to be translated into societal actions. As a
20、 society, we make informed choices about how to use the beneficial effects of climate, such as deciding when and where to plant crops. We also make choices about how to minimize the harmful effects of climate-storms, blizzards, and droughts.1.Why does the author discuss different parts of the earths
21、 surface in paragraph 1?A.To explain why humans live in some parts but not in othersB.To show that the entire earth is made of the same materialsC.To compare how various surfaces transfer heat into the atmosphereD.To describe changes in the earths appearance throughout the year.2.According to the au
22、thor, why must we include human perception in our study of climate?A.We must interpret data and take actions related to climateB.We must create an interesting model of the climate systemC.We must develop an understanding of our environmentD.We must change our traditional ways of studying climate.答案:1.C2.A