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1、Unit 01-011. Play chess _ speak English _ talk to sb _ want to do sth _ chess club _ play the drums_ play the piano_ help sb with sth _ be good with _make friends _ on the weekend_ like to do sth _ play sthwith sb _ 2. Play chess 下棋不是音乐类,音乐类+_Play chess _ play football_ play basketball _ play cards

2、_Play the violin _ play the piano _3. Speak: 作为与物动词, 说语言, speak English _ speak Chinese_。 作为不与物动词,speak to/with sb _4. Want: 与物动词,后面加_, want sb to do sth _5. Join :Join_Join the army join the party join an English clubJoin in sth_Join in the gameTake part in_Take part in the school sports meeting6.

3、Art club _ English club _ tennis club_ chess club _ sports club_7. Can:静态动词,后面接_,can do 。 8. Draw/paint _Draw_Paint_9. What club _ what color _what class _10. What about =how about _,后面接_11. Be good at 擅长=_, 后面接_12. Tell : 与物动词,_ Tell stories /tell a story _。Tell sb sth=tell sth to sb _13. Sound + _

4、,听起来。 Sound like +_。 _用法一样14. Too/also/either : 也too_Also _either_Unit 01-0215. Talk :不与物动词, talk with/to sb _ talk about sth _Speak_Tell_Say_talk_16. Peope: 人,人们时,是集合名词,单数形式表示复数含义,_。作为民族时,有复数形式,_,或者_17. Need实义动词需要_情态动词_不可数名词需要_18. Home:作为_,家; 作为_,到家,在家Home 家_Family家庭_House房子_19. Free: 空余的,反义词 _, be

5、 free to do sth _。 还有:_意思20. In/on/at用法所指时间例句On_On May dayIn_In the morningat_At 7 oclock21. Be good with= get on well with sb _ Be good at _be good to _ be good for_22. Make friends _ make faces _ make noises _make money _ make yourself at home _ make progress_23. Call: 作为动词,_ 拨打某人的; 作为名词, ,_ 给某人打2

6、4. Busy 形容词,_反义词_空闲的Unit 1-0325. Be busy doing sth _26. Help sb with sth _27. Help sb to do sth_28. Students Sports Center: _, students:是复数名词所有格。以_结尾的复数名词的所有格,指在复数名词后加_ 29. Have time 有空=be free30. On the weekend =_= on weekends=_31. Teach: 教; teach sb sth _32. Wanted : _33. Musician: _, magician _34

7、. 情态动词 C an 用法用法_结构肯定句_否认句_一般疑问句_特殊疑问句_Unit 2-011. Get up_ get dressed_ take a shower_ radio station _ go to school _ brush teeth _ be late for _2. Either or_。l ots of _go to bed _ do homework _ eat dinner _ take a walk _ clean my room _3. Need to do sth _ have good teeth _ have time to do time _ fr

8、omto_on weekends_4. Get up _go to bed _ get on _ get off _ get to _ get out _ get down _ get about_5. Go to school _ go to the school _ go to work _6. Get dressed _=_ get dressed in+颜色_7. Brush:作为动词,刷,brush ones teeth _作为名词,刷子,复数_8. Tooth 复数_,牙 foot 的复数_脚 goose 的复数_鹅9. Take a shower 洗澡=_=_10. What t

9、ime : _, when:问_+_11. 频率副词Always无例外_Usually有例外_Often _Sometimes 断断续续_Hardly ever_never_频率副词用在:_之后;_之前。 Sometimes 可以放在_12. On/in/ atatInOn_At nine oclock_In May, in winter_On November 9th_At night _In the morning _On Mondayat noonIn the afternoon _On Childrens dayI_On the afternoon of July 5th13. Nev

10、er _14. Work: _,job:指_15. At : _,in _。 At the hotel _ at school_ at home_ at the station _16. Fromto从。到。Unit 02-0217. ed: 修饰_,ing:修饰_Excitingexcited_boringbored_Interestinginterested_surprisingsurprised_TiringTired_amazingAmazed_relaxingrelaxed_18. At night _反义词 in the day_ in the evening _,反义词_19.

11、Then : _20. Funny _21. Exercise: 动词,_。可数名词,_,体操。不可数名词,_22. About _。 So: _。23. Be late for 迟到24. 几点钟表示法:前半小时:_后半小时_半点_15分钟_25. 表示一半:_ hour/apple. 表示一个半:_=_26. Past _,quarter _27. do ones homework_28. eat breakfast =have breakfast _ eat lunch =have lunch _ eat dinner =have dinner _29. when _30. clean:

12、作为动词,_;作为形容词,_31. Take a walk =_ =_32. Go to bed _ sleep _33. Many :修饰_名词,许多。 much 修饰_名词,_34. Quickly 快速地_35. Not only but also_ both .and. _ neither or_。either or_Unti 02-0336. Lots of = a lot of _,_; a lot _,副词,_37.Begood forBe bad forBe good to=be kind toBe good at _38. Sound + 形容词,_。 Sound like

13、+名词。_用法一样。Taste :系动词,_, taste +_.39. 名词+后缀y =形容词, 前缀un-表示否认前缀un-表示否认名词+后缀y =形容词Unhappy _ unknown _ unimportant _cloudy _ windy _ rainy _ sunny _ icy _ foggy _fine _ dry _cold _cool _ humid _40. Here /There引导的倒装句,主语是名词: 完全倒装主语是代词:局部倒装_41. What time /when区别对时间状语提问_ _What time/When do you usually go to

14、 school?询问具体时间点,几点钟_ _What time is it?询问年,月,日期_ _When is the Music Festival?42. 频率副词Always无例外Usually有例外_Often _Sometimes 断断续续_Hardly ever_never_频率副词用在:_ _ _ _ _; _ _之前。_ _可以放在_ _ _Unit 3-01 1. Take the subway _every day _ how about _ how long _ how far _have a good day _2. Think of _ _ between and _

15、 come true _ cross the river to school _its easy to do sth _ go on a ropeway _ _ leave home _ _ take a bus _ _ fromto_ _。3. 交通工具用动词表达_She takes the subway_I ride my bike用介词表达_By bus_Go to work on a bus询问交通工具_How do you go to school4. Get to _。 后面接副词_等,其后不加介词_, Get there /get home /get here。5. Take t

16、he bus _ take the train _6. Hundreds of _Hundreds of ; thousands of , millions of ,billions of _基数词+Hundred/thousand / million/billion _7. How long /how farHow far多远_How long多长_8. New: 形容词,_,反义词_9. Everyday /every dayEvery day_We go to school every dayEveryday_I study everyday English every day.10.

17、Have a good day _=have a nice day, have a good time= enjoy oneself11. Walk to school_ = go to on foot12. Drive a car=drive ones car _13. Live in +_,live at+_14. Bus stop _ bus station _15. 宾语从句:宾语从句永远都用_,即 _16. What think of =how do you like _17. Think about 考虑 think over 仔细考虑Unit 03-0218. Cross/acr

18、ossCross_across_19. Many/muchMany_much_20. It s +adj + to doIt s +adj +for sb+ to do sthIt s +adj +of sb +to do sth_Its nice of you to help me to learn English.S】Its bad for you to eat too much junk food.21. There be 句型的be 的单复数: 就近原那么:看紧接的名词特点可数名词单数_复数_不可数的名词_22. Too:_原级,在所修饰词之前23. 数词+单数名词+形容词_-名词必须

19、用单数作定语100-metre-long bridge_作定语100-metre hurdles 100跨栏_名词可以单数,也可以复数作表语Sth is 100 meters long24. Play with sb_25. Be like =be look like _ feel like +doing _ like to do sth _26. Leave for _27. Dream 可以作为动词和名词,_28. Come true _ come back _ come across _ come after _ come along _ come and go_ come up wit

20、h_29. Thank for +doing /名词_30. Last _Unit 04-0143. Listen to _ in the hallways _ dining hall _ be on time _ wear a hat _ some of the rules_ bring to _ have to _44. Go out _ do the dishes _ make ones bed _ be strict with sb_ follow the rules _see friends_ practice the guitar_ watch TV _ help sb to do

21、 sth _ on school nights _45. 祈使句肯定句否认句实义动词_助动词_46. Arrive :不与物动词,到达Arrive不与物动词_Get to与物动词短语_Reach 与物动词_47. On time _。 In time _48. Listen to +名词:_Listen toListen Hear_49. Fight for: _,如自由。 Fight about _ fight against_ fight with_50. Outside: _,可以做副词,形容词,介词,反义词 _, 在里面51. WearWear_Put on _Dress _Have

22、on _Be in +颜色/衣服_52. Important 重要的。 Be important for sb 对某人很重要BringTake fetch_Bring sb/sth to +_Bring sb sth = Bring sth for sb _Unit 04-0253. Player: _54. Have to _。 Must : _55. Quiet _,形容词。 Quietly 副词,_56. Go out _57. Practice 练习,后面接_,practice/finish /enjoy+_58. Do the dishes: _ do chores _ do the

23、 laundry_59. Dish: _等,特质_的盘子, plate :_的盘子,碟子,可以用来盛汤,也可装菜60. Help sb do sth _= help sb with sth help oneself to sth_help 。out _ cant help doing sth _ with the help of sb= with sbs help _61. Make breakfast _ make ones bed _ make dumplings _ make a noise _ make rules _ make friends_ make up_ make sure

24、_make tea_make friends with _ make a mistake _ make faces_62. Before _,反义词_63. Too many _,修饰_名词, too much 修饰_64. Leave : _, forget _65. Dirty _,clean 干净的66. Noisy _67. ed: 修饰_,ing:修饰_ Excitingexcited兴奋的boringbored_Interestinginterested_surprisingsurprised_TiringTired_amazingAmazed_relaxingrelaxed_68

25、. Feel:作为实义动词,_,feel +do (_ _)作为系动词,觉得, _69. Be strict with sb_be strict in sth _70. Follow: _71. Good luck _Unit 04-0372. Keep + _, keep +_, keep+_: 三个短语结构意思都为:_73. Keep the secret_ keep ones promise _ keep the record _ keep away from =keep off _ keep on doing sth _ keep in touch with _ keep up wit

26、h _ keep sb from doing sth _74. Have to 人称和数的变化主语是第一人称,第二人称,复数可数名词, 用_主语是第三人称,单数可数名词,不可数名词,用_否认形式 _ (一定用have 原形)一般疑问句主语是第一人称,第二人称,复数可数名词, _主语是第三人称,单数可数名词,不可数名词, _75.接不定式的动词_可以同时接不定式和动名词Remember to do sth_Remember doing sth_Forget to do sth_Forget doing sth_Stop to do sth_Stop doing sth_Go on to do s

27、th_Go on doing sth_Unit 5-0176. Kind of _ my favorite animal _ all day _ a good name for her_ be interesting _ be friendly _ save the elephants _ one of_ our first flag _a symbol of _ for a long time_get lost _ help sb to do sth _ be in great danger _ cun down _ be made of _77. Lets do sth : _。 肯定回答

28、:_否认回答:_78. Lets sb do sth _ let 是使役动词,后面的动词要原形,类似 有_79. 提出建议的句型:Lets do sth _Shall we +do 动词原形_What/how about doing sth_80. Favorite:作为形容词,_作为名词,_81. Because :因为。 注意:英语句中有因为 because 就不能有_。 Because +_, because of +_82. Cute : 可爱的,smart 精明的,潇洒的 clever 脑子聪明的America_American _Africa _African _Russia _R

29、ussian _Canada _Canadian_83. Kind of _ ,修饰_,a little 一点儿,修饰_。 A kind of_ all kinds of _ many different kinds of_84. South:名词,_。副词,_。 形容词,_,=_. East _ north_ west _southeast _ southwest_ northeast_ northwest _85. Asia _ Europe _ Africa _ North America_ South America _ Oceania _ Antarctica _86. Where

30、+be+主语+from _87. Be from =_88. Family:作为家庭,家时,谓语_。 作为家庭成员时,谓语_。作为可数名词,为家庭,可以加s, _89. Home:作为_,家; 作为_,到家,在家Home 家_Family家庭_House房子_Unit 5-0290. have 有人称和数的变化_否认形式 _一般疑问句_91. why dont you n+动词原形.?_ How /what about +doing _92. 提出建议的句型:Lets do sth _Shall we +do 动词原形_What/how about doing sth_You should d

31、o _Will/would you please do ?_Would you like to do_93. 睡觉Sleep Go to bed_94. All day_=the whole day, all the day_ all night _ all morning _ all the year _ all the afternoon _95. A lot _,_短语,修饰动词 96. Friendly : _,be friendly to _ be unfriendly to _97. save ones lift _save money _save the document _ save water _98. One of +可数名词复数: 其中之一 99. 动词不定式接不定式的动词_可以同时接不定式和动名词


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