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1、word时态练习( )1. What _ you _ over the weekend? A. will; do B. does; do C. did; do D. were,; doing( )2. Xiao Li usually _ to school by bike last year.A. goes B. went C. will go D. is going( )3. What _ in our town 100 years from now? A. happened B. is happened C. has happened D. will happen( )4. Mr. Smi

2、th _ to see you in an hour. A. came B. has e C. will e D. es( )5. _ you _ from your parents recently? A. Did; hear B. Have; heard C. Do; hear D. Will; hear( )6. We _ TV at home this time last night.A. were watching B. watched C. have watched D. would watch( )7. We _ over 1500 English words by the en

3、d of last month. A. have learned B. had learned C. will learn D. learnt( )8. She _ in Shanghai for ten years since 1992.A. has lived B. had lived C. lived D. will live( )9. She _ in Shanghai for ten years. A. has lived B. had lived C. lived D. will live( )10. We all know that the earth _ round the s

4、un.A. goes B. went C. is going D. will go( )11. “Where are the boys? “They _ soccer on the playground.A. play B. are playing C. were playing D. played( )12. Look! Lucy _ under the tree.A. reads B. is reading C. was reading D. read( )13. He _ more than 200 model cars in the last five years.A. has col

5、lected B. had collected C. collected D. will collect( )14. Jim _ a letter to his parents at 7:30 last night.A. had written B. wrote C. would write D. was writing( )15. The Smiths _ in Beijing since two weeks ago.A. stayed B. were staying C. would stay D. have stayed( )16. “When _ you _ the bike? “La

6、st Monday.A. have; bought B. did; buy C. will; buy D. do; buy( )17. Look! The boy _English now.A. likes B. liked C. is liking D. was liking( )18. Most students in our class _ TV twice a week.A. watch B. watched C. will watch D. are watching( )19. How soon _ they _ back from work?A. do; e B. did; e C

7、. have; e D. will; e( )20. “Where _ you _ Mr. Li? “In his office, half an hour ago.A. will; see B. did; see C. have, seen D. do; see( )21. I _ a new dictionary. Look! Its very useful. A. bought B. will buy C. have bought D. would buy( )22. I wont watch the movie tonight. I _ it before.A. will see B.

8、 have seen C. saw D. had seen( )23. Hello! I _ know you _ in Chengdu. How long have you been here?A. didnt; were B. dont are C. didnt; are D. dont; were( )24. He _ a fire and then cooked a meal.A. had made B. was making C. made D. has made( )25. If I _ time tomorrow, I will go to visit my grandfathe

9、r.A. have B. will have C. would have D. am having( )26. Im going to be a doctor when I _ up.A. grow B. will grow C. grew D. am growing( )27. The film _ on for five minutes when I got to the cinema.A. has been B. had been C. was D. is( )28. She _ dinner when her son came in.A. has cooked B. had cooke

10、d C. was cooking D. would cook( )29. The train _ when we got to the station. We had to wait for the next one.A. has left B. had left C. left D. was leaving( )30. He said that he _ to the barbers tomorrow morning.A. will go B. went C. is going D. would go( )31. In the last years I _ a lot of friends.

11、A. have madeB. madeC. will makeD. was making( )32. The boys _ for about two hours.A. are playing soccerB. have been playing soccerC. were playingD. play soccer( )33. He _ so quickly that he could win the race.A. is runningB. will runC. ranD. had run( )34. He didnt go there with us because he _ there

12、 before.A. has beenB. had beenC. wentD. would go( )35. I dont know if he _ tomorrow. If he _, I will tell you.A. will e; will eB. es; esC. will e; esD. es; will e( )36. When I was young, my mother told me that the sun _ in the east.A. riseB. risesC. roseD. had risen( )37. “_ you _ your work? “Yes. I

13、 finished it an hour ago.A. Did; finishB. Have; finishedC. Will; finishD. Had; finished( )38. Hurry up, or you _ the early bus.A. will missB. has missedC. would missD. missed( )39. I _ Mr. Green while I _ along the street last Sunday.A. met; walkedB. was meeting; walkedC. met; was walkingD. was meet

14、ing; was walking( )40. Tom is strong and he _ to school every day.A. walkedB. walksC. will walkD. has walked( )41. He said that he _ with Mr. Black at that time.A. talkedB. was talkingC. is talkingD. would talk( )42. We _ English in this school since we came here.A. have studiedB. studiedC. had stud

15、iedD. were studying( )43. She _ at home until her mother came back.A. has stayedB. stayedC. had stayedD. will stay( )44. There will be an interesting movie _ two days.A. forB. inC. afterD. since( )45. She _ there until I came back.A. didnt leaveB. has stayedC. leftD. was staying( )46. It has been ra

16、ining _ two hours ago.A. untilB. forC. sinceD. by( )47. His father _ since he was two years old.A. has diedB. diedC. has deathD. has been dead( )48. The meeting _ for ten minutes when I got there yesterday.A. has begunB. had begunC. has been onD. had been on( )49. He had collected over 500 stamps _

17、he was twelve years old.A. sinceB. forC. untilD. by the time( )50. I was doing my homework _ she rang me up last night.A. whenB. whileC. sinceD. before( )51. “Where is John? “He _ the library.A. has been toB. has gone toC. has been inD. has been at( )52. How long _ you _ the puter?A. have; boughtB.

18、did; buyC. have ; hadD. will; buy( )53. She _ Shanghai for two days.A. leftB. has leftC. will leaveD. has been away from( )54. He didnt tell me anything about it _ he left.A. sinceB. untilC. by the timeD. while( )55. She _ China since she was five years old.A. has e toB. has arrived atC. has arrived

19、 inD. has been in( )56. I had finished my homework _ I watched TV last night.A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. until( )57. Miss White has been _ the music club for 4 years.A. joiningB. joinC. joinedD. in( )58. What do you think he will _ ten years?A. be forB. be atC. be toD. be in( )59. There _ two footbal

20、l games in our school next week.A. is going to beB. will haveC. will beD. is going to have( )60. They _ a birthday party next Friday afternoon.A. is going to beB. will beC. will haveD. is going to have( )61. How long have you _ the pen?A. keptB. boughtC. borrowedD. got( )62. I _ Mr. Brown since I le

21、ft Shanghai in 2004.A. have seenB. sawC. havent seenD. didnt see( )63. You dont have to describe her. I _ her several times.A. had metB. have metC. metD. meet( )64. I _ a cold for five days. I still cant get rid of it.A. caughtB. hadC. have caughtD. have had( )65. What _ you _ at nine oclock that mo

22、rning?A. are; doingB. did; doC. were; doingD. had; done( )66. What _ you _ by nine oclock that morning?A. are; doingB. did; doC. were; doingD. had; done( )67. The sign _, “ No Parking!A. readsB. was readC. is readingD. read( )68. “_ you _ your lunch? “Yes. I _ it at school.A. Did; have; have hadB. H

23、ave; had; hadC. Did; have; hadD. Have; had; have( )69. Lily _ for her mother until she _ home.A. will wait; will eB. wont wait; esC. will wait; esD. waits; will e( )70. “Mr. Brown is leaving for a trip. “Really? Where _ he _?A. has; goneB. will; goC. did; goD. does; go( )71. Tom, you _ the book for

24、two weeks. You have to return it now.A. borrowedB. have borrowedC. keptD. have kept( )72. “Have you mended your shoes? “Yes. I _ it twenty minutes ago.A. have mendedB. mendedC. had mendedD. will mend( )73. Mr. Smith _ to China last year and _ in love with her.A. goes; fallsB. went; fellC. went; felt

25、D. has gone; fell( )74. If you dont go to the meeting tomorrow, _.A. he will, tooB. he wont, eitherC. he does, tooD. he doesnt, either( )75. “Shall we go watching the match? “Sorry, I cant. I _ my homework.A. doB. have doneC. am doingD. did( )76. The children wont go hiking if it _ next Sunday.A. ra

26、inB. rainsC. will rainD. is raining( )77. “_ you _ to Japan? “Yes. I will go there next month.A. Have; beenB. Have; goneC. Are; goingD. Did; go( )78. When I got there, the film _ for five minutes.A. had been onB. had begunC. was beginningD. began( )79. Dont open the door until the bus _.A. will stop

27、B. doesnt stopC. is stoppingD. stops( )80. “_ you _ to Japan? “Yes. We went there last year.A. Have; beenB. Have; goneC. Did; goD. Are; going参考答案:1-5 CBDCB6-10 ABBAA11-15 BBADD16-20 BAADB21-25 CBACA26-30 ABCBD31-35 ABCBC36-40 BBACB41-45 BABBA46-50 CDDDA51-55 BCDBD56-60 ADDCC61-65 ACBDC66-70 DABCB71-

28、75 BBBBC76-80 BCADA1.I will tell him as soon as he _ backA. e B. es C. will e D. came2. Mary _ on shoes when she _ them.A. triesbuys B. tries buies C. trys buys D. trys buies3. The girl often _ cold when she _.A. cathcsdances B. catches dancesC. catchsdancees D. catches dancee,4. _ he _ himself ther

29、e? No, I dont think so.A. Doenjoy B. Does enjoiesC. Does enjoys D. Doesenjoy5. _ your teacher _ from them very often? Certainly.A. Dohear B. Doeshear C. Do receive D. receive6. _ your mother _ some cleaning on Sundays?A. Doesdoes B. Dodoes C. Doesdo D. Do do7. _ Tom _to work hard to help his family

30、? Yes, he _.A. Has xdoes B. HasxdoesC. Doeshashas D. Does havedoes8. Which teacher _ lessons to you every day ?A. does gives B. does give C. do give D. gives9. Smith does not go fishing on weekdays, _? _ , he does.A. does heNo B. does heYesC. doesnt heNo D. doesnt heYes10.Mr Black often _ fishing on

31、 Sundays, _ he ?A. goesdoesnt B. goesisntC. doesnt godoes D. doesnt gois11.He usually _ TV on Sunday evening.A. watch B. watches C. watching D. is watching12. Well go to play with snow if it _ tomorrow.A. snow B. snows C. will snow D. snowed13. Neither I nor he _ French.A. speak B. doesnt speak C. s

32、peaks D. doesnt speak14. Nobody _ how to run this machines.A . know B. have known C. knows D. is knowing15. The Young Pioneer _ water for the old man every day.A. carry B. bring C. takes D. carries16. Some are _ in the river and some are _ games.A. swimming playing B. swimmingplaiingC. swimming I pl

33、aying D. swimmingplaing17. Look ! The boy students are _ football while the girls are _ .A. playing dance B. playing dancingC. play dancing D. play dance18. He _ to do his lessons at eight every evening.A. is beginning B. is beginning C. begin D. begins19. _ he _ on well with his friends this term ?

34、A. Doesgets B. Doesget C. Isgetting D. Isgeting20. Mr Smith _ short stories, but he _ a TV play these days.A. is writingis writing B. is writing writesC. writes is writing D. writes writes21. I _ to the cinema. I _ there every Sunday.A. gogo B. am going go C. go am going D. am goingam going22. Look,

35、 they_ a good time, _ they ?A. havedo B. havedontC. are havingare D. are having arent23. You _ about the future now, _ you ?A. dont thinkdont B. arent thinking arentC. dont think do D. arent thinking are24. She always? _ something whenever she _.A .studiedplayed B. studiedplaiedC. studiedplaied D. s

36、tudied played25. He often _ late in the forest. It _ me very much.,A. stayedworried B. staied worriedC. stayedworryed D. staied worried26. I _that the boy _ with no tears in his eyes.A. noticed cryed B. noticed criedC. noticedcried D. noticed cryed27. We _the floor and _ all the windows.A. mopped cl

37、eanned B. moped cleanedC. moppedcleaned D. moped cleaned28. When I _ the Childrens Palace, the children _ with joy.A. visited jumpped B. visited jumpedC. visited jumped D. visited jumpped29. _ a sports meet last Sunday ? Yes , they _.A. Did they have did B. Did they have hadC. Had they had D. Had th

38、ey did30. _ you _out for a walk after supper ? Yes, I _.A. Didwentwent B. Did go wentC. Did went did D. Did go did31. _ Jack _ on with his work or _ to have a rest?A. Did went stopped B. Did go stopC. Did went stop D. Did go stopped32. You gave them a talk two days ago, _you ? Yes, I _.A. did did B.

39、 did gave C. didnt did D. didnt gave33. _ your brother _ a letter to ? My father.A. Who wrote B. WhatwroteC. Who didwrite D. What did write34. They _ about the TV news then in the sitting-room. They often _ such talksA. talkedhad B. talkhaveC. were talkinghad D. are talkinghave35. He _ some cooking at that time, so _ me.A. did heard B. did didnt hearC. was doing heard D. was doing didnt hear36


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