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1、word循序渐进 有的放矢牛津小学英语5B Unit7 A busy day第一课时一 、教学内容义务教育课程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语5B Unit7 B、C、E版块。二、教材分析和学情分析本单元的核心话题是“谈论时间,要求学生能用past、to、a quarter和half来表达时间。此种时间表达法涉与到逆向思维和计算问题,对学生的反响灵敏度也是一种考验,是本单元的重难点。E版块呈现了Sam这个人物的作息时间,能与B、C版块结合教学,所以把它放在第一课时。就学生而言,有关时间的话题学生并不陌生。因此,教师在复习旧知的根底上,巧用多媒体课件让学生有效习得时间的另一种表达法,并运用与实际生活中

2、,帮助学生锻炼综合语言运用能力。三 、教学目标知识目标:1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词half、past、a quarter、to ,掌握to, past,half past,a quarter past和a quarter to等时间表述法。2、学会句型:What time is it? Its Its time to.能力目标:能运用本课语言正确询问和表述时间。情感目标:教育学生珍惜时间,好好学习。四、教学重点1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词half、past、a quarter、to ,掌握to, past,half past,a quarter past和a quarter to等时间表

3、述法。2、学会句型:What time is it? Its Its time to.五、教学难点1、能正确表达时间。2、区分清楚to与past在表示不同时间中的用法。六、设计理念1、情境教学。 情境是英语教学的依托,赋予我们的教学活动以实际意义。因此,本堂课巧妙结合E版块的语篇,利用“Sam的一天为学生创设交际情境,使学生感知语篇、复习旧知、学习新知、归纳总结、运用新知、开展能力这一系列活动都能在真实的语境中展开,使交际真实有意义,也让学生能学以致用。2、任务型教学。英语学习是一个在做事情中习得语言,掌握技能的过程。因此,本堂课采用任务型教学模式,通过看卡通填表格交流复习旧知;在师生、生生互

4、动中习得新知,总结归纳找规律;在小组合作中巩固新知,开展能力。七、课前准备A单词卡、句型条。B 多媒体课件。八、前置性作业1、复习数字160 2、完成如下表格My timetable事时间事时间Get upHave lunchHave breakfaste homeGo to schoolDo homeworkClasses beginGo to bed九、教学过程Step 1. Warming up1. T:Hello, boys and girls. First lets enjoy a cartoon.课件播放E版块Sams day的卡通 S:Watch the cartoon.2. T

5、:Oh, Sam is busy from six forty-five in the morning to nine at night. So he has a busy day. (Unit7 A busy day)揭题【设计意图:课前热身,播放E版块卡通,激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生的学习积极性,同时让学生初步感知E版块,了解Sam忙碌的一天,也为学生下面的自我介绍埋伏笔。】1.T:Sams day is very busy. How about your day? Please take out the paper and introduce your day in pairs.拿出前

6、置性作业纸,同桌问答Model:A:What time is it? B:Its six ten. A:Its time to get up. B:OK./ All right.S-S:Ask and answer in pairs and act out.T:适时评价You have a busy day, too./ How busy you are!/ What a busy day!【设计意图:在观看了“Sams day卡通之后,放手让学生同桌交流自己的一天,首次使用前置性作业,采用对话方式复习旧知,并教学新知于无形中,让学生不知觉地掌握询问时间的另一种表达法“What time is

7、 it?。】Step 3.Presentation and practice1. 了解Sam的作息时间T-S:结合上面的对话What time does get up/ go to school/ go home? He/ She gets up/ goes to school/ goes home atT:What time does Sam get up/ go to school/ go home? Lets watch the cartoon again, then try to plete the form. Please look at the clock carefully wh

8、ich in the cartoon.S:Take out the form, watch and plete. Sams dayActivityTimeGet upGo to schoolHave schoolHave lunchGo homeGo to bed T-S:What time does Sam get up/ go to school/ have class/ have lunch/ go home/ go to bed? He gets up/ goes to school/ has class/ has lunch/ goes home/ goes to bed at(课件

9、出示时间)2. 学习quarter和to的用法T:We know how to say the time. Today we will try to say the time in another way.T:Sam gets up at six forty- five. Six forty- five we can also say a quarter to seven.课件出示教学quarter和to,并结合课件解释何谓to(见上面流程图)T: Look at the time. What time is it? Read and discuss in pairs, try to choo

10、se the right one.S:Read and choose.Look and say:课件依次出示时间T-S:What time is it? Its a quarter to seven. Its time to go to school. OK./ All right.S-S:Practice in pairs and act out.T:(复述)Its time forT:Sam gets up at a quarter to seven. He has lunch at eleven forty. Eleven forty we can also say twenty to

11、twelve.课件出示教学to,并结合课件再次呈现何谓to(见上面流程图)Look and say:课件出示T-S:What time is it? Its twenty-five to nine. Its time to have class. OK./ All right.S-S:Practice in pairs and act out.T:(复述)Its time for3.同法呈现half past eight,并教学half和past。4. Practice(课件出示)T:Look, what time is it?再次呈现past教学Practice and act out.(课

12、件出示)S-S:Practice in pairs and act out.What time is it? Its . 随机教学并操练a quarter past【设计意图:再看Sams day卡通,让学生在边听边填表格的过程中再次了解Sam的作息时间、再次复习时间表达法,训练学生的听、写技能。结合Sam的时间表,导入时间的另一种表达法,呈现本课难点a quarter to、to、half past和past,并巧用多媒体课件诠释该难点,让学生一目了然。之后练习由易到难,循序渐进,由扶到放,有的放矢。而教师用Its time for复述实如此提前渗透该句型,也方便学生对两个句型进展比拟。】a

13、 quarter、to和past的用法。T:When can we use to/ past? Can you find out the rule?S-S:Discuss in groups and say out.总结规律:1-30用past,31-60用to,一刻用a quarter来表示。6. 总结Sam 的一天:Sam gets up at 【设计意图:总结Sam的一天起到了承上启下的作用,既是对新授时分散表述的总结,又为下面介绍自己的作息时间做准备。而小组合作讨论总结to与past之间的微妙关系,再次凸显了本堂课的重难点,让学生的认知由感性上升到理性层面,也为下面灵活运用做铺垫。】S

14、tep4. Production1. Introduce my dayT:We know Sams day. Now its your turn. Try to introduce your day in groups. First,Look at my timetable.My timetableActivityTimeGet up6:05Have breakfast6:15Go to school6:50Classes begin7:30Have lunch11:00e home4:45Do homework6:10Watch TV7:40Go to bed9:30I get up at

15、five past six. I have breakfast at a quarter past six. I go to school at ten to seven. Classes begin at half past seven. I have lunch at eleven. In the afternoon, I go home at a quarter to five. I do my homework at ten past six. At twenty to eight I watch TV. I go to bed at half past nine in the eve

16、ning.T:How about you? Take out your timetable and introduce in groups.指名介绍,再请同学转述。2. T:We know “Time lost can not be recalled. 光阴一去不复返 So we must time our time in a right way.合理安排我们的时间。【设计意图:通过自我介绍、同学转述的活动,使学生从课堂走入生活,为学生提供综合语言运用能力开展的机会和锻炼的舞台,帮助学生进一步掌握知识,感知本课主题a busy day。】1. Write the timeModel:6:05

17、five past six7:10 9:30 12:508:15 10:40 1:552:45 3:29 4:312. Write a passageMy dayorMy friends dayModel:I get up at five past six. I have breakfast at a quarter past six. I go to school at ten to seven. Classes begin at half past seven. I have lunch at eleven. In the afternoon, I go home at a quarter

18、 to five. I do my homework at ten past six. At twenty to eight I watch TV. I go to bed at half past nine in the evening.【设计意图:课堂上运用语言的时间是有限的,更多的机会在课后。通过这个家庭作业既帮助学生进一步巩固上课所学,又拓展学生的发散思维,使学生对语言的运用能力得到提升。】十、板书设计Unit 7 After schoolWhat time is it?Its . Its time to .half pastpasta quarter pasttoa quarter

19、to教学反思本课是第一课时,教师结合B C E三局部进展教学,以E局部“Sam的一天贯彻始终,从学生的兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,边学边练,并通过参与、合作、交流的学习方式和任务型教学途径,开展学生的综合语言运用能力。一、 创设真实的情境,与生活相联系。教师从学生的认知水平和生活经验出发,把课堂教学和学生的生活实际相联系,巧用Sam这个与学生同龄的小伙伴,创设了真实的交际情景,让学生在了解“Sam的一天的过程中复习旧知,学习新知。并让学生学以致用,运用所学进展有效的交际,使综合语言运用能力得到了充分开展。二、 巧用多媒体课件,突破重难点。教师巧妙运用多媒体技术,把何谓“to何谓“a quarter to何谓“half past形象地展示给学生看,有效地突破了本课的难点,激发了学生学习兴趣,增强了课堂教学的趣味性,化难为易,使学生学得轻松愉快。9 / 9


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