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1、 .wd.考研英语(一)真题word版全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Trust is a tricky business. On the one hand, its a necessary condition 1 many worthwhile things: chi

2、ld care, friendships, etc. On the other hand, putting your 2, in the wrong place often carries a high 3.4, why do we trust at all? Well, because it feels good. 5 people place their trust in an individual or an institution, their brains release oxytocin, a hormone that 6 pleasurable feelings and trig

3、gers the herding instruct that prompts humans to 7 with one another. Scientists have found that exposure 8 this hormone puts us in a trusting 9: In a Swiss study, researchers sprayed oxytocin into the noses of half the subjects; those subjects were ready to lend significantly higher amounts of money

4、 to strangers than were their 10 who inhaled something else.11 for us, we also have a sixth sense for dishonesty that may 12 us. A Canadian study found that children as young as 14 months can differentiate 13 a credible person and a dishonest one. Sixty toddlers were each 14 to an adult tester holdi

5、ng a plastic container. The tester would ask, “Whats in here? before looking into the container, smiling, and exclaiming, “Wow! Each subject was then invited to look 15. Half of them found a toy; the other half 16 the container was empty-and realized the tester had 17 them.Among the children who had

6、 not been tricked, the majority were 18 to cooperate with the tester in learning a new skill, demonstrating that they trusted his leadership. 19, only five of the 30 children paired with the “20tester participated in a follow-up activity.1. A on B like C for D from2. A faith B concern C attention D

7、interest3. A benefit B debt C hope D price4. A Therefore B Then C Instead D Again5. AUntil B Unless C Although D When6. A selects B produces C applies D maintains7. A consult B compete C connect D compare8. A at B by Cof Dto9. A context B mood C period D circle10.A counterparts B substitutes C colle

8、agues Dsupporters11.A Funny B Lucky C Odd D Ironic12.A monitor B protect C surprise D delight13.A between B within C toward D over14.A transferred B added C introduced D entrusted15.A out B back C around D inside16.A discovered B proved C insisted D .remembered17.A betrayed Bwronged C fooled D mocke

9、d18.A forced B willing C hesitant D entitled19.A In contrast B As a result C On the whole D For instance20.A inflexible B incapable C unreliable D unsuitableSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D.

10、Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Among the annoying challenges facing the middle class is one that will probably go unmentioned in the next presidential campaign: What happens when the robots come for their jobs?Dont dismiss that possibility entirely. About half of U.S. jobs a

11、re at high risk of being automated, according to a University of Oxford study, with the middle class disproportionately squeezed. Lower-income jobs like gardening or day care dont appeal to robots. But many middle-class occupations-trucking, financial advice, software engineering have aroused their

12、interest, or soon will. The rich own the robots, so they will be fine.This isnt to be alarmist. Optimists point out that technological upheaval has benefited workers in the past. The Industrial Revolution didnt go so well for Luddites whose jobs were displaced by mechanized looms, but it eventually

13、raised living standards and created more jobs than it destroyed. Likewise, automation should eventually boost productivity, stimulate demand by driving down prices, and free workers from hard, boring work. But in the medium term, middle-class workers may need a lot of help adjusting.The first step,

14、as Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee argue in The Second Machine Age, should be rethinking education and job training. Curriculums from grammar school to college- should evolve to focus less on memorizing facts and more on creativity and complex communication. Vocational schools should do a better

15、 job of fostering problem-solving skills and helping students work alongside robots. Online education can supplement the traditional kind. It could make extra training and instruction affordable. Professionals trying to acquire new skills will be able to do so without going into debt.The challenge o

16、f coping with automation underlines the need for the U.S. to revive its fading business dynamism: Starting new companies must be made easier. In previous eras of drastic technological change, entrepreneurs smoothed the transition by dreaming up ways to combine labor and machines. The best uses of 3D

17、 printers and virtual reality havent been invented yet. The U.S. needs the new companies that will invent them.Finally, because automation threatens to widen the gap between capital income and labor income, taxes and the safety net will have to be rethought. Taxes on low-wage labor need to be cut, a

18、nd wage subsidies such as the earned income tax credit should be expanded: This would boost incomes, encourage work, reward companies for job creation, and reduce inequality.Technology will improve society in ways big and small over the next few years, yet this will be little comfort to those who fi

19、nd their lives and careers upended by automation. Destroying the machines that are coming for our jobs would be nuts. But policies to help workers adapt will be indispensable.21.Who will be most threatened by automation?A Leading politicians.BLow-wage laborers.CRobot owners.DMiddle-class workers.22

20、.Which of the following best represent the authors view?A Worries about automation are in fact groundless.BOptimists opinions on new tech find little support.CIssues arising from automation need to be tackledDNegative consequences of new tech can be avoided23.Education in the age of automation shoul

21、d put more emphasis onA creative potential.Bjob-hunting skills.Cindividual needs.Dcooperative spirit.24.The author suggests that tax policies be aimed atA encouraging the development of automation.Bincreasing the return on capital investment.Ceasing the hostility between rich and poor.Dpreventing th

22、e income gap from widening.25.In this text, the author presents a problem withA opposing views on it.Bpossible solutions to it.Cits alarming impacts.Dits major variations.Text 2A new survey by Harvard University finds more than two-thirds of young Americans disapprove of President Trumps use of Twit

23、ter. The implication is that Millennials prefer news from the White House to be filtered through other source, Not a presidents social media platform.Most Americans rely on social media to check daily headlines. Yet as distrust has risen toward all media, people may be starting to beef up their medi

24、a literacy skills. Such a trend is badly needed. During the 2016 presidential campaign, nearly a quarter of web content shared by Twitter users in the politically critical state of Michigan was fake news, according to the University of Oxford. And a survey conducted for BuzzFeed News found 44 percen

25、t of Facebook users rarely or never trust news from the media giant.Young people who are digital natives are indeed becoming more skillful at separating fact from fiction in cyberspace. A Knight Foundation focus-group survey of young people between ages 14and24 found they use “distributed trust to v

26、erify stories. They cross-check sources and prefer news from different perspectivesespecially those that are open about any bias. “Many young people assume a great deal of personal responsibility for educating themselves and actively seeking out opposing viewpoints, the survey concluded.Such active

27、research can have another effect. A 2014 survey conducted in Australia, Britain, and the United States by the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that young peoples reliance on social media led to greater political engagement.Social media allows users to experience news events more intimately and

28、immediately while also permitting them to re-share news as a projection of their values and interests. This forces users to be more conscious of their role in passing along information. A survey by Barna research group found the top reason given by Americans for the fake news phenomenon is “reader e

29、rror, more so than made-up stories or factual mistakes in reporting. About a third say the problem of fake news lies in “misinterpretation or exaggeration of actual news via social media. In other words, the choice to share news on social media may be the heart of the issue. “This indicates there is

30、 a real personal responsibility in counteracting this problem, says Roxanne Stone, editor in chief at Barna Group.So when young people are critical of an over-tweeting president, they reveal a mental discipline in thinking skills and in their choices on when to share on social media.26. According to

31、 the Paragraphs 1 and 2, many young Americans cast doubts onA the justification of the news-filtering practice.B peoples preference for social media platforms.C the administrations ability to handle information.D social media was a reliable source of news.27. The phrase “beer up(Line 2, Para. 2) is

32、closest in meaning toA sharpenB defineC boastD share28. According to the knight foundation survey, young peopleA tend to voice their opinions in cyberspace.B verify news by referring to diverse resources.C have s strong sense of responsibility.D like to exchange views on “distributed trust29. The Ba

33、rna survey found that a main cause for the fake news problem isA readers outdated values.B journalists biased reportingC readers misinterpretationD journalists made-up stories.30. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A A Rise in Critical Skills for Sharing News OnlineB A Count

34、eraction Against the Over-tweeting TrendC The Accumulation of Mutual Trust on Social Media.D The Platforms for Projection of Personal Interests.Text 3Any fair-minded assessment of the dangers of the deal between Britains National Health Service (NHS) and DeepMind must start by acknowledging that bot

35、h sides mean well. DeepMind is one of the leading artificial intelligence (AI) companies in the world. The potential of this work applied to healthcare is very great, but it could also lead to further concentration of power in the tech giants. It Is against that background that the information commi

36、ssioner, Elizabeth Denham, has issued her damning verdict against the Royal Free hospital trust under the NHS, which handed over to DeepMind the records of 1.6 million patients In 2015 on the basis of a vague agreement which took far too little account of the patients rights and their expectations o

37、f privacy.DeepMind has almost apologized. The NHS trust has mended its ways. Further arrangements- and there may be many-between the NHS and DeepMind will be carefully scrutinised to ensure that all necessary permissions have been asked of patients and all unnecessary data has been cleaned. There ar

38、e lessons about informed patient consent to learn. But privacy is not the only angle in this case and not even the most important. Ms Denham chose to concentrate the blame on the NHS trust, since under existing law it “controlled the data and DeepMind merely “processed it. But this distinction misse

39、s the point that it is processing and aggregation, not the mere possession of bits, that gives the data value.The great question is who should benefit from the analysis of all the data that our lives now generate. Privacy law builds on the concept of damage to an individual from identifiable knowled

40、ge about them. That misses the way the surveillance economy works. The data of an individual there gains its value only when it is compared with the data of countless millions more.The use of privacy law to curb the tech giants in this instance feels slightly maladapted. This practice does not addre

41、ss the real worry. It is not enough to say that the algorithms DeepMind develops will benefit patients and save lives. What matters is that they will belong to a private monopoly which developed them using public resources. If software promises to save lives on the scale that dugs now can, big data

42、may be expected to behave as a big pharm has done. We are still at the beginning of this revolution and small choices now may turn out to have gigantic consequences later. A long struggle will be needed to avoid a future of digital feudalism. Ms Denhams report is a welcome start.31.Wha is true of th

43、e agreement between the NHS and DeepMind ?A It caused conflicts among tech giants.B It failed to pay due attention to patients rights.C It fell short of the latters expectationsD It put both sides into a dangerous situation.32. The NHS trust responded to Denhams verdict withA empty promises.B tough

44、resistance.C necessary adjustments.D sincere apologies.33.The author argues in Paragraph 2 thatA privacy protection must be secured at all costs.B leaking patients data is worse than selling it.C making profits from patients data is illegal.D the value of data comes from the processing of it34.Accor

45、ding to the last paragraph, the real worry arising from this deal isA the vicious rivalry among big pharmas.B the ineffective enforcement of privacy law.C the uncontrolled use of new software.D the monopoly of big data by tech giants.35.The authors attitude toward the application of AI to healthcare

46、 isA ambiguous.B cautious.C appreciative.D contemptuous.Text 4The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) continues to bleed red ink. It reported a net loss of $5.6 billion for fiscal 2016, the 10th straight year its expenses have exceeded revenue. Meanwhile, it has more than $120 billion in unfunded liabilities

47、, mostly for employee health and retirement costs. There are many bankruptcies. Fundamentally, the USPS is in a historic squeeze between technological change that has permanently decreased demand for its bread-and-butter product, first-class mail, and a regulatory structure that denies management the fle


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