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1、GRE考试哪些题型难度最高 GRE考试哪些题型难度最高?名师带你全面认识考G基础常识,今天给大家带来了GRE考试哪些题型难度最高,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE考试哪些题型难度最高?名师带你全面认识考G基础常识分析性写作分析性写作分为两部分:一为观点题(issue),内容通常是对于社会、科学、历史、哲学、政治等方面的观点进行评论;二为回应题(argument),内容通常是对给定情景中推理的驳斥。写作部分总分为两部分分数的平均值,分数间差异的最小单位为0.5分。若*被判为雷同,ETS将取消考生考试成绩。分析性写作两项独立计时,Issue与Argument 每项任务30


3、空两类。考察难度不超过高中水平,对于大多数中国考生而言,GRE数学部分属于送分部分。不计分部分如果不计分部分为语文,则为20题,30分钟;如果为数学,则为20题,35分钟。GRE词汇精选:高频形近词421. due / subdue / undue / imbuedue:1.required or expected to happen adj.预期的2. owed or owing as a debt adj.到期的subdue:1. to get control by using force, punishment,etc. v.征服undue: more than is reasonabl

4、e or necessary adj.过分的,过度的imbue: to cause to be deeply affected by a feeling or to have a certainquality v.灌输,渗透422. emphatic / empatheticemphatic: 1.said or done in a forceful or definite wayadj.着重的,加强语气的empathetic: involving, eliciting, characterized by, or based on empathyadj.移情作用的,同感的423. annex

5、/ apexannex: to add to something earlier, larger, or more important v.附加apex: the uppermost point n.顶点,顶端424. atrophy / atrociousatrophy:decrease in size or wasting away of a body part or tissue v.萎缩atrocious: extremely wicked, brutal, or cruel adj.凶恶的,残暴的425. containment / contaminatecontainment:1.

6、the act of preventing the spread of somethingn.阻止,牵制2.the act, process, or means of containing n.包含contaminate: to soil, stain, corrupt, or infect by contact or associationv.污染,弄脏426. attrition / attributeattrition:the act of wearing or grinding down by friction n.磨损,摩擦attribute:1. an inherent chara

7、cteristic n.属性,特质2. to regard as a characteristic of a person or thing v.把.归于427. inimical / iniquitousinimical:1.likely to cause damage or have a bad effect adj.有害的2. not friendly 敌意的iniquitous:very unfair or evil adj.邪恶的,不公正的428. abut / abet / abideabut:to touch along an edge v.临接,毗邻abet:to encour

8、age or support someone in a criminal act v.煽动,教唆abide: 1. to accept or bear v.忍受,容忍 stay or live somewhere v.停留3. to remain or continue v.遵守429. exhale / inhale / haleexhale: to breathe out v.呼气,发散 breathe in v.吸入2. to eat or drink very quickly v.猛吃猛喝hale: 1.healthy and strong adj.强壮的

9、2. haul, pull v. 猛拉3. to compel to go v.迫使430. morose / rose / rosymorose: very serious, unhappy, and quiet adj.郁闷的,孤僻的rose n.玫瑰rosy: 1. having a pink color adj.蔷薇色的2. having or producing hope for success or happiness in the futureadj.乐观的GRE词汇精选:高频形近词431. inedible / indelibleinedible: not fit to be

10、adj.不能吃的indelible: impossible to remove or forget adj.难忘的432. mischievous / miscellaneousmischievous:1. able or tending to cause annoyance, trouble, or minorinjury adj.有害的2. irresponsibly playful adj.淘气的,恶作剧的miscellaneous: 1.consisting of diverse things or members adj.混杂的2. having various traits adj

11、.多才多艺的3. including many things of different kinds adj.多方面的434. foul / foolfoul: 1.very unpleasant to taste or smell adj.难闻的2. very evil adj.邪恶的fool v.欺骗 n.傻瓜435. horrific / honorifichorrific: causing horror or shock adj.可怕的honorific: giving or expressing honor or respect adj.尊敬的436. defecate / defec

12、tdefecate:1. to free from impurity or corruption v.澄清2. to pass solid waste from the body v.排便437. impunity / impugnimpunity: exemption or freedom from punishment, harm, or lossv.不受惩罚impugn: to assail by words or arguments v.指责,反对438. embroider / ambrosial / embroilembroider: to sew a design on a pi

13、ece of cloth v.刺绣,镶边ambrosial: something extremely pleasing to taste or smell adj.特别美味的embroil: to involve in conflict or difficulties v. 使卷入,使混乱374. treaty / treatise / treatment440. desertion / dissertationdesertion: the abandonment without consent or legal justification of a person, post, orrelat

14、ionship and the associated duties and obligations n.遗弃dissertation:an extended usually written treatment of a subject n.论文,专题GRE词汇精选:高频形近词441. snare / snarl / sneersnare: 1. a position or situation from which it is difficult to escape n.陷阱,圈套 cause to become caught in something such as a net or

15、trap v.捕捉snarl: to cause to become knotted and intertwined v.纠缠sneer: to smile or laugh with facial contortions that express scorn or contemptv.嘲笑442. sublime / subliminalsublime: 1. to render finer (as in purity or excellence) v.使纯化2. to elevate or exalt especially in dignity or honor v.升华,变高尚subli

16、minal:1. inadequate to produce a sensation or a perception adj.微小得难以察觉的2. existing or functioning below the threshold of consciousness adj.潜意识的443. improve / improviseimprove: to make something better v.改善,提高improvise: to speak or perform without preparation v.即兴表演444. solitary / solidaritysolitary:

17、 being, living, or going alone or without companions adj.孤独的,独居的solidarity: unity (as of a group or class) that produces or is based on community ofinterests, objectives, and standards n.团结,团结一致445. college / colleague / collagecollege n.大学,学院colleague:a fellow worker n.同事collage: a work of art that

18、 is made by attaching pieces of different materials(such aspaper, cloth, or wood) to a flat surface n.抽象拼贴画446. quirky / murkyquirky: an usual habit or way of behaving adj.古怪的,离奇的murky: very dark or foggy adj.黑暗的,朦胧的447. crash / clash / rash / splashcrash: to damage by causing it to hit something v.

19、毁坏,撞毁clash: to be in a situation in which you are fighting or disagreeing v.冲突,抵触rash: done or made quickly and without thought about what will happen as a resultadj. 轻率的,鲁莽的splash: to cause water or liquid to move in a noisy way or messy way v.泼,溅448. ornate / oratorornate:covered with fancy patter

20、ns and shapes adj.华丽的,装饰的orator: a person who makes speeches and is very good at making them n.演说者449. obedient / obesityobedient: willing to do what someone tells you to do or follow a law, rule, etc.adj.顺从的obesity: a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat inthe bo

21、dy n.肥胖,肥大450. beam / seam / reambeam:1.a line of light coming from a source(such as the sun or headlight) n.光线2. a long and heavy piece of wood or metal that is used as a support in a buildingor ship n.横梁3. to smile happily v.堆满笑容4. to send out beams of light or energy v.照射,发送seam: to join by sewin

22、g v.缝合ream: 1. a large quantity of writing n.大量的文字2. to treat someone unfairly or cheat them v.不公平对待,欺骗451. brim / grim / trimbrim: 1. the top edge of a glass or a similar container n.边缘2. to be completely filled with something v.满溢,溢出grim:1.causing feelings of sadness or worry adj.令人沮丧的2. looking o

23、r sounding very serious adj.严肃的,阴冷的trim: 1. to remove something by cutting v.修剪2. to make the size, amount, or extent of something smaller v.削减452. deportment / deportationdeportment: the way that a person behaves, stands, and moves especially in a formalsituation n.举止,行为deportation: the removal from a country of an alien whose presence is unlawful orprejudicial n.驱逐出境GRE考试哪些题型难度最高


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