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1、托福阅读如何冲刺30分 托福阅读如何冲刺30分?阅读满分需要做到这3点。今天给大家带来了托福阅读如何冲刺30分,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读如何冲刺30分?阅读满分需要做到这3点托福词汇量先达标再谈满分从某种意义上来讲,词汇量的大小是TOEFL阅读理解高分的基础和关键。如果词汇量没有达到基本要求(五千以上),纵然考生刷透机经熟练掌握各种解题技巧,也无法确保满分的顺利获得。所以,考生如果没有具备足够应对托福考试的词汇量,那么奢谈满分其实只是在浪费时间。必须掌握快速看懂*的阅读技巧托福考试阅读部分的阅读量非常大,一般的中国考生根本无法把*全部读完,所谓的扫读法、跳读


3、致命的缺点:干扰大、费时间。更有效和迅速的办法是读完题干之后,就在脑子反映出一个模糊的或者是不完整的答案,然后直接在选项中寻找接近的答案进行判断。这种能力必须在平时的训练和,讲解中逐渐养成和加强决非什么技巧之类的东西可以替代。托福阅读包括哪些内容托福阅读项目包括 3 至 4 个阅读段落。每个段落设有 12 到 14 个问题。您有 60 到 80 分钟的时间回答此项所有问题。TOEFL iBT 阅读段落节选自某一学科或课题入门教材的大学水平的教科书。托福段落内容涵盖各种不同主题。若您对该段落主题不熟悉,请不要担心。您回答问题所需的所有信息皆可从段落中找到。The Reading section

4、includes 3 or 4 reading passages. There are 12 to 14 questions per passage. You have from 60 to 80 minutes to answer all the questions in the section.TOEFL iBT Reading passages are excerpts from university-level textbooks that would be used in introductions to a discipline or topic. The passages cov

5、er a variety of different subjects. Dont worry if youre not familiar with the topic of a passage. All the information you need to answer the questions will be included in the passage.托福阅读素材:英国大选中你不知道的6件事1. How does the election work?大选是怎样运作的?Britains parliament has 650 members. Any party that wins a

6、n outright majority of 326 or more seats can form a government.英国议会有650名成员。任何党派只要获得不少于326个席位的绝对多数,就可以组建政府。2. What if no party wins a Commons majority?如果没有党派赢得下议院的多数席位怎么办?The situation becomes more complex if no party has a majority of MPs. The largest single party could try to form a minority govern

7、ment, but this would involve difficulties with getting business done and could prove unworkable. It, or other parties, could try to form a coalition, with the result that their combined MPs provide a Commons majority. Or it could reach an informal agreement with another party not to vote against it

8、when a no-confidence motion is tabled by the opposition, enabling it to become a sustainable government.要是没有哪个党派赢得多数议员席位的话,情况就复杂了。获得席位最多的政党可以组建少数派政府,但这可能会在施政时遇到许多困难,也可能根本行不通。如果某几个党派的下议院议员总数之和超过半数,它们也可以尝试组建联合政府。议席最多的政党还可以和另一政党达成非正式协议,在遇到反对党的不信任案时不予支持,这样政府还能继续执政。3. How much does it cost to run an elec

9、tion?进行一次大选要花多少钱?The last UK general election, in 20XX, cost ?84.6m to administer (excluding the cost of postal delivery).20XX年英国大选花了8460万英镑(不包括邮费)。4. Why are elections held on Thursdays?为什么选举总在周四?One theory about the Thursday origins is that people were not paid until Fridays and so holding polls o

10、n Thursdays ensured they were not too drunk to vote.一种说法是周五才会发工资,周四选举能保证人们不会因为宿醉而无法投票。5. Does the Queen vote?女王投票吗?Queen Elizabeth cannot vote because she is part of the legislature. As Head of State, The Queen must remain politically neutral, since her Government will be formed from whichever party

11、 can command a majority in the House of Commons, the monarchy site explains. Other royals can vote - and can even stand for election - but do not do so in order to maintain neutrality.作为立法机关的一员,伊丽莎白女王不能投票。皇室网站对此的说明是“身为国家元首,女王必须保持政治中立,因为任何赢得下议院多数席位的党派都将为她组建政府”。其它皇室成员可以投票,甚至可以为选举拉票。但他们为了保持中立不这样做。6. Ca

12、n you tweet about voting?可以发和投票有关的微博吗?The Electoral Commission warns against doing it inside the polling station, even if its about your own vote. Elsewhere you are free to publicise your vote.选举委员会警告人们不要在投票点发微博,就算是发自己的投票也不行。在投票点以外的其他地方,你可以想发就发。However, there are strict laws against revealing someon

13、e elses vote, including influencing whether they publish it themselves.托福阅读素材:社交媒体成新型婚姻杀手Facebook and Twitter have become a significant threat to marriage with social media now a factor in an increasing number of divorce cases, say lawyers.律师称,在越来越多的离婚案件中,脸书和推特等社交媒体已成为严重威胁婚姻存续的一个因素。One in seven marr

14、ied individuals have considered divorce because of their spouses postings of Facebook or other online sites, according to research.根据研究,七分之一的已婚人士曾因配偶发在脸书或其他网站上的帖子考虑过离婚。A similar proportion admit that they search online for evidence of their partners infidelity, while nearly one in five say they have

15、 daily rows because of the way their husband or wife uses social media.类似比例的人承认,他们曾在网上寻找伴侣不忠的证据;近五分之一的人表示,夫妻二人每天都会因为彼此在社交媒体上的所作所为而吵架。The research was commissioned by law firm Slater and Gordon in response to an increase in the number of its clients who said that Facebook, Skype, Snapchat, Twitter, W

16、hatsApp or other social media sites had played a part in their divorce.该研究是由“斯莱特和戈登”律师事务所委托相关机构做出的。“斯莱特和戈登”发现越来越多的客户声称,他们之所以离婚,与脸书、Skype(网络电话)、Snapchat(照片分享应用)、推特和WhatsApp(移动消息应用)等社交媒体有很大关系,于是该律所发起了这个调查。Andrew Newbury, of Slater and Gordon, said: Five years ago Facebook was rarely mentioned in the c

17、ontext of a marriage ending, but now it has become commonplace.“斯莱特和戈登”律所的安德鲁纽伯里说:“五年前,婚姻破裂的原因中几乎不会提到脸书,现在脸书已经变成司空见惯的理由了。”Social media is the new marriage minefield. Social media, specifically pictures and posts on Facebook, are now being routinely raised in divorces.“社交媒体成为新的婚姻雷区。社交媒体,尤其是脸书上的图片和帖子,

18、现在经常在离婚案件中被提起。”The survey by Censuswide among 2,011 husbands and wives, found the most common reasons for checking their spouses social media accounts was to discover who they were talking to, who they were meeting and where they were going.Censuswide对20XX位丈夫和妻子进行了该项调查,发现他们会查看配偶的社交账号,主要是想看看他/她到底常跟谁聊

19、天、最近在见谁以及外出时都去了哪儿。A quarter of the married people said the resulting suspicions led to rows at least once a week, and 17 per cent said such rows were daily events.四分之一的已婚人士表示,这种怀疑产生的结果就是两人每周都要至少吵一次架,而17%的人每天都会因此跟配偶吵起来。Arguments were provoked by contact with former partners, by the sending of secret

20、messages, and by the posting of inappropriate pictures.暗地里跟前任联系、发布“不合适的”照片等都可能引发争吵。Some 14 per cent said they looked at their spouses social media with the specific intention of detecting evidence of adultery.14%的人表示,他们抱着发现对方出轨证据的目的去浏览他们的社交账户。A fifth said they felt uneasy about their relationship af

21、ter discovering something on their partners Facebook account and a third said they kept social media log-in details secret from partners.五分之一的人说,当在配偶的脸书上发现了蛛丝马迹后,他们会对自己的婚姻感到不安。三分之一的人透露,自己的社交媒体登录信息对另一半保密。Vocabulary:infidelity:(夫妻间的)不忠实;不贞行为commission:委托人做commonplace:老生常谈;司空见惯的事但是,法律严禁公布别人的投票情况,包扩对别人是否自行公布结果施加影响。


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