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1、打车必备:地道的英语口语让你乘车无压力 学英语,除了背单词以外,对于口语、写作等应用环境下,最最重要的就是词组和短语的掌握了,今天给大家带来了打车必备英语口语,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。打车必备:地道的英语口语让你乘车无压力【第 一 句】要不我们拼车?【地道口语】How about we share a ride?【影视实例】当幸福来敲门Mr. Twistle: Listen, Im going to Noe Valley, Chris. Take care of yourself.Chris Gardner: Mr. Twistle. Actually, Im on

2、 my way to Noe Valley also. How about we share a ride?适用情况:同路的人一起坐一辆出租就能用这句话。补充说明:拼车还可以被称作carpool如果google一下你就会发现多数情况下这两个词是一起出现的,但毕竟share a ride更容易理解一些。【第 二 句】要不要搭便车?【地道口语】Do you want a ride?【影视实例】超人新冒险LOIS: Its not like were a team or anything. Do you want a ride?CLARK: Ill walk. Maybe the fresh air

3、 will help.适用情况:有车族厚道的提议。补充说明:让人搭便车叫做give a ride,想要搭便车叫做want a ride,如果是搭车回家,那就是need a ride home。【第 三 句】来接我。【地道口语】Pick me up.【影视实例】豪斯医生JAMES WILSON: Amber was home.GREG HOUSE: I told her to find you. Have you pick me up.适用情况:女孩子让男友表示关心的常用手段。补充说明:不一定非要是用小车来接,自行车的甜蜜蜜,人亲自到场护送的都叫pick up。【第 四 句】我要坐前排。【地道口

4、语】I call shotgun.【影视实例】越狱Lincoln: Were going to Vegas.Roland: Oh, hell yes! Yo,I call shotgun!适用情况:抢着坐副驾驶座的情况下使用。补充说明:shotgun是指司机旁的那个座位副驾驶座位,因为空间比较大,视野也宽广,很多人都喜欢抢着前排位置坐。【第 五 句】快上车啦。【地道口语】Hop in.【影视实例】老友记JOEY: Phoebe here with the cab yet?CHANDLER: Yeah, she, she brought the invisible cab.hop in.适用情况

5、:催促别人快上车的时候。补充说明:以前学校里教上车是get on the bus,口语里常用的hop这个动词,“跳上车”,显然更生活化,也带有一点催促的口气。【第 六 句】上路咯。【地道口语】Hit the road.【影视实例】绝望主妇Betty: If there was ever a time to be neighborly, this is it.Matthew: Were idiots for staying here. I mean we should have hit the road as soon as they found Monroes body.适用情况:发动汽车引擎

6、准备出发的时候。补充说明:hit是一个大词,而hit the road则是一个使用频率非常高的俚语,意思是“出发、离开”。【第 七 句】靠边停。【地道口语】Pull over.【影视实例】识骨寻踪Booth: You know what Im trying to mend bridges here.Bones: Alright, pull over.适用情况:看到街边有个小店想买点东西啥的就要叫司机靠路边停下。补充说明:注意这是一个词组哦,连在一起的pullover是指套头衫。【第 八 句】放我下车。【地道口语】Drop me off.【影视实例】24小时Behrooz: He tried t

7、o kill me, and then he did this to you. Hes not my father anymore. Mom, please.Dina: All right. Drop me off at an emergency room, but then youll have to drive away.适用情况:表述自己的目的地,说明自己要在哪里下车。乘车英语口语:用英语表达乘车打车一、乘坐公交车1.询问车站和车次Which bus goes to the City Library please?请问哪趟公交车开往市图书馆?Is this the bus that go

8、es down Central Street?这趟车是去中央大街的吗?Does this bus stop at the square?这趟车在广场停吗?Where do I catch the bus to the zoo?去动物园的公交车在哪里乘坐?2.How often does bus No. 301 come?301路公交车多久一班?3.How many stops are there to Oxford University?去牛津大学要坐多少站?4.Do I need a transfer?我需要转车吗?地道解答transfer作名词和动词均可表示“转乘”。5.How much

9、is the fare to the stadium?去体育场的车票多少钱?6.Excuse me, this is my stop.劳驾,我要下车。地道解答如果有人坐在你旁边靠过道的座位上或挡在车门前,你可以用这句话请别人让一让。常见词汇bus fare公交车票价conductor售票员bus pass公交卡bus shelter公交候车亭bus lane公交专用车道bus station公交总站bus stop公交停靠站terminus终点站courtesy/reserved seat老弱病残孕专座二、乘坐出租车1.Lets just hail a taxi.咱们干脆叫一辆出租车吧。地道解

10、答hail作名词有“冰雹”之意,在这里作动词,意为“大声招呼”,挥手拦出租车可以用flag down a taxi来表达。2.Driver: Where are you heading?你要去哪儿?Passenger: Im going to the train station, please.劳驾,我要去火车站。地道解答head作动词时意为“朝.行进”,例如:head home/north向家/北行进;其后面也可接for/toward/across等介词来指明方位,例如:head toward the river朝河边去。3.Could you take me to the airport?

11、能送我去机场吗?4.Is the meter switched on?计价器开始计价了吗?地道解答meter计价器;switch on开启5.Would you mind making a quick stop?你能不能稍微停一下?地道解答如果你要顺路接某人,可以说这句话让司机短暂停靠。如果你需要下车办事,很快就回来,也可以说Could you wait a minute for me here?6.Are we almost there?我们快到了吗?7.Have you got anything smaller?有没有面额小一点的?地道解答当你用大面额的纸币付车资时,司机或许会这么问。8.

12、May I have a receipt please?请问可以给我开张收据吗?地道解答receipt收据口语场景练习:询问乘车费询问乘车费Do you use the meter?打计价器吗?A: What does it cost if I go to the Summer Palace?去颐和园多少钱?B: About 60 yuan.大约60元。A: Do you use the meter?打计价器吗?B: Yep. Thats the regulation.是的。那是规定。第二句:How much do I have to pay?我需要付多少钱?A: Taxi, Please.出

13、租车。B: Where to, sir?去哪儿,先生?A: Peking University. How much do I have to pay?北京大学,我需付多少钱?B: Well, it depends. Normally its about 30 yuan.哦,依情况而定,一般是30元左右。其他表达法:询问乘车费用时可以说:What is the rate? Mine is 1.2 yuan a kilometer.我的车是每公里一块二。Let me check the meter out.让我看下计价器。口语场景练习:乘车服务1.Stand away from the door,

14、 please.请不要站在门口。2.Could someone give your seat to this old gentleman?哪位乘客能给这位老先生让个座?3.You will have to get off at the next stop and change to No. 2 bus.你得在下站下车,然后换乘2路汽车。4.Im sorry, but you are going in the wrong direction.对不起,你坐错方向了。5.The bus runs every 5 minutes.每5分钟发一班车。6.Please get off at the terminus.请在终点站下车。7.Youre going in the opposite direction.你乘坐的方向反了。8.Cross the street and take the bus of the same route.到路对面乘坐本路汽车。9.The bus is full. Please wait for the next one.车已经满员,请等下一辆车。10.IC cards are accepted on this bus.本车可以使用IC卡。11.Please swipe your card.请刷卡。打车必备:地道的英语口语让你乘车无压力


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