1、什么是托福口语模版 该爱还是该恨的托福口语模板?今天给大家带来了什么是托福口语模版,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。什么是托福口语模版?托福口语的模版就是在发现了题目的共通模式后,整理出的,现成的,可以套用到任意题目中去的语段。托福口语模版的爱与恨提到模版,大家一般持两种态度:爱的人,觉得模版是可以临时抱的佛脚,是“饿着肚子备考”的时候可以“充饥”的方便“面”,可以给自己提供安全感和稳定感。不爱的人,觉得模版华而不实,再多脂粉都盖不住语言底子差的事实,而语言底子好的人都不屑那千人一面的模版,反而是素素雅雅清清丽丽大大方方的用自己的语言说实实在在的话。到底该爱还是该恨?两种观
3、TPO23出马,带大家见见套到题目中的综合题模版的样子吧。TASK 3According to the announcement, the university has decided to cancel the international news section, because other news sources could have a better coverage of that section and the new space could be used for listing events and activities around the campus.In the li
4、stening material, the woman thinks that its a good change. Cause very few students would read the international news section. Before the campus paper getting around the campus, students have already known the major stories from local paper or from the internet.As to use the new space to list campus
5、events and activities, it would be very helpful for the students. Cause right now, some of the information are posted everywhere, and are hard to be kept track of. If they are listed in the campus newspaper, students could just cut it out, carry it around, and check it anytime, anywhere.TASK 4The re
6、ading passage introduces the concept of reference group, which means the groups of people who we admire and whose behavior and attitudes we tend to imitate.In the listening material, the professor uses his own example to explain how his behavior was affected by two different reference groups.When he
7、 started his university study, he always hung out with some arts students. He thought they were cool and he really admired them. So he started to imitate their casual dressing style, like dressing in the T-shirts and jeans and sneakers. These arts students could be considered as his first reference
8、group.After graduation, he got a job in a company. He thought his colleagues were really impressive. So he started to spend weekends with them, and changed his attitude, his taste of the dressing style, from the casual one to a nicer and a little more formal one. Its a good example of how his refere
9、nce groups had changed because of the change of his age and circumstance.TASK 5The man has a problem. There is a new bus schedule and the bus will leave earlier, which means after his chemistry class, he couldnt catch the bus in time to his work.There are two solutions to this problem.He could eithe
10、r start his work later or ride a bike to his working place after the chemistry class.Personally, I recommend him to ride his own bike.Because its not far and will take him only 15 mins. Plus, he could get some exercise from riding. I know there would be bad weather sometimes, but I think he just cou
11、ld take an umbrella with him.Besides, if he starts his work on time, he neednt to work late at night and could have a good rest, so it wont influence his next days classes.TASK 6The professor talks about two ways that carnivorous plants get their nutrients.The first way is active trap, which means t
12、he plants could move to capture the insects. Like the Venus flytrap, The sweet nectars on their leaves could attract insects. When insects land on their leaves, the leaves actively get closed and form a cage, so the insects couldnt fly away. Then, the Venus flytrap could get the nutrients from the i
13、nsects.The second way is passive trap, which means the plants dont have any moving parts to trap things. Like the sundew plants. They produce some sweet stuff to attract the insects as well. Though they dont move at all, they can produce something sticky. When insects land on their leaves, the insec
14、ts get glued and trapped there. In this way, the sundew plants could absorb the nutrients from the insects.希望大家根据自己的情况,合理利用模版哈!托福独立口语高频话题资深讲师批改分享:最重要的一课本期托福独立口语高频话题Do you agree or disagree with the opinion that the most important lesson cant be learned in class?学生对此话题的表述答案I agree with statement that
15、 the most important lesson can not be learned in classes. The lessons we have learned in class is fundamental knowledge instead of application. Take me for example, I major in material science and engineering. What I have learned in school is what is a polymer and what is metal. However, if we were
16、in the society we would learn much more practical which is necessary for acquiring skills. We must know how to put those knowledge into practice. For the more, the society is changing constantly, sometimes the fundamental knowledge we have learned in class is out of percise.资深讲师批改意见语法方面出现的错误(Grammar
17、)1 the most important lessonthe most important lessons2 the lessonsisthe lessonsare3 what is a polymer and what is a metalwhat polymers and metals are4 those knowledgethat knowledge表达部分存在的问题(Expression)1 in the societyin society2 much more practicalmuch more practical information3 is out of percisei
18、s no longer percise此高频话题高分口语模板分享I agree with statement that the most important lessons can not be learned in classes. The lessons we have learned in class are fundamental knowledge instead of application. Take me for example, I major in material science and engineering. What I have learned in school
19、 is what polymers and metals are. However, in society, we would learn much more practical information which is necessary for acquiring skills. We must know how to put that information into practice. Futhermore, society is changing constantly, sometimes the fundamental knowledge we learn in class is
20、no longer percise.教师指导:让考生不再恐惧托福口语TOEFL iBT考试加入了对口语能力的考查,且其分值和阅读、听力、写作对等。这使得以前只关注读、写、听方面能力的考生,不得不花时间和精力来准备口语部分的考试。而据调查统计,考生TOEFL iBT考试各部分的成绩排列从阅读、听力、写作到口语呈逐次降低的趋势,口语的分数在各部分中最低,口语考核似乎成了考生们的“鬼门关”。那么如何闯过这道“关”?怎样才能重树托福口语考试的信心呢?*将就此进行分析和探讨。笔者在执教托福口语课程的过程中发现,目前大多数考生对“口语好”的定义似乎都是“说得相对流利,发音比较准确,语速不是太慢”。这当然无
21、可厚非。然而,刚才提到的准则只是“口语好”的“外包装”,而最后对口语分数起决定作用的还包括说话的“实效性”,即思维逻辑、语言组织和词句质量。语言表达的“外包装”关于语言表达“外包装”的问题,考生们已经给予了足够的重视,很多人都专门地练习或系统地学习过发音。但需要注意的一点是,TOEFL iBT的口语考试是电脑录音,评判者是通过听录音来做分数评估的,所以,“说得快”未必是件好事,“说得清楚”才是重点。考虑到评卷者可能会产生的“听觉疲劳”,表达时的“断句”以及重点词汇在重音和语调上的突出,就成了有效传达信息的关键。所以考生们表述时不要一味求快,而要注意断句、重音和语调。我们以下面的句子为例来具体说
22、明:The Great Wall was the greatest man-made military defense structure in ancient China。这是一个在口语表述中颇显功力和水平的句子,但若一口气把它说完,句子的美感就体现不出来了,而且在录音的情况下还可能会让评卷者无法听清楚,于是我们需要借助断句和重音来表达。下面笔者便用“/”作为断句的标志,用“”表明重音,来重新处理上面的句子:The Great Wall/was the greatest/man-made military defense structure/in ancient China。大家可以试着按照
23、标志重读这个句子。其中重音处可以着重诵读;断句处则可以稍作停顿,或者是拉长词的读音,比如我们在读wall的时候拉长读音,在 greatest 和structure后则稍作停顿,这样整个句子听起来就更加容易理解,因为我们把句子的几个意群划分开了:The Great Wall/was the greatest/man-made military defense structure/in ancient China. 所以,为了使表达效果更好,使语言听起来更加悦耳,我们不但要注意发音,还要注意说话时的重音和断句。语言表达的“实效性”每个考官在悦耳的声音背后更想吸纳入耳的是有组织、有意义的词句。因而,
24、对语言表达更进一步的要求也接踵而至,即说话的“实效性”,包括思维逻辑、语言组织和词句质量。下面笔者就以口语考试的具体题目来进行简要说明。口语考试的第一题和第二题是独立口语任务,大家需要做的是就自己的经历或想法来回答问题。题目主要涉及日常生活和一些社会现象,准备时间15 秒,答题时间45秒。这一类型的考试形式和面试比较相似。从时间上看,15秒的准备时间形同虚设,因为这么短的时间根本无法让考生酝酿出好的答案来。要想在面试中表现得好,必须事先有所准备,同样道理,要想在这两个题目上获得高分,预先的素材准备也是必不可少的。正所谓:有备无患,胸有成竹。信心百倍,微笑说话。我们先来比较一下关于如下题目的两种
25、回答:What is your favorite place for reading?Answer 1:I think my favorite place for reading is the library. Firstly because in the library, many students are reading and you will read with them. Secondly because in the library, you can get many books easily, so you can get to the information quickly.
26、Um.so I like to read in the library。Answer 2:Unlike many people, my favorite place for reading is the park. I just like the atmosphere. Reading is tiring, and when I feel tired, I can look up from my book and see people jogging on the paths and boating on the lake. Then I feel relaxed. Also, when yo
27、ur eyes feel tired, there are many green trees and grass to look at to give them a good rest. In the park, you can see many old people taking their beloved pet birds and dogs for a walk. This gives me inspiration. Indeed, I like to read in parks rather than in libraries or classrooms。大家一比较就会觉得,前者了无生
28、趣,机械死板,内容单薄;而后者新颖独特,语言丰富,内容翔实。不过在15秒的时间内准备出第二种答案对大多数考生来说是不现实的,但若提前有所准备的话,情况就会大为不同。也就是说,对第一题和第二题的信心来自提前的准备。但考生又会有疑问:题目范围如此之广,涉题领域如此之大,怎么下手去准备呢?题目有无数,押题自然不是上策;而准备“资料库”,学会“借题发挥”即根据已有的简单事实或论点进行“由此及彼”的合理扩展则不一样,定会事半功倍,效果非凡。因而第一题和第二题的成败关键就在于“资料库”的搭建和 “借题发挥”技巧的培养。第三题和第五题比较类似,是综合任务题,都是先听对话,然后回答相关问题。只是在第三题中,考