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1、托福口语那些语法容易出错 托福口语那些语法容易出错?这4个常见扣分现象了解一下,今天给大家带来了托福口语那些语法容易出错,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语那些语法容易出错?这4个常见扣分现象了解一下托福口语常见扣分语法现象:主谓一致以下是学生课上答题的答案,大家能看出来这个同学的答案哪里错了?Imagine that a guy drive along the high way where have a lot of billboards advertising cars. One billboard advertise a car called panther.

2、This guy drive by, but he dont notice that. If you ask him later to name an animal that start with letter “P”. Instead of saying pig, he say panther. He have no conscious memory about the billboard, but the billboard had an effect on him.正确答案是:Imagine that a guy driveS along the high way where HAS a

3、 lot of billboards advertising cars. One billboard advertiseS a car called panther. This guy driveS by, but he DOESNT notice that. If you ask him later to name an animal that startS with letter “P”. Instead of saying pig, he sayS panther. He HAS no conscious memory about the billboard, but the billb

4、oard had an effect on him.错误原因:主语是第三人称时,谓语还是原型,并没有变形。其实,除了主语是第三人称时谓语要做第三人称单数的变形,当主语是名词性从句,动词不定式,和动名词时,谓语也要用第三人称单数。托福口语常见扣分语法现象:时态一致过去时的使用是时态使用中较为简单的一种。可是,要做到在答题时需要使用过去时的时候都记得要使用过去时却没那么容易。同学在答题时会把注意力集中到语言的组织上,无暇顾及时态,所以常常会出现时态的混用。请大家看看下面这位同学的答案有什么问题:I went out to a movie yesterday, and I watch Smurfs

5、2. After the movie, I had dinner with friends.这个同学描述的是昨天做的事情。前面记得用过去时,说着说着,变成了一般现在时,到最后又变回了过去时。正确答案:I went out to a movie yesterday, and I watchED Smurfs 2. After the movie, I had dinner with friends.托福口语常见扣分语法现象:人称一致人称一致问题是同学在答托福Task5的时候惯犯的一个错误。Task5是学生困难和解决题,一男一女进行对话。对话中一个同学叙述自己遇到的问题,另外一个同学提出解决方案,

6、题目要求是复述学生的困难和解决方案等。学生答题时一会儿用she,一会儿用he, 无法自拔。我们来看看下面这个同学是怎么答题的:In the conversation, the man has a problem that he forgot his paper home, but today is the due date. He has two options. First, she can drive back to get his paper. If he hurries, she can come back before the class is over. Second, he ca

7、n e-mail the paper to her professor later, but.这篇对话描述的是一个男生同学遇到的问题以及他可能选择的解决方案有哪些。可是这位答题的同学开头用的是he, 后面就不断的蹦出了she.为什么会出现这种现象呢?在汉语中不管是“他”还是“她”,发音是一样的。我们从来不会说“男他”,“女她”。导致我们在说英语的时候总是把he,she混淆。正确答案:In the conversation, the man has a problem that he forgot his paper home, but today is the due date. He has

8、 two options. First, he can drive back to get his paper. If he hurries, he can come back before the class is over. Second, he can e-mail the paper to his professor later, but.托福口语常见扣分语法现象:名词复数在托福口语答题中使用到可数名词时要么前面加“the”表特指,要么前面加“a”表个别,要么后面加“s”表一群。可同学答题时往往把可数名词孤零零放在那儿,什么也不加。我们看看下面这个同学是怎么答题的:Pronghorn

9、live in North America. They run super fast. Why do they run fast? Long time ago, lion lived in North America, chase and prey pronghorns. Lion are faster than other predators today. Now, lion are extinct. They are no longer predator for pronghorn. But back then, pronghorns speed was critical to their

10、 survival.答案中所加下划线的部分都是可数名词,后面都要加“s”.正确答案:Pronghorns live in North America. They run super fast. Why do they run fast? Long time ago, lions lived in North America, chase and prey pronghorns. Lions are faster than other predators today. Now, lions are extinct. They are no longer predators for prongho

11、rn. But back then, pronghorns speed was critical to their survival.托福口语中与Food相关的词汇FoodDifferent kinds of foodFrozen foodDishMy favorite dish is fried chicken.Casserole 砂锅My favorite dish is vegetable/ chicken casserole. 砂锅蔬菜/砂锅鸡肉Stir-fry 炒I prefer stir-fried vegetables. 炒蔬菜DessertI usually have some

12、 dessert fruits after meals. 作为甜食的水果Fruit salad 水果沙拉Sometimes I have fruit salad for dessert.Food and your healthBe good forBe bad forHealth food 绿色食品(未施农药)Junk foodJunk food contains a lot of fat, salt, and sugar.be past its sell-by date 过了保质期I am very careful not to buy some food which has been pa

13、st its sell-by date.Protein 蛋白质Eggs are a good source of protein.Carbohydrates 碳水化合物Most vegetables and fruit are very low in carbohydrates.FatI dont like meat with too much fat.VitaminThere is a lot of Vitamin C in oranges.CalorieChocolate is very high in calories.DietI eat a healthy/ unhealthy die

14、t.Keeping foodGo bad/ offI left the fridge open all night and all the foods gone off.Rotten 腐烂的Rotten tomatoes have a nasty smell.Sour (牛奶)变酸的When the milk has gone sour, dont drink it.Fridge 冰箱Defrost 解冻I need to defrost the frozen chicken before cooking it.Addictive 添加剂I prefer food with no artifi

15、cial addictives/ chemical additives. 人造添加剂/ 化学添加剂Preservative 防腐剂Junk food usually contains lots of additives and preservatives.EggEggshell鸡蛋壳Egg white 鸡蛋清Egg yolk 鸡蛋黄Crack the eggs into a bowl.Boiled eggsI have boiled eggs for breakfast.Soft-boiled/ hard-boiled 煮嫩的/煮老的I prefer soft-boiled eggs to h

16、ard-boiled ones.Scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋(用牛奶和黄油)I sometimes have scrambled eggs without milk or butter.Omelet煎蛋(常加入奶酪 作料 蔬菜等)(saying 谚) (one cant) make an omelette without breaking eggs (one cant) achieve a desired aim without some loss or damage 不打破鸡蛋就做不成煎蛋卷; 不破不立。揭秘99%考生托福考试口语低分原因1、99%的考生,因为只使用“一种语法”而被扣



19、”收到双重重罚。4、99%的考生,因“哑巴思维”被严重扣分托福口语低分原因中最影响最大的就是这个“哑巴思维”,这是中国学生托福口语均分全球倒数第一的根本症结,其严重程度,远超刚才所讲的其他问题的总和,需要大家引起重视。托福口语低分的原因一般来说有以上四种原因,大家可以根据自己的情况分析自己属于哪种情况,然后做出调整。练习托福口语发音的五个英文口诀托福口语主要考察考生的英文交流能力,所以,发音的正确与否还是比较重要的。下面,考试吧为大家整理“练习托福口语发音的五个英文口诀”,希望对大家有所帮助。1. Listen to yourself.如果你听不到自己的发音问题,要纠正就很难了。试着把你将的话

20、录下来并和英语为母语人士将的对比一下。应对雅思口语非常有效。2. Slow down!很多英语学习者常说语速太快容易养成他们的坏习惯。由于太快而模糊不清是口语考试的大忌。所以我们要accuracy 然后才是fluency,每天操练一些基本语言以单音节开始,然后单词,把几个词连在一起,组成句子。这样你就能慢慢开始表达自己的思想了。请访问考试大网站233/3. Picture it.闭上你的眼睛并在说出口之前想一想如何发这个音。想象出口型和脸部动作。这个可以配合看电影来做,留意Hollywood的明星是怎么样一字一句的说出那些令人神魂颠倒的话语的。4. Get physical!发音是个形体动作。要学会嘴巴的发声方法和移动肌肉的方式。每天集中训练几个音。你发this, thank, they,和little, wool等单词困难吗?试试发th,将你的舌头放在齿间(不要咬住)并从口中吐气。感受气流从你的舌间吹过。5. Watch yourself.站在镜子前查看当你发某些固定音时的嘴型,唇型和舌头的位置。和你看到的native speaker的发音对比!平时还可以把自己的发音模样录成video,仔细观察比较。以上就是“练习托福口语发音的五个英文口诀”,托福口语发音的练习时一个长期的过程,大家需要持之以恒,才能看到效果。托福口语那些语法容易出错


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