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1、托福口语训练如何用课外材料来提升 托福口语训练如何用课外材料来提升?常用练习方法介绍,今天给大家带来托福口语训练如何用课外材料来提升?常用练习方法介绍,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语训练如何用课外材料来提升?常用练习方法介绍1. 阅读原版小说增加谈资推荐书目:小王子小王子的故事大家应该都熟悉了,书中以一位飞行员作为故事叙述者,讲述了小王子从自己星球出发前往地球的过程中,所经历的各种历险。本书是法国作者创作、被翻译成250多种文字,全球最畅销图书之一,英译版的词汇句式也比较简单易读,很推荐给同学们作为阅读英语原版书的入门书。Steve Jobs史蒂夫?乔布斯传史蒂夫


3、锻炼你阅读的一个很好的办法。推荐电影:Flipped怦然心动 隽永的美式青梅竹马爱情故事-了解美国青少年生活-极其适合跟读练习Flipped is a love story between a girl and her neighbor which is set in aseries of traditional American schools in a small town. By watching it, you cannot only get to know typical American teenagers lives but also practice yourspeaking

4、and listening with clear and decent American pronunciation.死亡诗社“老师”这个词,在三观扭曲,五味陈杂的当下有时被逐渐扭曲,或许这篇五星电影重新唤起大家的求知欲,抛出哲学的思考,或许它会成为写作的一个例子,或许它会成为你面试的一个段子,刚好给你的面试官留下深刻的印象。It is an inspiring story about a teacherand his students. You might get a better idea of what a good teacher should beor what you really

5、 want to do in the future. It might help those who dont knowwhat major they want to study in college. Why not watch it?3、积极阅读原版杂志刊物比如FT金融时报、纽约时报,还有我们国内的21世纪英文报等等,大家都能很容易找到这些报纸类资源。时代周刊新闻报道涵盖面广,其*简洁明了,其用词较为正式,句型结构清晰。新闻周刊于 1933 年创立,其英文版在美国,欧洲,中东,非洲和亚洲等多个地区有发行,在日本,韩国,土耳其也有发行当地语言的版本。它在美国拥有仅次于时代周刊的第二大发行量。

6、在 20XX 年,新闻周刊停止了其纸质版的发行,而全部转为了电子版。与时代周刊类似,新闻周刊也涵盖了实事,商业,科技等多个领域,是进行英文泛读,扩大知识面的好材料。4、听英文广播训练标准口语不要只满足于听一些大家都知道的新闻广播,其实我们有其他很多选择。试着收听不同英语国家的英文频道。我们国内有CRI,北京外语广播等等。中国国际广播电台(CRI)是中国向全世界广播的国家广播电台,宗旨是“向世界介绍中国,向中国介绍世界,向世界报道世界,增进中国人民与世界人民之间的了解和友谊”。5、主动交流聊天积累开口经验要想让托福考试口语有大幅度提升还是有不少办法,在托福口语学习中也不用一成不变的背题,在生活中

7、同样有不少途径来提升你托福口语的水平。比如用英语来和别人进行日常对话聊天。无论是真人面对面的英语对话还是通过语音进行网络聊天,都可以帮助大家更好地熟悉英语口语提升水平。总而言之,托福口语能力的提升绝非只靠做练习就能达成目标的,考生需要的是对语言的真实使用和掌握,而上文提到的这些方法,恰好能让大家在日常生活中逐渐积累出语言能力,为托福口语打下更为扎实的语言基础。托福口语Task4答题要点 口语高分要做到这些!1掌握听力内容的“暗线”首先,口语答题good和fair的区别是什么呢?让我们先来看一段话:The question will ask youto explain the main conc

8、ept or issue using the points and examplesthat were given in the lecture. So basically its a very straight forward summary.这是ETS官方视频中对Task 4所提出的要求,注意划线部分内容:你必须解释清楚main concept或者issue。这就是高分关键!口说无凭。咱们来举个例子看题:禽类吃泥土的原因:辅助消化和排除毒素1 辅助消化,以渡鸦举例,没有牙齿,吃泥土是为了磨碎食物,这样有助于消化较大的食物,比方说把很大的种子磨成小碎片。2 排除毒素,以鹦鹉举例,吃泥土可以中

9、和误食的毒素,这样就不会生病了。这道题是要求大家用example来论证“泥土在帮助鸟类消化这件事上起到了什么作用?具体过程是什么?”很多同学在回答第四题的时候,只是在单纯地summarize the lecture(总结讲座),而忽略了题目中隐藏的“暗线”,也就是高分要求中的points和examples。Fair级别的答案:For instance, a species of bird takes in soil sometimes. Because its toothless, eating soil can help it with its digestion. 在这个答案中并没有体现出

10、soil起到的具体作用,因此只能得fair。再看Good级别的答题:Wild pheasant is a good example. It is toothless, so it has to take in soil sometimes to help it grind up giant seeds with hard shells into smaller pieces, to make it easier to digest. 这个答案中包含了3点重要信息,toothless, giant seeds with hard shells and grind up into smaller

11、pieces,从而充分论证了soil在消化过程中起到的具体作用。2 善于改述内容paraphrasing(改写)是托福综合口语中必须掌握的一项能力。口语第三题和第四题听力部分内容都在一分半至两分钟左右,字数大约在200字,多则能到250字。而我们1分钟能有效输出的内容只有120-140字。换句话讲,答题的时候必须删减一半的听力内容。怎么做?请大家铭记一件事:大多数Task 4中都有近1/3的内容是废话,必须听懂,但不必阐述。见下面这段文字:Today, were going to discuss forest fires. Generally, when a forest fire occur

12、s, the animals in the area will of course scurry away from the fire. Some animals, though, actually benefit from forest fires and so will follow them because forest fires can help them meet their survival needs. Lets discuss two benefits forest fires could have for these animals.One benefit is that

13、they can make it easier for predators to find food.A forest fire will force animals out of their hiding places, which predators make use of because fleeing animals are much easier to catch than they normally are when they are hiding deeply.For example, scientists have observed skunks doing this. The

14、se animals will go to the edge of a forest fire and wait there in order to catch all the insects running out of the burning forest, which is a much easier way to catch insects than the normal way of pecking for them on the ground.Another benefit forest fires could have is to help provide a good plac

15、e for the development of young animals.Forest fires can make an otherwise harmful environment more suitable for their development.For example, Burch trees in the forest are poisonous to ants. They have a special chemical that keeps ants away. But after a fire, ants will seek out these trees because

16、the trees are dead and ants are able to lay their eggs in the trees without being hurt by the chemical. The young ants use the trees nourishment until they mature into adult ants.其中标注颜色的是重点,其他都是废话,听懂即可。考试时将有颜色的部分记下来,并将重点信息进行改述,压缩到相应的时间里面。再次强调,阐述example的时候,一定要想着to example the main concept or the issu

17、e。3 做好答题的时间管理很多同学在回答第四题的时候总觉得时间不够用,那是因为你的重点信息把握不准确,对答题时间控制没有概念。Task 4的前25%多为*主旨(main concept or issue),目标24分的同学无需对此部分做笔记,目标26分的同学需要做笔记。在听力过程中,注意是否听到了名词复数形式,成对的词或短语,或者序数词如first等,并以此推测后文结构。最终答题时,介绍这部分的时间为10秒。听力介绍完主旨一般会具体说主旨中的概念点(如上题中的辅助消化和排除毒素),并配有详细解释和案例(如上题中的渡鸦和鹦鹉)。每个概念介绍5秒,然后运用口语答题技巧20秒介绍对应的例子。托福口语

18、范文:允许学生使用计算器题目Do you agree or disagree with the statement that young students should be allowed to use calculators when they are taking a math test?Sample ResponseI think that young students should not be allowed to use calculators on math tests because it is important to learn the concepts behind t

19、he math before advancing to time-saving tools.Young children are only just learning the relationship between numbers and the concepts of math equations. If kids just plug numbers into a calculator, they may not understand, for example, that adding means putting different groups of numbers together.G

20、ood math skills help solve other problems, too. If students understand how to break an equation into a series of steps, they can apply a similar process of simplifying problems in everyday situations.Young students are learning the relationship between numbers and the processes of solving problems. Therefore, they should be encouraged to develop those skills well before they use tools like calculators on tests.


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