1、解析托福听力备考意义 托福听力复习过程中除了提升自己的学术水平还应该做些什么呢?今天给大家带来解析托福听力备考意义,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。解析托福听力备考意义首先,长期时间的托福听力备考,给大家足够的时间来提高最基本的听力能力。所以在整个托福听力备考的阶段中,磨练自己的耳朵是非常重要的。意思很简单,就是要多听。抓住一切可能的机会听英语。比如看美剧,看电影,听歌,听广播。给自己创造一个英语的环境,慢慢去适应它,喜欢上它。我们听英语可以不仅是在学习的时候,即便是休息也可以听,不用给自己规定太苛刻的计划。目的是在一种无意的状态下训练的是对英语语音的感觉和注意力,培养出英
4、时可以选择稍微简单一点的材料,循序渐进。刚开始坐托福听力时,同一套题可以做多遍,直到完全听懂。坚持这样精听与泛听相结合的方法则可以迅速的提高托福听力。上面介绍了一些在托福听力备考中的注意事项,大家在托福听力练习中一定要多加注意,不要盲目的复习,有一个良好的计划才是托福听力成功的关键。托福听力练习对照文本Welcome to the largest retrospective exhibit, this art museum has ever devoted to an architect.欢迎来到最大的回顾展览,这个艺术博物馆专注于一位建筑师。The architect chosen for
5、this honor is Frank Lloyd Wright, probably the greatest United States architect of the twentieth century.获此殊荣的建筑师是Frank Lloyd Wright,也许是二十世纪美国最伟大的设计师。Wright has the reputation of being arrogant and insensitive to his clients needs, but his work is based on a set of principles rather than a style.Wri
6、ght 有一个傲慢和对他的客户需求不敏感的名声,但他的作品是基于一套原则,而不是一种风格。Because of his belief in unity of design and the elimination of unnecessary detail, he resisted his clients wishes to introduce what he called foreign objects to his carefully designed interiors.因为他的统一设计和消除不必要的细节的信念,他拒绝了他的客户介绍他所称之为外物(的东西或元素)给他的精心内部设计的愿望。F
7、rank Lloyd Wright always tried to achieve harmony of building and setting.Frank Lloyd Wright总是试图达到建筑和环境的和谐。The first drawing in the exhibit, of one of his Prairie houses, illustrates this integration of the house with the landscape of the American Midwest.展览中的第一幅画,他的“大草原”房屋之一,阐明了这种房屋和美国中西部风景的整合。You
8、can see how he stresses the horizontal line with spreading roofs and strips of windows.你们能看到他如何强调平铺的屋顶和窗户条的水平线。Outside porches stretch into the gardens, making one harmonious whole.外部的门廊延伸到花园,形成一个和谐的整体。Because of this goal of harmony, you wont see skyscrapers among his designs.由于这种和谐的目标,你将不会在他的设计中见到
9、摩天大楼。Wright was criticized for his impractical houses with leaky flat roofs, but his houses also had great virtues.Wright因为他的不切实际的带着漏水的平屋顶的房子而受到指责,但是他的房子也有着巨大的优点。The design of the Prairie houses, for example, made them warm in winter and cool in summer.举例来说,大草原房屋的设计,使它们冬暖夏凉。The drawings and photos i
10、n this exhibit will show the enormity of Frank Lloyd Wrights contribution to modern architecture.在这个展览中的绘画和照片,将会显示Frank Lloyd Wright对当代建筑的巨大贡献。托福听力练习对照文本Today, Id like to turn our attention to an area of management often overlooked in traditional management courses: small-business management.今天,我想把咱
11、们的注意力转向一个在传统的管理课程上常常被忽略的管理领域:小型商业管理。Small businesses have gone from being traditional small-town stores selling food or clothing to sophisticated, high-tech enterprises.小型商业已经从传统的小镇的商店卖食物或衣服,转到成熟的,高科技企业。And in addition to the important products they produce, they create jobs for lots of people becau
12、se there are so many of them.而且除了他们生产的重要产品之外,他们为很多人创造了就业机会,因为他们(小商业企业)有如此之多。Its important for management to keep in mind which of the customers needs the business serves, because it cant serve all their needs.对管理人员来说重要的是要牢记生意服务的是哪种客户需求,因为它不能服务他们所有的需求。Writing a business plan that everyone in the orga
13、nization understands and follows will help to provide the necessary focus and direction.写一个机构中每个人都能了解并遵循的商业计划,将有助于提供必要的焦点和方向。Its important to state clearly what the purpose of the business is.陈述清楚生意的目的是很重要的。Additionally, each person within the organization must know what tasks to perform in order to
14、 fulfill that purpose.另外,在机构中的每个人都必须知道为了实现该目的要执行什么任务。Now, if for some reason a business plan doesnt work, try hard to discover why not, rewrite it, and immediately focus on the new plan.现在,如果因为某种原因商业计划无法运作(不好使),要努力发现为什么不行,重新写,然后立即集中在新的计划上。A work of caution, however, never give up a bad plan without
15、replacing it.无论怎样,一个工作的警示,在不能代替它之前永远不要放弃一个不好的计划。A business has to have a plan because it cant afford to waste its limited resources.一个生意必须要有一个计划,因为它不能承受它有限的资源的浪费。And, as you know, waste leads to unnecessarily high production costs.而且,正如你们所知,浪费导致没必要的高昂的生产成本。Production costs are at the heart of the co
16、mpanys ability to make a high quality product and sell it at an affordable price.生产成本是公司制造高品质产品并且在可承受的价格将之出售的能力的核心。托福听力练习对照文本The next style of furniture design Id like to discuss is Shaker furniture design.我想要讨论的家具设计风格是Shaker家具设计。The Shakers are a religious group that flourished in the nineteenth-ce
17、ntury United States.Shakers是一个宗教团体,活跃在十九世纪的美国。At that time, the Shakers lived in their own communities and believed in living simply.那时,Shakers生活在他们自己的社区中并且崇尚简单的生活。This ideal of simplicity extended to their furniture design, as you will see.这种朴素的理想扩展到了他们的家具设计,就像你们将要见到的那样。Because the shape of their f
18、urniture wasnt supposed to be unnecessarily decorative, the furnitures surface became the only place to create visual pleasure.由于他们家具的形状没有不必要的装饰,家具的表面成为唯一创造视觉愉悦的地方Shaker furniture used light-colored woods like pine, maple, or cherry.Shaker家具使用颜色浅的木材如松木,枫木,或者樱桃木。It was often painted blue, green, or y
19、ellow. As these slides show, some of their most interesting pieces were made for the workplace.它通常漆成蓝色,绿色,或者黄色。如同这些幻灯片显示的,它们的一些最有意思的部分是为工作场所制造的。Notice that this sewing table has drawers that can be pulled out from either side.注意这个缝纫机台板的抽屉能从两旁拉出来。This feature enables two people to sew at the same tim
20、e.这种特色使两个人能够同时缝纫。Likewise, if you look closely at these slides of counters and workbenches, youll notice that these pieces were also designed to be used from more than one side.同样,如果你仔细看这些柜台和工作台的幻灯片,你将注意到这些件(家具)也是被设计从超过一边来使用的。Thus, several people would be able to work at one time.因此,几个人能够同时工作。Nowada
21、ys, Shaker furniture designs enjoying a revival.时下,Shaker家具设计正在重新流行。The simple but stylish furniture made by the Shakers is popular among affluent collectors, including such celebrities as Bill Cosby and Oprah Winfrey.这种由Shakers制造的简单而又时髦的家具在富有的收藏家之中受到欢迎,包括了像Bill Cosby 和 Oprah Winfrey这样的名人。As youve seen, the plainness of Shaker furniture makes it strangely modern in appearance.正如你们所见,Shaker家具的简朴使它在外观上出奇的摩登。In fact, their austere, minimalist designs have influenced several modern furniture designers, some of whom well discuss next.事实上,他们朴素的,极简抽象派艺术的设计已经影响了一些现代家具设计师,下次我们将会讨论他们中的一些(人)