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1、英语口语中常见的俚语 今天和大家分享简单又实用的英语口语俚语,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。英语口语俚语 to put your foot in your mouth有意无意做错事,说错话的情况是很经常的。下面我们要讲的一个俗语就是无意中说错了话而伤害了别人。这个俗语就是:to put your foot in your mouth。例如:When Sally told that silly joke about the sailor with one leg she really put her foot in her mouth. She didnt know the

2、 man across the dinner table had a brother at home in a wheelchair.萨莉吃晚饭时说了一个笑话,她拿一个只有一条腿的水手开玩笑。她可不知道坐在饭桌对面那个人的哥哥就是个残废,行动都得靠轮椅。Sally如果事后了解情况的话肯定会说:Well, I certainly have put my foot in my mouth.又如:I certainly put my foot in my mouth at the party last night when I asked Mister Brown to say hello to h

3、is wife for me. Somehow Id forgotten that his wife died six months ago.我昨晚在那个聚会上无意中说错了话。我让布朗先生替我向他的太太问好。不知怎么回事,我忘了他太太已经在半年前去世了。美国常用英语俚语:Go nuts【句子对照】Jane went nuts when I told her the bad news.当我告诉简这个坏消息的时候,她都发疯了。【关键俚语】go nuts ( verb phrase )英:infomp3al; offensiveto become angry and act or yell in a

4、 crazy way中:发疯英语俚语中最易误解的10个单词1.dude(老兄,老哥) 很多人认为该词单指“花花公子,纨绔子弟”的意思,实际上此词是叫男性年轻人的常用词,与guy的意思相同,只是guy用的范围更广。例子:Hey dude look at that girl.(喂,老兄,看那个女孩)2.chick(女孩) 容易被误解为“鸡,.,实际上此词是叫女孩的常用词,语气中确实有轻佻、不尊重的倾向。例子:Look at that chick at the door.(看门口的那个女孩)3.pissed off(生气,不高兴) 千万别认为是“尿尿”的意思,piss off在字典中则是“滚开,滚蛋

5、”的意思,实际上此词是表示“生气,不高兴”的意思,与angry同意。例子:Man,is that guy pissed of ?(哎呀,那家伙真的生气了)4.Hey,Give me five(嗨,好啊!) 此短语非常流行,经常在大片中出现,常在击掌庆贺时用。例子:Hey,dude! Give me five!(嗨,老兄,好啊!)5.freak out(大发脾气) 总是在片子中看到这个词,freak本义是“奇异的,反常的”的意思,但freak out是“大发脾气”的意思,out也可以省略,这个词在美语中很常见,老式说法是be very upset。例子:Hes gonna freak(他快要发脾

6、气了)6.Get out of here(别开玩笑了,别骗人了) 大家很容易联想到“滚开”的意思,其实,现在很多时候都用在“别开玩笑了,别骗人了”的意思里,在美国片子中常可以听到。例子:(Man:)You look very beautiful(你很漂亮)(Girl)Get out of here.(别骗了)7.gross(真恶心) 此词不是“混乱”的意思,字典中gross是“总的,毛重的”的意思,实际上此词是表示“恶心”的意思与gag相近,是美国年轻人一天到晚挂在嘴边的词。例子:Yuck, what is this stuff?It looks gross.(哎呀,这是什么东西?真恶心)8.

7、Hello(有没有搞错) 并不总是打招呼的意思,有时是“有没有搞错”的意思,要根据上下文来判断。例子:Hello,anybody home,well be late!(有没有搞错, 我们要迟到了) 9.green(新手,没有经验) 不是“绿色”的意思,也不是“生气”的意思,有时表示“新手,没有经验”。例子:Shes really green,she looks nervous.(她是新手,看起来很紧张)10.Have a crush on someone(爱上某人) 由于crush是“压碎,碾碎”的意思,因此整个短语容易被误解为“对某人施加压力”的意思,实际上此词表示“爱上某人”,与fall

8、in love with 同意。例子:She thinks she has a crush on John.(她认为她爱上约翰了)英语俚语与nose有关的短语1. lead by the nose 牵着鼻子走eg. Dont let anyone lead you by the nose, use your own judgment and do the right thing.不要让人牵着鼻子走,自己有点主见,做该做的事情。2. hard-nosedadj. 顽强的;不屈不挠的;不讲情面的eg. A former reporter from a family of journalists,

9、she is known for her fiery temperament and commitment to hard-nosed reporting.出身记者世家的胡舒立从前也是一名记者,她因泼辣的性格和坚持求实报导而闻名。3. pay through the nose按字面解释,pay through the nose就是通过鼻子来付钱,这听起来似乎很痛苦,而实际上,pay through the nose的确切意思是付出比真正的价值高得多的钱,也可以说是付出的钱实在太多而让人感到心痛。eg. My brother Bob borrowed the money to open his

10、restaurant five years ago when the interest rate was very high, so hes been paying through the nose ever since.我哥哥鲍伯五年前借钱开饭馆的时候正好利率非常高,所以,他从那时起就一直在大笔大笔地还债。4. keep ones nose out of sth避免插手(他人的事),尽量不卷入eg. When Billy asked his sister where she was going, she told him to keep his nose out of her busines

11、s.当比利问他姐姐要去哪里时,她让他别管她的事。5. nose around / about找寻,打听(别人的事)eg. We found a man nosing around in our backyard.我们发现有个人在我们后院里找什么东西。6. nosyadj. 好管闲事的;爱打听的eg. Dont be so nosy! Its none of your business.别管那么多闲事,这与你无关!7. keep ones nose to the grindstone连续辛勤地工作grindstone是“磨刀石”的意思。这个表达很形象,按字面意思来看,是说鼻子对着磨刀石。想象一下

12、一个人低着头磨刀的样子,的确给人一种埋头苦干的直观印象啊。而且这个短语用动词keep表达一种持续的状态,把“埋头”的意思更生动地表达了出来。eg. These years those whore keeping their nose to the grindstone cant make bundles.这年头,只会埋头苦干的人是挣不了什么大钱的。8. keep ones nose clean循规蹈矩,不做违法的事eg. Since leaving prison, hes man-aged to keep his nose clean.自从出狱以来,他尽量做到规规矩矩。9. no skin o

13、f my nose 不关我的事字面意思是:没有我鼻子上的皮。乍听起来让人有些摸不着头脑,这一俗语的实际意思是:与我无关,我不在乎。eg. Hey, its no skin of my nose if Susies going out now with that guy! I dont care what she does I broke up with her a month ago, when I met Helen.苏茜现在是否跟那个家伙好,一起出去玩,这不关我的事!她干什么我都无所谓。我在遇到海伦以后就和她断了关系。10. cut off ones nose to spite ones

14、face(恼怒之下)伤人害己;损人不利己eg. If you resign to inconvenience your boss, you are cutting off your nose to spite your face.如果你辞职就是为了给你的老板找麻烦的话,那就是吃砒霜药老虎,伤人害己了。据说,明代才子解缙幼年家住曹尚书府第竹园对面,在家门上贴了一副对联:“门对千竿竹,家藏万卷书。”曹尚书不忿自己的园景给他借用,于是叫人把竹砍短,最后索性全部砍去。解缙见了,随即把对联改为“门对千竿竹短无,家藏万卷书长有”。曹尚书不但没有难倒解缙,而且空自毁了自家的竹林,用英文来形容就是cut of

15、f ones nose to spite ones face。11. look down ones nose at对不屑一顾;蔑视eg. Harry has never had to work, and he looks down his nose at people in business.哈利从不需要上班,他也看不起上班的人。12. turn up ones nose at看不上;觉得不屑于(要、吃、做等)eg. When I gave her the present, she turned up her nose at it.当我把礼物给她时,她很不屑。13. have ones nos

16、e in the air非常傲慢;自高自大He has had his nose in the air since he got promoted.他获升迁后就自以为了不起。有关“apple”的英语俚语表达1. apple of ones eye掌上明珠、心肝宝贝(指某人极为珍爱的人或物)例句:Grandfather always made the most fuss of Gillian; she is the apple of his eye.祖父总是极其宠爱吉林恩,她是他的掌上明珠。2. dead sea apple不可靠的成就;令人失望的事情例句:This proposal sound

17、s perfect but it will be dead sea apple if we dont do it exactly right.这个计划听起来很完美,但如果我们不切实执行,一切都是一场空。3. apple-polisher马屁精例句:John is such an apple-polisher, he always agrees with whatever the boss says.约翰就是一个马屁精,不管老板说什么他都同意。4. apples and oranges风马牛不相及的事物例句:Men and women are like apples and oranges.男人

18、和女人是完全不同的。5. rotten apple坏家伙、害群之马例句:Hes a rotten apple.他是一个讨厌的家伙。6. upset the apple cart搞砸或毁坏某事物例句:Tom really upset the apple cart by telling Mary the truth about Jane.汤姆把珍妮的真实情况告诉了玛丽,他可真把事情给搞砸了。7. an apple of discord争端;祸根例句:I sense an apple of discord between you two.我感觉你们俩不和。8. apple of Sodom金玉其外,败絮其中;徒具其表而无其实之物例句:The thing I bought yesterday was found to be an apple of Sodom.我昨天买的那样东西外表好看,而实际上用处不大。英语口语中常见的俚语


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