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1、雅思写作备考哪本辅导书比较好 今天带大家了解雅思写作备考哪本辅导书比较好,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作备考哪本辅导书比较好据说哈,中国考生的写作平均成绩只有5点几,可见写作在雅思考试中算是比较难的部分了。容易出问题的地方,主要是语言和逻辑。语言是基础,逻辑让表达清晰。任何一个欠缺,写作部分都很难拿高分。其中语言很常见的问题就是中式表达,这个问题还是需要积累一些地道的短语和句型,平时的练习中去刻意纠正自己的中式表达。另外语法问题,尤其是谓语动词的错误使用,句子结构的错误使用等。这个问题需要补充语法知识,做一些翻译练习。逻辑问题也是老大难,先得审题不偏,偏了怎么答都

2、不对。其次就是句子和句子缺乏逻辑连贯性,这个问题需要多读范文,研究它的写作思路。推荐的书籍,最基本的还是再推一遍剑桥雅思真题4-13,人手一本吧。雅思写作高频词汇有哪些1.有用的词上升:increase, rise ,ascend ,core, surge,go up, climb ,mount ,level up下降: decrease, fall, drop ,descend ,decline ,reduce ,lessen ,level down平稳:stable ,steady ,remain/maintain/keep/be the same as/similar to波动:fluc

3、tuate ,fluctuation ,rise and falls ,up and down占:occupy ,take up ,account for, gain而:while ,however ,whereas ,on the other hand ,actually/in fact相比:by contract ,on the contrary, likewise, compared with最高点:the highest, the top ,the summit ,the peak ,the most最低点:bottom ,less ,least ,rock bottom ,平均:me

4、an ,average趋势:tendancy ,trend ,inclination预见:prediction达到顶峰: mount to在.占.ain the percentage of有一个稳定的过程:a stable period can be seen2.分项目的总结在做这个之前,把“模板”说一下(主要针对菜鸟,应付考试时找不到东西说)第一段:The.某种图,比如bar chart ,pie chart或是curve graph)show.简单写写情况,比如“妇女受教育程度”,“美国能源利用”,这些一般可以在图下面的说明文字中找到),From the .(某种土)we can have

5、 a understanding of .(又是什么情况)注:第二句话是废话,是为了凑字数,字数够了的时候就可以不用了,当然写的时候注意表达方式的一些小改动第二段:说明段,From the.llustrate.+一些内容,主要写以下几个方面:极点(极大,极小),趋势,特别点(交点,转折点,相同点和一些在特定图上有意义的点)第三段:From the chart,we may have a basic understanding of the situation of凑字数用的!一些表达:A.柱形图increase rise go up / drop decrease declineB.饼图.s

6、dividedsintos.arts .onsume the largest prtion .ccounting for.(百分比)of .s.lay a very important role in .线形图From this point Drop/increase dramaticly a modest /rapid increase1.以时间为比较基础的应抓住“变化”:上升,下降,或是波动,题中对两个或两个以上的变量进行描述时应在此基础上进行比较,如变量多于两个应进行分类或有侧重的比较,2.不以时间为比较基础的应注意对极点的描述。雅思写作让步段如何写让步段到底怎么写根据以上论述,我们知道

7、了让步段的概念和意义。下面我们就来介绍让步段如何写作。典型的写作方式是”三步走”原则: 立反(承认反方观点的合理性)+论反(给出反方论据)+驳反(反驳反方观点)。下文结合实例,我们来分析如何写出一个具有说服力的让步段。01“三步走”原则:让步=?立反+论反+驳反02常用词汇句式?立反1. As is granted, .2. Opponents would argue that.3. Although/ In spite of the fact that ., people tend to believe that .4. It is undeniable that .论反For exampl

8、e/ instance,.This is because .驳反However,.03案例分析Example 1:Some people think that it is more important to plant more trees in open areas such as towns and cities than build more housing. To what extent do agree or disagree?让步段: (全文的立场: 种树比建房好)?立反:In spite of the importance of planting trees in towns a

9、nd cities, the construction of houses might be more significant in some cases.论反:This is because in certain regions where housing shortage is rather severe, the priority of governments would be building houses rather than planting trees.驳反:However, this kind of shortage has already been alleviated i

10、n numerous areas, so planting trees deserves more consideration.通过上面这道题让步段的写作,大家不难看出,“立反”和“论反”这两句的写作其实比较好找到突破口,关键是“驳反”这一句比较难寻切入点,这也被很多同学经常抱怨: 前一步刚给出理由来支持一个观点,后一步就要推倒这个观点,难道是要我“人格分裂”吗?没错,是的!为了解决这个疑惑,以下就为大家介绍两种“人格分裂”即“驳反”的方法。“驳反”法一:解决问题-说明问题能被克服,最好简单提出解决方法Example 2:In many countries, traditional foods

11、 are replacedby international fast foods. This is having a negative effect on families and societies. To what extent do you agree or disagree?让步段:(全文的立场:快餐食品对人们有利)?立反:In spite of the two advantages mentioned above, there is an evident disadvantage of fast food.论反: The individuals who consume fast fo

12、od constantly tend to become overweight, getting a number of diseases.驳反: However, this risk could be avoided to a large extent if people have fast food properly and do exercise regularly. (解决问题)“驳反”法二:针锋相对-直接指出反方的缺陷Example 3:Some people believe that living in big cities is bad for health.Do you agr

13、ee or disagree?让步段:(全文的立场:住在城市对健康有害)立反: Although living in urban areas is detrimental to individuals physical and mental health, there are also benefits of urban life.论反: For instance, people might benefit from the better health care service provided in metropolises.驳反: However, this service may nev

14、er completely cope with the health problems of citizens living in big cities. (针锋相对)雅思大作文真题解析:食用异地食品有好处“In many countries, people can eat a wide variety of food grown in other areas today. As a result, they eat more food from other regions than local food. Do you think the advantages of the developm

15、ent outweigh disadvantages?”解析审题本题是20XX年8月13日的原题重现,与20XX年5月13日的真题也基本相同。当今是全球化时代,我们的日常生活中充满了外来的元素,只不过我们很少去关注:我们穿的衣服,吃的食品,乘坐的汽车或者飞机,几乎没有什么东西没有外来的痕迹。那么,在这个大背景下,我们该如何讨论本次雅思写作话题呢?关于食用更多外来食品,而不是本地食品,就如使用其他产品一样,肯定是利弊参半。好的地方,无非是丰富了我们的食物选择,改善了我们的营养结构,这是从消费者个人而言的。那么,对于整个食品产业,无疑会增加产业的竞争,从而提升服务质量,但是坏处也由此而产生:如果消

16、费者大量食用外来食品,这无疑会挫伤国内食品产业的发展。谈及个人观点,我们可以这样认为,虽然在短期内国内食品产业可能受损,但是从长远看,竞争导致提高,从而可以促进国内食品产业走向世界,因此反而变成一件好事,由此得出结论:消费者食用外来食品,无论对个人还是对整个食品产业,都是一件好事。批判性思维提示 本题的核心是:食用外来食品(而非本地食品)到底是好还是坏?唐老师的思路是分两种情况来讨论:对消费者而言,这是增加了食品选择,改善了营养结构,当然是好事;对本地食品业而言,则可能产生负面的影响。那到底是好处多还是坏处多?唐老师则从竞争可以导致质量提高的角度,认为食用外来食品可以提升本地产业的竞争力。因此

17、,在讨论某种现象是好还是坏时,考生可以分不同人群(或不同层次)来进行讨论,任何一个现象都不可能是绝对的坏,也不可能是绝对地坏。这样,我们就获得了一种批判性的思考方式。同类真题回顾 “食品”一直是雅思写作考试中的常客,经常出现。以下是历年真题回顾:20XX.12.11Junk food does harm to peoples health. Therefore, some experts find educationan effective way to prevent/stop people from eating the food. However, someone finds the e

18、ducation insignificant. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.教育能否让人们不再吃垃圾食品?20XX.12.3Today food travel thousands of miles from the farm to the is this? Is it a positive or negative trend?从农场到消费者,食品要历经千山万水。为什么?这是好还是不好?20XX.12.13Shops should not be allowed to sell any food or drink that has be

19、en scientifically proved to be bad for peoples health. To what extend do you agree or disagree?应该禁止商店销售那些已经被科学证明是有害人们身体的食品和饮料吗?20XX.3.12In modern life, it is no longer necessary to use animals as food and in other products like clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree?现在,我们已经没

20、有必要将动物用作食物、衣服和医药。你是否同意?20XX.5.13In some countries, it is possible for people to have a variety of food imported from all over the world. To what extent do you think its benefits outweigh the drawbacks? 在一些国家,人们可以吃到各种舶来的食品。你认为这是好还是不好老师笔记0130 years ago, American fast food brands such as McDonald, KFC,

21、 and Subway were basicallyunheard of in China, but now they have become everyday words to Chinese people who have probably consumed the greatest amount of American fast food in the world. Though the introduction of food from other regions is not without negative effects, I do think it is positive to

22、 both the individual consumers and the food industry as a whole.30年前,麦当劳、肯德基和赛百味等美国快餐品牌在中国基本上是闻所未闻的,但现在它们已成为中国人的日常用语,中国人可能消费了世界上最多的美国快餐。虽然从其他地区引进食品并非没有负面影响,但我认为这对个体消费者和整个食品行业都是积极的。解析(1)开头段对题目所提的现象(即人们可以广泛使用外来食品)进行细化描写,引入话题,并提出自己的观点。(2)basically 基本上(3) unheard of .是闻所未闻(4)consume 消费(5) not without. 不

23、无.(6)food industry 食品业(7)as a whole 作为整体地02With greater variety of food coming from outside, we can enjoy a better nutritional structure and greater freedom to choose our favorite food. Now we all know that eggplants and potatoes are vitalto our health, but very few know they wereoriginally grown in

24、 Mexico and Ireland and werenot imported to China until after the 18th century. So the food from other regions has offered us more nutritional choices. Instead of just taking soy bean milk, many people today have cow milk; instead of just taking breads, many people now have sandwiches as well.有了更多的来

25、自外部的食物,我们可以享受更好的营养结构和更大的自由选择我们最喜欢的食物。现在我们都知道茄子和土豆对我们的健康非常重要,但很少有人知道,它们最初生长在墨西哥和爱尔兰,直到18世纪以后才被引进到中国。所以来自其他地区的食物为我们提供了更多的营养选择。今天,许多人不只喝豆浆,还喝牛奶;不仅吃面包,还吃三明治。解析(1)本段讨论引进外来食品对个体消费者的好处:改进营养结构,提供更多选择。本段主要使用举例法(包括茄子、土豆;豆浆,牛奶;面包,三明治),围绕的主题是来自其他地区的食品改善了我们的营养结构,并给我们更多选择。(2)variety 种类(3)nutritional structure 营养结

26、构(4)vital 至关重要的(5)originally 首先;起先(6)l. 直到.才.03Some may argue that the importation of foreign food may impair the local food industry. This may be true in some cases. We have seen many local food brands become obsolete when their foreignreplacements are introduced to the market. However, I believe t

27、he intensified competitionresulting from the arrival of the foreign food is beneficial to the long-term development of the local food industry, because it will compel the local food companies to improve the quality of their products, which in turn will make them more competitive in the global market

28、.有些人可能会说,进口外国食物可能会损害本地的食物业。这在某些情况下可能是正确的。我们已经看到,当外来的替代品被引入时,许多本地食品品牌消失了。然而,我相信,外来食品的到来所带来的激烈竞争,对本地食品工业的长远发展是有利的,因为这将迫使当地食品公司提高产品质量,而这无疑将使它们在全球市场上更具竞争力。解析(1)本段讨论引进外来食品与本地食品业发展之间的关系。首先指出,外来食品的确可能损害本地食品业,然后转折过来,说明外来食品带来的竞争迫使本地企业提升质量,而这个从长远看会提升其在全球市场上的竞争力。(2)impair损害;伤害(3)in some cases 在某些情况下(4)obsolete

29、过时的(5)replacement替换品(6)intensified加剧的(7)result from 由.引起(8)long-term长远的(9)compel 迫使(10)in turn 反过来(11)competitive 有竞争力的(12)global market 全球市场04Thus, that people are able to consume more and more food from other countries and regions gives afavorable opportunity to both the individual consumers and t

30、he entire food industry. It is, therefore, advisable for us to embrace this development, rather than rejecting it.因此,人们能够消费越来越多的来自其他国家和地区的食品,为个人消费者和整个食品行业提供了一个有利的机会。因此,我们最好接受这一发展,而不是拒绝它。解析(1)本段为结论段,重申观点。好的结尾段应该包括两个内容:一是对前文的总结,二是适当的延伸。因此,好作文的结尾段通常都是两句话组成。(2)favorable有利的(3)advisable明智的(4)embrace拥抱;欢迎(

31、5)reject 拒绝本场考试范文30 years ago, American fast food brands such as McDonald, KFC, and Subway were basically unheard of in China, but now they have become everyday words to Chinese people who have probably consumed the greatest amount of American fast food in the world. Though the introduction of food

32、from other regions is not without negative effects, I do think it is positive to both the individual consumers and the food industry as a whole.With greater variety of food coming from outside, we can enjoy a better nutritional structure and greater freedom to choose our favorite food. Now we all kn

33、ow that eggplants and potatoes are vital to our health, but very few know they were originally grown in Mexico and Ireland and were not imported to China until after the 18th century. So the food from other regions has offered us more nutritional choices. Instead of just taking soy bean milk, many p

34、eople today have cow milk; instead of just taking breads, many people now have sandwiches as well.Some may argue that the importation of foreign food may impair the local food industry. This may be true in some cases. We have seen many local food brands become obsolete when their foreign replacement

35、s are introduced to the market. However, I believe the intensified competition resulting from the arrival of the foreign food is beneficial to the long-term development of the local food industry, because it will compel the local food companies to improve the quality of their products, which in turn

36、 will make them more competitive in the global market.Thus, that people are able to consume more and more food from other countries and regions gives a favorable opportunity to both the individual consumers and the entire food industry. It is, therefore, advisable for us to embrace this development, rather than rejecting it.雅思写作备考哪本辅导书比较好


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