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1、雅思写作常见错误之单复数 今天带大家了解雅思写作单复数常见错误分析,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作常见错误之单复数单复数误用应该是雅思写作错误排行榜的top2的存在了。错例:One of the most challenging problem are who should be responsible for looking after the elderly people.正解:One of the most challenging problems is who should be responsible for looking after the elde

2、rly people.改错练习:1. What our modernsociety values are the personality and creativity.2. Private car willexert adverse impacts on the environment and traffic of the whole society.3. Long-distance education provides students interesting way to learn.雅思写作常见错误之标点大部分的标点错误出在逗号上。逗号表示句子内部的一般性停顿。两个具有独立含义的句子,在

3、没有连词的情况下简单地被一个逗号隔开是不正确的。改正这样的错误须用句号或分号代替逗号,或用并列连词(and, but, or, so, nor, yet)连接两个句子,或用从属连词(because,as, although等),否则会导致句子出现语法错误。错例:Some people believe children in secondaryschool should study international news as a subject, others think thatsa waste of time.正解:Some people believe children in second

4、aryschool should study international news as a subject. However, others think thats a waste of time.或:Some people believe children in secondaryschool should study international news as a subject, but others think thats a waste of time.改错练习:1. Students should do some housework, it is goodfor them to

5、be independent.2. They are far away from parents and friends, theycan deal with everything by themselves.雅思写作结尾模板分析他对于雅思大作文结尾段的理解:Conclusions are actually quite simple. The purpose of the conclusion is to answer the question in the title. Do this by referring to the points you have already made in t

6、he main body. Dont repeat whole sentences, just summarise the main points. It is also important that you do not raise any new ideas in the conclusion. The conclusion need not be long. Keep it brief and make sure it is directly related to the question.雅思作文的结论部分事实上相当简单。结论部分的目的是回答作文话题中的提出问题。你可以通过提及你在主体

7、部分所论述的观点来回答。不要完全的重复整个句子,归纳概括要点就行了。另外重要的一点是不要在结论部分提出新的观点。结论部分不许要冗长。要保证简要准确地并相关。在这里呢,simon其实提醒了烤鸭们在结尾段往往容易出错的2点:1.大段重复前面主体段里的观点;2.提出新的观点。他认为,结论段,仅在于概括式地重申前文的观点。雅思大作文结尾段范例1:2连问题型话题:Many people prefer to watch foreign films rather than locally produced films. Why could this be?Should governments give mo

8、re financial support to local film industries?对于这种“two-part”question,simon的处理方式是4段式,导入+主题段1(回答问题1)+主题段2(回答问题2)+结论。前面的内容,就略过了,直接看他的结论段的写法。In conclusion, I believe that increased financial support could help to raise the quality of locally made films and allow them to compete with the foreign producti

9、ons that currently dominate the market.稍稍拆解下这个句子,其实是讲了“观点”+“期待/目的”,观点是应该给予本土电影业更多的财政支持,目的是为了让它有能力同目前支配着电影市场的海外电影一较高下。中间用一个and连接,可以说自然而简明,丝毫没有非“从句”和“非谓语动词结构”等复杂语法不可的架势。要注意指出的是,他所提到的“给予更多的财政支持”和“海外电影居市场的主导地位”都是前文都已经提到的观点。机尾段重点在于“转述”(paraphrase)观点,切不可提出新的观点来。雅思大作文结尾段范例2:同意与否题型话题:The older generations t

10、end to have very traditional ideas about how people should live, think and behave. However, some people believe that these ideas are not helpful in preparing younger generations for modern life.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this view?这是我们最常见的同意与否题型,一般的行为思路有三种“agree”,“disagree”,“partly

11、 agree”。在这,simon选择的是partly agree(这也是他在回答这种题型时的常用立场,因为折中,所以显得中肯),还是直接跳到结尾段。In conclusion, although the views of older people may sometimes seem unhelpful in todays world, we should not dismiss all traditional ideas as irrelevant.可以发现,对于这样的题型,因为采取的是partly agree的立场,所以,采用了最吻合立场的“although”从句来表转折。雅思写作范文欣赏

12、:如何让人们外出更有安全感雅思写作题目讲解分析:此题虽然看起来像是一道关于社会生活类的新题,但在写作中,依然可以把我们平时练过的关于犯罪类、电视暴力和电子设备利弊的素材运用到此文中。*结构:4段首段:导入话题,概述主题主体段1:导致人们缺乏安全感的原因一主体段2:导致人们缺乏安全感的原因二主体段3:能够让人们感到安全的措施结尾段:总结上文雅思写作参考范文Security is always a frequently talked topic in the modern society. Looking into the factors leading to dangers helps peop

13、le to protect themselves from insecurity. This essay will mainly analyze the reasons for this problem and provide some solutions.在现代社会中,安全问题一直是人们经常谈论的话题。探究导致危险的因素有助于人们保护自己不受不安全感的影响。*主要分析了造成这一问题的原因,并提出了解决的办法。There are two main factors contributing to the phenomenon that more people feel insecure. In

14、general, the detailed description of violence on the mass media should be responsible for this problem. When criminal cases such as shooting, theft and driving after drinking are often reported on the TV, the viewers safety and security will probably be threatened and they will be in the belief that

15、 they are likely to subject to offenses at anytime. This problem can also be attributed to the widespread use of mobile devices. With more applications installed in peoples smart phones, they save too many secrets on this device-the online bank passwords and the information of their social network w

16、hich may include significant business opportunities. It is not exaggerated that their lives and property will be threatened if they lose their precious mobile devices.造成这种现象的主要原因有两个:更多的人感到不安全。一般来说,对大众媒体上的暴力行为的详细描述应该对这个问题负责。在电视上经常报道射击、盗窃和酒后驾车等刑事案件,观众的安全与安全可能受到威胁,他们相信自己随时都可能受到冒犯。这个问题也可以归因于移动设备的广泛使用。随着

17、越来越多的应用安装在人们的智能手机上,他们在这个设备上保存了太多的秘密网上银行的密码和他们的社交网络的信息,其中可能包含了大量的商业机会。如果他们失去了宝贵的移动设备,他们的生命和财产将受到威胁,这是不夸张的。To solve this problem, governments, police stations and citizens themselves should cooperate with each other. First of all, the government should impose a restriction on the representation of cri

18、mes, reducing the plots focusing on the detailed description. The governments and police stations needs to set up a security system, through which citizens personal information can be prevented from being stolen. It is also of great essence that citizens should raise the awareness of security.为了解决这个

19、问题,政府、警察局和公民本身应该相互合作。首先,政府应该对犯罪的表现施加限制,减少对细节描述的关注。政府和警察局需要建立一个安全系统,通过这个系统,公民的个人信息可以被防止被窃取。公民应该提高对安全的认识,这也是很重要的。As mentioned above, the occurrence of crime on the mass media and the storage of personal information on mobile devices are the main reasons for insecurity. Governments, police stations and

20、 citizens should make a concerted effort to address this issue.雅思大作文结尾3个大招雅思大作文结尾段怎么写招式一:回答问题 answer the question范例1:When a country develops its technology; the traditional skills and ways of life die is pointless to try and keep them alive.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?I

21、n conclusion, without suggesting that all technology is necessarily good, I think it is by no means pointless, in any way, to try to keep traditions alive with should not ignore technology, because it can be our friend and support our way of life.这个结尾段落明确的提出了自己的观点,不是所有的科技都是好的,但是科技也不是完全没有用处的。雅思大作文结尾段

22、怎么写招式二:不要添加新的信息 not apply any new information范例2:Happiness is considered to be very important in life.Why is it difficult to define? What factors are important in achieving happiness?Like self-awareness, this is also very difficult to achieve, but I think these are the two factors that may be the mo

23、st important for achieving happiness.用1句话明确自己的观点,幸福很难定义,可能有两个因素起到作用。雅思大作文结尾段怎么写招式三:2-3个句子为宜 2-3 sentences are enoughSome people believe that childrens leisure activities must be educational; otherwise they are a completewaste of time.Do you agree or disagree?Finally, I think it is also important to

24、remember that children need to relax as well as everything they do must have some educational or academic relevance, then they will soon get tired of studying altogether, which is the last thing parents would want.2句话,作者的态度很明确,学生不可能花所有的时间去学习,否者就会完全失去对学习的兴趣,所以也应该给学生一些放松的时间。一般在结尾段的最开始部分,考生就应该给考官一个明确的信

25、号词,让考官了解*已经进入尾声了。这里所谓的信号词就是一些结尾段的套句:信号词:Finally, to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, therefore, thus, overall句型:1. it can be concluded that2. we can find that3. I think it is also important to remember that4. the main point is to make sure that5. I believe that/ Personally, I think that/ I would say

26、 that/ I agree that/ My view is that雅思大作文结尾段之可采用的技巧1.总结式(重述前文)把在前文中的观点在结尾段进行重述,但是不能出现与开头段或者题目中的单词重复。In many countries schools have severe problems with student behaviour.What do you think are the cause of this?What solutions can you suggest?Perhaps parenting classes are needed to help them to do thi

27、s, and high quality nursery schools could be established that would support families more in terms of raising the next government should fund this kind of parental support, because this is no longer a problem for individual families, but for society as a whole.把solutions进行的简单的再次描写-父母、好的托儿所、政府的资金扶助。.

28、owadays we are producing more and more do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?I think, therefore, that governments need to raise this awareness in the general dren can be educated about environmental issues at school, but adults need to

29、take rnments can encourage such action by putting taxes on packaging, such as plastic bags, by providing recycling services and by fining households and shops that do not attempt to recycle their waste.重述上文的内容,由政府采取措施提高意识(children adult)-具体措施(提高价格、循环利用、罚款)2.两分式把*涉及到的主题人或者物分成两种,对其进行分别的说明。In many coun

30、tries children are engaged in some kind of paid people regard this ad completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important for learning and taking are your opinions on this?Nevertheless, in better economic circumstances, few parents would choose to send their children ou

31、t to full-time paid learning responsibilities and work experience are considered to be important, then children can acquire these by having light, part-time jobs or even doing tasks such as helping their parents around the family home, which are unpaid, but undoubtedly of value in childrens developm

32、ent.对于有钱的家庭而言,家长很少送小孩去做童工;如果是为了钱或者其他,可做兼职。.ome people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding rs, however, think that change is always a good thing.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.In conclusion, I would say that change can be stimulating and energizing for i

33、ndividuals when they pursue it themselves, but that all change, including that which is imposed on people, does not necessarily have good outcomes.如果是人们自己的选择那么改变是一件好的事情,但如果是被强加于身,改变则不会带来任何可喜的效果。3.折中式很难判断In conclusion, I do not think其中到底谁占据主导地位,或者什么是最重要的,两者是缺一不可的,需共同存在。Research indicates that the cha

34、racteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personalityand development than any experiences we may have in our life.That either nature or nurture is the major influence on a person, but that both have powerful these factors interact is still unknown today and they remain largely un

35、predictable in a persons life.两者是缺一不可的,天赋和后天培养同等重要。4.转折对比式提出另一种群体,与之相比,会产生什么效果来支持自己的观点。Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal of more money than people in other important people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair.Personally, I think that the amount of money such sports stars make is more justified than the huge earnings of movie stars, but at the same time, it indicates that our society places more value on sport than on more essential professions and achievements.把运动员与其他方面的工作人员进行对比比上不足比下有余。雅思写作常见错误之单复数


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