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1、雅思写作常见错误类型分析 雅思写作常见错误类型分析, 这7类你中招了么,今天就给大家带来了雅思写作常见错误类型分析,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作常见错误类型分析 这7类你中招了么雅思写作常见错误之各种前后不一致说话肯定前面说完了后面得跟上吧!比如:When one have enough money, she can do anything she want to do.one是第三人称单数,而且have应改为has; want应改为wants, 典型的主谓不一致,要改写的没改写;改为:When one has money, she can do anythin

2、g she wants (to do).雅思写作常见错误之中式思维要人命啊中式化。比如:There are many ways we get to know the outside world.分析:“there are many ways”以及“we get to know the outsideworld”。原本两个句子很正常,但用中式思维把两个句子一连起来,感觉就不对了,而且一种浓厚的中式乡村英语范袭来;改为:There are many ways for us to learn about the outside world.雅思写作常见错误之句子随意添加一般都是烤鸭们写完了一句话之后

3、,咦,不对,少写了一些东西,得加上去,然后就出现了这样的句子。There are many way to get the news. For example by TV, radio, newspaper and soon.其实也很好改,注意标点符号的使用,news后面加了点,就是句子的结束了,然后For还大写,这样后面就彻底成一个句子啦,不对;改为:There are many ways to get the news, for example, by TV, radio, andnewspaper.雅思写作常见错误之词性用错这个还要解释么,大家经常犯的错就集中在这里具体表现为:介词当动词用

4、;形容词当副词用;名词当动词用等。None can negative the importance of money. negative是什么词性呀,用到这里了,应该用动词:否定,deny!雅思写作常见错误之指代不清比如:Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted her to be her bridesmaid.这个句子相当于“我是谁的谁的谁的谁”。考官看到直接就蒙圈了改为:Mary was friendly to my sister because she wanted my sister to be her bridesmaid.雅

5、思写作常见错误之修饰词错位英语与汉语不同,放错一个位置,句子的意思就会完全发生变化啦!会造成了不必要的误解。比如:He believe him can do it well and he will better know the world outside the world.分析:better位置不对啊,应该是 he will know the world outside the world better,放到最后。雅思写作常见错误之用词不当比如:The increasing use of chemical obstacles in agriculture also makes pollut

6、ion.显然,把obstacles“障碍”,“障碍物”误作substance“物质”了。另外“the increasing use(不断增加的使用)”应改为“abusive use(滥用)”。雅思写作错误这么多?中式思维得背锅在多年的教学过程中,我发现学生雅思写作的问题各种各样,有的是因为内容跑题,有的是因为词汇使用不准确,但是,最常见的问题还是语法错误多,而且主要是因为受到中文影响而出现的语病问题最常见。今天,我们就一起来回顾和总结一下哪些是常出现的问题,以及学习如何去规避和改善。雅思写作常见错误之双谓语很多同学最爱用的高频句式,也是从小接触英语最开始的句型there be,可以说是人见人爱

7、,在各种话题,大小作文中都通用的结构,可是,它也是很多同学经常不注意就出错的陷阱地方。比如说,我们想表达“有好几个原因导致了这个结果。”如果按照字面的意思直接翻译,很容易写成“There are several reasons lead to the result.”这样的句子。这样一来,我们会发现,这个句子中出现了双谓语: are和 lead这种错误,我们可以通过提醒自己,在写there be句型时,be动词部分保持主谓一致,但其他的行为的描述我们去写非谓语或者从句。也就是说,刚才错误的句子我们可以改成There are several reasons leading to the resu

8、lt. 或者There are several reasons which lead to the result.大家可以立刻尝试下,结合非谓语或者从句翻译下面的句子:“有一些公司允许员工在家工作。”除了双谓语的这样的高频错误外,很多同学在处理中文想说的比较长难的句子时候,也会因为直接翻译,而反映出中式英语或者很多语法错误,我们来看一个例子。“在生活中出现的问题可以解决,对未来有可能出现的麻烦进行规避。”你会怎么写这句话呢?曾经有同学写出过 “Life problems can solve, future trouble can prevent.”这样的翻译版本。各位同学如果仔细挑一挑错误,会

9、发现,一个句子中出现了双主语,双谓语。那么,解决办法最简单的是把逗号变句号,写成两句话。或者进行相关的连接词的衔接,比如此句中可以加and来连接两个简单句。雅思写作常见错误之主动被动语态除了这个错误外,我们还会发现,问题自己怎么解决啊?麻烦自己怎么预防啊?所以,这种中文说起来像主动,但是在英语表达中我们实际上需要被动的翻译,是大家要去多注意和检查的陷阱地方。如果对应中文直接翻译,就出现了多动词,语态不合理的问题了。所以这个句子应该改成Problems in life can be solved and trouble in future may be prevented.综上所述,很多的语法错

10、误其实是因为直接对应中文进行翻译而产生的,如果各位同学可以在写作的过程中多注意这些陷阱,就可以减少错误出现的几率直至避免。雅思写作常见错误示例分析 语序与主谓一致篇雅思写作常见错误之语序从句不使用疑问句语序,而使用陈述句语序,即主语在前,谓语在后的顺序排列。错例1:Canyou tell me how many students are there in this class?正解:Can you tell me howmany students there are inthis class?错例2:Theywere more worried about how far did they ha

11、ve to walk to get to the trainstation and could they catch the train before it left.正解:They were moreworried about how far they had to walk to get to the train station and if they could catch the train before it left.改错练习:1. Its hard to decide when and where will we hold the sports meeting.2. If you

12、 want to learn about the latest developments and discoveriesfrom around the world, you will read about them in journals and researchreports published in English, no matter whether are the scientists who wrotethem from China or Norway.雅思写作常见错误之主谓一致和冠词的使用错例1:Apart-time job offers you chance to demonst

13、rate your ability and applywhat you have learned in school.正解:Apart-time job offers you a chance to demonstrate your ability and apply what you have learned in school.错例2:Booksare of the various kinds and have different contents.正解:Booksare of various kinds and have different contents.改错练习:1. The pr

14、oblemsthat are created by environmental contamination is very hard to resolve.2. The governmentsof all countries on this planet is beginning to realize the severity of watershortage.雅思写作常见错误示例分析 词性与固定搭配篇雅思写作常见错误之词性副词与形容词的误用,动词ing形式与动词不定式的误用是最为常见的。错例:Along with the rapid growth of tourism industry, s

15、ome scenic spots have successful attracted a large number of visitors.正解:Along with the rapid growth of tourism industry, some scenic spots have successfully attracted a large number of visitors.改错练习:1. Nowaday, the economic of our country grows more and more faster.2. Pollution will effect the citi

16、zens living standards negatively.3. There was a considerably growth in the amount of people becoming UK citizensfrom 1962 to 2002.4. Sit in front of the screen for a long time will pose a threat tochildrens health.5. Only when everyone is aware of the importance of environmentpreservation can the po

17、llution be alleviated.雅思写作常见错误之固定搭配对“to”的错觉是固定搭配中最常见的错误1、介词“to”错例:In addition to give a generalintroduction to computer, the course also provides practical experience.正解:In addition to giving a general introduction to computer, the course alsoprovides practical experience.课程除了一般介绍电脑知识外,还提供实际操作的机会。类似

18、词组:adapt todue topay attention toattach importance to2、不定式“to”错例:People should bedetermined to holding on to this job whatever difficulties he might runinto.正解:People should be determinedto hold on to this job whatever difficulties hemight run into.他下定决心,不管碰到什么困难,都要坚持做这工作。类似词组:in order toagree todec

19、ide topretend to3、搭配混淆cannot helpI cannot help wondering about that girl.我不免对那个女孩感到惊奇。cannot help butDue to the present price level, we cannothelp but adjust our offer.由于目前的价格情况,我方不得不调整报价。类似词组:be strict with sb. 对人要求严格be strict in sth. 对事要求严格take (make) a stand for 捍卫take (make) a stand against 反对be

20、hind time 迟到,过期behind thetimes 落在时代后面at present=at the present time 目前for the present 暂时out of the question 绝不可能without question 毫无疑问改错练习:1. You must adapt to livein international society.2. We should be strict with (doing) our work.3. The failure of the scheme was due to manage badly.4. In order to maintaining physical well being, a person should eat wholesome food and get sufficient exercise.5. We hope you will pay attention to educateyour children.6. The policy is beneficial to reinforce schooldiscipline.


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