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1、word 全新版第二版综合B2U7-A Part I Listening prehension ( 10 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear ten statements. Numbers 1 to 6 are based on Text A while the rest are based on Text B. Each statement will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and decide whether each statement is true

2、 or false. 1. A) T B) F Script: English has richer vocabulary than other major languages because it borrows a lot of words from other languages. 正确答案: A 2. A) T B) F Script: Anglo-Saxon English, as the core of our language, is usually plex and direct. 正确答案: B 3. A) T B) F Script: It is believed that

3、 many modern languages may derive from a mon parent language. 正确答案: B 4. A) T B) F Script: French has a great influence on English language for it was the only language used in 1066. 正确答案: A 5. A) T B) F Script: William Caxton started the munications revolution in England and greatly enriched Englis

4、h with the new thoughts of European Renaissance. 正确答案: A 6. A) T B) F Script: Thermometer is a borrowed word from Latin. 正确答案: B 7. A) T B) F Script: English is a global language in terms of the number of users, the depth of penetration and the range of functions. 正确答案: A 8. A) T B) F Script: It is

5、estimated that about a quarter of the worlds population can speak some English. 正确答案: B 9. A) T B) F Script: According to the Text B, there will be a new language ruling the world in a hundred years. 正确答案: B 10. A) T B) F Script: Language shifts are slow and difficult to predict. 正确答案: A Section B D

6、irections: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when

7、 the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. English is a world famous language used most (11)_ as a second language and (12)_ language in many parts of the world. The main reason for this vast (13)_ of English language is attributed to the British (14)_ over majo

8、r parts of the world. After World War II, Unites States has received a kick start in (15)_ and cultural areas which also (16)_ highly to the wide spread (17)_ of English as an official language. The (18)_ statistics show that over a billion people speak English all over the world. This is because of

9、 the direct relation of (19)_ in various areas. Knowing English is considered as a major factor that can (20)_ ones success in his professional arena. Script: English is a world famous language used most monly as a second language and official language in many parts of the world. The main reason for

10、 this vast usage of English language is attributed to the British attack over major parts of the world. After World War II, Unites States has received a kick start in economical and cultural areas which also contributed highly to the wide spread acceptance of English as an official language. The cur

11、rent statistics show that over a billion people speak English all over the world. This is because of the direct relation of language and excellence in various areas. Knowing English is considered as a major factor that can interfere with ones success in his professional arena. 正确答案: monly 正确答案: offi

12、cial 正确答案: usage 正确答案: attack 正确答案: economical 正确答案: contributed 正确答案: acceptance 正确答案: current 正确答案: language and excellence 正确答案: interfere with Part II Reading prehension ( 25 minutes ) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with several blanks. You are required to select one w

13、ord for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. The tolerance for change also represent

14、s deeply rooted ideas of freedom. Danish scholar Otto Jespersen wrote in 1905, The English language would not have been what it is if the English had not been for centuries great respecters of the 21 of each individual and if everybody had not been free to 22 new paths for himself. I like that idea.

15、 Consider that the same cultural 23 producing the English language also 24 the great principles of freedom and rights of man in the 25 world. The first shoots 26 in England, and they grew stronger in America. The English-speaking peoples have defeated all efforts to build 27 around their language. I

16、ndeed, the English language is not the special 28 of grammarians, language police, teachers, writers or the intellectual 29 . English is, and always has been, the 30 of mon man. A) soilB) conservationC) nourishedD) preserve E) work outF) sprang upG) eliteH) make for I) tongueJ) powerK) fencesL) libe

17、rties M) modernN) strike outO) mouth 21._ 正确答案: L 22._ 正确答案: N 23._ 正确答案: A 24._ 正确答案: C 25._ 正确答案: M 26._ 正确答案: F 27._ 正确答案: K 28._ 正确答案: D 29._ 正确答案: G 30._ 正确答案: I Section B Directions: There are several passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements

18、. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice. Passage One Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage. When a consumer finds that an item she or he bought is faulty or in some other way does not live up to the manufacturers claim,

19、 the first step is to present the warranty (保单), or any other records which might help, at the store of purchase. In most cases, this action will produce results. However, if it does not, there are various means the consumer may use to gain satisfaction. A simple and mon method used by many consumer

20、s is to plain directly to the store manager. In general, the higher up the consumer takes his or her plaint, the faster he or she can expect it to be settled. In such a case, it is usually settled in the consumers favor, assuming he or she has a just claim. Consumers should plain in person whenever

21、possible, but if they cannot get to the place of purchase, it is acceptable to phone or write the plaint in a letter. plaining is usually most effective when it is done politely but firmly, and especially when the consumer can demonstrate what is wrong with the item in question. If this cannot be do

22、ne, the consumer will succeed best by presenting specific information as to what is wrong, rather than by making general statements. For example, The left speaker does not work at all and the sound ing out of the right one is unclear is better than This stereo does not work. The store manager may ad

23、vise the consumer to write to the manufacturer. If so, the consumer should do this, stating the plaint as politely and as firmly as possible. But if a polite plaint does not achieve the desired result, the consumer can go a step further. She or he can threaten to take the seller to court or report t

24、he seller to a private or public organization responsible for protecting consumers rights. 31. When a consumer finds that his or her in it, the first thing he or she should do is to _. A) plain personally to the manager B) threaten to take the seller to court C) write a firm letter of plaint to the

25、store of purchase D) show some written proof of the purchase to the store 正确答案: D 32. How can a consumer make his or her plaint more effective, according to the passage? A) Explain exactly what is wrong with the item. B) Threaten to take the seller to court. C) Make polite and general statements abo

26、ut the problem. D) Avoid having direct contact with the store manager. 正确答案: A 33. According to the passage, which of the following is suggested as the last alternative that consumers may turn to? A) plain to the store manager in person. B) plain to the manufacturer. C) Write a plaint letter to the

27、manager. D) Turn to the Consumers Rights Protection Organization for help. 正确答案: D 34. The phrase live up to (in Para.1) in this context means _. A) meeting the standard of B) realizing the purpose of C) fulfilling the demands of D) keeping the promise of 正确答案: A 35. The passage tells us _. A) how t

28、o settle a consumers plaint about a faulty item B) how to make an effective plaint about a faulty item C) how to avoid buying a faulty item D) how to deal with plaints from customers 正确答案: B Passage Two Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage. If you ask people to name one person who h

29、ad the greatest effect on the English language, you will get answers like Shakespeare, Samuel Johnson and Webster but none of these men had any effect at all pared with a man who didnt even speak English William the Conqueror. Before 1066, in the land we now call Great Britain lived people belonging

30、 to two major language groups. In the west-central region lived the Welsh, who spoke a Celtic language, and in north lived the Scots, whose language, though not the same as Welsh, was also Celtic. In the rest of the country lived the Saxons, actually a mixture of Anglos-Saxons, and other Germanic an

31、d Nordic peoples, who spoke what we call Anglo-Saxon (or Old English), a Germanic Language. If this state of affairs had lasted, English today would be close to German. But this state of affairs did not last. In 1066 the Normans led by William defeated the Saxons and began their rule over England. F

32、or about a century, French became the official language of England while Old English became the language of peasants. As a result, English words of politics and the law e from French rather than German. In some cases, modern English even shows a distinction between upper-class French and lower-class

33、 Anglo-Saxon in its words. We even have different words for some foods, meat in particular, depending on whether it is still out in fields or at home ready to be cooked, which shows the fact that the Saxon peasants were doing the farming, while the upper-class Normans were doing most of the eating.

34、When Americans visit Europe for the first time, they usually find Germany more foreign than France because the German they see on signs and advertisements seems much more different from English than French does. Few realize that the English language is actually Germanic in its beginning and that the

35、 French influences are all the result of one mans ambition. 36. According to the passage, _ had the great effect on the English language. A) Shakespeare B) Samuel Johnson C) Webster D) William the Conqueror 正确答案: D 37. The two major languages spoken in what is now called Great Britain before 1066 we

36、re _. A) Welsh and Scottish B) Nordic and Germanic C) Celtic and Old English D) Anglo-Saxon and Germanic 正确答案: C 38. Which of the following groups of words are, by inference, rooted in French? A) President, lawyer, beef. B) President, bread, water. C) Bread, field, sheep. D) Folk, field, cow. 正确答案:

37、A 39. Why does France appear less foreign than Germany to Americans on their first visit to Europe? A) Because most advertisements in France appear in English. B) Because they know little of the history of the English language. C) Because many French words are similar to English ones. D) Because the

38、y know French better than German. 正确答案: C 40. What is the subject discussed in the text? A) The history of Great Britain. B) The similarity of Great Britain. C) The rule of England by William the Conqueror. D) The French influences on the English language. 正确答案: D Part III Vocabulary and Structure (

39、 10 minutes ) Directions: There are a number of inplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best pletes the sentence. 41. Before the arrival of the white man, Australia was _ solely by aborigines. A) inhabited B) sheltered C)

40、 lived D) inhabiting 正确答案: A 42. She was always on the _ for some new calamity. A) attention B) alert C) consciousness D) alter 正确答案: B 43. Yan Fus _ on the translation circle is immeasurable. A) influence B) affect C) consequence D) result 正确答案: A 44. The country _ from a backward agricultural coun

41、try into an advanced industrial country. A) transmission B) transformed C) transferred D) transported 正确答案: B 45. The new _ of the country were fixed after the war. A) capitals B) lands C) frontiers D) boundaries 正确答案: D 46. Literature and art have a great _ peoples ideology. A) impact on B) influen

42、ce on C) effect on D) impression on 正确答案: B 47. Sally _ all foolish ments and kept on working. A) excluded B) discharged C) ignored D) denied 正确答案: C 48. Lets have more _ and less fighting in the house. A) welfare B) affection C) harmony D) discussion 正确答案: C 49. The clothes a person wears may express his _ or social position. A) curiosity B) status


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