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1、- 第一模块一、 选出以下不同类的单词:1、A.nice B.clever C.door 2、A.teacher B.pupil C.shy3、A.naughty B.curl C. cute 4、A.big B.very C.good5、A.mother B.friend C.little6、A.is B. this C.these 7、A.he B.she C.my 8、A . housework B .homework C .everything 9、A .aunt B .big C .uncle 10、A .answer B .badC .good二、英汉互译1、友好的,亲切的,讨人喜

2、欢的2、聪明的 3、淘气的4、a bit 5、shy6、接 7、call8、bad 9、aunt10、,给打11、big12、伯父,叔父,舅父,姑父,姨父13、幼小的,年幼的 14、得意的二、选择将正确的序号填写在括号1、She is . A.a very nice B.very nice2、She is .A.a bit shy B.a bit nice3、He is . A.a clever B.clever4、Parrot is . A .a very naughty B.very naughty5、are my friends. A.These B.This6、is Maomao. A

3、. These B.This7、is my big brother. A. These B.This8、He is . A.a cool B.cool9、This issister. A.little my B.my little10、Its very big and _(美丽)A naughtyB beautifulC clever三、补全对话:A:Hello,Tom! This is Mr Smart. B:C:Hello,Tom.Are you shyB:C:Ha,ha. Whos shy in your classB:C: Whos naughtyB:Parrot is very na

4、ughty.C: A、No, I am not . I am very clever.B、Shes our new teacher.C、Xiaoyong is a bit shy.D、You are very cute.E、Hello,Mr Smart.四、翻译以下句子和短语:、1、我的朋友们2、盼盼的小妹妹3、一个非常聪明的小学生4、一位友善的教师5、一只非常漂亮的鸟儿6、你现在能接吗_7、这是我的小妹妹。她有点害羞。_8、这是他的大兄弟。他很酷。_五、选词填空:20分hes shes is isnt yes no can hes not are am an The and but1、Thi

5、s ( ) Ms Smart. ( ) a nice teacher.2、This ( ) Xiaoyoug. ( ) a clever pupil.3、( ) you answer the call now4、Parrot is very naughty! But ( ) a bad bird.5、This is maomao.( )very nice .6、This is my mother.( )a nice teacher .7、You a shy doctor. 8、I tall fat.9、 elephant is very big.第二模块一、翻译以下词组1.船_2.女王_ 3.

6、美丽的_4.大本钟_ 5.一本关于伦敦的书_6.城市7.谁的8.著名的9.一个大城市10.谁的房子11.离近二、写出以下单词的对应词1.new _ 2.tall _3.big _ 4.long四、根据所给提示,补全句子1.Its very big and very _(美丽的)。2.Its the Queens _(房间)3.There are many_(小船) on the river。4.Tower Bridge is very_(著名的) 。五、选词填空 beautifulfamouswideold tallbignaughty1.Big Ben is very _and very _

7、.2.Hyde Park is very _ .3.Tower bridge is very _.4.Tiananmen Square(天安门广场) is very _.5.My new teacher is very _ .6.My brother is _六、我是单项选择的小行家。( )1、My house is very small, _its beautiful. A.but B.so C.and( )2、This is a book_ cars. A.about B.of C.on( )3、London is a_ city. A.naughty B.clever C.big( )4

8、、Is that_ house A. he B.his C. you ( )5.This is Big Ben. Its very _ A.tall B.wide C.short D.long( )6.This is a book about London. Its very _.A.short B.long C.tall D.nice( )7. Is your mother tall No , but she is_A.tall B.beautiful C.naughty D.big七、连词成句1.mother is this my . 2.house that Amys is .3.old

9、 very The is book .八、阅读理解,根据课文容,判断正T误FLondon is the capital首都 of Englang.The famous Hyde Park is in London. The park is not very big but very beautiful. And the Big Ben is in London,too.It is old and tall.It is very famous. Tower Bridge is famous,too.River Thames泰晤士河 is very long and wide宽的.Some boa

10、ts are on the river every day.( )1.London is the capital of England.( )2.Hyde Park is in New York.( )3.Hyde Park is very big and beautiful.( )4.River Thames is a long river.第三、四模块1找出以下不同类型的单词: 1、A .take B .help C .piic 2、A .Great B .Oh C .ball 3、A .because B .kite C .so 4、A .Thursday B .why C .Tuesd

11、ay 5、A .will B .homework C .piic 6、A .capital B .famous C .beautiful 7、A .long B .wide C.about 8、A .England B .China C .London 9、A .will B .so C .do 10、A .play B .on C .start2把以下单词补充完整:1、every (所有事情) 2、work (家务) 3、work(家庭作业) 4、an (能、会) 5、 holi_(假期)写出以下单词的缩写形式:11、will not= 12、do not= 13、what is= 14、w

12、ell =15、were =1将以下单词填入对应括号:星期日 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四( 星期五 星期六 星期 今天 明天 2翻译以下短语:1、给我读书听2、做蛋糕3、在4、帮助孩子们学习5、做我们的作业 6、The Weather Tomorrow 7、和我的朋友玩 8、I hope not 9、I dont know 10、be cloudy 11、ride his bike_ 12、放风筝_13、在星期一_ 14、去野餐_15、和朋友一起玩_ 16、读我的书_17、帮助我的妈妈_ 18、go to the park_19、拜访我的奶奶_ 20、去游泳_三、选择填空: 1、Why n

13、ot tomorrow is Friday . A .So B .Because C .And 2、they do our homework No ,they wont . A. Will B.Can C.Are 3、Ill go swimming Tuesday. A .at B .in C.on 4、Today is Sunday and tomorrow is . A .Saturday B .Tuesday C .Monday 5、On Saturday we have a piic . A .are going to B .is going to C .am going to 6、W

14、ill you take your ball A .Yes ,I wont B .No ,I wont C .No ,I will 7、What will Shanshan do on Monday She help her mother. A .wills B.is willing C.will 8、Lingling will her grandmother next week . A .visits B .is going to visit C .visit 9、Whats that a robot . A.This is B.That is C.Its 10、Robots can . A

15、.talks B.taiking C.talk 11、And they will help children . A .learns B .learn C .learning 12、One day robots will do everything . A .一天 B .总有一天 C .过去一天 13、Will it be in Shenyang A .snow B .snowy C .is snow 14、Will it be windy tomorrow A . I wont know B .I dont know C .I cant know 15、 you walk fast Yes

16、, I . A .Will can B .Can can C .Can will1用所给单词填空: a do take so have with1、Were going to a piic on Sunday . 2、Will you your kite for a piic tomorrow 3、My favourite toy is a puter game , I will play puter games on Sunday . 4、On Friday afternoon I will play football my friends 5、Next week is holiday .

17、and of see on read about6、There are many boats the river . 7、Today is Monday tomorrow is Tuesday .8、Ill my books at home on Sunday. 9、London is the capital England .10、This is a book China .2根据信息,完成短文: The Weather Forecast(天气预报)MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday,SaturdayandSunday Good evening ever

18、ybody !What will the weather be this week It will be on Monday .But it will be on Tuesday .It will be on Wednesday. It willon Thursday .And on Friday,Saturday and Sunday it will .Children wont go out to play on Saturday and Sunday.第五模块一、完整以下单词1、d_ _t_ 2、o_d 3、sh_ _t 4、y_ _ _g 5、str_ _ _6、cl_ _n 7、g_

19、 _ _ _parent 8、b_g 9、h_ _ _ 10、th_ _(那时)二、翻译以下短语:1、长头发 2、一只小鸡3、多么得意 4、一只肥猫5、非常漂亮 6、a red hen7、I was short 8、They are old9、You were so cute 10、a naughty boy三、选择填空: 1、Were they old then . A . No, it wasnt 2、Is it clean . B . Yes,Iam. 3、Who are they,Lingling. C .They are my grandparents 4、Are you tall

20、. D. No,it isnt. 5、You short . E . No, they werent 6. Her hair_ short then. F. No, they arent 7、Are they young. G. was 8、Were they old then. H. are 9、Was it thin thenI.Yes, they were 10、The monkey has a _ tail. . J A.tall B. long C. longer 四、用所给词的正确形式填空,每词用一次。 young tall big thin long old1、Monkeys t

21、ail isthan the rabbits兔子tail. 2、Dick is 11 years old. Nina is 12 years old. . Dick is than Nina. 3、Im 140 cm . 4、My eyes are _ than her .5、Howare you Im 15 years old .五、连词成句。20分 1、long, my, is, now,hair,_2、cute ,so ,You , then, were 3、very ,is, beautiful, it _六、阅读短文,判断正误,对的打,错的打。10分Molly and Polly a

22、re sisters .Polly is 13 years old and Molly is 7 . Polly is taller than Molly .Pollys hair is long and black . Mollys hair is shorter .Pollys legs are longer .Molly is fatter than Polly. Their blue and big eyes are the very same size .( )1、Molly is younger than Polly .( )2、Molly is shorter than Poll

23、y .( )3、Mollys hair is longer .第六模块一、找出以下不同类型的单词: 1. A .sun B . sunny C .windy 2. A .well B .fine C .rain 3. A .Monday B .Saturday C .lesson 4. A .village B .China C .city 5. A .were B .yesterday C .today二、按要求写词汇 1. is过去式 2. are过去式 3. now对应词 4. big反义词 5. old反义词 6. fat反义词7. young反义词 8. long反义词9. wasn

24、t完全形式10. were not缩写形式三、单项选择 1. How are you ,sister- . A. Im eight. B. Sorry C.Very well , thank you. 2. How old are you, grandpa?- . A. Im nine. B.Im fine. C. Im sixty. 3. Was it windy in Beijing yesterday- . A. Yes, it was. B.No,it werent. C. Yes, it wasnt 4. you at home yesterday - No , I wasnt. A

25、. Was B. Were C.Are 5. I want to in the sun. A.play B.playing C. out 6.- it sunny in Xian now-No,it isnt. A. Was B. Are C.Is 7. I went to the shop my mother. A. and B. to C. with 8.Where is Sam-Hes Shenzhen. A. in B. of C. under 9. I went to school my English lesson. A. to B.for C.in 10.-Your hair w

26、as so short.- A. Yes, now my hair is long. B. Yes, now my hair is short. C. I dont know.四、选词完成对话。 A. well B. windy C. Were D. was E. ThisA: Hello,Xiaogang. 1. is Xiaoming. B: Hello, Xiaoming. How are youA: Very 2. . Thank you. And you B: Im fine. Thanks.A: Is it 3. in Shanghai B: No, its sunny.A: Gr

27、eat! Was it sunny yesterday, too B: Yes, it 4. . A: 5. you at home yesterday. B: No, I wasnt. I went to school.A: Goodbye B: Bye!五、读句子,按提示答复以下问题。1. Was it a big city? 否认答复2. Was it sunny Shanghai yesterday(肯定答复3. Was Yinchuan a small village(肯定答复六、阅读短文,判断正(T)误FIm Lili. Im in Shanghai now. Shanghai i

28、s a big and beautiful city. It was small village then, It was windy yesterday. But it is sunny today. Im in the street with Grandma and Xiaoming. We buy a dragon kite. I want to fly it with Xiaoming in the sun. 1. Shanghai is a big city now. 2. Shanghai is sunny today. 3. We buy a beautiful foot bal

29、l. 4. It was windy yesterday. 5. I want to fly the kite with Grandma.第七模块一、找出以下不同类型的单词:1. A .cook B . wash C .dirty 2. A .Mr B .Monday C .Mrs 3. A .e B .puter C .TV 4. A .phoned B .wash C .helped 5. A .him B .your C . my 二、按要求写词汇1. phone过去式 2. did否认式 3. him主格4. Mrs对应词5. had原形三、单项选择1. Mr Smartfish ye

30、sterday. A. cooking B. cook C.cooked 2. Saturday Sam his grandpa. A. On; phone B.At; phone C. On;phoned 3. -What about SamHe Mum.A. didnt help B.didnt helped C. dont help4. - did you do at the weekend- We rowed a boat on the lake. A. What B. Who C.When5. Yesterday was a holiday.We all a very happy d

31、ay. A.have B.had C. are6.We listened music and they talked some friends. A. with to B. on to C. to with 7. On Sunday Linging in the park.A. play the table tennis B.played the table tennis C. played table tennis 8.Grandpa cooked fish yesterday. Sam helped . A. he B. him C. his 9. Tom isnt a bad boy.

32、He is aboy. A. good B.strong C.big 10.I love him. He loves me, . A. two B. also C. too 四、根据问句选答语。1.Were you at home yesterday A.He didnt help Mum.2.Who is that girl B.I will fly a kite in the park. 3.What about Tom C. Yes, I was.4.What did you do last Sunday D. I played on the puter. 5.What will you

33、 do on Saturday E. She is my friend. 五、连词成句1. helped Sam him yesterday ( ) 2. On he friend Tuesday his visited ( ) 3. puter the on played last She Sunday ( ) 4. you Did football play yesterday ( )5. you meat Did dinner cook yesterday for ( ) 六、阅读短文,判断正(T)误FLast Sunday, my father watched TV. My mothe

34、r cleaned the house. My sister helped her. I played in the park with my friends. We were very happy. 1. My father watched TV last Sunday. 2. My mother watched TV. 3. My sister helped my mother. 4. I played in the zoo. 5. I didnt help my mother. 七、阅读短文,答复下面的问题。It was Saturday yesterday. It was sunny

35、and windy. Li Mei helped her mother do the housework in the morning. She went to the park with her friends in the afternoon. They rowed a boat and talked with each other. Her little brother Li Ming listened to the music. Their father, Mr Li,walked with Miss Dog. They were very happy.1.It is Sunday t

36、oday. 2.Li Ming helped his mother do the housework 3.Li Mei rowed a boat with her friends. 4.Mrs Li walked with Miss Dog. 5.They werent very happy.第八模块一、完成以下单词或短语:1.谁 o 2.祖父(母)gr dpar t 3.在那时th 4.头发h 5.堂兄csin 6.美国the 7.在东部 the8.汉语Chin 9.如此得意(be) cute 10.现在n二、按要求写出以下单词的形式: 1.is过去式2.were(原形) 3.young(反

37、义词) 4.long(反义词)5.fat(反义词) 6.tall(反义词) 7.was not(缩写) 8.does not(缩写)9.dont(全写形式)10.arent(全写形式)三、选择填空: ( )1.Who they A.is B.was C.are( )2.Your hair short then. A.is B.was C.were( )3.They are my . A.grandparent B. grandparents C. granparents( )4.He naughty now A. isnt B.wasnt C.werent( )5.Who is that li

38、ttle girl me. A. Shes B.Hes C. Its ( )6.But she was very naughty,.A. also B.too C.either ( )7.Beijing is China. A.the capital for B.the of capital C.the capital of ( )8.This girl is worse than girl. A.the first B.a first C.the one( )9.People English in America. A.say B.speak C.talk ( )10.Shanghai is a famous city.My cousin Xiaohu there. A.lives in B.live in Clives 11.You were cute. A so B more C much( )12.But she ve


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