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3、CHAPTER 13 BENEFITS AND SERVICES3CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENTI sum up five main points specific HR problems I think Cater Cleaning will have to grapple with.First of all, they were lake for personnel management regulations and procedures both every manager and each employee. A

4、s there were many of problems which were harmful to their management because workers lake a series of clear knowledge, abilities and skills. For e*ample, fair employment problems would serious damage employees rights but they didnt know up to now. Human resource managements always asked people of ap

5、plicants about their national topic and some other sensitive topics but they didnt refer to professional, abilities and, many other useful topics. Luckily, they havent been reported their discrimination because the employees were almost women and ethnic minority which were short of laws concept. Thi

6、s phenomenon told us they couldnt clarify fair employment rules and professional knowledge and laws knowledge.In addition, human resource managements couldnt make employees clear their own duties and responsibilities. They employees didnt know their clear division of responsibilities; as a result, C

7、ater Center would be inefficiency after confusion day by day. Numan resource of Cater Center couldnt keep employee loyalty and employee stability. It is terrible for a pany to face employee thefts there. It would not only cause benefits of pany, but also cause legitimate equities of the firm. Whats

8、worse, as a result, corporate cultural development and employees activities will be destroyed. Not only the issue of fair employment lacks attention, but also the manager himself has not received any basic training. If I were Jennifer, I will persuade every management to pay much attention make a Po

9、st Office Book at first for all of my employees in order that they can identify their responsibilities and obligation. In addition, we must identify the management process is based on the functions of planning, organization, staffing, leading, and controlling. In total, we start with these five func

10、tions and we will avoid mistakes like I summed up in my first paragraph.We must consummate the rules and processes of HRM. We can achieve it by solving the fair employment problem, improving their knowledge, abilities and skills of cleaning and service, enhancing legal knowledge and e*perience. By d

11、oing these, we can improve Cater Centers personnel management regulations and procedures both every manager and each employee.CHAPTER 3 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY AND ANALYSISI would remend that the Caters e*pand their quality program. My reasons are as shown below.First, the pany faced to a

12、 larger scale and only holding employee meetings cant solve all the problems they facing. So we must e*pend ways and measures for every employee in order to widening the feedback channel for the problem of pany.Second, as a manager, we cant be everywhere watching everything all the time. And e*pendi

13、ng the quality program is a real way for innovation and sustainable development to the pany. We need to discover a series of finding for making progress at any time.Specifically, Cater should e*pand their quality program by taking forms as shown below.We need make a scientific strategic human resour

14、ce management in the whole pany in order to guarantee the running of it.Training and development is the first step for strategy. It will be e*plicit if Caters make employees know that where are they now and who they are, and writing a job description, significantly. They will learn to size up the si

15、tuation including perform e*ternal and internal audits., Afterwards, Caters strategic options will be known and be created by managers and even employees easily. At the same time, they will be supportive and having a high performance. It can minimize the plane turnaround on ground and the meals and

16、frills and so on. All of these benefits are to decrease costs and increase revenues for the organization.A question we must face to and need to be solved urgently is whether the employees want to act and accept like mini-manager only with earning about 8 to 15 per hour. It refers to the question of

17、salary administration. So if we make a fair salary system that employees approval, we will gain a different group which is much better and petent than ever before.In addition, I think Caters should focus on the outline summarizing important HR practice as I designed below.First of all I think it is

18、important to collect the opinions of customers and employees before we make a systematic of HR practice. We will identify clear condition of working and program by doing this.Then we must make Job Description to each position of Cater Center. We can decide how to measure the performance of an old or

19、 new hires. For e*ample, with Cater system, hiring managers input their evaluations of each new hire at the end of the employees first several days.Refer to their important designed, we can make a HR practice category and analysis for Caters as I refer below.HR practice categoryDescriptionE*amplesSt

20、uffingProcedures to evaluate relevant knowledge, skills, abilities for fit Selective screening assessment of technical interpersonal skills/attitudes/personalSelf-managed teamsPower downward by granting authority and responsibility Employee participation programs Teams with decision making authority

21、 Decentralized decision makingEmpowering employees Authority to make decisions participate managementTrainingFormalizing programs to develop knowledge , skills, abilities Training for current/future skills Technical interpersonalFle*ible work assignmentsBroaden individual knowledge, skills, abilitie

22、s Job rotation job enrichment abilities to perform jobmunicationOpen . Channels to e*press viewpoints Employee suggestion systemspensationPerformance-contingent pay, group-based pay, market pay policies Profit/gain sharing ownershipCHAPTER 4 JOB ANALYSIS AND THE TALENT MANAGEMENT PROCESSThe format t

23、o be used to write the job description of the laundry managerFirst of all, we need to analyze the structure of Cater Cleaning pany so that identify the description of job. We can get the table of structure by analyzing as shown above.From the drawing above, we can see that laundry organization is th

24、e simplest vertical management mode, laundry managers are their basic jobs, but there are multiple posts under them. This simple organizational structure is suitable for this kind of pany.From the drawing above, we can see that laundry organization is the simplest vertical management mode, laundry m

25、anagers are their basic jobs, but there are multiple posts under them. This simple organizational structure is suitable for this kind of pany. First of all, the size of a laundry as an enterprise will not be large. Secondly, the general objectives and tasks and responsibilities of the Laundromat man

26、agers mentioned in the case are relatively specific and relatively small. In the end, the staff of the laundry will not have a high level of knowledge, which is related to the content of their work. To sum up, we should pay attention to the following points in writing the job instructions of the lau

27、ndry manager.1.The job description should be simple and easy to write in the format, not too plicated2.The job description should be easy to understand in the description of the contentAccording to this, the job description of the form is best suited to the manager of the laundry.Whats more, work st

28、andards and procedures should be written into the job description.The job description is a detailed description of the information related to the job, which includes the person concerned, and the description also contains a description of the related matter. The working standard and procedure is a d

29、escription of the job related matters. It further e*plains what e*tent the duty personnel should do and how to do it. As a result, I think that work standards and procedures should be written into the job description.How can Jennifer collect the information needed to write work standards, work proce

30、dures, and job descriptionsI think there are many ways of collecting information, such as the following:1. Summary of the work standards, procedures and job descriptions of similar enterprises.2. Collect opinions on customers and employees.3. Consult a number of e*perts and intermediaries.4. Get the

31、 main information from the activities of employees, actions of people, the working performance, working background and the requirement of employees and so on.The store managers job description should look like and contain as the table below.Post NamePost NumberPost CategorySubordinate DepartmentPost

32、 SequencePost QuotaSummary of postJob basisJob contentJob targetMain Relationship of PostBasic Training RequiredDuties and StandardsBasic Capacity RequiredPerformance IndicatorsUse Tool EquipmentQualificationWorking HoursProficient Work PeriodDiversity of Work E*perienceDate of pilationDural the Con

33、veyancesEffective DateInformingCHAPTER 5 PERSONNEL PLANNING AND RECRUTINGHow would I remend we go about reducing the turnover in our stores I prepare some solutions below.Making a reasonable recruitment plan is the most important step to keep employees staying in the pany. We need to research carefu

34、lly when we interview them and we must e*clude someone shaky. To a certain e*tent, the rate of turnover will be decreased by doing this.Shaping an attractive corporate culture is an important measure to retain employees and e*ecutive. As we all know, a nice kind of culture can shape personality and

35、also form a sense of belonging and dependence.Making positive pensation and welfare is also important for retaining employees. We not only need to give justice salary to employees, but also need to make active welfare system for stimulating. Also, we can offer the panys stock options or equity plans

36、 is a relatively low cost way to increase the long-term potential ine of employees.Last but not least, we must take care of emotions of employees at any time. Such as their relations with families, with supervisor-subordinate, with colleagues, and even with their own spirits including their career h

37、appiness and so on. I believe we can retain our employees much better by doing these I demonstrated above.I think we need these causes to resolve the question how to improve the quality of applicant and the rate of passing.Make a feasible recruitment strategy. HRs own quality and knowledge are also

38、important to choose the appropriate location and location, and to improve the recruitment efficiency.The recruitment information will help us to select talents scientifically, make clear qualifications, and identify highly qualified applicants with petence. In addition, structured interviews can be

39、carried out.Promote the employing department to participate in the whole process of recruitment. Because the work environment, leadership style and management concept are used because of the unit for what kind of It differs from man to man., job seekers, only use department most clearly, therefore,

40、recruitment departments to continue to instill in Department Recruitment concept, promote their active participation in the whole process of recruitment, human resource planning, recruitment, interview needs to develop recruitment, etc. Last but not least, it is also important to create a harmonious

41、 enterprise environment.Considered carefully for all of information the job seekers need when we publishing a job advertisement. We can make job advertisement as is shown below.The job advertisement for Cater Cleaning panyl Address l Publishing timel DeadlineMore than one years work e*perience|Age i

42、s not limitedMore than6 per hour Feedback in 5 daysl Job descriptionl Post dutiesl Tenure requirements Working e*perience preferred Have basic management ability Have strong business understanding, plan e*ecution, writing ability and learning ability. Be familiar with. Laws and regulations to avoid

43、labor disputes; Higher professionalisml Enterprise introductionl Other information: Department: Human Resources Department Professional requirements ContactPlease indicate the name or number of the position in the mail and indicate that the recruitment information es from the HR.CHAPTER 6 EMPLOYEE T

44、ESTING AND SELECTIONSome advantages to Jennifers pany of routinely administrating honesty tests to all its employees. Testing honesty of employees can not only strengthen the panys discipline, but also keep the pany open and fair and the organization structure is plete and transparent.In addition, i

45、t can promote the orderly conduct of production and avoid unnecessary financial losses.It can strengthen the cohesiveness of enterprises and setting up a good social image, so as to ensure the credibility of the staff and enhance corporate reputation and customer satisfaction. Some disadvantages to

46、Jennifers pany of routinely administrating honesty tests to all its employees. Employees maybe lack a sense of security and belonging, and they feel that they are doubted by their superiors. Also, it may increase the cost of work and time and reduce the effective rate of return of enterprisesWhat ot

47、her screening techniques could the pany use to screen out theft-prone and turnover-prone employees And how e*actly could these be usedWe can import the introduction of special personnel, who is integrity testing literacy, including leakage theory, information manipulation theory, real monitoring the

48、ory, and interpersonal deception theory and so on.Also, we can design integrity test scale to identify the faith of employees. The types of tests are tests of cognitive abilities, tests of motor and physical abilities and measuring personality and interests and achievement tests and improving performance through hires. We can make the background check more valuable information of employees by doing these tests.How to fire a stolen employee and how to deal with the reference calls


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