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1、托福阅读之教你如何拿到28+ 其实掌握方法,托福阅读并不难,今天给大家带来了托福阅读教你如何拿到28+,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读并不难 教你如何拿到28+阅读28,从哪里开刀单词,长难句,*结构,题型专项训练都是阅读拿高分的关键。先看几个题型的做法:1. 事实信息题方法:key words, key sentences, key meaning步骤:精读题干,确定定位词,回原文找定位句,提取题干,根据关键信息筛选四个选项。注意,ETS可是很容易设置同义句改写来迷惑你的。2. 推断题标志:infer,imply,indicate,suggest,most li

2、kely方法:联系上下文,总结概括,正反推断步骤:精读题干,寻找定位词,回原文定位,读懂理解,根据所获信息推导遇到较难题时,可以结合排除法(没提及/相反/极端/前半句对后半句错或反之),排除掉错的,正确选项就出来了。3. 修辞目的题标志: why,in order to(题干中) / To do, Do(选项开头)方法:抓住主旨做题步骤:定位句不重要,定位句要证明的point最重要。所以读到定位句之后要去找该句想证明的点在哪里,一般往前后句或段落的首1/首2句。答案就是point的论点句同义改写句。阅读28,怎么开刀来一起看看这道推断题,看看阅读28,到底有多远:Paragraph3:With

3、 question such as these clearly before them, the scientists aboard the Glomar Challenger processed to the Mediterranean to search for the answers. On August 23, 1970, they recovered a sample.The sample consisted of pebbles of hardened sediment that had once been soft, deep-sea mud, as well as granul

4、es of gypsum and fragments of volcanic rock.Not asingle pebble was found that might have indicated that the pebbles came from the nearby continent. In the days following, samples of solid gypsum were repeatedly brought on deck as drilling operations penetrated the seafloor.Furthermore,the gypsum was

5、 found to possess peculiarities of composition and structure that suggested it had formed on desert flats. Sediment above and below the gypsum layer contained tiny marine fossils, indicating open-ocean conditions. As they drilled into the central and deepest part of the Mediterranean basin, the scie

6、ntists took solid, shiny, crystal linesalt from the core barrel. Interbedded with the salt were thin layers of what appeared to be windblown silt.10.Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 3 about the solid gypsum layer?It did not contain any marine fossil.It had formed in open-ocean c

7、onditions.It had once been soft, deep-sea mud.It contained sediment from nearby deserts.(建议先读,再看答案哦)根据题干,可以确定定位词为solid gypsum layer,但仅凭这一个词并不好确定定位句(因为文中好几个句子和solid gypsum layer有关)这个时候阅读长难句的能力派上用场了,能否抓住主干是做题正确的一个很大前提,在有限的时间需要获取足够多有效内容。还有很多同学会将定位句定位到The sample (consisted of pebbles of hardened sedimen

8、t)(that had once been soft, deep-sea mud, as well as granules of gypsum and fragments of volcanic rock.)然而这句话说的是样本包括曾经被软泥、深海泥、石膏和火山岩碎屑颗粒组成的坚硬沉积物的鹅卵石。不能帮助我们选出正确选项。真正的定位句在后面, Furthermore, the gypsum was found to possess peculiarities of composition and structure that suggested it had formed ondesert f

9、lats. Sediment above and below the gypsum layer contained tiny marine fossils, indicating open-ocean conditions.石膏被发现含有显示它形成于沙漠平地的特殊成分和结构(既然形成于沙漠平地,那么就不可能含有海洋化石)。后面又说,石膏层上下的沉淀物都含有微小的海洋化石(也算是个暗示,上下都有,唯独没有提到石膏层本身是否含有)。总之就是在暗示你:solid gypsum layer和其上层下层都不一样,不含有marine fossil。正确答案为A,你.选对了吗?托福阅读素材:嘀嘀、快的打车取

10、消补贴乘客的“甜头”终于到了尽头,嘀嘀、快的两大打车APP正式宣布停补。我们来看一下双语新闻以了解详细情况吧。Taxi clients using mobile applications to book cabs will no longer be subsidized by providers of those services, Chinas two most-used taxi-hailing app companies said on Friday.The announcements placed a marker in a multi-billion-yuan price war.

11、We will stop cash subsidies to taxi users and drivers by Saturday, Didi Dache said on Weibo.Long-term rewarding policies are on the horizon. Competitor Kuaidi Dache, with the biggest taxi-booking mobile application by market share, posted a similar online announcement. It said the company is looking

12、 for new ways to subsidize users.Didi and Kuaidi control more than 97 percent of Chinas taxi-booking market, according to 199IT, an Internet statistics organizer.Kuaidi is backed by e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. It handled more than 6 million taxi-bookings a day in the first quarter, a

13、ccording to 199IT. It had larger city coverage than its rival. The Hangzhou-based company serves more than 260 Chinese cities.Didi is available in fewer than 180 cities. Didi has spent more than 1 billion yuan ($162 million) in subsidies since January to gain market share. It claimed to have more th

14、an 100 million accumulated users. The Shenzhen-based Internet company Tencent Holdings Ltd funded Didi. Tencents popular social mobile application WeChat provided Didi Web-based bill payment services.The loss of subsidies does not seemto bother people who frequently use mobile applications to order

15、taxis. I will still use applications to book taxis because thats the easiest way to get a car in rush hour, said Han Yang, a 27-year-old working for an IT magazine in Beijing.乘客的“甜头”终于到了尽头,嘀嘀、快的两大打车APP正式宣布停补。昨天,嘀嘀打车通过官微对外宣布“打车立减”将在今天零点取消,快的也发出公告称,补贴活动于同日告一段落。“嘀嘀打车5月17日(周六)零点开始暂停乘客端的现金奖励了!不过,随后会以更多更丰


17、轮的行政区域改革计划中,仅有37%的受调者认为有必要削减法国大区和省的数目。下面我们来看下详细的双语新闻吧。Deux Fran?ais sur trois souhaitent une rforme de lorganisation administrative de la France, mais seulement 37 % jugent prioritaire de rduire le nombre de rgions ou de dpartements, selon un sondage CSA publi mardi pour lAssemble des dpartements de

18、 France (ADF). 27 % des personnes interroges estiment tout fait ncessaire une telle rforme, 39 % la trouvent plut?t ncessaire, soit un total de 66 %. Pour 23 %, rformer lorganisation territoriale nest pas vraiment ncessaire, pour 11 %, cela nest pas du tout ncessaire.据星期二发布的CSA为法国各省联合会的调查,三分之二的法国人希望

19、改革法国行政组织,但是仅有37%的人认为削减大区和省的数目是首要事项。27%的受调者认为行政组织改革完全有必要,39%的人认为比较有必要,也就是整体的66%。23%的人则认为领土组织改革不是十分必要,11%的人认为完全没必要。Alors que le gouvernement veut rduire le nombre de rgions ds 20XX et supprimer les conseils gnraux lhorizon 2020, 69 % se dclarent assez ou trs attachs leur dpartement, selon ltude. Cest

20、un peu moins que pour leur rgion (72 %) et surtout leur commune (76 %), mais bien plus que pour leur intercommunalit (50 %).政府打算自20XX年起削减大区数并在2020年之际取消省议会,然而研究表明,69%的人对自己的省非常依赖。这一比例比大区(72 %)和市镇(76 %)的比例相对较少,但是比市镇间议会(50 %)要多很多。Prendre en compte la ralit des territoires考虑地区实际Interrogs sur les solution

21、s tudier en priorit (plusieurs rponses possibles) pour faire une rforme territoriale, 37 % des sonds seulement rpondent rduire le nombre de rgions, de dpartements (ils ne sont mme que 19 % avancer cette solution en premier). 16 % pensent quil faut dabord supprimer les dpartements partout en France (

22、9 % placent cette solution en tte). Ce qui compte le plus est de prendre en compte la ralit des territoires (75 %) et de diminuer le poids de ltat au profit descollectivits locales (66 %). La diminution des dpenses publiques lies aux collectivits locales, cite par 43 % des sonds, vient en tte des lm

23、ents prendre en compte pour rformer lorganisation territoriale du pays. Lefficacit des politiques menes nest cite que par 18 % des rpondants.当问及区划改革优先要研究的解决方案(可多选)时,37%的受调者只是回答需要“减少大区及省的数量”(只有19%的人把这一方案放在第一位)。16%的人认为首先需要“取消法国各处的省”(9%的人把此方案放在首位)。最重要的是“考虑地区实际”(75%)并“减少国家负担”来增强地方行政责任(66 %)。43%的人认为应“减少关于地方行政的公共开支”,因而这条解决方案成为改革国家地方组织要考虑的首条因素。只有18%的受调者选择“政策实施效率”。Par ailleurs, une courte majorit (51 % contre 48 %) ne partage pas lide quavec ladcentralisation les responsables politiques sont davantage lcoute des citoyens.另外,一少多半的受调者(51 % 比48 %)不同意“地方分权可使官员更多倾听居民的心声”的观点。托福阅读之教你如何拿到28+


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