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1、最新翻译资格考试一级口译练习 没有人爬山只为爬到山腰。为何甘于平庸呢。 今天给大家带来了翻译资格考试一级口译练习,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。翻译资格考试一级口译练习The book shows us the progress of a remarkable American, who, through his own enormous energies and efforts, made the unlikely journey from Hope, Arkansas, to the White House-a journey fueled by an impassi

2、oned interest in the political process which manifested itself at every stage of his life: in college, working as an intern for Senator William Fulbright; at Oxford, becoming part of the Vietnam War protest movement; at Yale Law School, campaigning on the grassroots level for Democratic candidates;

3、back in Arkansas, running for Congress, attorney general, and governor.We see his career shaped by his resolute determination to improve the life of his fellow citizens, an unfaltering commitment to civil fights, and an exceptional understanding of the practicalities of political life.We come to und

4、erstand the emotional pressures of his youth-born after his fathers death; caught in the dysfunctional relationship between his feisty, nurturing mother and his abusive stepfather, drawn to the brilliant, compelling lady whom he was determined to marry; passionately devoted, from her infancy, to the

5、ir daughter, and to the entire experience of fatherhood; slowly and painfully beginning to comprehend how his early denial of pained him at times into damaging patterns of behavior.【参考译文】本书向我们展示了一个杰出美国人的成长历程。他精力充沛,通过艰苦卓绝的努力,从阿肯色州的霍普镇走到了白宫,完成了一段不可思议的人生历程。他一生的每一阶段都展示出对政治生涯的狂热追求,正是这种追求鼓舞着他走完这段历程:在大学期间,


7、压抑的痛苦使他后来偶尔作出一些不利的行为,这样逐渐深入的了解也颇令人感伤。翻译资格考试一级口译练习他在父亲的教导下“发愤用功”,其实他读书还是出于喜好,只似馋嘴佬贪吃美食:食肠很大,不择精粗,甜咸杂进。极俗的书他也能看得哈哈大笑。戏曲里的插科打诨,他不仅且看且笑,还一再搬演,笑得打跌。精微深奥的哲学、美学、文艺理论等大部著作,他像小儿吃零食那样吃了又吃,厚厚的书一本本渐次吃完,诗歌更是他喜好的读物。重得拿不动的大词典、辞典、百科全书等,他不仅挨着字母逐条细读,见了新版本,还不嫌其烦的把新条目增补在旧书上。他看书常做些笔记。【参考译文】Though he “made a determined e

8、ffort to study” under his fathers preaching, he studied out of his own interest. He was just like an gourmet greatly attached to delicate food. Coarse and delicate, sweet and bitter, could well go into his enormous stomach. Similarly, he would burst into an uproar while reading low-brow books. He wo

9、uld chuckle while watching farcical parts in folk operas and even laugh out of his balance and imitate them again and again. As for refined and sophisticated works, either philosophical, aesthetical works or theoretical books of literature and arts, he would read them over and over, as kids licking

10、their candies As a result, he finished reading those thick books one by one. Poetry was his favorite. If it were dictionaries, glossaries, encyclopedias which were too heavy to move, he would read them entry by entry, line by line. If there were any new version which he happened to come across, he w

11、ould never get tired of squeezing the new entry into the old ones. He used to make notes while reading.翻译资格考试一级口译练习光阴似箭,转眼中国加入世贸组织已经整整4年。4年来,中国加入世贸绝大多数承诺都已兑现,部分承诺的兑现甚至走在规定的时间表之内。在世贸成员关心的知识产权问题上,中国启动法律修改工程,查处大批侵权案件,这些努力均取得了显著成效。中国政府还全面清理了部委和地方的行政法规。一诺千金,有诺必践,传送着中国的极大诚意,展示了一个负责任大国的襟怀,赢得世贸成员和国际舆论的佳评。在世

12、贸组织的年度审议中,这几年中国都受到充分肯定。为使国内经济与世贸规则相符,中国表现了承担义务的强烈意愿,并且一如既往从未动摇。【参考译文】How time flies! In a twinkling of an eye it is already 4 years since China acceded to the World Trade Organization ( WTO ). Over the past 4 years, China has honored most of the commitments it made when joining the WTO, and some of

13、them are even fulfilled ahead of schedule. In respect of the intellectual property issue that is of concern to WTO members, China launched a law revamp program and investigated a great number of infringement cases. These efforts have achieved remarkable effect. The Chinese government has also revamp

14、ed the administrative laws and regulations at ministerial and local levels.By making and honoring promises that can be counted on, China has shown its utmost sincerity and largeness of mind as a great and responsible country/nation, gaining acclamations from WTO members and international public opin

15、ion. At the WTO annual deliberations, Chinas efforts have been fully recognized over the years. To accord its domestic economy with the WTO rules, China has manifested strong willingness to undertake responsibility; it has fulfilled its obligations as always and has never wavered.翻译资格考试一级口译练习The pop

16、ular view when discussing urban transportation in American cities today is to decry its sorry state. Newspaper and journals are filled with talk of urban transportation crisis, of the difficulties of getting from here to there, and so on at great length. Matters are reported to get worse and very qu

17、ickly.Everyone has his own favorite traumatic experience to report: of the occasion when many of the switches froze on New Yorks commuter railroads; of the sneak snowstorm in Boston that converted thirty-minute commuter trips into seven hour ordeals; of the extreme difficulties in Chicago and other

18、Midwestern cities when some particularly heavy and successive snowstorms were endured.One reason for the talk of an urban transportation crisis in the United States today perhaps lies in a failure to meet anticipations. Many commuters expected to reduce their commuting times as systems improved, but

19、 instead found themselves barely able to maintain the status quo in terms of time requirements./ Another reason for talk of crisis, almost certainly, is the rate of improvement in the performance of urban transportation systems during rush hours has been markedly inferior to that expected during off

20、-peak hours. Specifically, the ability to move quickly about American cities during non-rush hours has improved in a truly phenomenal fashion.【参考译文】人们议论起今天美国城市的交通,普遍都对其混乱不堪的状况持公开批评的观点。报纸和杂志充斥着谈论“城市交通危机”、“行路难”及诸如此类的话题。据报道,交通问题越来越糟,而且每况愈下的速度非常之快。考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。


22、翻译资格考试一级口译练习伟大的抗战精神,蕴含着中华儿女和衷共济的团结精神。面对亡国灭种的民族危机,中华儿女,地无分南北,人无分老幼,有钱出钱,有力出力,举国上下,万众一心,用血肉筑成了一座侵略者不可逾越的新的长城。“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈”,在民族患难的时代,这种浩然之气概,不屈之节操,激励着中华儿女赴汤蹈火,殊死奋战,使救亡图存成为可歌可泣、英勇卓绝的斗争。今年是中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年。重温那段血与火的悲壮历史,缅怀抗日先烈的丰功伟绩,弘扬中华民族伟大的抗战精神,在今天仍然具有十分重要的意义。【参考译文】The grand spirit of Anti-a

23、ggression is a vivid reflection of the Chinese peoples persistent solidarity. Upon the Japanese invasion, Chinas sons and daughters, here or there, old or young, rich or poor, gather together with one mind and build up an insurmountable Great Wall in resistance, with their flesh and blood.“Indulge n

24、ever in money and rank, apostatize never when in poverty and hardship, surrender never to power and force.” In times of national crisis, this formidable mettle and dauntless integrity prompt Chinas sons and daughters to go through fire and water with the courage of despair, making the anti-Japanese

25、war moving and praise-worthy.It is now the 60th anniversary of Chinas anti-Japanese war and the worlds anti-fascism war. And it is still of great significance today for us to review the buskined history of fire and blood, to recall the great feats of the gallant martyrs, and to carry forward our nations infinite morale of anti-aggression.最新翻译资格考试一级口译练习


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