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1、2020年翻译资格考试二级口译习题精选篇 努力和效果之间,永远有这样一段距离。今天给大家带来了2020年翻译资格考试二级口译习题,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。2020年翻译资格考试二级口译习题驻欧盟使团团长张明大使接受BBC采访谈当前香港事态Ambassador Zhang Ming Speaks to BBC on the Situation in Hong Kong2019年8月9日9 August 2019BBC: How do you see the situation now in Hong Kong?BBC:您如何看待当前香港局势?Ambassador: I

2、 think its extreme violence, not peaceful demonstration. Some radicals defaced the national emblem and flag, stored explosives, set fire on public buildings, smashed cars, and so on. So this is law-breaking. Should the “chaos” and “violence” continue, prosperity and stability in Hong Kong would be p

3、ut to ruins. And so would “One Country, Two Systems”. The top priority at the moment is to stop violence and chaos and restore law and order.张大使:这是极端暴力,同和平示威游行无关。一些极端分子侮辱国旗国徽,存储爆炸物,实施纵火,打砸车辆等。这些是严重违法行为。如果任由这种“暴”和“乱”持续下去,势必毁掉“一国两制”,毁掉香港的繁荣稳定。香港当前最重要的任务就是止暴制乱、恢复秩序。BBC: You say that. But certainly earl

4、ier in these protests some two million people were taking to the streets. Thats a quarter of the population of Hong Kong. Thats a significant number of people dissatisfied with the way in which the territory is being run.BBC:但此前有两百万人走上街头抗议,占香港总人口的四分之一,(说明)相当一部分人对香港当前的治理方式感到不满。Ambassador: But now, as

5、 we saw, it is turning into riots and chaos. So we have to stop the chaos.张大使:但我们看到的是,现在已经出现暴乱,暴乱必须得到制止。考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。BBC: You dont say that violence is growing out of frustration by a younger generation of Hong Kongers, who werent even born when Hong Kong w

6、as returned by Britain to China, who feel that they want more control over their own destinies, and who perhaps have different aspirations than those who were around in 1997.BBC:您是否认同,暴力是来自香港年轻一代的沮丧情绪?这些年轻人在香港回归时甚至还没出生,他们希望更多地掌控自身命运,与1997年(前出生的)的一代人诉求不同。Ambassador: There are some people who are plot

7、ting behind the scenes and who are trying to use the youngsters as a political pawn, which is very dangerous. I believe that, as their real motives are laid bare, more and more young people would come to realize this and change course.张大使:有些人躲在幕后操纵,把青年人当做他们政治图谋的棋子和炮灰。我相信,随着幕后操纵者逐渐暴露,越来越多的青年人会看清他们的面目

8、,迷途知返。BBC: This week, Head of Chinese Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office Mr Zhang Xiaoming told reporters, and I quote, that if the situation worsens further, and theres turmoil that the Hong Kong government is unable to control, the Central Government will absolutely not just watch without doing an

9、ything. Could you maybe expand on that?BBC:本周国务院港澳办主任张晓明对记者表示,如果形势继续恶化下去,在香港政府无法控制局面的情况下,中央政府绝对不会坐视不管。您能就此展开谈一下吗?Ambassador: As we know, Hong Kong is part of China. All Chinese people, including people in Hong Kong, treasure and uphold peace and stability in the Hong Kong SAR. The Chinese people wou

10、ld not allow the situation to get out of control. According to the Basic Law, the Central Government has sufficient means and capabilities to maintain stability and prosperity and a peaceful life for people in Hong Kong, and to safeguard the “One Country, Two Systems”.张大使:众所周知,香港是中国的一部分。包括香港人在内的所有中国

11、人民都珍视和维护香港特区的和平与稳定,不会允许局势失控。根据基本法,中央政府有足够多的办法、足够强大的力量维护香港稳定繁荣及“一国两制”。BBC: Are you referring here to the possible deployment of the Peoples Liberation Army in Hong Kong?BBC: 您是否意指(中央政府)可能在香港使用军队?Ambassador: The Central Government, as I mentioned, has sufficient means and capabilities to maintain Hong

12、 Kongs stability and prosperity.张大使:正如我刚才所说,中央政府有足够多的办法、足够强大的力量维护香港稳定繁荣。BBC: But does the Central Government in Beijing have any red line when it comes to maintaining stability? You yourself have been speaking about the chaos and violence in Hong Kong.BBC:在维护稳定方面,中央政府是否有红线?Ambassador: In any country

13、, any society, such chaos and riots are not allowed. So that is the red line.张大使:任何国家和社会都不会容许暴乱,这就是红线。BBC: So the red line has been crossed already according to you.BBC:按照您的意思,这条红线已经突破了?Ambassador: I think some rioters are touching (the red line).张大使:我认为那些正在触碰这条红线。BBC: So the protesters, in your vie

14、w, are getting very close to crossing that red line, which would then prompt the Central Government to send in the Peoples Liberation Army.BBC:所以在您看来,示威者非常接近逾越红线,可能促使中央政府派出军队?Ambassador: I think some people are acting very dangerously. They are violating the Basic Law and ruining the order and syste

15、m in Hong Kong. So they are playing fire.张大使:一些人的行为非常危险,他们违反了基本法,破坏香港的秩序和制度,这些人正在玩火。BBC: How important is it to your government to maintain the “One Country, Two Systems”?BBC:对于中国政府来讲,维护“一国两制”有多重要?Ambassador: Thats the basic policy for the Central Government and the Hong Kong SAR. We will try our be

16、st to safeguard the “One Country, Two Systems”.张大使:“一国两制”是中央政府对港基本方针政策,我们将尽最大努力维护好“一国两制”。BBC: Because a couple of years ago, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said in uncertain terms that the “One Country, Two Systems” was not binding on Beijing. It was only, and I quote, “a historical document that lack

17、ed practical significance”.BBC:几年前,中国外交部以一种比较模糊的方式表示,“一国两制”对中国政府不再具有约束力,认为(中英联合声明)只是历史文件,没有现实意义。Ambassador: At the moment Hong Kong was handed over in 1997, the British rights and obligations under the document were fulfilled. Now, Britain has no sovereignty, no jurisdiction, and no right of supervi

18、sion over Hong Kong.张大使:随着1997年香港回归,联合声明中所规定的与英方有关的权利和义务已经全部履行完毕。英方对回归后的香港一无主权,二无治权,三无监督权。BBC: So China could tear up that joint declaration at any time? They could say, “Sorry, the One Country, Two Systems no longer exists. We are not interested in it.”BBC:中国是否会随时撕毁中英联合声明?你们可以说,“抱歉,一国两制不存在了,我们对此不再感

19、兴趣。”Ambassador: Well try our best to safeguard the “One Country, Two Systems”.张大使:我们将竭尽全力维护“一国两制”。BBC: Why? Why should you?BBC:为什么?Ambassador: This is for the interest of Hong Kong, for the interest of China, and for the interest of people all over China.张大使:因为这符合香港的利益,符合中国的利益,符合全体中国人民的利益。BBC: Are y

20、ou worried, Ambassador, about the possibility of what might be described as “contagion” that these pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong might spread to the Chinese mainland? What the people are asking for in Hong Kong, which is a greater say in the election of their leaders, might be copied in China

21、itself.BBC:您是否担心香港“支持民主”的抗议活动存在“传染”到大陆的可能性?香港民众要求更多选举权,这种诉求会不会复制到大陆?Ambassador: The people in Hong Kong are asking for stopping “riots” and “chaos” in Hong Kong. And no one would allow such acts to spread into the mainland.张大使:香港人民要求的是停止“暴”和“乱”,任何人都不会允许“暴”和“乱”传到中国其他地方。BBC: But youre worried that mig

22、ht happen.BBC:所以您担心这种情况也许会发生?Ambassador: No worry.张大使:我对此毫不担心。BBC: Ambassador, thank you very much!BBC:谢谢您接受BBC采访。2020年翻译资格考试二级口译习题驻阿联酋大使倪坚在中国人民解放军建军92周年招待会上的致辞Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Ni Jian at the Reception Marking the 92nd Anniversary of the PLA2019年7月30日30 July 2019尊敬的阿联酋国防部艾哈迈德苏维迪准将,各位朋友,女士们

23、、先生们:大家晚上好!Your Excellency, Brigadier Mr. Ahmed Yousef Al-Suwaidi,Dear friends,Ladies and Gentlemen,Good evening!非常高兴与大家一起庆祝中国人民解放军成立92周年。在此,我谨代表中国驻阿联酋使馆向中国人民解放军致以节日的祝贺!向出席今晚招待会的各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎和诚挚的感谢!考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。It gives me great pleasure to celebrate with you

24、 the 92ndanniversary of the Chinese Peoples Liberation Army. On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in the UAE, I would like to extend my festive greetings to the PLA, and my warm welcome and sincere thanks to all guests present here tonight.忆往昔峥嵘岁月稠,看今朝豪情壮志酣。今年是中国人民解放军成立92周年。92年来,在中国共产党领导下,英雄的人民军队前仆后继、百折

25、不挠、不怕牺牲、英勇奋战,为实现民族独立、人民解放、国家富强,为捍卫国家主权、安全、发展利益,为维护世界和平、促进人类发展建立了不朽功勋。当前,国防和军队建设进入新时代,中国特色强军之路开启新征程,中国人民解放军全面贯彻习近平强军思想,加快革命化、现代化、正规化建设,把人民军队全面建成世界一流军队,为实现“两个一百年”奋斗目标、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦提供坚强保障。“Recalling the past glories, we aspire to a better future”. This year marks the 92nd anniversary of the PLA. Over

26、the past 92 years, the PLA has worked arduously and strived heroically under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, thus making tremendous contributions to Chinas independence, liberation and prosperity, to national sovereignty, security and development interests, and to world peace and huma

27、n development. At present, our defense and military development with Chinese characteristics has entered a new chapter. The PLA is accelerating in fostering a world-class peoples army that is reformed, modernized and regularized, which is providing strong support for the realization of the Two Cente

28、nary Goals and the Chinese Dream of great national rejuvenation.和平是全人类的共同愿望和崇高目标,中国始终是世界和平的维护者、参与者和建设者。中国军队始终是维护世界和平的坚定力量,愿与各国军队一道,深化军事交流与合作,为维护世界和平发展发挥更大作用。今年是中国参与联合国维和行动29周年。近30年以来,中国共参与24项维和行动,派出维和人员近4万人次,参与维和任务区道路修建工程1.3万余公里,运输总里程1300万公里,接诊病人17万余人次,完成武装护卫巡逻等任务300余次。中国海军医院船已访问43个国家,惠及当地民众23万余人次。未

29、来,中国军队将更加积极地参与国际维和、反恐和人道主义救援,加强防扩散国际合作,参与管控热点敏感问题,共同维护国际通道安全,参与维护全球网络安全,提供更多公共安全产品,用实际行动彰显大国担当和构建人类命运共同体的决心,为维护世界和平、促进共同发展作出更大贡献。Peace is the common aspiration and lofty goal of all mankind. China will always be the defender, participant and builder of world peace. As a firm guardian of world peace,

30、 the PLA stands ready to deepen military exchanges and cooperation with armies of other countries, to make a bigger contribution to world peace and development. This year marks the 29th anniversary of Chinas participation in the UN peacekeeping operations. During that course, China has dispatched ne

31、arly40 thousand peacekeepers who have taken part in 24 UN peacekeeping operations. In total, they have built 13 thousand kilometers of road, involved to complete 13 million kilometers of cargo transportation, treated 170 thousand patients, and accomplished over 300 armed patrols and escorts, to name

32、 but a few. Chinese naval hospital ships have visited 43 countries and delivered medical services to over 230 thousand local people. In the future, the Chinese army will be more active in international peacekeeping missions, counter-terrorism and humanitarian relief, enhance international cooperatio

33、n on non-proliferation, take part in the management of sensitive hotspots, jointly safeguard the security of international routes, and provide more public security products. China will show in practice its determination to take responsibility as a major country, to build a community of shared future

34、 for mankind, and to make greater contributions in maintaining world peace and promoting common development.近年来,中阿两国防务合作不断走深走实。今年以来,中国国务委员兼国防部长魏凤和访阿,中国军队高级代表团出席阿布扎比国际防务展,中国海军“昆仑山”舰首次参加海军防务展。中阿军事交流互动促进了双方相互了解,增进了彼此友谊,成为中阿全方位合作的重要组成部分。相信在双方的共同努力下,中阿军事关系将取得新发展,不断达到新高度。In recent years, China-UAE defense

35、 cooperation has been deepened and substantiated. This year, Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe visited the UAE; a high-level military delegation from China attended the International Defense Exhibition (IDEX) in Abu Dhabi; and Chinese naval vessel Kunlunshan for the first time

36、participated in the Naval Defense and Maritime Security Exhibition (NAVDEX). Military exchanges and interactions between China and the UAE have boosted mutual understanding and friendship, and become an important part of our all-dimensional cooperation. I believe with concerted efforts, China and th

37、e UAE will achieve new developments and reach new heights in our military relationship.女士们、先生们,Ladies and Gentlemen,2019年是中华人民共和国建国70周年,也是中国和阿联酋建立外交关系35周年。中阿关系正处于历史上最好的发展时期。去年7月,习近平主席成功访问阿联酋。几天前,阿布扎比王储穆罕默德殿下也成功访问中国。两国最高领导人在一年时间内实现互访,充分体现了中阿全面战略伙伴关系的高水平运行和两国关系的特殊重要性,在中阿关系发展史上具有里程碑意义。让我们以两国领导人互访为契机,不断

38、提升两国在军事、政治、经济、人文等各领域合作水平,进一步充实两国全面战略伙伴关系内涵,推动中阿合作这艘巨轮扬帆起航,踏上新时代两国共同发展的新征程!The year 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the Peoples Republic of China and the 35th anniversary of China-UAE relationship, which is now at its best period of development in history. Last July, Chinese President Xi Jinping p

39、aid a successful visit to the UAE. Only few days ago, Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed returned a successful visit to China. The exchange of visits between our top leaders within a year created a milestone in the history of China-UAE relationship, which is also testimony to the high

40、levels and special significance of China-UAE comprehensive strategic partnership. Lets take our leaders mutual visits as an opportunity to push ahead with bilateral cooperation in the fields of military, political, economic and cultural exchanges, and further expand China-UAE great partnership, to p

41、romote the giant ship of China-UAE cooperation to set sail and embark on a new journey of common development in the new era!最后,祝愿中阿友谊地久天长,两国繁荣昌盛,人民幸福。祝所有来宾身体健康,心想事成。Finally, may the friendship between China and the UAE last forever! May our two countries prosper and peoples live in happiness! May al

42、l the guests here today enjoy good health and great success!谢谢大家!Thank you!2020年翻译资格考试二级口译习题为时代抒怀,为爱国放歌Sing for Our Times and Our Patriotism驻英国大使刘晓明在庆祝新中国成立70周年华侨华人专场音乐会上的讲话Remarks by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at Concert in Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the Peoples Republ

43、ic of China2019年8月6日6 August 2019尊敬的中华青少年交响乐团团长卢多维克莫洛先生,考生如果怕自己错过考试报名时间和考试时间的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。侨胞们、朋友们:Mr. Ludovic Morlot,Overseas Chinese,Dear Friends:大家晚上好!Good evening and welcome to the Chinese Embassy!欢迎大家出席庆祝新中国成立70周年华侨华人专场音乐会,与我们共庆新中国成立70周年华诞。我还要欢迎远道而来的中华青少年交响乐团的青年音乐家们。他们今天下午

44、刚下飞机,马不停蹄,从机场赶到我们音乐会现场。让我们以热烈的掌声对他们的到来表示热烈的欢迎,对他们将为我们奉献的这份国庆礼物表示衷心的感谢。I am delighted to have you all with us at tonights concert in celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China.I wish to give an especially warm welcome to the young musicians, who arrived in Lo

45、ndon only this afternoon and come to meet us without a moments rest. Lets give them a big round of applause. Thank you for bringing such a special national day gift to the overseas Chinese in the UK.侨胞们,朋友们,Overseas Chinese,Dear Friends:今晚,我们不仅是美妙乐章的“欣赏者”,而且我希望,我们都能成为新时代新乐章的“演奏者”。我认为,我们可以一起携手奏响“三个乐章

46、”:Tonight, we are here to enjoy beautiful music. But I think we have our own music to make. I hope we could all join in to play the three movements of the new era.一是和平与发展的主题乐章。一个时代有一个时代的主题。当今世界正在经历百年未有之大变局。在这个大变局中,和平与发展仍然是当今时代主题。面对时代主题,中国愿同世界各国携手构建人类命运共同体,发展全球伙伴关系,拓展互利合作,走出一条相互尊重、公平正义、合作共赢的国与国交往新路,让

47、世界更加安宁,让人类更加幸福。The first movement is peace and development. This is the theme of our times.We live in a world that is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. Amid the tremendous changes, peace and development remain the theme of our times.In face of this theme, China is ready to work with g

48、lobal partners to build a community with a shared future for mankind, where countries respect each other, uphold equity and justice, and engage in win-win cooperation.This is a world where mankind deserves peace and happiness.二是文明交融互鉴的时代乐章。一个时代有一个时代的主旋律。当前,单边主义和保护主义甚嚣尘上,那些四处挑起“贸易战”、极力鼓吹文明冲突论的论调,是赤裸裸的霸凌主义,不得人心,必将被历史所唾弃。各种文明应相互交流、交融互鉴,才能使世界文明的花园百花齐放、生机盎然。我衷心希望,中华青少年交响乐团此次来英演出


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