1、wordLithium Titanate Battery Specification钛酸锂电池规格书Model产品型号Specification规格书编号Vision版次Date日期Prepared By/Date拟定Checked By/Date审核Approved By/Date批准Customer Signature客户回签栏Amendment Records修正记录Edition版本Description记述Prepared by编制Approved by批准Date日期A1第一版2017-09-061 Scope使用X围This specification describes the
2、 basic performance, technical requirement, testing method,warning and caution of lithium titanate battery pack. The specification only applies to the battery packs made byBetter Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd.本标准规定了钛酸锂电池组的根本性能、技术要求测试方法与须知事项。本标准只适用于某某普兰能源科技某某所生产的钛酸锂电池组。2 Product Model产品型号IFR18650-
3、20S5P18650-1500mAh3. Product Specification产品技术规格Number序号Content内容Conventional Parameter常规参数Remark备注1Capacity容量StandardDischarge Current:10A标准放电电流:10ADischarge Cut-off Voltage:30V放电截止电压:30V2Nominal Voltage标称电压48V3End of Charge Voltage充电最高电压54V4Charge Mode充电方式CC、CV5Charging Current充电电流20A6Charging Cut
4、-off Current充电截止电流7Charging Time充电时间2540min8Over-Charge VoltageProtection 模组过充电压保护549Discharging Current正常放电电流10A10Maximum ContinuousDischarging Current持续最大工作电流15A11Over-discharge VoltageProtection模组过放电压保护3012Over-Current DischargeProtection过流保护25A13Short Circuit Protection短路保护Any Protection有保护14Sho
5、rt Circuit ProtectionRelease短路保护恢复Disconnect Load断开负载Recovery Time: 3s恢复时间:3秒15Temperature Protection温度保护60516Factory Voltage出厂电压42V17Dimension 尺寸Long长= 3552mmWidth宽= 1602mmHigh高=902mmStructural Dimensions Are Detailed in Page 10结构尺寸详见第10页18Weight重量8kg19Operation TemperatureRange工作温度X围Charge: -3045充
6、电:-3045Discharge: -4060放电:-40606025%R.H. Bare Cell单体电池储存湿度X围:6025%R.H.20Storage TemperatureRange储存温度X围1 Month一个月:-20 453 Month三个月:-20 451 Year一年:-20 206025%R.H. at the ShipmentState出货状态时的湿度X围:6025%R.H.21Cycle Life循环寿命Tested at temperature of205.(1)Be charged at 15A to limited charge voltage 54V and
7、change to charge at constant voltage till current no more than 0.05C. Stop charging;(2) Rest 5-10min, and then discharge at 10A until end voltage 30V.在环境温度205的条件下进展。1以15A电流充电,当电池组端电压达到充电限制电压54V时,改为恒压充电,直到充电电流小于或等于0.05C,停止充电;2搁置5min-10min,然后以10A电流放电至终止电压30V。3000 Cycles Higher than 80%of the InitialCa
8、pacities of the Cells3000次初始容量80%22Vibration振动The fully charged at10A battery pack is fixed to the vibration platform; vibrate 30 minutes on each direction of X, Y and Z, amplitude of 1.5mm,frequency from 10Hz to 50Hz, change 1Hz/min.电池组以10A充满电后固定在振动台上;沿X、Y和Z三个方向各振动30分钟,振幅1.5mm,频率为10Hz50Hz,每分钟变化1Hz。
9、Battery appearance has no distortion,explosion,fire, smoke and leaking.Battery voltage should be no less than 48V.电池组外观应无明显损伤、漏液、冒烟或爆,电池电压应不低于48V。4Battery Performance Test Criterion 电池性能测试规X4.1 Appearance 外观There shall be no such defects such as scratch, flaw, crack, rust and leakage, which may adve
10、rsely affect mercial value ofbattery.电池外观应没有划痕、破裂、污迹、生锈、漏液等影响市场的缺陷存在。4.2 Measurement Apparatus测量仪器(1)Dimension Measuring Instrument尺寸测量器具The dimension measurement shall be implemented by instruments with equal or more precision scaleof 0.1mm.尺寸测量器具的精度等级应不小于0.1mm。(2)Voltmeter电压表Standard class specifi
11、ed in the national standard or more sensitive class. The inner impedanceismore than 10k/V.国家标准或采用灵敏度更高的,内阻不小于10k/V。(3) Ammeter电流表.。(4) Impedance Meter阻抗计Impedance shall be measured by a sinusoidal alternating current method (AC 1kHz LCR meter).采用正弦交流法测试阻抗AC 1kHz LCR meter4.3 Testing Condition 测试条件Te
12、mperature 255; Relative humidity:6020%; Atmosphere pressure:86106Kpa温度:255;相对湿度:6020%;大气压强:86106Kpa4.4 Battery test requirements 电池测试要求Standard charge: under environment temperature as 255,charging as 15A when the voltage of the battery reach the limited point, then change to constant voltage chargi
13、ng till the charging current less or equal to 0.05C .The longest charging time should be less than 40min.标准充电:在环境温度255下,以15A充电,电池端电压达到充电限制电压时,改为恒压充电,直到充电电流小于或等于0.05C,最长充电时长不大于40min。5Hazard Warning危险警告(1)Forbid short-circuit batteries禁止电池短路Do not touch the plus and minus contacts with metals. Do not
14、put the battery with metal element together in either storage or movement. If the battery is short-circuit, it carries magnified current, which will cause damage and make the battery heat, smoke, distort or burning.不要让电池的正负极用金属连接,也不要将电池与金属片放在一起存储和移动,如果电池被短路,将会有超大电流通过,将会损坏电池,造成电池发热、冒烟、变形或燃烧。(2) Forbi
15、d disassembling batteries禁止拆装电池The battery has protective ponent and circuit internally to avoid danger. Mishandling such as improper disassembly will destroy its protective function and make it heat,smoke, distort or burning.电池内部具有保护结构和保护电路可以防止发生危险。不适宜的拆装会破坏保护功能,将会造成电池发热、冒烟、变形或燃烧。(3) Forbid heating
16、 and burning the battery严禁加热和燃烧电池If heating or burning the battery, it will caused the isolated element in the battery dissolved, protection function stopped or the electrode burning, over heat, which will make the battery heat, smoke, distort or burning.加热和燃烧电池将会造成电池隔离物的融化、安全功能丧失或电解质燃烧,过热就会使电池发热、冒烟
17、、变形或燃烧。(4) Avoid using the battery near the heat 防止在热源附近使用电池Do not use the battery near the fire and stove, or over 60, and overheating will cause the battery internal short-circuit and make it heat, smoke, distort or burning.不要在火源、烤炉附近或超过60的环境中使用电池,过热将会导致电池内部短路,使电池发热、冒烟、变形或燃烧。(5) Forbid bathing the
18、 battery禁止弄湿电池Do not dampen the battery, or even immerse it in the water, which will cause internal protection circuit and lose its function or cause abnormal chemical reactions, which will lead to heating, smoking, distortion or burning.不要弄湿电池,更不能将电池投入水中,否如此会造成内部保护电路和功能丧失与发生不正常的化学反响,电池有可能发热、冒烟、变形或燃
19、烧。(6) Forbid damaging battery禁止破坏电池Do not allow damaging the battery with the metals gouged, forged or dropped etc., otherwise, it will cause over-heated, distort, smoke, or burning.禁止用金属凿入电池、捶打或摔打电池或其他方法破坏电池,否如此会造成电池发热、变形、冒烟或燃烧。(7) Forbid directly welding on battery 禁止在电池主体上焊接Over-heated will cause
20、 the isolated element dissolved in the battery and lose protective function its cycle life, even will cause over-heat, distort, smoke or burning.过热将会造成电池隔离物的熔化、安全保护功能丧失,甚至将引起发热、冒烟或燃烧。6.Product Renderings产品效果图图1产品效果图图2 产品尺寸图图3 VH-2P端子实物图7电池管理系统 BMS主要功能1电池故障分析与报警信号输出BMS设置了系统自诊断功能,系统上电后对电压、温度、通讯、存储器、内部
22、集误差小于1%(30A以下误差小于1A)。4电池组SOC的估算通过分流器对电流采样,完成电流的测量,包括SOC计量和SOC故障等级报警,SOC计算误差小于10%。5电池单体电压检测功能BMS能准确、实时测量每个单体电池的电压,电压采集精度5mV,平均采样周期50ms,从而准确与时监控电池在使用过程中的状态与变化,有效地防止电池的不正当使用。单体电压测量回路在待机或休眠模式下,漏电不超12A。6电池温度检测BMS能够准确、同步的测量各个电池的温度值,测量误差2-40+85。7电池均衡功能在充电过程中,可以按照协定的均衡管理控制策略对电芯进展均衡管理功能,进而减少电池在使用过程的不一致性,提高整组电池的使用性能。均衡电流100mA。表2 BMS主要技术参数序号项目额定参数备注1模块工作电压2总电压采集精度0.5%3总电流采集精度1.0%4工作温度-40+855存储温度-40+1256绝缘电阻检测误差10.0%7休眠电流8绝缘等级500V电压下绝缘大于200M13 / 13