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1、wordGet Smart 1 SyllabusUnit 1 Hello第一单元 你好Words单词1. Hello你好2. Goodbye再见3. Lisa丽萨4. John约翰5. one一6. two二7. three三8. four四9. five五10. six六11. seven七12. eight八13. nine九14. ten十Sentences句子1. Whats your name?= What is your name?你的名字是什么?2. My names John.= My name is John.我的名字是约翰。Unit 2 School第二单元 学校Words

2、单词1. red红色的2. blue蓝色的3. yellow黄色的4. green绿色的5. bag包6. pencil铅笔7. book书8. ruler尺子9. pen钢笔10. desk书桌11. chair椅子12. puter电脑13. eraser橡皮14. apple苹果15. schoolbag书包16. blackboard黑板Sentences 句子1. Whats that?= What is that?那是什么?2. Its a chair.= It is a chair.这是一个椅子。3. Is it a puter?这是一个电脑吗?4. Yes, it is.是的,

3、它是。5. No, it isnt.不,它不是。Unit 3 Family and friends第三单元 家人和朋友Words单词1. mom妈妈2. dad爸爸3. brother兄;弟4. sister姐;妹5. me我6. grandma奶奶;外婆7. grandpa爷爷;外公8. friend朋友9. teacher教师10. cat猫11. dog狗12. bird鸟13. turtle海龟14. fish鱼15. rabbit兔子Sentences 句子1. Whos that?= Who is that?那是谁?2. Its my grandma. = It is my gra

4、ndma.这是我的奶奶。3. Im Sue.= I am Sue.我是苏。4. This is my turtle, Pat.这是我的海龟,派特。5. Is that your sister?那是你的姐姐/妹妹吗?6. Yes, it is.是的,她是。7. No, it isnt.不,她不是。Unit 4 You and me第四单元 你和我Words单词1. eleven十一2. twelve十二3. thirteen十三4. fourteen十四5. fifteen十五6. hungry饿的7. thirsty渴的8. happy开心的9. sad伤心的10. big大的11. smal

5、l小的12. fat胖的13. thin瘦的14. boy男孩15. girl女孩16. short矮的17. tall高的Sentences 句子1. Are you thirsty?你渴了吗?2. Yes, I am.是的,我渴了。3. No, Im not.不,我不渴。4. Hes thin. = He is thin.他很瘦。5. Shes fat.= She is fat.她很胖。6. Its small.= It is small.它很小。7. Is she sad?她伤心吗?8. Yes, she is.是的,她伤心。9. No, she isnt.不,她不伤心。Unit 5 P

6、arty time!第五单元 派对时间Words单词1. present礼物2. doll娃娃3. yo-yo溜溜球4. teddy bear泰迪熊5. guitar吉他6. balloon气球7. cake蛋糕8. lollipop棒棒糖9. hat帽子10. orange橙色的11. pink粉色的12. brown棕色的13. black黑色的14. white白色的Sentences 句子1. How many dolls?多少个娃娃?2. Two dolls.两个娃娃。3. What are these?这些是什么?4. Theyre hats.= They are hats.它们是

7、帽子。5. What color are they?它们是什么颜色的?6. Theyre pink.= They are pink.它们是粉色的。7. Are they lollipops?它们是棒棒糖吗?8. Yes, they are.是的,它们是。9. No, they arent. = No, they are not.不,它们不是。Unit 6 Toys and games第六单元 玩具和游戏Words单词1. e来2. stand up起立3. sit down坐下4. turn around转圈5. clap your hands鼓掌6. bike自行车7. kite风筝8. p

8、lane飞机9. car汽车10. ball球11. puter game电脑游戏12. train火车13. robot机器人Sentences 句子1. I have a kite.我有一个风筝。2. I dont have a ball. =I do not have a ball.我没有球。3. Do you have a car?你有汽车吗?4. Yes, I do.是的,我有。5. No, I dont.= No, I do not.不,我没有。Unit 7 My body第七单元 我的身体Words单词1. ears耳朵2. eyes眼睛3. mouth嘴巴4. nose鼻子5.

9、 touch触摸6. head头7. arms胳膊8. legs腿9. hands手10. long长的脚12. fingers手指13. toes脚趾14. teeth牙15. tail尾巴16. face脸Sentences 句子1. He has long arms.他有长长的胳膊。2. She has long legs.她有长长的腿。3. It has a big mouth.它有一个大嘴巴。4. He doesnt have big feet. =He does not have big feet.他没有大脚。5. She doesnt have long fingers.她没有长

10、长的手指。6. It doesnt have a tail.它没有尾巴。7. Does it have a long tail?它有长尾巴吗?8. Yes, it does.是的,它有。9. No, it doesnt.不,它没有。Unit 8 Food第八单元 食物Words单词1. bananas香蕉2. grapes葡萄3. mangoes芒果4. strawberries草莓5. oranges橘子6. carrots胡萝卜7. rice米饭8. eggs鸡蛋9. beans豆子10. pizza披萨11. burger汉堡12. ice cream冰淇淋13. pasta意大利面14

11、. pear梨15. noodles面条16. vegetable蔬菜17. fish鱼18. chicken鸡肉19. juice果汁20. tea茶21. milk牛奶22. water水Sentences 句子1. I dont like beans.我不喜欢豆子。s your favorite food? Pizza.你最喜欢的食物是什么?披萨。Unit 9 My house第九单元 我家Words单词1. bedroom卧室2. kitchen厨房3. bathroom卫生间4. living room客厅5. on在上面6. in在里面7. under在下面8. bed床9. cl

12、oset衣橱10. table桌子11. shoes鞋12. pants裤子13. shirt衬衫14. dress连衣裙15. light灯16. shorts短裤17. door门18. box盒子19. near在旁边20. behind在后面21. T-shirtT恤衫22. skirt短裙23. socks短袜24. Sentences 句子1. Wheres the ball?球在哪里?s in the closet.它在衣橱里。3. Where are the shoes?鞋在哪里?4. Theyre under the table.它们在桌子下面。5. His pants ar

13、e green.他的裤子是绿色的。6. Her dress is yellow.她的连衣裙是黄色的。Unit 10 Places第十单元 地点Words单词1. bookstore书店2. toy store玩具店3. fast food restaurant快餐店4. pet store宠物店5. monkey猴子6. bear熊7. crocodile鳄鱼8. parrot鹦鹉9. sixteen十六10. seventeen十七11. eighteen十八12. nineteen十九13. twenty二十14. tiger老虎Sentences 句子1. There are monke

14、ys at the zoo.动物园里有猴子。2. How many toys are there?有多少玩具?3. There are twenty toys.有二十个玩具。Phonics 自然拼音1. Aa apple2. Bb bag3. Cc cat4. Dd dog5. Ee egg6. Ff fish7. Gg green8. Hh hat9. Ii ink10. Jj jam11. Kk kite12. Ll lollipop13. Mm mom14. Nn nose15. Oo orange16. Pp pen17. Qq queen18. Rr red19. Ss sad20.

15、 Tt tall21. Uu umbrella22. Vv van23. Ww whale24. Xx fox25. Yy yo-yo26. Zz zooStarter教学大纲L1 Aa Bbapple ant bag bearHello GoodbyeL2 Cc Ddcat car dog deskWhere is the cat? Its on the car.Where is the dog? Its on the desk.L3Ee Ffegg elephant fish finAn elephant has an egg.A fish has a fin.L4Gg Hhgoat gr

16、een hat houseA goose has a green hat.L5Ii Jjink ill jam juiceL6Kk Llkite king lion lampMary has a little lamb.L7Mm Nnmouse monkey nose nutL8Revision1考试 口语+笔试L9Oo Pporange octopus panda pearWhats this? Its an orange top.Whats this? Its a pink pen.L10Qq Rrqueen quilt rabbit roosterL11Ss Ttstar sun tur

17、tlel tigerL12Uu Vvumbrella uncle van vestL13Ww Xxwatch water fox boxL14Yy Zzyo-yo yellow zoo zebraL15Revision2考试 口语+笔试unit 1 1. 1-5, hello goodbye2. 6-10, How old are you? Im 3. Lisa, John, Whats your name? Im My names +whats on 配音4. 小故事 sorry ouch 5. 6. 活动手册+考试unit 2 1. pen, pencil, ruler, book, Wh

18、ats this? Its a _.2. bag, rubber, desk, chair Whats that? Its a _.3. apple, puter, eraser, Is it a/an .?4. yellow, green, red, blue. What color is it? Its 5. p13页歌曲,purple, pink, black I love ., How about you?unit 31. dad, mom, brother, sister. Whos this? This is my .2. grandma. grandpa. me. family.

19、 This is my .3. friend, teacher. How are you? Fine, thank you. Is that your?Yes, it is. No, it isnt.4. pet. turtle, bird, rabbit. This is my turtle , Pat. .5. fish, cat, dog, Is that your ? yes, it is. No, it isn6. 小故事+听力7. 总复习8. 考试unit 41. boy, girl, tall, short, She is tall. He is short.2. fat, th

20、in, big, small, She is fat. It is big.3. eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, How old are you? I am .4. hungry, thirsty, happy, sad. I am .5. Are you .? Yes, I am . NO, I am not. unit 51. present,doll, yo-yo, teddy bear, guitar. How many ?2. balloon, lollipop, What are these? They are This i

21、s for you. Happy birthday.3. hat, cake, Are they ? Yes, they are. No, they arent. 4. orange, brown, white, What color are they? They are 5. 小故事unit 61. stand up起立, sit down坐下, e here来这, turn around转圈. 2. clap拍, sing唱, look看, boat小帆船, school bus校车, Clap your hands拍拍你的手. Sing a song唱首歌. Look at me看我.3

22、. bike自行车, kite风筝, plane飞机, car小汽车. I have a 我有一个4. new新的, old旧的, skateboard滑板, Do you have a .? 你有一个.?Yes, I do. 是的,我有。 No, I dont.不, 我没有。5. ball球, puter game电脑游戏, train火车, robot机器人, I dont have a . 我没有一个6. football足球, basketball篮球, play football玩足球, play basketball玩篮球, 背诵56页小故事7. 总复习。背诵60页小故事。8 / 8


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