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1、-APPLICATION NOTESVALVE CHECKERG040-123伺服阀检测仪说明书型号G040-123CONTENTS 目录Chapter Title Page 扉页1. Description 3 产品描述 3 2. Specification 7 规格说明3. Quick Start 9 快开4. Connecting to valve and plant 11 阀的设备连接5. Plant mode operation (in line) 12 工作模式操作在线6. Checker mode operation (stand alone) 15 检测模式操作离线独立7. E

2、*ternal 24V supply 17 外部供电24V8. Valve performance checks 18 阀性能检测9. Block diagram 20 流程图DESCRIPTION 产品描述1.1 The Moog G040-123 Valve Checker is an instrument capable of checking theflow control function of nearly the complete range of Moog electrical feedback(efb) proportional and servo valves. Mecha

3、nical feedback (mfb) and pressurecontrol valves are not catered for by the G040-123.穆格 G040-123型伺服阀监测仪是一种能对穆格阀就近能对阀的流量控制,比例阀和伺服阀电气信号反应检测的仪器。带机械反应的压力控制阀不能用G040-123型检测仪。The feature that makes it so versatile is the way it can test a valve while thevalve is still installed in its normal operating plant

4、. This is done at two levels,“in line and “stand alone. 这种仪器特点能对安装在阀台上正常工作的阀门进展多方面的检测和操作。这里有两种测试方式:在线检测和独立检测。1.1.1 Plant (In Line) 工厂工作在线检测As in fig a) the plant and valve operate normally. In fig b) the Valve Checker isconnected between the plant electronics and the valve such that all the plantele

5、ctronics signals, to and from the valve, are connected as normal. The ValveChecker monitors the plant electronics signals and the signals back from thevalve, enabling a check of the valves performance.图a为电气线路与控制阀通常连接方式; 图b为伺服阀检测仪串联在电气线路和控制阀总电气线路之间,保证阀输出输入线路在正常状态。检测仪器能检测电气信号和输入给阀信号,来检测阀的性能。1.1.2 Chec

6、ker (Stand Alone) 检测模式独立检测In this mode the plant command is switched out while the Valve Checkergenerates the command to the valve and monitors the signals back from it. Thevalve remains installed in the plant but the plant command signals aredisconnected. Checking while still installed in the plant

7、 provides the addedbenefit of checking the valve by observing the reaction of the plant to the ValveCheckers commands.在这个模式下操作,工厂工作指令被断开,检测仪的控制信号输给阀,阀的反应信号在回到检测仪。尽管检测仪还串联在电路中,但工作的信号已经被断开。检测的同时,可以由检测员给出指令来监测被测阀的动态变化。1.2 The Valve Checker is powered by the plant electronics which also continue tosuppl

8、y the valve in both plant and checker modes of operation. As well, thereis a +24V DC power connector on the front panel for 24V DC and 15V DCpowered valves, without connection to the plant electronics power.1.2检测仪的供电源由原电路供给,同时能继续提供给被检测的阀在“ 工作和“ 检测模式操作提供电源。同样这里的24V直流电源可以提供阀电子元件所需的24V直流电源或 15V 直流电源。无须

9、外接其它的电器电源。1.3 Two cables connect the Valve Checker to the plant electronics and valve. Eachof the Valve Checker models is dedicated to a power supply voltage andconnector type. It is necessary to select the model type that has the correctconnector and supply voltage. The table below shows the model

10、numbers andtheir supply/connector types.1.3连接在检测仪的两条电气线一条接供给的电线,另一条接被检测阀的上。不管检测仪那个模式下都是这样连接来提供电源电压和连接方式接头一般类型一样,对于必须要选择类型的要纠正连接类型和提供的电源电压。下表提供的是型号和电源电压参数Model dash number table:零件模块参数表Model dash 型号 connector 接头、插接件 supply 供给1.4 There are si* functional blocks on the front panel.在面板上有六个的功能模块1. Q Comm

11、and 电流指令 4. Control 控制2. Spool 滑阀 5. Enable 开启,允许3. Power 电源 6. Valve Connector 阀连接接口1.4.1 Q Command电流指令This block is active only when checkermode is selected. The rotary pot adjuststhe Q command level.只有在选在“检测模式下这局部模块才能投入使用,旋转钮是调整电流的大小量的。The grey test point gives a 0 to 10V signal proportional to t

12、he actual voltage orcurrent being delivered to the valve. The rotary selector switch selects thesignal type that is connected to the valve.这个灰色的测电位点提供0V10V成比例的输出真是电信号,信号主动传递给被检测的阀件,旋转的扶手开关选着输给阀信号的类型The +/- switch connects the valve Q command signal to the non-inverting (+vegives P A) and inverting (

13、+ve gives P B) inputs.这个“+/-开关是连接阀的Q指令开关,开关在“+位置阀给油P A输入,在“-位置阀给油P B输入。1.4.2 Spool滑阀The spool position signal from the valve is always available at the green spooltest point and passed on to the plant electronics regardless of the mode ofoperation. The green spool test point gives a 0 to 10V signal

14、proportional tothe spool signal from the valve. The LED display to the left of the test pointprovides a rudimentary indication of the signal. The centre blue null LED willbe illuminated when the spool signal is less than 10%.不管哪种控制模式下,从阀来的阀芯位置信号总是在测试点上呈绿色,这些绿色测试点上的电信号与提供的0 10V电信号成正比例。LED指示灯显示左边的测试点的

15、迹象,提供了一个初步的信号,中心蓝色的LED零位指示灯在阀芯电信号小于10%时才亮。An understanding of the checker load switch is important for successful use ofthe Checker, when the spool signal is a current( 10mA or 4-20mA). When the valve has a current output there must be a paththrough which the current can flow, for the Checker to be

16、able to measure thecurrent. When the plant lectronics do no provide this load, or the Checker isnot connected to the plant electronics, the Checker load switch connects a 100Ohm load to ground (0V) on the spool signal, enabling a current to flow.检查员了解负荷开关,并成功运用的检查是很重要的。当滑阀的信号电流 10mA 或 4-20mA当阀门具有一个输

17、出电流必须有能检测测量当前流通的电流。当电路不提供负荷,或者检查没有连接的到电路的电子原件,检测员要把负荷开关连接到100欧姆负载到接地0V使电流信号流通,才能检测。Note that a si* position rotary switch is used to select the five feedback signals.The fifth and si*th positions both select 4-20mA signal.注:6个位置旋转开关是用来选择五个反应信号的. 第五档位和第六档位4-20mA都选择位置信号。1.4.3 Power 电源1.4.3.1 24V model

18、s 24V模式The 24V LED illuminates with both plant 24V and the e*ternal 24Vsupply. The e*ternal 24V is connected via the large black connectorbelow the LED. 这里24V LED显示灯电源有工厂工作的24V电压电源或者有外部24V电压电源提供电源。外部电源连在24V LED显示灯下面大的黑色插孔上。The checker LED indicates the internal 15V supply is healthy. Thissupply is u

19、sed to power only the Valve Checker internal electronics.The valve and internal 15V regulators are always powered by thee*ternal 24V, regardless of the presence of plant 24V. When there is noe*ternal supply the plant 24V powers the valve and internal regulators. 检测员LED指示灯正常工作是由15V的部电压提供,这个电压仅用于提供检测仪

20、部电子元件使用。不管有24V工厂工作电源,或没有外部电源提供24V工厂电源提供给阀和调节器,15V的电压和阀工作的24V电压都是由外部24V电源提供。 15V models15V模式The 24V LED illuminates when the e*ternal 24V supply is connected.The plant 15V LEDs illuminate when the plant 15V supply is present.The checker LED indicates the internal 15V supply is healthy.When the

21、 checker is powered from the plant 15V the valve is poweredfrom that supply as well.24V LED指示灯亮是表示与外部24V电压电源连接通。当工厂现场提供的15V电压电源时15V LED指示灯会亮。检测仪的显示部电压15V供给正常,如果检测阀的工作电压是15V,则这也能正常提供阀检测使用。When e*ternal 24V is present, the checker internal regulators arepowered from that supply, regardless of the pres

22、ence of the plant supplyand the valve in turn is powered form the internal regulators.当外部提供24V电压,检测器的部调节稳压来自这个电源,不管工厂提供阀的工作电压都要通过检测仪的部处理器后供给阀。1.4.4 Control 控制This switch selects the two operating modes:旋转开关可以选择两个操作模式:- In Checker mode valve Q commands and valve enable aregenerated by the Checker, wi

23、th the valve generated signals ofspool position, enable OK and valve OK, available to be monitoredon the Valve Checker test points and passed back to the plantelectronics.在检测模式下,检测员可以操作Q指令和使被检测阀动作,产生作用阀的电信号和阀芯位置的检测信号,来判断使用和阀状态正常。检测员可以在监测检测点上记录下输入输出的电信号的信息。- In Plant mode valve Q commands and valve e

24、nable are generatedby the plant electronics, with the valve generated signalsmonitored in the same way as in checker mode. 在工厂工作模式下,阀门的Q指令和阀门产生电信号通过工厂电气设备,阀的检测信号产生的方式和“检测模式产生是一样的。Note that a three position rotary switch is used to select between checker andplant modes. The first and second positions

25、 both select plant mode.注:三个位置旋转开关是用来选择检查者,之间工厂模式。第一和第二位置都选厂的模式。1.4.5 Enable 启动The enable LED illuminates when the enable signal to the valve is positive.The enable signal to the valve comes from the plant electronics when plantmode is selected. When checker mode is selected it comes from the enable

26、 onswitch. However, the enable to the valve can be turned off by selecting masteroff when either plant or checker mode is selected.当阀门启动信号呈阳性,开启指示灯亮起。中选择工厂工作模式,阀的工作鼓励电信号来源工厂工作电源提供。当翻开启动开关,“检测模式激活启用,但是,中选择“工厂工作模式或“检测模式时,这个阀开关可以关掉选择的模式。As well as enabling the valve, the enable signal also enables the

27、ValveChecker output signals derived from either the checker itself, or the plantelectronics.通过阀门的检测员输出的控制信号,来检测阀门,阀门的信号和检测仪本身的工厂工作电子元件电源。This provides a safety feature that quickly removes all signals in the event ofdamaging or dangerous process movements. Simply selecting master off turnsoff all si

28、gnal lines to the valve.这个提供一个平安的检测方法,迅速检测和去除关闭所有相关信号事故、危险的动作进程。只需简单的关掉控制信号就可以切断所有的信号线。The enable OK LED illuminates when the enable OK signal form the valve ispositive.当来自阀的鼓励正常时,LED照明的启用亮。1.4.6 Valve Connector 阀的插孔连接All the test points in this section are wired directly to the valve connector. Thi

29、senables the actual voltage on the valves input pins to be measured, regardlessof the mode selected. A knowledge of the valve input impedance is sometimesnecessary to gain benefit from this measurement.在这局部里所有的测试点都与阀门直接连接,这个检测仪输入插脚是来测量阀的实际电压,不管选择什么控制模式,对于阀输入的阻抗有很好的了解也要来源这种测量。This section also contai

30、ns the valve OK LED. The valve OK signal is an outputfrom the valve.这局部面板同样包含检测阀正常的信号灯“OK LED,检测仪显示的正常信号也来源阀的输出。2. SPECIFICATION 规格说明Q Command OutputsQ指令输出 10V, 10mA,4-20mAQ Command Test Point Q指令测试点 0 to 10VQ Command Q指令Output swing 输出围 10V, 20mASpool Inputs 线圈可调围 2.5 to 13.5V, 10V ferential,10V si

31、ngle ended, 10mA, 4-20mA.Spool Feedback Test Point 管测试点的反应 0 to 10VTest point size 测试点的尺寸 2.0mm diameterSupply 电源 15V DC 9 to 18V, 65 mA at 15V, e*cluding valve24V DC 18 to 36 V, 90mA at 24 V, e*cluding valveWeight 重量 1.2kg. includes cablesDimensions 尺寸 205 * 138 * 70 highCable Length 电线长 3.0MEnable

32、, Enable OK & Valve OKon at 8.5V.Thresholds off at 6.5V.EMC 电磁滤波 EN 50081-1EN 50082-2Protective earth 接地保护 EN 60204-1 equal-potential3. QUICK START 快速启动3.1 Select the Valve Tester model number 选择阀检测器型号3.2 Select Operation Mode 选择操作模式Select plant mode for in line testing or checker mode for stand alo

33、ne testing.在工厂模式选择可在线测试或检测模式可以离线单独进展测试3.3 E*ternal Supply 外部供给If using checker mode an e*ternal 24V power supply is needed. Supplyrequirements are:-如果使用检测模式需要外部24V电压供给,供给调整量为:- 2.1mm diameter connector: 24V outside contact, 0V inside contact.直径2.1mm的接线头:24V外连接线,0V部连接线。- 18V to 36V range.18V 36V围- 90

34、mA at 24V to power the valve checker with no load.90mA 在 24V 电源电压检测仪在无负载的围。3.4 Connect Cables 电线连接First select master off on the enable switch. Turn hydraulic pressure and plantelectronics off before disconnecting and reconnecting the valve.第一, 操作员在使用启动开关,把液压油路和工厂工作电源关闭CAUTION Be sure that the power

35、 down and power up sequence isorderly so no damage can be done to the process.警告:必须保证正确的得电和失电顺序,才不会在检测中造成损坏设备。3.5 Select Signal Types 信号类型选择Select the Q command, if using in checker mode, and spool signal switches tomatch the valve signal types.选择使用Q命令模式,如果使用在检测模式下, 线圈信号要切换到与阀匹配的阀类型。3.6 Run Test 运行测

36、试Turn on the enable switch. The valve will now operate and correct operationcan be verified by measuring the Q command and comparing it to the spoolsignal.正确翻开启动开关,这个检测仪立刻运行和正确动作,通过Q命令和阀芯的信号比照来判断阀的动作正常。3.6.1 Plant (in line)工厂工作在线Measure Q + and Q test points in the Valve connector section and compar

37、ethis signal to the green test point in the spool section.测量Q + 和 Q 测试点在测试仪面板和比拟反应信号在阀信号来源阀芯线圈的绿色测试点。3.6.2 Checker (Stand Alone)检测模式独立检测Measure the grey test pointin the Q command section and compare this signalto the green test point in the spool section.灰色的测试点的测量中,比拟指挥Q信号绿色的测试点在芯区。3.7 Valve wont r

38、espond?阀没有响应?Check in Valve connector section检查阀的线路连接。- Correct Q+ and Q- signal.正确接入Q+ 和 Q-信号- Correct power supply.正确的电源电压,- Correct enable signal, if the valve has an enable.如果阀没有使能就检查使能信号。Check in spool section.检查阀芯线圈的面板- If spool signal is a mA signal turn on checker load in spool sectionto ens

39、ure a path for the mA current.如果阀芯信号是一个毫安电流信号翻开检查负荷, 要确保阀芯也为电流。- Correct spool signal selected. 选择正确的阀芯信号Check in the power section.检测电源局部- Checker LED is illuminated.检测LED亮起Check in enable section.检测使能局部- Enable LED is illuminated.检测LED亮起Check in Q command section.检查Q命令局部- Correct command signal se

40、lected.选择正确的指令信号- Try reversing the polarity of the +/- switch.尝试扭转的极性+ / -开关。4. CONNECTING TO VALVE AND PLANT ELECTRONICS连接到阀和工厂的电子设备4.1 Disable the process that the valve is controlling by turning off electrical powerand hydraulic pressure.4.1关闭阀门的过程控制,关掉电源和液压。CAUTION: Be sure that the power down

41、sequence is orderly so nodamage can be done to the process.警告:必须保证正确的得电和失电顺序,才不会在检测中造成损坏设备4.2 Remove the plant electronic cable from the valve and mate it with the ValveChecker plant cable.4.2拆卸装置从阀门及电子电缆和阀门。交配检查植物电缆。4.3 Mate the Valve Checker valve cable with the valve.阀与检测仪的电缆连接匹配。4.4 Select maste

42、r off on the enable switch.选择“master off在使能开关上Restore power and hydraulic pressure.恢复供电和液压压力CAUTION: Be sure that the power up sequence is orderly so no damagecan be done to the process.注意:要确保启动顺序正确有序,不至于造成使用过程中出现损坏。4.5 Verify that the checker power LED is illuminated.4.5确认检侧仪功率LED照明4.6 Select eithe

43、r plant (in line) mode or checker (stand alone) mode on the controlselector switch.4.6、选择模式控制开关在工厂模式在线模式或者检测模式独立模式See chapter five for instructions on plant mode operation and chapter si* forinstructions on checkermode operation.见第五章指示工厂模式运行,第六章指示检测模式运行CAUTION: Do not spill oil on the Valve Checker.

44、 Oil can enter thehousing and damage the internal electronic circuit.Do not subject the Valve Checker to severe shock or vibration.Damage to the internal electronic circuit may result.警告:不要溢油的阀门上的检查。油可以进入仪器部和造成部电子电路损坏。不要在受到严重冲击或振动阀门上检测。可能会出现损坏部电子电路的结果。5. PLANT MODE OPERATION 工厂模式运行5.1 Connection连接Ha

45、ving successfully connected the Valve Checker as per chapter three, selectplant mode on the control selector switch.按第三章正确连接阀与检测仪之间的线路,选择工厂模式的控制开关。CAUTION: Ensure the enable switch is in the master off position andleave it in this position until all switch selections are made andthe test is ready to

46、 proceed.警告:确保使能开关在关闭位置, 当所有的开关和选择在检测准备状态,才能使使能开关离开关闭位置。5.2 Plant Mode工厂模式In plant mode the Q command section is inoperative. The Q and enablecommands come from the plant electronics.在工厂模式下指令模块失效,这里的指令来源工厂的电子元件的信号。5.3 Spool滑阀芯In the spool section select the appropriate spool signal. When selecting either10mA or 4-20mA, check if the plant electronics provides a load that enables acurrent signal to flow. If there is no return signal pat


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