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1、使用雅思口语机经的过程中要注意什么 雅思口语练习,同学们会用到雅思口语机经。下面是,各位考生在使用雅思口语机经的过程中,需要注意的相关事项,今天给大家带来了使用雅思口语机经要注意什么,希望能够帮助到到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。使用雅思口语机经要注意什么雅思口语机经使用要注意一,有关机经里的题目太多。经雅思中国网海外考试研究中心对机经做过专门的统计,仅part 2的描述题目,而在机经上会有230个题拿出来,若大家又把每一道part 2题目后面跟着的7,8道part 3题目全部都包含在内的情况下,大家提及的雅思备考恐怕不是几个月能解决的问题了,单单雅思口语这一科有接近2000道题目要准

2、备,这还不算单词的学习以及发音的纠正,答案正确程度。如果考生中有谁是三年后或更久后要考雅思的,可以采取这种方法。雅思口语机经使用要注意二,但即使有足够的时间,如此当碰到第二个问题,过杂。在其内的口语考题很多是几年前,也许2000年左右时时常会考察的题目,而最近几年已经逐渐的淡出了考官的视野。所以,针对这类题目的准备显得有些多余和浪费时间。但问题,考生们很难分辨出哪些是考试有可能会考的,哪一些又是所谓已经被淘汰了的。雅思口语机经使用要注意三,发音。不管哪一个雅思考生,算有一个满分的口语答案照着念,也许最后会获得的分数也不会太高(7分可能已经是非常高了,但是问题是考生又要从哪里找到这2000 道题

3、目的满分答案又可以把他们背的滚瓜烂熟呢),里面有一个关键的原因是发音。举个例子,一句再有水平的,地道的中国话,也许会使一个才学中文的老外来读的话,那个味也变了吧。雅思口语新题Part23之A Pleasant Surprise惊喜Part 2A Pleasant SurpriseDescribe a pleasant surprise you had.You should say:1.when and where it happened2.who gave you the surprise3.why they gave you the surprise4.and explain how you

4、 felt about it.Part 31. Do Chinese people like surprises?2. Do you always get excited by surprises?3. Can people learn how to be happy?4. How do Chinese people think of money?5. Would you be happy when you dont buy anything while shopping?雅思口语新题Part23之A Vehicle You Want To Buy车辆Part 2A Vehicle You W

5、ant To BuyDescribe a vehicle you would like to buy.You should say:1.what kind of vehicle2.why you would like to have it3.how you would get it4.and explain why you would prefer this means of transport.Part 31. What are the advantages and disadvantages of public and private transportation?2. What are

6、the advantages to society of having more people using mass transportation?3. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using mass transportation.4. Why do some people have to travel a long distance every day to go to work?5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the centre of a ci

7、ty and living in the suburbs of a city?雅思口语新题Part23之A Gift You Would Like To Give礼物Part 2A Gift You Would Like To GiveDescribe a handmade gift you would like to give to a friend.You should say:1.who you would like to give this gift to2.what the gift would be3.how much it would cost4.and explain why

8、you would like to give this gift to this person.Part 31. Why do people give gifts to others?2. When do people in your country give gifts?3. What should people consider when choosing a gift?4. Do you think some parents give too many things to their children?5. Can you suggest any ways to improve that situation?使用雅思口语机经要注意什么


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