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1、托福写作高分学霸备考经验 托福写作高分学霸备考经验整理 ,独立综合两篇*写法结构分析,今天给大家带来了托福写作高分学霸备考经验整理,希望能够给帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作高分学霸备考经验整理 独立综合两篇*写法结构分析托福综合写作*结构分析综合写作因为有个reading 可以参考所以很好写,只要记下了listening里的要点,再依次呈现即可。开篇:一句话,说明reading 和listening是有明显不同的。中间段:每一段一个点,论述reading 和listening的不同。结尾段:不用写。托福独立写作写法结构讲解独立写作的结构较为复杂,我们从第一段开始。开头段,

2、请分为三句话。background statement描述背景,opinions描述两边的观点。topic 表达我自身的观点。我个人喜欢用一边倒的方式写托福作文,当然中立观点也能写。在topic段落中,除了表达观点,我建议把接下来会使用的论点全都用一两个词概括出来,总领全文。这样写下来,大概是80个字。接下来就是中间段了。对于一边倒式的*,建议写三个中间段,每一段70个字。第一个中间段赞颂反方论点,说它怎么怎么好,随后一个转折,后两个中间段各阐述一个自己的观点。一段只讲一个论点,一个论点必须在一段话中完成。对于持中立型的*,建议分成两段,各100字。在每一个段落中,阐述两个支撑论点。这样一来,

3、无论是一边倒还是持中立,我们都要完成200字左右的阐述,并且正反兼顾。结尾段,20到40字,用一句固定的话可以直接完成。我们的目标是在独立写作时,拿到题目立刻开始写开头段,在无脑写作开头段的过程中想出论点,并在开头段结尾处概括出来,接下来用中间段给予论述。最后无脑写结尾段。托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:choose a place to live at university托福写作难点话题一览Living in university housing or in an apartment in the community?Students at universities often

4、 have a choice of places to live. They may choose to live in university dormitories, or they may choose to live in apartments in the community. Compare the advantages of living in university housing with the advantages of living in an apartment in the community. Where would you prefer to live? Give

5、reasons for your preference.写作思路展开结构分析一定要进行比较。住在宿舍的优缺点:便宜(不用付或者付很少的租金;很少的交通费用);方便;但是可能不自由。自己租房子住的优缺点:自由;安静;干净;但是费用高 (也许合租的话,就会便宜很多)。根据自己的情况进行选择。本话题高分范文赏析Being a new student at a university is an excitement. Choosing where to live, whether on campus in a dormitory, or off campus in an apartment, is i

6、n fact quite a big decision. Both of these options have their relative benefits. Living in a dormitory has many advantages over living off campus. For example, one has the opportunity to meet dozens of new students. One is usually placed in a room with a roommate, who can help with homework, and giv

7、e much needed support during difficult times. Another advantage of living in a dormitory is not having to cook food. Most students coming to a university have lived their whole lives with their parents, and inexpert at preparing food, for they were not in charge of the cooking in home. Many students

8、 who first learn to cook their own food while going to school eat a very unhealthy diet. On top of this, many students are so preoccupied with their studies that they do not have time to cook a nutritious meal. Therefore, the fact that the dormitories include a cafeteria is very beneficial. However,

9、 living off campus has its advantages as well. In most situations, one has much more freedom to do what they want in these living conditions. For instance, one can stay up late studying or come home late without disturbing a roommate. Also, one is not limited to the cafeteria food if he/she is a par

10、ticular eater. Living by oneself also has its benefits. One never has to deal with rude or messy roommates. Overall, I think that both of these options are good choices. However, I recommend that first or second year students live in a dormitory, and perhaps wait until they are older and more accust

11、omed to university life before venturing out on their own. This way, one gets the best of both worlds: the camaraderie of living with many people and the independence of living by oneself.托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:artists contribution or scientists contribution托福写作难点话题一览Artists contribution or scientist

12、s contribution, which is more valuable?It is generally agreed that society benefits from the work of its members. Compare the contributions of artists to society with the contributions of scientists to society. Which type of contribution do you think is valued more by your society? Give specific rea

13、sons to support your answer.写作思路展开结构分析不要急于选择;一定要进行比较陈述科学家做出的贡献和陈述艺术家做出的贡献在不同的时期(比如战争时期vs和平时期),二者做出的贡献不同。本话题高分范文赏析Art and science are essentially a strange coupling. Yet more often than not, they are considered as divergent rather than consistent with each other. The artist employs image and metaphor

14、; the scientist uses number and equation. By casual juxtaposition, these two fields seem to have little in common: there are few, if any, references to art in any standard textbook of science; art historians rarely interpret an artists work in light of the conceptual framework of science. Despite wh

15、at appear to be irreconcilable differences, however, they do have at least one thing in commonboth of them have significant contribution to the society, but through probably distinctive way. The development of science and technology has always accompanied the progress of the society. The invention o

16、f the steam engine brought a new era of thrift of world economy; the employment of electricity has multiplied the productivity and virtually reproduced limited resources on the Earth; the innovation of computer technologies has made the Earth a little village and connected distant countries as a sin

17、gle market. While sometimes the progress of science and technology, such as that of human cloning, cause troubles or originate dilemmas, it seems always undeniable that in a broad sense, the development of science has provided people a much higher standard of living than that of their counterparts i

18、n any phrase of the history. Visualization and fascination have been the major power of any form of art. For example, any religion in this world cannot exist without music, which helps realize the faith of the church to an astonishing extent. Each and every revolution on this earth was accompanied b

19、y numerous corresponding art productions, because the artists sense the circumstances, and then reflect their sensations with sophisticated techniques in their production, which can be easily perceived by the public through powerful empathy. Nobody could evaluate art as correct or not standard, need

20、less to say the public, they simply feel it is good or not, therefore art has always had magic influence on the public and society in general. However, its been said that there is no science without fancy and no art without facts. Science fictions have long been functioning as a major vehicle for th

21、e public dissemination of science; scientists share parallel view of space, time and light, etc. with artists. Not only are art and science interrelated with each other but they also contribute to each other in various way. Therefore, it is hard to compare the contributions of art and science, it is

22、 simply partial to say that either one contributes more to the society than another does.托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:should students evaluate their teachers托福写作难点话题一览Should schools ask students to evaluate their teachers?Schools should ask students to evaluate their teachers. Do you agree or disagree? Use

23、 specific reasons and examples to support your answer.写作思路展开结构分析有保留地同意 (agree with reservations)。学生在评判教师时,是否全部学生都可以客观评价(objective evaluation)?是否有足够的能力(包括academic knowledge等等)去进行客观评价? 如果采取了这样的方式,就会出现老师迎合(cater to/ pander to/ play up to students taste)学生而不是引导 (guide; lead)学生,违背了教育的原则。保留意见/这种方式:允许学生进行评

24、价,但是应该作为一个参考,同时要有其他的评判方式。本话题高分范文赏析Teachers have a very difficult job in society. They not only have to learn how to teach material effectively, but also must learn how to deal with a wide variety of personalities. While teaching is a difficult job, I think it is important for schools to ask students

25、 to evaluate their teachers. I think this is the right thing to do because it encourages teachers to try their best, it gives students the opportunity to choose effective teachers, and it allows the schools to have the best teachers possible teaching. If a teacher knows that at the end of the term,

26、the students will be evaluating his/her work, then the teacher will be driven to do a very good job. If there is no pressure from evaluation, a teacher might be prone to doing a less than perfect job. I believe that everyone needs an occasional evaluation to ensure they are doing their job correctly

27、. In the case of a teacher, the students will give the most important evaluations. If there was a public summary of which teacher scored the highest on his/her evaluations, then students would be able to take courses based on which teacher was the best at the job. This would allow students to excel

28、in their studies, and achieve better grades. Finally, if schools ask students to evaluate their teachers, the schools themselves would be able to have the best teachers working on campus. If a teacher scored too low on an evaluation, a replacement could be found. This is a much better method than waiting for students to complain about a teacher. Teachers do have a difficult job, but regardless of this, they must excel at it. If a person is a particularly poor teacher, the students will not learn the required material, and suffer for it.


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