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1、托福听力备考如何应对弱点学科 托福听力备考如何应对弱点学科?实用备考技巧指点。今天给大家带来了托福听力备考如何应对弱点学科,希望能够帮助到到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力备考如何应对弱点学科?实用备考技巧指点什么是特定学科恐惧症?很多备考学生都有“特定学科恐惧症”,比如说擅长文科的学生对于自然科学类就比较头疼,而偏理科的考生对于艺术类的篇章永远都达不到其就理科类听力内容所能做到的正确率。那么我们应该如何克服这种恐惧症呢?一般建议是专攻弱点一般来说,老师们会建议的方法是:哪个学科弱,我们就专攻哪个学科,而官方真题Official的听力材料则被公认为是最适合备考的材料!没有之一!问


3、要深度挖掘,而深度挖掘最好的办法是精听 (可以参照之前的推文)、自己归纳词汇和分析*结构。还是引用一句老话:“官方真题Official已经是备考托福听力最好的材料了”,我们不需要量多,而是需要做到精,这个过程也是提升我们考生英语综合能力的过程,踏实做好每一步,基础打扎实了,应试能力也自然而然上去了。托福听力练习对照文本Word comes from California of a new weapon in the war on household pests.一种同居家害虫的战斗的新武器的消息从California传来Two scientists working for a firm in

4、Anaheim, California, have developed a method to eliminate insects without using dangerous chemicals.两个为California的Anaheim的一家公司工作的科学家,已经研发出一个方法去清除害虫又不使用危险化学品。The new poison? Hot air.新型毒药?热空气。The basic idea is that insects cannot adjust to temperatures much above normal.其基本思想是害虫不能适应超过常态很多的温度。In labora

5、tory experiments, cockroaches and termites cant survive much more than a quarter of an hour at 125 degrees Fahrenheit, or about 50 degrees centigrade.在实验室实验中,蟑螂和白蚁在华氏125度或大约摄氏50度时不能生存超过一刻钟。The new method involves covering a house with a huge tent and filling it with air heated to around 65 degrees c

6、entigrade.这个新方法包括用一个巨大的帐篷盖住房子并且用加热到大约摄氏65度左右的空气注入它。Hot air is forced in with fans, and the tent keeps the heat inside the house.热空气被风扇强压进去,然后帐篷将热量保持在房子中。Since termites try to escape by hiding in wooden beams, the heat treatment must be continued for a full six hours.因为白蚁会试图躲在木梁中逃脱,这个热处理必须被维持一段六个小时(的

7、时间)But when its all over, and the insects are dead, there are no toxic residues to endanger humans or pets, and no funny smells.但是当一切都结束时,并且害虫都死掉了,没有残毒会危害人类或宠物,而且没有不舒服的气味。Scientists claim that there is no danger of fire, either, since very few household materials will burn at 65 degrees centigrade.科

8、学家声称根本没有火灾的危险,因为很少有家居材料会在摄氏65度燃烧。In fact, wood is prepared for construction use by drying it in ovens at 80 degree centigrade, which is substantially hotter than the air used in this procedure.事实上,木头被准备用于建筑用途的,会在烘炉中以摄氏80度烘干,这实际上比用于这个程序的空气要热。托福听力练习对照文本Im sure you realize that your research papers are

9、 due in six weeks.我确信你们意识到你们的研究论文在六周内到期。Ive looked at your proposed topics and made comments about them.我已经看过了你们提出的主题并且发表了关于它们的评论。The most frequent problem was proposing too broad a topic.最常见的问题是提出了过于宽泛的主题,Remember, this is only a fifteen-page paper.记住,这只是一个十五页的论文。As I return your topic papers, Id l

10、ike to look over the schedule which sketches out what well do during the next two weeks.随着我返回你们的主题论文,我想查看概述了我们将在接下来的两周内做什么的计划。Today is Monday; by Friday, I want your preliminary outline.今天是周一,到周五,我想要你们初步的大纲。Please be sure to incorporate the suggestions Ive made on your topics in your outlines.请务必吸收我

11、在你们的主题的大纲上做出的建议。Next week Ill have a conference with each of you.下周我将和你们每一个人有一场讨论。Ive posted a schedule on my office door.我会在我办公室门上张贴一个日程表。Sign your name to indicate the time youre available for an appointment.签上你的名字来指明你可以(安排)约定的时间In the conference, well discuss your preliminary outline.在讨论中,我们将探讨你的

12、初步大纲。Then you can make the necessary revisions and hand in your final outline, which is due two weeks from today.然后你们可以做些必要的修订并且提交你们的最终大纲,这在从今天起两周内到期。Use the outline style in your textbook and remember it should be no more than two pages long.使用你们教材中的大纲类型,同时记住它应该不会超过两页纸长。Be sure to begin with a thes

13、is statement, that is, with a precise statement of the point you intend to prove and include a conclusion.一定要用一个主题句开始,也就是说,用一个你打算证明的点的精确的陈述句,并且要包括一个结论。Have you got all that?你们都明白了吗?Your two-page preliminary outlines are due at the end of this week and the final outlines are due after your conference

14、s.你们两页的初步大纲在本周末到期然后最终的大纲在你们讨论后到期。Follow the textbook style and include a thesis statement and a conclusion.遵循课本的模式,并且包括一个主题句和一个结论。托福听力练习对照文本Before we begin our tour, Id like to give you some background information on the painter Grant Wood.在我们开始这段游览之前,我想给你们一些关于画家Grant Wood的背景信息Well be seeing much of

15、 his work today.今天我们将会看到很多他的作品Wood was born in 1881 in Iowa farm country, and became interested in art very early in life.Wood于1881年出生在Iowa的乡下农场,在很年轻时就对艺术感兴趣Although he studied art in both Minneapolis and at the Art Institute of Chicago, the strongest influences on his art were European.尽管他在Minneapo

16、lis和Chicago艺术学院都学过艺术,对他的艺术产生最大影响的却是在欧洲He spent time in both Germany and France and his study there helped shape his own stylized form of realism.他在德国和法国都呆过,并且他在那里的学习帮助他形成了他自己风格的现实主义形式When he returned to Iowa, Wood applied the stylistic realism he had learned in Europe to the rural life he saw around

17、 him and that he remembered from his childhood around the turn of the century.当他回到Iowa,Wood把他在欧洲学到的现实主义体裁应用到了他所见到的在他周围的农村生活中,以及他世纪之交的童年的记忆中。His portraits of farm families imitate the static formalism of photographs of early settlers posed in front of their homes.他的早起定居者在他们房前造型的农场家庭肖像画,模拟了照片的静态形式主义。H

18、is paintings of farmers at work, and of their tools and animals, demonstrate a serious respect for the life of the Midwestern United States.他的农民干活的画作,以及他们的工具和牲畜,展现了对中西部美国生活的一种严肃的尊重。By the 1930s, Wood was a leading figure of the school of art called American regionalism.在二十世纪30年代,Wood成为被称作“美国地方主义”的艺术

19、学院的领导人物。In an effort to sustain a strong Midwestern artistic movement, Wood established an institute of Midwestern art in his home state.在一个试图维持一个强劲的中西部艺术的运动中,Wood在他故乡的州建立了一所中西部艺术学院。Although the institute failed, the paintings you are about to see preserve Woods vision of pioneer farmers.尽管学院并不成功,你们即将要见到的画作保持了Wood的拓荒农民的愿景。


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