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1、托福听力2大高频热点题型出题思路指点 托福听力2大高频热点题型出题思路指点 ,你会做细节题主旨题吗,今天给大家带来了托福听力2大高频热点题型出题思路指点,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力2大高频热点题型出题思路指点 你会做细节题主旨题吗?托福听力细节题特点提问方式介绍托福听力中的细节是指具体的信息,例如说话人提及的事实、描述、定义和例子等。细节题特点:细节题要求考生重现对话或讲座中的具体信息,不需要做过多的推测基于ETS考察内容是和主旨有关的重要细节。我们在听的过程中需要把握的往往是和考点相联系的重要信号词,比如说表示因果的so, thus等词对应于细节题中常考察的

2、因果关系典型提问模式:What does the woman suggest the man do?What help did the young man receive? Click on two answers。Select the diagram that represents ?According to the instructor, what characteristic should ?. have?How did the professor introduce ?. ?According to the speaker, what does ? mean?According to

3、the prof essor, why is A superior to B?托福听力主旨题细节题特点提问方式介绍IBT听力主旨题考查把握谈话或演讲的主要内容的能力。对于任何一个长段子,首先务必要把握的是*的主旨和结构,只有主旨确定了,才有可能进一步去理解细节,做推断。主旨题特点:通常是对一个谈话或演讲的主要内容的综合概括。在一段长演讲中,通常会有两个或以上的主要表述内容,但这些内容往往是相互关联的,它们互相补充构成一个完整的主题。典型提问形式:托福听力主旨题的问题常常以特殊疑问词开头, 例如:What is the subject of the conversation?Why did th

4、e man go to see the professor?What are the man and the woman discussing?What is the womans problem?What is the lecture mainly about?What is the professor mainly discussing?What aspect of ? does the instructor mainly discuss?托福备考之独立写作满分范文task:People attend college or university for many different rea

5、sons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.托福备考之独立写作满分范文:Why People Attend College or University?There are many advantages to a college or university educ

6、ation. Students have ample opportunity to explore a variety of interests, increase both their general and specific knowledge, prepare for a chosen career and develop independence. All of these are valuable goals to achieve, but it is my belief that most students today pursue higher education insgrou

7、psto prepare for their future careers.In the past, only the rich and privileged had the opportunity to attend a university and their goals were very different. Coming from wealthy families, few of them would have to compete for a job after graduation, and most wished only to be considered well-educa

8、ted. Todays students are more practical. They must be able to compete in a very competitive job market; therefore, a practical education is very important.Furthermore, higher education is a big investment and so most students want to get all they can out of it. For these students, it is better to ha

9、ve clearly defined career and education goals rather than to try and find themselves in college. Of course, all students want to increase their knowledge, but I believe that most students today want that knowledge to be relevant to their future careers.The world has changed a great deal since univer

10、sities were established. They are still wonderful places for acquiring broad knowledge and for personal development. However, in todays competitive world these pursuits must be balanced with the pursuit of more specific goals. That is why I think most students view higher education as a valuable too

11、l in career preparation.托福备考之独立写作满分范文task:It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.托福备考之独立写作满分范文:Both the countryside and an urban environment have many things to offer. Many importan

12、t museums and cultural venues can be found in the city. There is also often good access to educational resources and a wide variety of job opportunities. However, the countryside offers a more relaxed and peaceful way of life. Communities are often close-knit and secure. Although both environments o

13、ffer good opportunities for development, it is my opinion that life in the countryside is more beneficial for children.One important advantage of raising children in the countryside is that the environment is cleaner and healthier. With fresh air to breathe, less crowded living conditions, and more

14、chances to take part in physical exercise, children in the country are usually healthier than those in the city. Another advantage of country living is safety. There is not only less crime in the countryside, but also fewer traffic accidents. Parents do not need to worry so much when their children

15、are playing outside. A third advantage is the stronger sense of community in the country. Children know their neighbors and learn to care about others at an early age. Finally, a country upbringing allows children to experience a more natural environment without all the distractions of entertainment

16、 places in the city. Thus, they can concentrate on their schoolwork and their families.Due to the great number of advantages in raising children in the country, I believe it is better for children to grow up there rather than in a city. Without all the dangers and distractions of city life, they wil

17、l grow up healthier and better grounded in the moral values of their culture.托福备考之独立写作满分范文task:People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific re

18、asons and examples to support your answer.托福备考之独立写作满分范文:People attend colleges or universities for a lot of different reasons. I believe that the three most common reasons are to prepare for a career, to have new experiences, and to increase their knowledge of themselves and the world around them.Ca

19、reer preparation is becoming more and more important to young people. For many, this is the primary reason to go to college, They know that the job market is competitive. At college, they can learn new skill for careers with a lot of opportunities. This means careers, such as information technology,

20、 that are expected to need a large workforce in the coming years.Also, students go to colleges and universities to have new experiences. This often means having the opportunity to meet people different from those in their hometowns. For most students, going to college is the first time theyve been a

21、way from home by themselves. In additions, this is the first time theyve had to make decisions on their own. Making these decisions increases their knowledge of themselves.Besides looking for self-knowledge, people also attend a university or college to expand their knowledge in subjects they find interesting. For many, this will be their last chance for a long time to learn about something that doesnt relate to their career. I would recommend that people not be so focused on a career. They should go to college to have new experiences and learn about themselves and the world they live in.


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