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1、托福备考自学还是报班好 托福备考自学还是报班好?答案在这里,今天给大家带来了托福备考自学还是报班好,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福备考自学还是报班好?答案在这里托福备考自学VS报班1. 托福备考自学一般情况下,考生第一次接触托福考试,为了省钱等原因,都会选择自学的形式。那么托福自学有什么优势呢?(1)备考时间比较自由。自学托福的同学们不同于报班,会有相对固定的备考时间,所以在时间把控上是比较自由的。什么时候加强哪一部分的训练,按照自己制定的计划来就好了。另外,考生们可以把一些碎片时间充分的利用起来,背背单词都是可以的。(2)自我学习能力的提升。想要搞定一门考试,一定会

2、把这门考试了解透彻,报名考试时间、单词书、经验资料等等。在这个自学的过程中,大家需要自我琢磨,这个过程对能力还是有一定的提升。(3)减少经济支出。这是很现实的一点,说白了就是省钱。如果你可以自己搞定,那么能不花钱搞定也是不错的!2. 报班培训又有些同学可能为了更快拿到高分,第一时间就会选择报班,那么报班的优势又有哪些呢?(1)明确备考方向,有效的备考方法和老师帮忙答疑解惑、资料积累。很多同学在托福备考的时候往往会遇到一些自己解决也解决不了的问题,或者2次托福考试分数只降不升,这样情况可能是遇到了瓶颈。这个时候就需要一个有经验的老师来领你走出误区。另外,老师的备考方法远远比自学自我琢磨的要有效的




6、,但是报班对于你熟悉题型和考试节奏,还是有帮助的,就算你自己有几周的强化训练,应该也很难有质的飞越。所以,报班是个不错的选择。4.有一定的经济支撑。选择报托福班的形式进行备考,自然会产生一定的费用。市面的托福班次有很多,有网络课程也有线下的课程,可以根据自己的实际情况选择适合自己的班次。上文中为大家分析了托福自学和报班学习两种方式的优劣性,建议大家根据自身情况综合考量选出最合适的备考方式。如果经济条件允许,也可以结合报班和自学,效果会更好一些。托福写作解析:agree or disagree托福独立写作练习题目:Children rely too much on the technology,

7、 like computers, smart phones, video games for fun and entertainment. Playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for children s development.孩子们过多地依赖科技(比如电脑、智能手机和电子游戏)来娱乐。玩简单点的玩具或者与朋友一起在外面玩对孩子们的发展更好。写作参考思路:观点:电脑、智能手机等电子设备遍及每个家庭,孩子们在这里面花的时间越来越多。有人认为在玩简单点的玩具或者和朋友一起在外面玩才有助于孩子们的

8、发展。但是我的观点截然相反。Opinion:As electronic devices like computers and smart phones are popular in every home, children have spent more and more time on them. With growing concerns about childrens future development, some people think playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better. How

9、ever, I do hold a different view.理由1:随着科技的进步,电子产品的功能越来越强大,客户体验也越来越好。所以孩子们从电脑、智能手机和电子游戏中获得的乐趣比他们在简单的玩具或在外面玩中所获得的要多。Reason 1:With the development of technology, electronic products are becoming more and more powerful, and customer experience is improved as well. In this way, children can get more fun

10、and joy from these products than that from playing simpler toys or playing outside.理由2:现在,互联网教育(比如可汗学院)越来越被人们认可。孩子们通过电脑或智能手机来学知识,已是非常正常的现象。甚至还有些电子游戏,其设计目标就是锻炼孩子们的思维等能力。Reason 2:Nowadays, Internet Education such as Khan Academy is increasingly acknowledged by people. It is a common phenomenon for chi

11、ldren to learn knowledge through computers or smart phones. There are even some video games that are designed to practice childrens ability of thinking and other abilities.总结:科技使生活更美好。只要家长和学校正确引导孩子,不让他们沉迷其中,那么这些电子产品会对孩子们的发展起到积极作用。Summary:Technology makes life better. As long as parents and the schoo

12、l work together and guide correctly to prevent their children from getting addicted, these electronic products would have positive influences on their development.Tip对于“agree or disagree”的题目,同学们的中心观点可以是同意(agree),可以是不同意(disagree),也可以是是视情况而定(it depends)。参考提纲的中心观点就是不同意(disagree),如果中心观点是同意(agree),那么可以考虑

13、从以下角度进行分析阐述:1.电脑、手机、电子游戏等都是虚拟的,玩现实中的玩具更能锻炼动手能力;2.和朋友一起去外面玩,既可以接触大自然、锻炼身体,还可以加深友谊、认识更多的人3.托福写作解析:Money and success托福写作练习题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only people who earn a lot of money are successful. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.写作思路分析:不能同意。On

14、ly是绝对修饰词。确实,往往成功的一个表象是金钱的多少。钱不是衡量成功的唯一的标准。黑社会分子(members of criminal syndicate)、一些黑心的商人(evil-minded businessman)。有些职业收入远不如其他行业,比如,我国的教师,护士。成功的定义更应该基于社会贡献:甘地(Gandhi)就身无分文(without a cash in his pocket);特蕾莎修女( Nurse Theresa )也是好例子。不同意挣了很多钱的人是成功的(1)钱不代表一切。很多人非常富有,但是是因为他们的成就,人们才认为他成功/(2)有些人非常贫穷,如有些科学家,但是他

15、们作出了巨大的成就,被认为所纪念,他们虽然没有钱,也一样成功的(3)有些人虽然挣了很多钱,但是都是非法的,所以他们并不成功。参考范文:Money and successSince peoples criteria for success differ, there is much debate over whether only those who make a lot of money are successful. As far as I am concerned, in todays society that stresses on individual achievement, mon

16、ey provides the best evaluation of ones accomplishment.To begin with, as a standardized measurement used for comparing values, money is objective rather than subjective, so it is considered an authentic reflection of ones achievement. As different people hold different understandings of success, ass

17、essing the amount of ones earnings has become universally accepted as a rule to measure ones success. Each year, Fortune Magazine publishes a special issue to rank the top 100 most successful people throughout the world according to their yearly income, because there are no other methods to rely on.

18、In addition, the amount of money one makes is the consequence of ones hard work and talent. To deny the accomplishment wealth brings is equal to deny the sources from which it springs. In the past, I only believed in spiritual values and then leapt rashly to the conclusion that the best thing in lif

19、e involves no money at all. It is my uncle who showed me the significance of money and changed my opinion. He told me he respected money and made it a goal to strive for in his way towards success. Because he would have to pay a price for it in terms of time, thought and energy. Gradually, I came to

20、 realize it is the mental and physical labor he devotes in the process of making money that paves his way for selfaccomplishment, and thus deserves appreciation and respect.Finally, money is the most powerful possession in ones lifetime. As everyone knows, success is the ability to do whatever one w

21、ants to and to be satisfied with oneself. There is hardly anything that can be done without a certain amount of money. Indeed, with money, one can meet his or her material demand in life, such as taking effective medicines, living in magnificent houses, eating various delicious food, and so on. Also

22、, with money, one can do a lot of meaningful things to benefit others, such as donations to poor people. All these will not only satisfy ones need for personal fulfillment, but also add grandness to ones success.In conclusion, money serves as a measurement of ones achievement. But we should keep in

23、mind that only those who obtain money by hardworking and use it to benefit the society are really successful.托福写作解析:Member vs leader一、托福写作练习题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to be a member of a group than to be the leader of a group. Use specific reasons and exam

24、ples to support your answer.二、写作思路分析讨论做leader的好处:主动,可以操纵更多的资源,获得更多;缺点:风险大讨论做member的好处:安逸;没有风险;缺点:收获较小做leader和member一定程度上与一个人的性格有关。另外,还要看是做什么的group。视情况而定。不同意,应当成为团队的领袖(1)当领袖有责任感,领袖总是要做最多的工作,这激励着自己能把事情作好。(2)锻炼自己的团队合作能力。(3)能够学到更多的知识。三、参考范文Member vs. leaderAccording to my opinion, it is always better to

25、 be a leader than a follower. True leader show initiative. They take actions and they assume responsibilities. A leader makes a decision. Some followers may approve of the decision, others may complain about it. However, these followers all chose to follow, not to lead. They chose not to make a deci

26、sion. Thats how I am different. I am not a follower. I want to make decisions.A good leader will not react to events, but will anticipate them. A leader will start a plan of action and then will persuade others to follow. For example, a class president at a local college may feel that the relationsh

27、ip between the community and the campus is not a good one. The citizens may feel that the college kids make too much noise on the street, litter public areas, and shop in other communities. A good class president will recognize that the community and the campus depend on one another. The president w

28、ill ask the student body to keep noise down, help clean up the neighborhood, and work with businesses to attract students. A good leader takes the initiative.Good leaders must be action-oriented. Having taken the initiative, they must see the job though. They have to take charge and lead the followe

29、rs. They have to motivate and encourage the followers. The followers (in this example, the student body) must understand why good relations with the community are necessary. The followers must be persuaded to do something about it.I enjoy taking the initiative, determining the direction, and being responsible for my actions. I do not want to suffer through other peoples stupid decisions. If there are going to be stupid ways to do something, let them be mine. Would not you agree?托福备考自学还是报班好


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