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1、托福高分作文常用词汇整理 托福高分作文常用词汇整理汇总 , 这些精选动词用法了解一下。今天给大家带来了托福高分作文常用词汇整理汇总,希望能够给帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福高分作文常用词汇整理汇总托福写作高分词汇实例赏析:动词类accumulated/amassed 累积、积聚Any field of knowledge needs to be accumulated/amassed through multiple channels and by various means.acknowledge 承认、认可It has been widely acknowledged t

2、hat relating well to others paves the way for people to achieve success.acquire 获得、取得Covering varied subjects helps children acquire comprehensive skills to meet the high demand of the modern world.adopt 采用、采纳Due to the inability to make correct judgments, children are likely to adopt a deformed vie

3、w upon the functions of money and school grades.arouse 引起、唤醒The overwhelming curiosity about alien cultures and features considerably arouses peoples interestin foreign movies and TV programs.boast 含有、包括I once joined a guided tour to Hainan, a most popular scenic spot that boasts appealing seashores

4、 and delicious seafood.boost 提高、激发Increasing teachers salaries will boost teachers enthusiasm and devotion.cherish 珍惜、怀念Having a delicious meal together and chatting freely are simple ways to celebrate either ones birthday or graduation, but they can bring great happiness ancommit 付诸、委任Such a psycho

5、logical reward will motivate children to commit greater tasks when they grow prehend 理解、掌握The social and historical background of serious movies provides people with an opportunity to comprehend a vast amount of knowledge.confront 面对、遭遇The uniform is not the right answer to various difficulties and

6、problems that high school education is confronting.constitute 构成、组成The pressure from other students constitutes a powerful impetus to improving ones abilities as well as perfecting ones personality traits.convince 说服、确信The remarkable technological development has convinced people that the electronic

7、 world is filled with marvels.cultivate 培养、陶冶The equality in grade may cultivate the group members stronger sense of responsibility.dampen 抑制、沮丧Limiting their interest and freedom in doing what children like will exert a negative impact on their mentality, which may dampen their study enthusiasm.dem

8、onstrate 证明、展示Employers prefer university graduates because a higher educational qualification generally demonstrates more practical skills.d memories that will be cherished bat 对抗、斗争As long as the entire society is on a mission to combat the existing and potential environmental challenges, sooner o

9、r later the day will arrive when the earth is safeguarded and its environment is further improved.eliminate 消除、排除Wearing the same school uniform as everyone else eliminates a significant source of discomfort for many teenagers: the uncertainty that what they are wearing is “right”.embody 体现、包含The mo

10、dern society has an increasing demand for superior quality productions that embody favorable social values.employ 使用、采纳These methods help children build far-reaching insight and train them to employ common sense and explore the world with their own eyes.incur 招致、产生The increase in the number of car o

11、wners is incurring many negative effects, which has already aroused the intensive concern of the government.induce 导致、引起All the prevalent changes taking place today due to the advancement of science and technology are combined together to induce greater revolutions in all fields.instill 灌输、植入It beco

12、mes necessary to attend some physical activities at least a few times a week, and instilling this idea into children when they are young is the best way to ensure their health for life.lack 缺乏、不足College graduates command higher salaries than applicants who lack college diplomas.maintain 维持、继续Maintai

13、ning stable ties with faithful friends may offer each individual far better chances to extend his/her career life.outweigh 胜任、超过Being with family is a happiness that far outweighs any success achieved at work.possess 拥有、控制Possessing a great natural talent for computer programming, Bill Gates made a

14、name for himself and acquired tremendous fortune by developing a number of operating systems and software that are commonly used today.prosper 繁荣、刺激In order to prosper the economy, every nation in the world strives to build working forces with desirable health condition.provoke 驱使、激发Watching foreign

15、 movies provokes students interest in foreign countries and cultures.reap 收获、享受Girls are born as smart as boys and equally deserve to reap the benefits of education.shoulder 承担、肩负Governments should shoulder the responsibility of supervising the applications of major discoveries, making sure that the

16、y are used legally and correctly.stimulate 刺激、鼓励Person-to-person interactions are important to stimulate childrens fresh ideas and spark inspiration in and from parents.surface 呈现、浮现Many significant problems have surfaced when the global economy becomes inter-dependent.ruin 毁坏、灭亡Getting along with a

17、 friend as a roommate, if not properly handled, could quickly ruin the relationship.tailor 剪裁、适合It becomes impossible to tailor an entire schools curriculum to the individual needs of every single student.weaken 减少、变弱Nowadays, an increasing number of people are dependent on computers and electronic

18、apparatuses, which weakens their ability to think and act imaginatively.托福写作模板:现在比50年前容易养孩子题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier for parents to raise children today than it was 50 years ago.参考范文It is now easier for parents to raise children than it was fifty years ag

19、o because there are many more resources to help both the parents and the children succeed.Parents have a wider range of resources than they did fifty years ago, many of which are readily available on the internet. Parents can look up answers to questions any time during the day or night without havi

20、ng to leave their home. They dont have to go to a special facility or wait for business hours. For example, a parent concerned about a childs progress in math can look up statistics about other children the same age, read about how other parents dealt with math issues, or join a chat session to disc

21、uss the problem. Parents can remain anonymous when using many of these resources, which is appealing when asking personal or challenging questions.The internet also provides a vast array of resources for children. They can get tutoring help and practice lessons. They can even play fun games that tea

22、ch valuable skills. If children are able to address their own weaknesses, it is easier for the parents. Parents fifty years ago had to sit and teach their children when the children had problems with homework assignments. If the parents were not familiar with the subject, they had to pay for a priva

23、te tutor who could explain the material. By contrast, parents today can steer their children to educational websites that provide the answers in an interesting and interactive manner, freeing the parent to do other things.Finally, todays parents are fortunate because there is a greater awareness ofm

24、edical educational barriers. For example, fifty years ago there was little understanding of attention deficit disorder or dyslexia. Modern research has identified such problems and is developing solutions. Parents in the past had to deal with “difficult children” without knowing that there was a bio

25、logical cause. Now doctors can diagnose the problem and suggest ways to cope with it. As a result, parents today can adjust teaching methods rather than give up because the child doesnt function as expected.Today there is a vast array of resources for parents and children that was not available fift

26、y years ago. As a result, it is easier for parents to find the information they need to raise their children in a positive way.词句积累readily available 现成的a vast array of resources 大量的资源address their own weaknesses 解决他们的缺点steer X to Y 指引X去Yfree the parent to do other things 解放父母去做其他的事情medical education

27、al barriers 医学教育障碍little understanding of X 对X了解很少diagnose the problem 诊断问题托福写作模板:选择哪一类人合作更有效题目:Your teacher assigns a project to you, and you can select the members to work with.-choose the members who think and work in similar ways-choose the members who have totally different ideasWhich would you

28、 think is more effective to work with?参考范文It is more effective to complete a project with people who think and work in similar ways than to struggle to finish a task with people who have totally different ideas. Knowing each other and having similar interests facilitates the successful completion of

29、 a project.Members who know each other well can divide the task and set up a reasonable working plan to ensure that the project will be completed on time. If members know the others strengths and weaknesses, they can decide which part to assign to which person to best get the task done. I specifical

30、ly remember being in a team of three students who had to complete an assignment that included a written essay and a power point presentation. I was a good speaker but terrible at using the computer, so I gave the presentation. However, the power point slides were all generated by our friend who was

31、shy but very capable with the computer. The third person was very detail-oriented, so she was the natural choice to organize the information into an essay.Not only are team members who have similar ideas able to divide tasks effectively, but they also can create a solid common goal. If people are to

32、o different, it is hard to decide on a good thesis or theme, and the result might be a compromise that everyone is dissatisfied with. By contrast, people who think in similar ways can agree on a topic and develop it out, and it becomes very strong. In the assignment mentioned above, the three member

33、s quickly agreed on a common theme. We invested our working time into researching the theme rather than debating what to write about. Since we all were interested in the topic, we all invested our best efforts rather than just trying to get it over with, and the result was an A grade.People with sim

34、ilar ideas and interests make the best team to solve a problem or complete a task because they know each others abilities, so canallot tasks accordingly. Even more important, they can select a topic that they are all interested in, so everyone wants to participate rather than do only the minimum to get the task done.词句积累strengths and weaknesses 优势与劣势assign to 指派给be very detail-oriented 非常注重细节create a solid common goal 建立一个坚固的共同目标invest our best efforts 投入我们最大的努力get it over with 赶紧把事情做完allot tasks accordingly 相应地分配任务


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