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1、托福写作复习独立和综合写作备考中有哪些注意事项 托福写作复习要把握重点和一些注意事项,今天给大家带来了独立和综合写作备考中有哪些注意事项,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福写作复习丨独立和综合写作备考中有哪些注意事项?托福写作复习之 综合写作注意事项1.?综合写作要把握听力和阅读的关系完全听不懂听力,怎么办?首先,托福得听力者得天下,必须正视自己的听力水平,平常魔鬼式训练,提高实力,以免遭人鄙视。其次,可以稍稍投机一下。听力一般会去反驳阅读,尽管听力细节我们无能为力,但听力的主题句我们是可以写出来的。比如,阅读认为四天工作制可以减少失业率:Thereadingpassag

2、estatesthatthefour-dayworkweekwouldreduceunemploymentrates那么针对听力,我们可以写:However,thelisteningarguesthatthefour-dayworkweekwouldnotreduceunemploymentrates.直接加个not就可以了。总比听不懂完全不写强。2.综合写作要注意字数字数要求控制在150-225之间,体现个人总结能力,可以超过一些,但不是The longer,the better.3.综合写作要注意语法简单句为主,切忌纠结同义词替换,适当保留,保证句子正确率。托福写作复习之 独立写作注意事项


4、看托福综合写作和独立写作都要注意字数和语法,但是综合写作还要注意听力和阅读的关系,而独立写作则要注意细节。托福写作模版如何使用托福写作包含综合写作和独立写作,在写作的过程中,能很好的使用托福写作模版可以为自己的*增添色彩,今天就和大家谈谈托福写作模版如何使用才能达到最好的效果。首先,英文写作讲求经济性和有效性的结合,通俗讲,就是以最简洁的语言表述最丰富的内容!大家不要误解简洁性的内涵,它可不是指简单的句式结构,简单的词汇资源!而是言简意赅的两个字“精炼”!下面,我们看一下一个托福写作模板的introduction部分。The reading passage explores the issue

5、 of The professors lecture deals with the same issue. However, he/she thinks that, which contradicts what the reading states. And in the lecture, he/she uses three specific points to support his/her idea.在本模板中不看好的地方有三,分别是:explores后面的宾语部分,which引导的非限定性定语从句和And in the lecture, he/she uses three specifi

6、c points to support his/her idea.这句。理由如下:explores后面的宾语the issue of 中,介词of后面的语法形式要求是名词,或是名词性从句,如果我们选择名词,考生很难在短时间内找到一个合适的名词或名词短语去概括阅读*的中心思想,如果我们选择名词性从句,那这个句子就显得臃肿不堪。这个鬼怎么破?我们的建议是:把the issue of 也砍掉,换成其他更为简洁切题,含义具体的名词然后加上后置定语 of sth 再加定语给sth以表达清楚阅读*的含义,或直接加定语从句说明细节!例如:The reading passage explores three

7、possible causes/theories/sources/functions/等等+定语。举例如下:The reading passage explores three possible functions of the carved stone balls dated back to around 4000 years ago in Scotland.(TPO33)The reading passage explores three possible sources of the strange sound detected by the sailors in Russian sub

8、marines patrolling in the northern Alantic and Arctic Ocean from 1960s to 1980s.(TPO32)这时候,有人就会问了,如果阅读*当中没有类似于 the carved stone balls 和 the strange sound这样类似的词汇该肿么办?别急!我们不是还有定语从句嘛!如:The reading passage explores three possible theories why employees should work for four days instead of five days a we

9、ek.(TPO1)本段中第二个不认可的地方是which引导的非限定性定语从句。理由是,从语法上讲,非限定性定语从句中的关系代词which应该指代的是前面整个句子的意思,但事实上,前面的句子中的He thinks这一概念是不应该被包含进去的。这个地方应该这样破:直接把定语从句砍掉不要或者改成分词短语的状语形式!如:However, he/she thinks that all the theories mentioned in the reading are unconvincing. And he/she employs three specific points to backup his/

10、her idea. 砍去定语从句反倒觉得句子清新了好多,没有以前的那种语义重复,累赘不堪的感觉了。最后在本段中不看好的是And in the lecture, he/she uses three specific points to support his/her idea.这句,原因是太过的累赘且用词比较简单。建议改成分词短语和前句合成一句话,去做前句的状语!合理高效的使用托福写作模版托福备考时借助一些模板对大家写作思路的形成还是有很大帮助的。今天就带大家一起学习一下合理高效的使用托福写作模版,希望大家能够学以致用。第一, 强大自己的英语基本功。只有在平时注意积累,注意改正自己的错误,才会避


12、就要求学生再平时的学习中注意积累常用的短语或者词组,以备写作之用。另外,关于写作素材,不仅仅指写作常用的词汇,句型或者语法结构,还要包括所用的事例。因此,在平常的练习中要注意从阅读中积累素材,积累词句,而不要仅仅局限于模板之中。托福写作解析:年轻人与社会托福写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people today have no influence on the important decisions that determine the future of society as a whole.

13、Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.分类: 独立写作话题: 建造问题托福TPO32独立写作题目翻译:你是否同意以下观点:现在的年轻人对确定整个社会未来的决定没有影响。审题关键词:young, influence, decisions, society论证分析:正:Young people are inexperienced so they do not possess any credibility to be counted on by the society.Rarely is there any young p

14、erson in the center of the authority.反:Young people are competent in many aspects in the society.Young people have visions about the future.补:Young people will finally be involved in important decision making of the society as a hole sooner or later托福TPO32独立写作范文:With the development of society, peop

15、le nowadays are living in a relatively complete mechanism, yet some tiny but important aspects, which may be overlooked, need to be ameliorated by discussion. Some people may argue that youth seems to have on influence on current society, however, in my opinion, youth should still be taken into cons

16、ideration when determining the future of the society in the long time run.Firstly, young people play a major role in improving the development of current society. For one thing, there are some special tasks, which are not only inevitable in its area but also needs high requirements of physical condi

17、tion and cannot be accomplished by old people. For instance, when enrolling pilots, no matter for military affairs or civil aviation, it is strict with requirements of physical condition like eyesight and height, which old people may not satisfy. For another, young people also promote economic incre

18、ase to some degree. Many enterprises aim at expanding the market of youth by developing more products, which largely increase the purchasing power of youth. And this method achieves big success especially in the electronic market.Additionally, young people directly guide future direction of our soci

19、ety. As youth possess creativity coming up with ideas, which sometimes seem to be ridiculous, its entirely possible that one of those wired idea become breakthrough in a specific area. For instance, Steve Jobs, who has been described as the Father of the Digital Revolution, once said he would like t

20、o invent a smartphone containing only one key. It was such a brave and creative idea and cannot be realized at that time. However, after continuously research, iphone, which guide a new period of communication, came out.Admittedly, despite older people are more experienced than youth, and are more p

21、ossible to come up with more feasible and reasonable ideas when confronting difficulties, yet youth represent creativity, bravery and confidence, which are all inevitable during the process of the development of the society. Moreover, experience is based on accumulation of time and lessons, as older

22、 people also have no experience when they were young. Hence, blindly overlooking the important influence of youth, will finally lead to unexpected negative consequences.Overall, youth represent the future of the society, and have potential influence to the society from the aspect of future development.


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