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1、-8A Unit 1词组和句子1. 饥饿be hungry 2. 喝/吃的一些东西something to drink/eat3.做*事怎么样?What about doing sth. 4.再多一些食物some more food5.还需两个苹果need two more apples/need another two apples6.你碗里的披萨the pizza in your bowl 7.青少年杂志Teenagers magazine8.邀请*人做*事 invite sb. to do sth. 9.写信给*人 write to sb.10.写有关他们最好的朋友write about

2、 their best friends 11.对*人又帮助be helpful to sb.12.一个老实的男孩an honest boy 13.使我快乐make me happy14.使*人做*事make sb. do 15.使我们大笑make us laugh16.和*人分享*物share sth. with sb. 17分享我的欢乐share my joy18.撒谎(2) tell lies/tell a lie 19.与*人交谈talk to/with sb.20.告诉他有关你自己的一切tell him everything about yourself 22.*方面有问题have p

3、roblems with sth.23.相信他说的话believe what he says 24.信任他们trust them25.讲滑稽的笑话tell funny jokes 26.同意*人agree with sb.27.我最好的朋友之一one of my best friends 28.最长的河流之一one of the longest rivers29.乐意、愿意做*事be willing to do sth. 30.在作业方面帮助我help me with my homework31.把座位给需要的人give ones seat to someone in need32.具有好嗓音

4、have a good voice 33.我们班最高的男孩the tallest boy in our class34.戴小而圆的眼镜wear small round glasses 35.使他看起来神气make him look smart36.具有很好的幽默感have a good sense of humour 同义:be very humorous37.感到无聊feel bored 38.走过我们的课桌walk past our desks39.把我们的书和钢笔撞到地板上knock our books and pens onto the floor40.敲门knock on/at th

5、e door 41.明亮的大眼睛big bright eyes42.长长的直发long straight hair 43.说*人的坏话say a bad word about sb.44.一个真正的朋友a true friend 45.担忧*人worry about sb.46.令*人担忧worry sb. 47.告诉她任何事tell her anything48当画家be an artist 49以而闻名be famous for50与不同be different from 51与*人交朋友make friends with sb.52认真听人讲listen to people carefu

6、lly 53帮助人们解决问题help people with their problems54环游世界travel around the world 55 对*人友善be kind to sb.56与一样. as +adj./adv.+as 57左/右边的那个男孩the boy on the left/right58.Peter旁边的那个女孩the girl ne*t to Peter59.扎着马尾辫的一个小女孩a small girl with a ponytail60快速记单词 remember new words quickly 61写下write down62参加写作竞赛take pa

7、rt in the writing competition 63 深褐色dark brown64两者都 bothand 65 明亮、含笑的眼睛bright smiling eyes66面带微笑have a smile on her face 67看起来快乐look happy68快乐地看着她look at her happily1. 你想要来一些吗?2Do you want some/Would you like some2. 我能来点喝的吗?Can I have something to drink3. 也许我们可以分享它。Maybe we can share it.同义句 We may s

8、hare it.4. 冰箱里什么也没有。Theres nothing in the fridge.5. 什么使你的朋友如此特殊?What makes your friend so special6. 什么样的人适合做好朋友?What makes good friends7. Jack长什么样?(3)What does Jack look like/How does Jack look/Whats Jack like8. 你伤心的时候她关心你吗?Does she care about you when you are sad9. 好朋友应该老实。 Good friends should be h

9、onest.10.长大后她想成为一名歌手 She wants to be a singer when she grows up.11Ma*的腿在他的课桌下伸不开。Ma*s legs do not fit under his desk.12她比我矮。She is shorter than I am.13当有事使我留神时,我总能找到她.When something worries me, I can always go to her.14我长大想单一名社会工作者。I would like to be a social worker when I grow up.15如果我可以使他人快乐,我会开心的

10、。I will be happy if I can make other people happy.16在所有的中国画家,我最喜欢徐悲鸿。Among all the Chinese artists, I like *u Beihong best.17我想和他一样有名。I want to be as famous as he is.18我和我哥哥一样瘦。Im as thin as my brother is.19我做作业和我哥哥一样认真。I do my homework as carefully as my brother.20她是个什么样的人?她害羞并且文静。Whats she like Sh

11、es shy and quiet.21我5年前第一次见到她。I first met her five years ago.22她长着一张圆脸,小鼻子。She has a round face and a small nose.23凯特既是我的邻居也是我最好的朋友。Kate is both my neighbor and my best friend.24当我感到无聊或不快乐时,我经常去她那儿。When I feel bored or unhappy, I often go to her.25我认为她会成为一名优秀的教师。I think she will make an e*cellent te

12、acher.26她想从事儿童工作。She wants to work with children.27上学时什么样的?Whats school like8A Unit 2词组. z.-1. have to 不得不 2. work harder 工作更努力2. have some plans for the weekend 周末有些安排 4.have an important match 有个重要的比赛3. this autumn 今年秋天6.life in a British school 英国学校的生活 7.in Year 8 在8年级8. a mi*ed school 一所混合学校 9.h

13、ave lessons together 一起上课10 a Reading Week 读书周 11.during the week 在这周内12. borrow . from. 从.借. . z.-13 bring in books and magazines from home 从家里带来书和杂志14.near the end of the week 在这周接近尾声时15discuss the books with our classmates 和我们的同学一起讨论这些书16. in class 在课堂上 17.seem to do sth 似乎做*事18.life in an Americ

14、an school 美国学校的生活 19.in the 8th grade 在8年级20.go to the Buddy Club 去伙伴俱乐部 21.older students 学长22.learn more about the school 更多地了解学校23.listen carefully to my problems 认真地倾听我的问题24.offer me help 给我提供帮助 . z.-25.have different classes 上不同的课26.on Friday afternoon 在周五下午 27.do sports together 一起运动28.twice a

15、 week 每周两次 29.play baseball 打棒球30.practice hard 认真练习 31.every time 每次32.win two games 赢了两场比赛33.last month 上个月 34.the best in a competition 比赛中最好的35.have more free time 有更多地空闲时间 36 e third in the race 在比赛中获得第一36.run fast 跑得快 37.draw well 画得好 38.jump high 跳得高39.swim fast 游得快 40.write quickly 写得快 41.an

16、y other student 别的任何一个学生42.all my other classmates 我的别的同学 43.the other students 其余所有的学生44.the summer holiday暑假 45.wear uniforms 穿制服46.do morning e*ercises 做早操 47. have more weeks off 多休息几周48.play chess 下国际象棋 . z.-49 have an hour for my hobbies 花一小时在我的业余爱好上50. at most 最多 51. do some reading 阅读52. hav

17、e an English test 进展英语测试 53. 53have a monthly test on each subjec 每门功课有次月考54.look through the questions quickly 快速浏览这些问题55.easily answer all of them 轻易地答复一切56.at first 起初,首先 57.keep (on) doing sth 继续,重复做*事58.keep writing in English about my daily life 坚持用英语描写我的日常生活59.learn to do sth 学习做*事 60.watch E

18、nglish videos 观看英语录像61.have a lovely time 过得很愉快 62.my ideal school 我理想的学校63.play badminton 打羽毛球 64.Reading Club 读书俱乐部65.Singing Club 唱歌俱乐部 66.go on school trips 参加学校组织的旅行67.need to do sth 需要做*事 68.have an hour of homework 有一小时的作业69.have an hour for lunch 有一小时吃饭时间 70.a big clean dining hall 一个大而干净的餐厅

19、71.at lunchtime 在午餐时间 72.wear ties 系领带73.in each class 在每个班 74.choose subjects to study 挑选课程来学习75.have Maths 上数学课 76.have computer lessons 上电脑课77.a football field 足球场 78.a swimming pool 游泳池 78.have fun 玩得开心句子1. Whats school like 学校是什么样的?2. Where are you going 你要去哪?3. Shall we . 我们.,好吗?4. Among all m

20、y subjects, I like French best. 在我所有的课程中,我最喜欢法语。5. Learning foreign languages is fun. 学外语很有趣。6. I often read more books than my classmates. 我经常读的书比我的同学多。7. Time seems to go faster when we are reading interesting books. 当我们读到有趣的书时,时间似乎过得很快。8. On Friday afternoon, our school ends earlier than usual. 在

21、周五下午,我们放学比平时早。9. Both Nancy and John are Grade 8 students. Nancy和John都是8年级的学生。10. How much time do you spendon your hobbies every day 你每天在业余爱好上花多少时间?11. Among the four of us, Simon spends the most time on his hobbies. 在我们四人中,Simon花在业余爱好上的时间是最多的。12. To me, learning foreign languages is really fun. 对我

22、来说,学习外语真得很有乐趣。13. I learn to use English better this way. 我学会用这种方法更好地利用英语。14. We do not need to get up early. 我们不需要早起。15. We have lots of time for after-school activities. 我们有许多时间进展课外活动。8A Unit 3 A Day Out词组1. climb the hill 爬山2. need to do sth 需要做*事 need to e*ercise 需要锻炼 3.keep fit/ healthy 保持安康 4.

23、not as/so high as 不如高5.have a good/great time = have fun =enjoy oneself 玩得痛快 6 e on 来吧7.write an invitation letter to sb 给*人写邀请信 8.the back of the postcard 明信片的反面9.take a boat trip 乘船进展一次旅行 10.go past 走过11.Sydney Opera House悉尼歌剧院 12.take care 保 重,留神13.a little coffee shop 一个小咖啡店 14.by the river在河边 b

24、y the River Seine 在塞纳河边15the top of the Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔的顶部 16 all the best一帆风顺17. the Whit House 白宫 18. .the president of the USA 美国总统19.a beautiful building with a big garden and many trees一座有一个大花园和许多树的美丽建筑20.be made of 由制出成 21.do fine干得好指生活方面的好22.invite sb to do 邀请*人做*事 invite sb to sp邀请*人去*处23

25、.join their school trip to= take part in their school trip to 参加他们去的学校旅行24.a fine warm day 晴朗温暖的一天 25.get there by bus / take a bus there 乘公交车到那儿26. a lot of / much / lots of traffic 交通繁忙/ 拥挤 27. on the way在路上28.the World Park 世界公园 29.shine in a clear blue sky在晴朗的蓝天下闪耀 30.a little boring有点乏味 31.far

26、away遥远 32.get on /off 上车/ 下车33.in front of sb 在*人面前 34.cant wait to do sth 迫不及待做*事35.places of interest 旅游胜地,名胜 36.all over the world 普及全世界37 arrive at / in = get to= reach 到达 38. become very e*cited变得很兴奋39.be made of 由制成看出材料 40.be made from 由制成看不出材料41.the model Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔的模型 42.over = more

27、than 超过,多于43. not believe ones eyes不相信*人的眼睛 44.look as great as the one back home 看起来和家乡的那个一样宏伟45.an amazing day令人惊异的一天 46.the main sights of the world 世界上主要的风景47.just in one day 在仅仅一天里 48.the song and dance shows 歌舞表演49.learn a lot about different cultures了解许多不同的文化50.on the Internet 在英特网上 51.put th

28、em on his home page把它们放到他的主页上52.for oneself= by oneself 亲自 53. the model in the park 公园里的模型54. too much traffic 车辆太多 55 as comfortable as 和一样舒适56. not as/so interesting as 不如有趣 57. 57.as kind as a friend像朋友一样友善59. look wonderful看起来精巧 60. 60 the real Eiffel Tower in France 法国的真铁塔61 the model Sydney O

29、pera House 悉尼歌剧院模型 62the model ship 轮船模型63 try to do sth 努力做*事 64 hurt oneself 伤着*人自己65 look at each other 互相看看 66 tell sb about sth 告诉*人关于*事67 keep something to oneself 不将*事说出去 68 keep their worries to themselves将他们的担忧埋藏在心底69 keep secrets for somebody为*人保守秘密70 pull oneself up the rocks 往石头上爬,爬上岩石 7

30、1 take place发生,举行72 get to the final/ be in the final 进入决赛73 be in the final of this years basketball competition进入本年度篮球赛的总决赛 74 cheer for our team 为我们队喝彩 75 need your support 需要你的支持76go back to school 返回学校 77forget to do sth 忘记做*事78 the cost of the trip 旅行的费用 79 reach the sports centre到达体育中心80 with

31、 your support 在你们的支持下81 with the teachers help / with the help of the teacher在教师的帮助下82 without ones help/ support没有*人的支持/帮助83 go there by underground / take the underground there乘地铁到那儿84 groups of 30 30个人一队 85 sound good听起来不错86be free for 对是免费的 87 the models in the park 公园里的模型88 all of us 我们所有的人 89

32、be from different countries 来自不同的国家90 look beautiful 看起来漂亮 91 feel e*cited and cheerful 感到兴奋和兴高采烈92 take the underground 乘地铁 93 meet everyone 与大家会面94 see the biggest city square in the world 看世界上最大的城市广场95 visit the garden and row boats 参观公园并划船 96 plan a day out 方案外出一天97 .go back to = return to 回到 98

33、 join us 参加我们join sb 和*人一道做*事句子1.What are you going to do 你打算做什么?p302.Im going to e*ercise. p30 我打算锻炼。 You need to e*ercise . p30 你需要锻炼。3.This hill isnt as high as a real one. p30这座山没有真的山高。4. The bridge is made of steel ,isnt it p31这桥是钢铁制成的,是吗?5.How long/ wide/ heavy is the bridge p31这桥有多长/多宽/多重?1.I

34、m doing fine here. p32我在这里挺好。2.Mr Wu invited me to join their school trip to the World Park. . p32吴教师邀请我参加他们去世界公园的学校旅行。3.All of us couldnt wait to get off the bus. p32我们所有人都迫不及待地要下车。4.There was a lot of traffic on the way and the journey was a little boring. p32路上车辆很多,旅途有点乏味。5.There are models of mo

35、re than a hundred places of interest from all over the world. p32这里有一百多个世界各地景点的模型。6. The model Golden Gate Bridge looked as great as the one back home. p32金门大桥的模型看起来就像家乡的那座一样棒。7. Go and see for yourself. p32去亲自看看!1. It is in the final of the basketball competition. p37它进入了篮球比赛的总决赛。2. The match takes

36、 place on Sunday , 17 October. p37比赛于10月17号星期天举行。3. Come and cheer for our team. p37快来给我们队加油吧!4. With your support ,we will win! p37在你们的支持下,我们会赢的!5. That sounds good ,but its too far away. p38 听起来不错,但是太远了。6. Its free for groups of 30 or more students. p38对30人及30人以上的学生团体是免费的。7. The bus is as comforta

37、ble as those in the USA.这辆公共汽车和美国的那些公共汽车一样舒服。8. The Eiffel Tower is not as tall as the real one in France.埃菲尔铁塔模型没有法国的真铁塔则高。9. Luckily , some climbers helped Simon. p36幸运的是,那些攀登者帮助了西蒙。10. They kept the secret to themselves. p36 他们自己保守着他们的秘密。1. Their colourful clothes were from different countries an

38、d looked very beautiful. 他们多彩的服装来自不同的国家,看上去非常漂亮。2. My ticket is useless now ,but Ill keep it. 我的票现在没有用了,但我会保存着它。1. We are planning a day out on Saturday , 16 October. p41 我们方案在10月16日星期六外出一天。2. We will take the underground /bus to Tiananmen Square. 我们将乘地铁/公交去天安门 。We will go to Tiananmen Square by und

39、erground / bus . 3. We will walk to Beihai Park. p41 我们将步行去北海公园。We will go to Beihai Park on foot.4. The cost of each student is about 50 yuan. p41 每位学生的费用大约是50元。The cost is about 50 yuan per student. 5. We hope you can join us. p41我们希望你们能参加我们。for oneself 用作副词(1) 为了自己,例如: She kept the biggest piece

40、of pie for herself. 她把最大的一块馅饼给了自己。(2) 亲自,单独,独立做,相当于 without being helped,与by oneself 同义。例如: You should work out the problem for yourself. 你应该独立解决这个问题。by oneself 用作副词(1) 单独一人(= alone),例如: She used to sit by herself and read. 她从前常常单独坐着看书。(2) 独立地,单独地=without help,与for oneself 同义。如:He finished it by him

41、self. 他独立完成那件事。2.常和反身代词连用的动词短语。enjoy oneself 过得开心,玩得愉快 look after oneself = take care of oneself 照顾自己 hurt oneself 伤到*人自己 help oneself to 请随便吃wash oneself 洗澡 make by oneself 自己做 , 独立完成dress oneself穿衣 buy for oneself / buy oneself sth给自己买东西 look at oneself in the mirror照镜子 say to oneself 自言自语 teach o

42、neself= learn by oneself 自学 hide oneself隐藏*人自己come to oneself苏醒 make yourself at home 别拘束 leave sb by oneself 把*人单独留下 lose oneself 迷失方向,迷路6.tasteful 与tastytasteful一般多指高雅的、有鉴别力的、幽默的,用来描述人或事物,美味的意思极少用到;tasty意为好吃的、美味的,用来描述食物。8A Unit 4 Do it yourself词组1. clear instructions p42 清楚的说明 2. 2.read them first

43、 p42 先读读它们 3. had better(=d better) p42 最好 3. 4.No problem p42 没问题 5.Do it yourself p42 自己动手做 6.stand for p43 代表 7.instead of doing sth. 代替做*事8.make some paper roses p43 制作一些纸玫瑰9.a pair of scissors p43 一把剪刀 10.enjoy doing sth. p43 喜欢做*事11.pay someone to do it (p43) 付钱给别人去做12.be crazy about p44对。着迷 13.look terrible p44看起来糟糕14.try to do sth.


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