
上传人:李司机 文档编号:1190096 上传时间:2022-07-19 格式:DOC 页数:5 大小:575KB
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1、word无人机在农业方面的应用一提到无人机在农业方面的应用,想必大家首先想到的是农药喷洒,农药喷洒是植保无人机最常见的应用方式,因其高效安全、节约本钱、易操作等优势受到了人们的肯定。但是无人机在农业方面的应用并不仅仅局限于此,本文为大家解读无人机在农业方面的各类应用。The Application of UAV in AgricultureInrecentyears,withtheexpansionofUAVtechnologyinthemercialfield,UAVbecameanewresearchfocusinthefieldofagriculture,usingUAVaslow-al

2、tituderemotesensingplatformonfarmlandbecameareasonableidea.At the mention application of UAV in agriculture,surely we first thought it can spray pesticides, pesticide spraying is the most mon application of the plant protection UAV, because of its high safety, cost saving, easy operation and other a

3、dvantages, makes it get peoples affirmation. However, the application of UAV in agriculture is not limited to this, this paper for the interpretation of the various applications of UAV in agriculture.一、农田药物喷洒Spraying pesticides on farms药物喷洒是农用无人机最为广泛的应用,与传统植保作业相比,植保无人机具有精准作业、高效环保、智能化、操作简单等特点,为农户节省大型

4、机械和大量人力的本钱,全国各地不少地区都已使用植保无人机进展药物作业,受到了人们的肯定。据相关人士称,未来农业植保领域将会有千亿市场空间。pared to the traditional plant protection work, the spraying pesticides is the most widely use of agricultural UAV, plant protection UAV has the characteristics of precise operation, environmental protection and efficient, intellig

5、ent, simple operation, large machinery and a lot of manpower cost savings for farmers, many areas across the country already use plant protection UAV to spray pesticides, has been affirmed by the people.According to relevant sources, the future of agricultural plant protection field will be billions

6、 market space.二、农田信息监测Information monitoring onfarms无人机农田信息监测主要包括病虫监测、灌溉情况监测与农作物生长情况监测等,是利用以遥感技术为主的空间信息技术通过对大面积农田、土地进展航拍,从航拍的图片、摄像资料中充分、全面地了解农作物的生长环境、周期等各项指标,从灌溉到土壤变异,再到肉眼无法发现的病虫害、细菌侵袭,指出出现问题的区域,从而便于农民更好地进展田间管理。无人机农田信息监测具有X围大、时效强和客观准确的优势,是常规监测手段无法企与的。2002年,美国宇航局已将无人机用于农田信息监测,Pathfinder-Plus太阳能无人机搭载高

7、分辨率彩色多光谱成像仪,用来监视Kauai咖啡公司的1500hm种植区杂草爆发、暴露灌溉与施肥异常等情况。除美国之外,西班牙也早有人使用无人机搭载光谱设备,用于测试在400800nm光谱区内叶片的胡萝卜素含量,以模拟葡萄树的反射率的先例。Information monitoring of UAV on farms mainly includes pest monitoring and irrigation monitoring and crop growth monitoring, using the technology of spatial information based on rem

8、ote sensing technology, through aerial of large areas of farmland, land, from aerial images, video data, fully understand crops growth environment, period and other indicators, from irrigation to soil variability, to the naked eye can not be found in the plant diseases and insect pests, bacterial in

9、vasion, regional problems are pointed out, so as to be convenient for the farmer in field management. UAV farmland information monitoring has the advantages with large range, timeliness, objectivity and accuracy, is beyond the conventional monitoring means.In 2002, NASA used UAV for farmland informa

10、tion monitoring, solar Pathfinder-Plus UAV equipped with high resolution color multi spectral imager,was supervising weed outbreak, irrigation and fertilization with 1500hm2planting area of Kauai coffee pany.In addition to the United States, Spain has long been the use of unmanned aerial vehicle tha

11、t equipped with spectral equipment for testing the carotene content in the 400 800nm spectral region of the leaves, set an important precedent in order to simulate the reflectivity of the grape tree.三、农业保险勘察Agricultural Insurance Survey农作物在生长过程中难免遭受自然灾害的侵袭,使得农民受损。对于拥有小面积农作物的农户来说,受灾区域勘察并非难事,但是当农作物大面积


13、勘察的准确性。Crops inevitably suffered the invasion from natural disasters in the growth process, which caused the farmer to suffer the loss made the damage. To have a small area of the crop farmers, affected area reconnaissance is not difficult, but when a large area of crops is aggrievedby the natural f

14、actors,need a lot of work to assess the damage survey of crops, of these, which is most difficult to accurately define the loss area.In order to more effectively determine the actual disaster area, the agricultural insurance pany will survey agricultural disaster damage.The UAV is applied to agricul

15、tural insurance coverage. UAV has a mobile rapid response ability, high resolution image and high precision positioning data acquisition capabilities, a variety of mission equipment application development ability, convenient system maintenance, technical characteristics, can be efficiently affected

16、 task to assess the damage. By aerial survey data acquisition, on aerial pictures of post processing and technical analysis, and field measurement results are pared with correction, insurance pany can be more accurate determination of the actual disaster area. UAV disaster can use to assess the dama

17、ge and to solve the agricultural insurance, payment for difficultly surveying the damage and lack of timeliness, greatly increases the speed of the exploration work, saving a lot of manpower and resources, not only to improve the efficiency, but also to ensure accuracy survey about the farmland pens

18、ation.无人机在农业方面的应用除以上三个用途外,还可进展播种、授粉、施肥。近年来逐渐开展起来的农用无人机作业在化肥施撒、农作物授粉、播种等方面充分显示出优势,相比传统农用机械,首先无人机播种、施肥具有精准度高、效率高的特点,将农民从繁重的植保作业中解脱出来,利于规模化生产;其次无人机体积小巧,方便转场和运输;再次不受地形条件限制,适用性好;最后,无人机操控手通过地面遥控与GPS定位对其实施控制,不直接操作机器,有效防止人员伤亡,安全性高。这些都使得农用无人机成为农业植保领域研究和应用的热门机型,深受农户欢迎。In addition to the above the purpose with

19、 the application of UAV in agriculture, but also it can be for sowing, fertilization and pollination. In recent years UAV gradually develops agricultural operating in fertilizer applicators, crop pollination, seed and fully demonstrated the advantage, pared to traditional agricultural machinery, fir

20、st UAV sowing, fertilization has characteristics of high accuracy and high efficiency, farmers get out from the heavy plant protection, is conducive to large-scale production; second UAV has the advantages of small volume, transition and transportation is convenient; once again out of the limitation

21、 of the terrain conditions, good applicability; finally, the UAV operators implement control through the ground remote control and GPS positioning, without directly operating the machine, effectively avoid casualties, safety. All these make UAV bee one of the most popular models of research and application of agricultural plant protection field, which is weled by farmers.5 / 5


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