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1、托福备考上100分3条高分前辈经验注意事项提点 在托福考试的备考中,考生为了提升学习效率节省备考时间常会采取一些看似高效但实际上存在隐患的学习方法和技巧,今天给大家带来了托福备考上100分3条高分前辈经验注意事项提点,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福备考上100分3条高分前辈经验注意事项提点刷托福机经做官方真题Official真题不要背答案一说到托福备考,大家脑海中首先浮现出的几种学习方法中一般都少不了刷托福机经还有做官方真题Official真题了。这两种方法无疑是大部分考生都会采取的备考方式,也的确能够为不少同学带来帮助,特别是考前阶段的冲刺提分效果不俗。高分学霸们当





6、读能力发挥的作用不容小觑。因此,大家在备考中对于提升各类基本能力打基础的训练也要保质保量认真并长期坚持完成。哪怕是备考时间比较紧张的情况下也不能忽视对基本功的练习提升。在学霸们看来,扎实过硬的听说读写能力才是考生挑战100+高分的底气所在。综上所述,希望大家能够结合*中托福高分学霸们的经验分享,在备考中重视以上这些注意事项,更为高效合理地安排并执行托福备考计划,最终收获满意的托福成绩。托福写作解析:take more exercise托福写作解析:If theres a way to improve yourself, which one among the three choices you

7、 would take?1. take more exercise2. eat more healthy food3. reduce the amount of stress托福写作解析:大纲选择A,take more exercise。三个分论点如下:(1)多运动可以使体质变好;(2)多运动可以结交新朋友;(3)多运动可以锻炼意志力,进而迁移到其他方面;托福写作范文参考:开头段(背景引入+他人观点+自己观点+过渡句)Nowadays, modern people tend to focus much more on how to become a better person. Some su

8、ppose that having a healthier diet is more important while others insist that maybe a relaxing life can actually help. However, from my perspective, I consider doing more exercise will be the best choice. My view point is based on the following reasons and examples.主体段一(分论点1+展开句+例子)To begin with, ta

9、king more exercise can lead to a better body condition. As we all know, individuals keeping regular exercise are less vulnerable than those sitting in front of television all the time. Sports such as basketball or tennis will strengthen ones immune system. For example, there is a famous master of Ch

10、inese martial art called ZhangWeidong. Surprisingly, when he was just a little boy, he suffered a lot from his weak physical condition. Every two weeks he would have a fever, coughing and sneezing, which made his parents extremely worried. In order to improve his sons health condition, ZhangWeidongs

11、 father brought him to a fight master studying boxing. Through continuous exercise, little ZhangWeidong gradually got rid of the entanglement of diseases. Master Zhang is not an expectation. Actually, thousands of children improve their physical condition through various kinds of sports. Thus suppor

12、ts the fact that exercise can help us attain a stronger body.主体段二(分论点2+展开句+例子)Moreover, joining sports activities may offer us much more opportunity to make new friends. Friendship often emerges when people fight together for the same goal, such as winning a competition. For instance, my cousin once

13、 was a shy and lonely boy. Computer games occupied his entire world, which led to the fact that he had almost no intimate friend. His parents tried a lot but still could not successfully persuade him to extend his social circle. Fortunately, when he was in grade 8, his school organized a basketball

14、competition and he was chosen to be a team member. Initially, my cousin was not willing to join the team because the only thing he liked was to stay at home and play video games. Nevertheless, my aunt and uncle found him gradually become much more active in spending his time with his teammates. When

15、 asked about why he become interested in interacting with other people, my cousin said he felt it easier to get along with each other when they had a common goal to achieve. Therefore, for some individuals with inadequate social confidence, getting involved in certain kind of sports can effectively

16、help them to overcome their shyness and make new friends.主体段三(分论点3+展开句+例子)Last but not least, physical challenges will result in a stronger willpower. During the process of handling the difficulties in ones physical activities, man can also acquire a powerful mind and thus will play an important rol

17、e in his future career. Take President Obama as an example. President Obama was a crazy fan in basketball and jogging. Although he had a heavy workload when he was the American president, Mr. Obama never quit exercising. When asked about his opinion towards taking sports activities, he pointed out t

18、hat although it was very tough when he was taking some challenging activities such as marathon, he actually steel his body as well as his mind. Once he made a comparison between his president work and his exercise because they were both filled with challenges. And he proclaimed that the willpower ob

19、tained through physical training helped him to successfully overcome the toughness during his presidency. As we can see, powerful will gotten from exercise can also help us in other fields.结尾段(重述总论点+重述三个分论点)To sum up, when it comes to the best way to improve oneself, taking more exercise should be o

20、ur first choice. It can not only make us stronger physically, but also build a bridge to making new friends. In addition, people who can come up with the difficulties during sports activities will be much more likely to overcome the tough situations in his career life.托福写作题型之品质类题目看品质类题目:If you are s

21、electing a leader for a student organization, honesty is the most important to consider in deciding whom to vote for.在选择一个学生社团领导时,诚实是最重要的考虑因素。刚才已经讲过绝对词题目的思路拓展了,不难看出这个题目也是一个绝对词题目,因为有most这样的字眼。根据刚才讲解的从反面出发的思路,设想下,除了具有诚实的品质,一个领导人还应该具备什么样的素养?没错,还可以想到:1)人际关系处理能力(因为一个领导人要处理好自己与团队成员、以及团队成员之间的关系);2) 组织协调能力(

22、因为一个社团会有很多公益或户外活动,因为良好的组织协调能力也是必不可少的)3)团队合作能力teamwork spirit (懂得听从别人的意见,而不是一意孤行) 。这篇*,我等下会分享我写的一个主体段。【举一反三】The most important characteristics for a politician or leader is good communication skills.这个关于领导人品质类的绝对词题目破题思路就可以借鉴我们刚才汇总的几类品质了。因此,除了沟通能力,我们还能想到:组织协调能力(organizing and coordinating skill); 人际协调

23、能力(interpersonal skill) ; 诚实 (honesty);团队合作能力teamwork spirit等。托福写作题型之三选一题是三选一题目,也是很多同学表示很犯难的题目,有点像二选一题目的难度升级版。因为需要将自己选择的观点,跟另外两个没有选择的观点比较,体现出来自己所选择观点的优势。来看一下这道题目Which is the most important thing for acountrys leader to assure the prosperity of the country:1. Creating more jobs for unemployed worker;

24、2. Increasing agriculture and lowering thefood price;3. Increasing access to affordable house.一个国家领导人为了确保国家的繁荣昌盛,以下三种措施哪个最管用。1. 制造更多就业岗位;2. 改善农业、降低粮食价格3. 让老百姓买得起房破题思路:建议选择3首先:降低房价使人们买得起房,才能做到生活稳定,只有生活上稳定了,才能安心在工作上创造最大的价值。相反,如果只是创作就业岗位,人们却居无定所,人们就无法安心专注于工作,不利于人们生活稳定和发挥最大价值。(这里将所选的观点3 跟没有选择的观点1来比较)其次:

25、降低房价刺激人们买房,消费过程中会创造很多税收。一套房子的金额平均下来往往要上百万,产生的各种税费能够为国家财政创利。相反,如果只是降低粮食的价格,哪怕能够刺激更多的粮食买卖,其产生的利润和税收跟房产交易相比要少很多(这里将所选的观点3 跟没有选择的观点2比较)3选1题目破题要领:在做三选一题目时,假如我们将三个选项分别叫做A B C,并且我们选择了观点A,那么主体段可以有两种展开方式:写法1主体段1: A的优势相比而言B的劣势主体段2: A的优势C的劣势但当你实在不知道怎么互相比较时,无奈之下,也可以采用下面这种写法,但是不太建议。写法2主体段1: A的优势1 A的优势2主体段2: B的劣势

26、 C的劣势【举一反三】When you make major purchases, for example,when you want to buy a computer or a car, which one of the following will youmost likely to choose when making decisions?1. Get advices from your friends2. Look for information on newspapers or on TV3. Listening to the introduction of the sellers

27、建议选择 1观点1:朋友更了解我的个人需求;而媒体上的信息可能是针对大众群体的,不一定适合我;观点2:朋友会为我的利益着想;而销售员的出发点可能是他自己的利益。以上就是新东方网为大家带来的托福写作题型之三选一题一文,希望大家认真积极的备考。早日取得优异的成绩,更多托福考试相关资讯,请随时关注新东方网!这个关于领导人品质类的绝对词题目破题思路就可以借鉴我们刚才汇总的几类品质了。因此,除了沟通能力,我们还能想到:组织协调能力(organizing and coordinating skill); 人际协调能力(interpersonal skill) ; 诚实 (honesty);团队合作能力teamwork spirit等。


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