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1、托福阅读5个高频考点词汇举例分析 托福阅读5个高频考点词汇举例分析, 这些关键词请牢记,今天给大家带来了托福阅读5个高频考点词汇举例分析,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读5个高频考点词汇举例分析 这些关键词请牢记1、历史、考古这类题材是风水轮流转的对象,大家需要加以注意。尤其是历史*的考法不是单纯的讲古,而是从各个层面切入,有很多的表现形式。可能是古人类的迁徙,那就是人类历史。贸易和交通运输的发展,那就是经济史,等等。例如,relics,remains,mausoleum,handicraft,cohesiveness,territorial,civilizatio



4、况会有多惨。例如:unpredictable,vary,range from,extinction,endangered,tropical,jungle,equatorial不可预测的,改变(动词),变化幅度(动词),灭绝,濒危的,热带的,丛林,赤道附近的托福(TOEFL)考试阅读模拟试题Questions 1l-20According to some scientists, migratory birds should be able to withstand the winter.A bird s feathery coat is good insulation against the c

5、old. BECause a bird is warm- blooded, its body temperature always remains constant, even if the temperature of its surroundings changes.The factors that trigger migratory behavior in birds are difficult to explain. This behavior seems to be instinctive, not learned. For example, many northern specie

6、s leave their summer homes while the weather is still warm and the food supply plentiful. Young arctic terns born at the arctic breeding grounds will lake off with the flock for distant lands they have never seen.Bird migrations are probably regulated by the glandular system. Scientists suspect that

7、 the changing length of the day is the factor that triggers migratory behavior. In an experiment, migratory birds were kept in artificially lighted rooms. It was found that if periods of darkness were lengthened proportionately, the glands of the birds became active. These glands secrete hormones, w

8、hich are chemicals that control numerous body functions. Shorter periods of daylight seem to change the hormone balance of birds, so that they retain more fat. This stored fat is the fuel that provides the energy for a long flight. The same experiment revealed that the birds became more excited as t

9、he artificial night was lengthened. It is probably no coincidence that most flocks begin their migratory flights during the night.11. What does the passage mainly discuss?(A) Common migratory paths for birds(B) Why birds migrate(C) Species of birds that do not migrate(D) Migration in cold climates12

10、. The word withstand in line 1 is closest in meaning to(A) prefer(B) tolerate(C) regulate(D) understand13. According to the passage, which of the following protects birds against cold weather?(A) Glands(B) Hormones(C) Feathers(D) Artificial light14. The word constant in line 3 is closest in meaning

11、to(A) invariable(B) persistent(C) predictable(D) responsive15. The word its in line 3 refers to(A) temperature(B) cold(C) coat(D) bird16. In lines 7-9, the author mentions young arctic terns as an example of birds that(A) do not migrate(B) breed during migration(C) migrate instinctively(D) adapt to

12、the coldl7. The word they in line 16 refers to(A) glands(B) birds(C) body functions(D) hormones18. According to the passage, birds exposed to longer periods of darkness experience all of the following changes EXCEPT(A) activated glands(B) excited behavior(C) retention of more fat(D) increased appeti

13、te19. In the experiment mentioned in the passage, the scientists adjusted the birds(A) food supply(B) body temperatures(C) exposure to light(D) brain chemistry20. Where in the passage does the author mention the substance that enables birds to fly long distances?(A) Lines 2-4(B) Lines 5-7(C) Lines 1

14、0-11(D) Lines 16-17托福考试阅读长句练习But achieving necessary matches in physical properties across interfaces between living and nonliving matter requires knowledge of which molecules control the bonding of cells to each otheran area that we have not yet explored thoroughly.=But achieving necessary matches/

15、 in physical properties/ across interfaces between living and nonliving matter/ requires knowledge/ of which molecules control the bonding of cells to each other/an area/ that we have not yet explored thoroughly.#但是,达到必要匹配/生理性质上的/沿着界面在有生命和无生命物质之间,需要知识/,哪些分子控制着细胞的结合彼此间的/这一领域/,我们尚未进行充分的探索。这个句子融入了专业知识,但大意并不难理解,本句中破折号是解释说明的作用,破折号后面的内容还是要注意的。


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