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1、gre考试准备需提前了解流程 gre考试非常需要你提前做好gre考试准备,今天给大家带来gre考试准备需提前了解流程,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。gre考试准备需提前了解流程一、熟悉新GRE考试的考场环境是最基本的,所以请考生一定要提前熟悉考场的环境,及考场信息变化,对于考试当天的天气情况也应该有所了解。二、证件gre考试准备,这是最关键的问题,GRE考试证件要优先第二代居民身份证,一般无需学生证等,注意携带考试注册码。三、gre考试考生一定要吃早餐,这是很多参加新GRE考试的同学的建议。因为新GRE考试的时间将持续4个小时,所以考生一定要保障有充足的体力,要知道只是一


3、的时间缓解情绪,然后状态调整好之后直接点击continue,进行第一部分AW的考试。考试时,要认真答题审题。第一部分AW考试,改革后Issue部分缩短为30min,时间非常紧迫。考生要提前熟悉自己的常用语言和套路,考场上将仅有的时间多花在构思和行文上。如果参加新GRE考试时遇到突发情况该怎么办呢?这并不是没有过的。一些考生反映,自己碰到过新GRE过程中不能检录,考场停电,电脑死机,网络中断等各种问题。如果遇到了这些情况,一定要及时告诉主考官,不要自己擅自操作,否则ETS有权取消你的考试资格。GRE备考词汇:与物理相关词汇Heat Conduction热传导原文:When a substance

4、 is heated, heat is passed from its hotter part to its cooler part. This way of passing heat is called conduction. Metals conduct heat easily. They are good conductors. Non-metals, such as wood, glass and plastic cannot conduct heat easily. They are bad conductors.翻译:物质受热时,热量从温度高的地方向温度低的地方传递。这种热的传递方

5、式叫传导。金属容易导热,是良好的导体。非金属,如木头、玻璃、塑料,不易导热,不是良好的导体。讲解:上文中,substance是指物质,物质也可以用matter来表示。Conduct是传递、传导的意思,做动词时重音在后,读作/ k?n?d?kt/,conduct的名词形式是conduction,导体为conductor。导热,可以说heat conduction,也可以用passing heat来表达。Travel of Sound声音的传播原文:Sound is produced when things vibrate, like beating a drum or beating a gui

6、tar.Sound has to travel through solid, liquid or air to ears. When the sound is blocked by other things, it become less loud and clear. Sound travels better through liquid that through air. It travels best through solid.翻译:声音是通过震动产生的,例如敲鼓或弹吉他。声音通过固体、液体或空气传入耳朵。当声音被其他物质阻挡时,声音会变小、变得不清晰。声音在液体中传播比在气体中传播快

7、,在固体中传播最快。讲解:travel除了指旅行,也可以表示传播,例如travel of sound声音的传播, travel of light光的传播。第一句sound is produced when things vibrate是一个被动句,由be produced构成被动结构;这句话中,vibrate的意思是震动。这段中三个关键词为solid固体,liquid液体和air空气。GRE备考词汇:与睡眠相关的词lethargy n.昏睡,倦怠nap n.v.小睡,打盹repose v.躺着休息,安睡slumber v.n.睡眠,安睡slumberous adj.昏昏欲睡的dormant a

8、dj.冬眠的,静止的hibernate v.冬眠,蛰伏hibernation n.冬眠hypnosis n.催眠状态hypnotic adj.催眠的mesmerize v.对催眠,迷住narcotic n.催眠药 adj.催眠的opiate n.安眠药,鸦片制剂somnolent adj.思睡的,催眠的soporific adj.催眠的,n.安眠药insomnia n.失眠症GRE备考词汇:与恶意相关的词malevolent: 有恶意的; having vicious ill will, spite, or hatred1) characterized by ill will or hatre

9、d2) having, showing, or arising from intense often vicious ill will, spite, or hatredmalevolent - having or showing often vicious ill-will, spite, or hatredmalevolent-malicious; evil; having or showing ill will: “Some early American colonists saw the wilderness as malevolent and sought to control it

10、.”Synonyms: evil, hateful, vicious, vindictivemalevolent well-meaning; polite, benevolent, benign, flattering, goodThe novel grossly oversimplified the conflict as a struggle between relentlessly malevolent villains on one side and faultless saints on the other.【近】 cruel, despiteful, evil, malicious

11、, malign, malignant, mean, nasty, spiteful, vicious, virulent【反】 benevolent, benign, benignant 善意的,和善的【派】 malevolence n. 恶意,恶毒His angry glare gave away his malevolent intentions.malign: 有恶意的; Having or showing malice or ill will; malevolent1) to speak ill of, often falselymalign extol, laud, benevol

12、ent, charitablecharitable : malignThey maligned her academic record with false reports of her cheating.Synonyms: defame, misrepresent, slander(v.; adj.) to speak evil of; having an evil disposition toward others (opposite: benign)In her statement to the judge she maligned her soon-to-be ex-husband.She had such a malign personality that no one even tried to approach her, mostly out of fear.gre考试准备需提前了解流程


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