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1、托福听力避免生词影响理解应对方法汇总介绍 托福考试的听力部分很多同学都觉得心里没底,特别是如果在听力过程中遇到一些从来没听到过的生词考生就很容易产生理解困难影响解题。今天给大家带来托福听力避免生词影响理解应对方法汇总介绍,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力避免生词影响理解应对方法汇总介绍专有名词能够辨认即可在文中出现的人名、地名等专有名词通常对考试没有多大影响。只要考生能够意识到在说的是某个人或者某个地点就行,笔记中的体现可以以大写首字母代替。甚至有的词在考试界面上会出现,考生只需混个眼熟,之后在做题时能认出来就行。话题类词汇术语仔细听解释托福考试的lecture话题

2、非常广泛,虽然官方指南给出了艺术、生命科学、自然科学和社会科学四大类话题,但事实上这四个话题已经能囊括任何专业知识点了,知识面再广的学生也不可能面面俱到。当lecture中出现一些专业术语,甚至当这个术语就是考题的中心话题怎么办?既然是术语,文中当然会出现对术语的解释,所以考试只需淡定地等待解释出现即可。常见的说法有:the definition of iscan be defined as , that/which is is/are .例如:What is spectroscopy? Well, the simplest definition I can give you is that

3、spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between matter and light.Spectroscopy is basically the study of spectra and spectral lines of light, and specifically for us, the light from stars.这两句话出自不同话题的两篇*,但都和spectroscopy(光谱学)这个话题相关,并做了定义。前句相对简单通俗,后句几乎是用本词介绍了自己,所以不容易理解,但也能知道这个概念是和光相关的,对做题也能产生辅助的理解作

4、用,至少保证大方向不偏。非术语词汇抓住解释性语句为了能帮助考生理解,对于非术语性的一些词和语句,听力原文中也往往存在这样那样的解释。即便单词本身不理解,也可以根据这些解释来了解基本含义。常见的表达方式有: (by that) I mean. that /which is you know in other words 例如:suddenly it stops and preens, you know, it takes a few moments to straighten its feathers后半句中straighten its feather即preen的解释,因此preen可解释为整

5、理,梳理。根据补充的同近义词来理解生词这种方式是文中最容易出现的,在相对较陌生的单词后面紧跟一个或多个同义词。但对于考生来说,出现生词很容易造成恐慌,在慌乱中同义词就过去了,根本无暇顾及。专家提醒广大考生,考试不仅考实力,更是对心态的考验,好的心态往往能起到很大的作用。例如:many of the films of the 20s and 30s would be considered hybrids, that is, a mixture of styles that wouldnt exactly fit into any of todays categories.该句中非常明确指出hyb

6、rid即mixture的意思,也就是混合的意思。 got two conflicting drives two competing urges有冲突的动机和相互竞争的主张两者理解其一即可。结合逻辑推测生词含义不少考生做听力时会碰到一个问题,即无法做到对*的整体理解,常常把句子、段落割裂开来听,不管语句之间意义的联系。有时顺着一个句子的逻辑方向去想,有些生词的意思自然就出现了。 inside there is a seed with a hard shell. It appears that the shell has to crack open or breakdown somewhat to

7、 allow the seed soak up water.(听到这里如果思考一下为什么种子要吸水,不难想到是为了发芽) You know, if their seeds remain inside their shell, they will not germinate. 如果在听前半句时想到了发芽,按照逻辑后半句所说的如果种子无法破壳,那么也就无法发芽了。germinate也就是发芽的意思。These paintings were made deep inside a dark cave, where no natural light can penetrate. 在又黑又深的山洞里,自然

8、光当然是无法照射到了,所以penetrate是穿透的意思。2020托福听力练习:海豚通过鼻涕粘液发声Sometimes a snout full of snot can be just what the doctor ordered. At least if youre a dolphin. Because a new study shows that a little bit of mucus helps these marine mammals generate the rapid-fire stream of clicks they emit and use for echolocati

9、on.First off, lets just get this out of the way. Dolphins do not actually sound like this. Flipper laugh sound Thats a made-for-TV giggle that some say is actually the doctored call of a bird: the Australian kookaburra.Real dolphins, like these bottlenoses, sound more like this. Bottlenose sounds Th

10、ey use their clicks, chirps and whistles to navigate, communicate and to catch their next meal. The high-frequency clicks, in particular, help Flipper and his kind locate and track fish dinners.Dolphins make these sounds by forcing air through a nasal passage just beneath the blowhole. In this nasal

11、 region are liplike flaps of tissue called dorsal bursae that vibrate and collide to produce dolphin talk.Now, a team of researchers has created a simplified model that can reproduce this characteristic dolphin chatter. And they found that the secret ingredient is snot.While looking through the lite

12、rature, oceanographer Aaron Thode stumbled across a model that represented vocal cords as masses connected by springswhich store and release energyand dampers, which dissipate that energy. This model successfully replicated the essential characteristics of the system, like the frequency of vocal cor

13、d vibration.So Thode enlisted his father Lester, a retired nuclear physicist from Los Alamos National Lab, to help him fit the model to a dolphins nasal anatomy. When the Thodes compared the simulated sounds produced by their model to a recording of actual dolphins, they found that the model mimicke

14、d both the loud thump and extended ring that are part of the natural click. Thats the sound, but slowed down to make it audible to our ears.The initial thud comes from when those dorsal bursae collide. And the reverberation results from the vibrations that linger when the tissues pull apart. But Tho

15、de the younger says the bursae have to be somewhat sticky for the clapping together and snapping apart to produce a noise with the correct loudness and pitch. That stickiness comes courtesy of the mucus. Thode vocalized the results at the meeting of the Acoustical Society in Salt Lake City.The match

16、 between the simulated sounds and the real deal is encouraging, and the Thodes plan to keep up their collaboration to refine their model. Yeah, I guess some fathers and sons bond over football, but my dad and I, I guess we bonded over differential equations and writing this paper.如果你是一只海豚,医生会要求你鼻子里充



19、。而回声则*于组织分离时产生的振动。不过小索德认为,黏液囊必须要有足够的粘性,一下靠拢又分开,才能产生这种声音并达到正确的音量和音高。这种粘性来自粘液。索德在盐湖城举行的声学学会上发表了这一研究成果。模拟声音与海豚原声的匹配度令人鼓舞,索德父子计划继续合作下去,完善他们的模型。“我认为有些父子因足球而亲密,而我爸爸和我是因为微分方程和撰写这篇论文而亲密起来的。”重点讲解:1. in particular 尤其;特别;例句:She stressed that point in particular.她特别强调了那一点。2. stumble across 意外发现;偶然看见;例句:I stumbl

20、ed across an extremely simple but very exact method for understanding where my money went.我意外发现了一个非常简单却能精确了解我所花钱去向的方法。3. part of 一些;部分;例句:The astronaut accepted danger was part of the job.太空人承认他们的工作中包含著危险。4. keep up 继续做(或提供);例句:You cant keep up the pretense any longer.你无法继续伪装下去了。2020托福听力练习:节能引擎喷射黑碳I

21、f youve gone shopping for a car lately, you might have noticed that fuel economythe number of miles per gallonis slowly creeping up. One reason is a more efficient type of fuel injection, called gas direct injection. Its a feature of half the new cars sold in the U.S. last year.With that kind of eng

22、ine design you can also introduce turbochargingthats really what it comes down to: more engine power with a smaller engine. Naomi Zimmerman, an air-quality scientist at Carnegie Mellon Universitywho has, by the way, never owned a car. Probably because I did a whole PhD on engine emissions.Heres how

23、the two injection methods differ. In the old standard, called port fuel injection, gas is injected into the air intake, where it mixes with air before hitting the cylinder. In direct injection though, as the name implies, the fuel is injected directly into the cylinder. Its more fuel efficient, mean

24、ing lower CO2 emissions, which will help slow climate change. But here is a paradox, it also emits more particulate matter, including black carbon, or soota pollutant implicated in global warming.Zimmerman and her colleagues analyzed studies of direct injection engines to see how this pollution trad

25、eoff works out for the climate. The answer is that its really complicated and its not certain. But on average, she says, boosting fuel economy five to nine percent would probably cancel out the warming effects of black soot, and score a net positive for the climate. The findings are in the journal E

26、nvironmental Science and Technology.The fuel economy goal might be different in places with big temperature swings, and where gasoline has more aromatic compoundswhich seem to boost black carbon emissions. One place that fits the bill: Canada. There we might need to be closer to the 10 percent, 15 p

27、ercent mark in terms of improving fuel economy. Which is actually a very aggressive increase in fuel economy.She says one solution that might reduce black carbon emissions is gasoline particulate filters. Which would also screen out particulate matter dangerous to human health. Meaning a win for the

28、 planetand the people who live on it.如果你最近买了一辆车,你可能已经注意到燃油经济,也就是每加仑行驶的总英里数正在悄然上升。原因之一在于燃油喷射装置的效率更高,这被称为缸内直接喷射技术。去年美国出售的新车中,有一半车辆都具有这个特征。“这种引擎设计也可以引进涡轮增压,这才是真正的原因:更小的引擎,更大的发动机功率。”娜奥米齐默尔曼是卡内基梅隆大学的空气质量科学家,她从未买过汽车。“可能是因为我在博士研究生阶段对发动机排放进行了整体研究。”下面说明一下这两种喷射方式的不同之处。按照旧标准,车辆使用的是进气道燃油喷射技术,将气体注入进气口,在冲击汽缸之前与空气



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