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1、托福考试如何避免听力拖后腿 托福考试如何避免听力拖后腿?补足短板要这么练。今天给大家带来托福考试如何避免听力拖后腿,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福考试如何避免听力拖后腿?补足短板要这么练练听力做笔记提升记忆效果在托福听力进行中,材料是只读一遍的,而且在有些题目中,考生只有在材料播放完之后才能看到题目。正因如此,考生在听的过程中做好笔记就成为了一个非常重要的环节。在记录笔记的过程中,大家要做到条理清晰、书写尽量工整、提倡使用一些自己惯用的缩写和图形来表达,提高记笔记的效率,并能够为答题时候高效准确地提取信息打下良好的基础。而只有这样,大家在看到了题目后,才能根据之前所记



4、家的口语考试,对于听力同样也是有损害的。明明标准发音是那样,考生自身认知的发音却有所差异,到了听力考试中就容易出现明明听到但听不懂的情况。实际上,因为发音问题导致自己听不懂标准考试听力发音的情况并不少见。而托福考试作为一门英语能力综合测试,各个题型之间所需求的英语能力其实也是相互关联的,纠正了读音问题,不仅会直接让各位的口语能力得到提升,也会让听力间接受益。因此,纠正读音问题对于听力来说也是必不可少的。2020托福听力练习:美国政府拟用无人机发射疫苗保护濒危雪貂A recent headline on the Web site theverge got a lot of attention o

5、n social media. Because each new phrase seemed to take the message in an unexpected direction. The headline read: U.S. government plans to use drones to fire vaccine-laced MMs near endangered ferrets.Some background. Black-footed ferrets have been on the endangered species list since 1967. Only abou

6、t 300 were known to be alive in the wild at the end of 20XX. They tend to live in the Great Plains and the West. Because they love to eat prairie dogs, which tend to live in the Great Plains and the West. Unfortunately, prairie dogs often harbor fleas, and fleas can carry the plague. Yup, that plagu

7、e, the so-called Black Death that killed millions in Europe in the 14th century.So ferrets suffer when fleas cause a plague outbreak in prairie dogs, either because the ferrets also catch the disease or because the prairie dogs die and the ferrets go hungry. Officials have tried vaccinating individu

8、al ferrets and theyve tried treating prairie-dog burrows with flea-killer. But neither method is particularly efficient.And so the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is preparing a study for September in the UL Bend National Wildlife Refuge in Montana. The viral headline was incorrect about the MMs, but

9、 otherwise, yes, aerial drones will shoot vaccine-laced pellets designed to be irresistible to prairie dogs. The drone delivery system should quickly spread the vaccine-carrying goodies over a wide area so that lots of prairie dogs gobble them upthus making the prairie dogs available to be gobbled u

10、p, safely, by the endangered ferrets.And so everybody wins. Except for the prairie dogs that get eaten. And the Yersinia pestis bacteria that cause plague. Well, thats it for me, Ive droned on long enough.Theverge网站最近的一条标题引起很多社交媒体的关注。原因是每一个新短语都好像将这条信息引往了一个意想不到的方向。标题写着:美国政府计划用无人机向濒危雪貂栖息地发射带有疫苗的MMs糖果。


12、拿州国家野生动物保护区启动。那条轰动标题中有关MMs的部分是不正确的,不过除此以外,无人机的确将发射带有疫苗的糖果,这种糖果被设计成使草原犬鼠无法抗拒的美味。无人机输送系统应在广泛区域迅速播撒带有疫苗的糖果,让大量草原犬鼠食用,进而让濒危雪貂可以安全地捕食草原犬鼠。这样大家都是赢家。当然,除了被吃掉的草原犬鼠和引发鼠疫的鼠疫耶尔森氏杆菌。好了,就是这些了,我已经讲了很长时间了。重点讲解:1. either.or. (表示在两者或多者中择其一)或者,要么;例句:Either we will find a supply, or we will make the goods.我们或是寻求供货,或者自

13、己制造。2. go hungry 挨饿;吃不饱;例句:Leonidas family had been poor, he went hungry for years.利奥尼达斯家曾经很穷,他有很多年都吃不饱肚子。3. gobble up 贪婪地吃;狼吞虎咽;例句:There were dangerous beasts in the river that might gobble you up.河里有吃人的危险动物。4. except for 除了;除之外;唯有;例句:Smith is a good man, except for his bad temper.史密斯除了脾气不好外,是个好人。5

14、. drone on (人)絮絮叨叨地说,喋喋不休地说;例句:Aunt Maimies voice droned on.梅米姨妈喋喋不休地说着。2020托福听力练习:鸡味可驱蚊防疟疾In Africas battle against malaria, two low-tech tacticsinsecticides and bed netshave done a decent job killing off mosquitoes. But its mainly one species thats been affected. Thats a species called Anopheles g

15、ambiae, often referred to the African malaria mosquito. Rickard Ignell, a chemical ecologist at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.He says, despite that success, the problem is far from solved. For one, mosquitoes are developing resistance to insecticides. And two, there are many other

16、species that can spread the disease. Including one thats common in the horn of Africa: Anopheles arabiensis.Unlike the pickier gambiae, its palate is wide-ranging. Arabiensis sucks the blood of cattle, sheep, goats. But not chickens. Chickens like mosquitoes. So theyll actively feed on mosquitoes an

17、d other insects. So avoiding chickens could be a way of surviving, and evolving a way of smelling the chickens could be an early warning system for them.And it turns out, that aversion to chickens can be used against the insects. Ignell and his colleagues isolated chemical compounds from chicken fea

18、thers, and dispensed them next to a human sleeping under a bed neta human lure. And they found that fewer mosquitoes came round for a snack, due to the repellent chemicals. The findings appear in the Malaria Journal.Ignell says this chicken cologne wont be immediately available. Ideally the world wo

19、uld be like that, that we could bottle it up and send it off and they dont have to pay anything. But thats not the case usually. Luckily, theres an equally effective substitute. We can actually reduce the number of mosquitoes indoors by just using a chicken. So thats probably the cheapest option.非洲在


21、使闻鸡类味道的能力得到进化可以成为早期预警系统。”事实证明,可以利用这种对鸡类的厌恶感来对抗昆虫。伊格内尔和同事从鸡的羽毛中分离出化合物,然后将这种化合物放置在睡在蚊帐里的人类的旁边,这是一种人为诱惑。他们发现,由于讨厌这种化学物质,很少有蚊子会进入蚊帐吸血。这项研究结果发表在疟疾杂志上。伊格内尔表示,现在还不能马上提供这种鸡味古龙香水。“最理想的情况是,我们可以把它装进瓶子里,然后让味道散发出去,它们不需要付出什么。但是显然情况并非如此。”幸运的是,有一个同样有效的替代品,“我们可以用一只鸡来减少室内蚊子的数量。可能这是最便宜的选择。”重点讲解:kill off 被全部杀死;被灭绝;例句:T

22、heir natural predators have been killed off.它们的天敌被全部杀死。2. be far from 根本不;远远不;例句:His explanation was far from satisfactory.他的解释一点也不令人满意。3. turn out 结果发现;结果是;例句:It turned out to be a wild-goose chase.结果证明这只不过是一场徒劳。4. due to 由于;因为;例句:Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend.在那个周末因高速驾驶造成的交通事故很多。


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