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1、worse的用法总结大全 worse的用法你知道哪些?今天给大家带来worse的用法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。worse的用法总结大全worse的意思adj. 更坏的,恶化的,更厉害的,严重的( bad,ill,badly的比较级)adv. 更坏地,更糟地,(程度上)更n. 更坏的事物worse用法worse可以用作形容词worse用作形容词是“更坏的; 更糟的; 更差的”的意思,是bad和ill的比较级形式,用于在二者之间进行比较,常可用于从属连词than引导的从句之前,不可再加more修饰,但可加much。worse在句中一般用作表语,有时也用作定语,在做ill

2、的比较级时只做表语。worse作定语时,可以加不定冠词a,也可不加冠词,定冠词the只能用在the worse.of the two结构中。worse作表语时,其前一般不带冠词。worse用作形容词的用法例句The weather is getting worse and worse.天气越来越坏。As time goes by my memory seems to get worse .随着时间的流逝,我的记忆力越来越差。Its even worse if you have a balcony.如果你有阳台的话情况会更糟。worse可以用作副词worse用作副词,意思是“更猛烈,更厉害,更糟

3、”,是badlyill的比较级,可在句中作状语。worse用作副词的用法例句He is behaving worse than ever.他的所作所为比以前更坏。She has been taken worse recently.最近她的病况更恶化了。We thought that the situation was as bad as it could be, but worse was to follow.我们还以为那是最坏的情况呢,可没想到更糟的还在后面。worse用法例句1、He arrived on January 9, disheveled and much the worse f

4、or wear.他是1月9号到的,蓬头垢面,疲惫不堪。2、I cant think of a worse way to spend my time.我想不出更糟的消磨时间的办法。3、Dont let yourself despair; this will only make matters worse.不要想不开,这样只能使情况变得更糟。Worse for wear?也是醉了!经常被人问:“每个词都认识,合在一起就是不懂,什么状况?”我之前也写过几篇相关的帖子,但一直没有汇总。今天又遇到了一个现成的例子,所以择日不如撞日,就开始整个系列吧。我会不定期介绍一些“看起来应该懂,但事实上真的不懂”的

5、单词或短语。稍后我也会把所有相关的帖子整合到主页面的菜单上(点“原来如此”即可),以方便集中查阅。就像我反复强调的,重在积累。碰到一个就记一个,找机会自己也这么说这么写,渐渐把这些用法都真正化为自己的知识。时间一长,你的英语会越来越地道。今天这个现成的例子是worse for wear,来自我正在看的新书The Breakdown,作者是B. A. Paris。(我已经无数次强推过她的Behind Closed Doors。If you follow my posts regularly and still havent read that book, Id be offended.)Well

6、, you were a little worse for wear that night. You didnt have to worry about driving home as Matthew was picking you up, so you had quite a few glasses of wine.看了这段相关文字,应该很容易推测出worse for wear是“醉”的意思。但假如没有上下文,光提worse for wear,估计大家都不懂什么意思吧?严格说来,worse for wear不只是“醉”这么简单,而且它的表达也不局限于一种,还有the worse for we

7、ar,the worse for the wear等等。也就是说,worse for wear最初是表示“因使用时间长,渐渐磨损”,非常符合字面意思。后来它才渐渐引申出身体不舒服、状态不佳(尤指喝醉)的意思。The Phrase Finder (phrases.org.uk) 给出了证明:The meaning there is clear - as things are used, they deteriorate. As it became established in the language, worse for wear developed into a synonym for wo

8、rn out.Into the 20th century, and the phrase took on another meaning, that is, drunk. This was taken up by the UK tabloid press in the 1960s and has now superseded tired and emotional as the euphemism of choice when describing some young wag falling out of a taxi at 3am.据我所知,worse for wear的本义(worn out)和引申义(drunk)都还蛮常用的,所以建议大家一并掌握。本义:This laptop is really worse for wear. You should get a new one.引申义: We should give him a ride home. Hes clearly the worse for wear.worse的用法总结大全


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