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1、实例讲解托福口语模板制作3个STEP 托福口语备考中准备一些熟悉话题的模板是很有必要的,既能节省大家在考试中的思考时间,今天给大家带来实例讲解托福口语模板制作3个STEP,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧实例讲解托福口语模板制作3个STEP托福口语模板制作实例分析:地点类BUILDING在这以实际例子向大家描述,首先我们先来看一下对于地点的描述。再次说明:这里只是给考生们创建自己的模板提供足够的方便和可能性,而并不是鼓励各位考生使用同样的一个托福口语模板。以建筑为例,我们现在看一下对一个building的描述,在托福口语的作答里面有这么几个方面需要讲到。制作托福口语模板ste

2、p1开头语千万不要在开头部分过于累赘,尽量的简洁有力!因为新托福口语考试的第一部分的作答时间只有短短的45秒!很多时候,有这样的语句可以来套用,比如说well, off the top of my head, the building I am going to describe to you is ; 或者是,the park that I want to describe, that means a lot to me, is 这里,考生需要自己要描述的内容直接点出来,托福口语考试中这点犹其重要,有好的开头才会给人好印象。制作托福口语模板step2概述对一个building的描述,基本上需

3、要从以下几个方面来说:地点: It is located/situated in the northeast of the city外观特色:比如说当我们在描述一个现代化的建筑物的时候,我们需要涉及到其总体的颜色,比如说it is blue on the outside and generally bluish green on the inside等等。历史:建立的时间: It was built in the year; 当初为什么要建这个建筑物制作托福口语模板step3个人观点讲完上述内容后,考生如果还有剩余的时间的话,可以将一些个人与这个建筑物之间的关系扯进来,比如说自己对这幢建筑的审

4、美观点,历史关系等,作为*的一个收尾。只要考生紧紧的跟随着这样的一个托福口语回答模式来表达,相信在45秒钟之内会把内容说的非常的充实。针对不同话题,可以将以上的信息点加以过滤,相信可以对这类话题的题目会在托福口语考试中有很好的发挥。托福口语模板:多教本国历史 少教世界史托福口语题目:Schools should teach more on the domestic history of students own country and teach less on the world history. Do you agree or disagree with such a statement?

5、 Give specific explanation in your response.学校应该多教本国历史,少教世界历史。你是否同意这样的观点,在回答中给出具体的解释。郝新宇老师的Sample response:I disagree with such a statement. The main reason is such a choice will inhibit students understanding towards history. If only studying the domestic history of students own country, they can m

6、erely know what has happened in their own country. But the fact is that each country has its own specific or unique history, thus if getting to know the world history, students will know what people ate in the past in other countries, what different empires were like in different places, how people

7、led their lives in other civilization and so on. Then students will have a more overall and objective understanding towards the world, towards culture diversity.托福口语模板:独立完成任务还是按照指示完成Some people like to have independence to do tasks and decide what to do, while others like to be told what they should

8、 do directly. Which one do you prefer?有些人喜欢自主完成任务,自己决定怎么去做;而有些人喜欢直接按照指示去做任务。你喜欢哪种?假设我们选independent way of working,那么给出三种可能的思路:01 have the say 有话语权I dont enjoy having someone looking over my shoulder all the time. If I can have the say over how I do my work, I can enjoy much more freedom. But if I ha

9、ve to report to my manager about everything Im doing, it would shift my focus awayfrom the work itself.我不喜欢有人在背后一直监视我。如果我可以在工作上有话语权,那就可以享受更多的自由。但是如果我要向经理汇报所做的一切,那会把注意力从工作本身上转移开来。have someone looking over ones shoulder: 受到监督(想象如果李老师告诉你:今晚我看着你做作业哦托福口语高频解析:应不应该花时间看其他国家新闻托福口语练习题目:Do you agree or disagre

10、e that people should spend some time on reading news about other countries?Sample answer:Well, quite honestly, I totally agree that people should spend time watching news about other countries. This is primarily because, first, people can receive more information, I mean, they will get to know more

11、about whats going on in the world, like, the latest scientific breakthrough. So, in this way, people can actually keep up with times and expand their worldview.Besides, it is also quite interesting to watch some news from other countries. Sometimes, we might come across some fun facts or amusing local stories in the news, which could have us in stitches. So, we might end up in a good mood.实例讲解托福口语模板制作3个STEP


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