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1、高效学习托福写作方法有哪些 高效学习托福写作方法有哪些?今天给大家带来高效学习托福写作方法有哪些,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。高效学习托福写作方法有哪些?1、审题要仔细还要省时间托福写作考试是有练习题的,所有的题型和题材都是练习题的范围之中,所以大家总是会在练习题里找到相似的题目。此外还有备考资料,这些都是我们可以拿来利用,充分准备托福写作考试的。所以我们可以针对这个优势,来将审题时间放在考试之前来做,正确在实际的考试当中,能够一分钟将题目审完,将更多的时间留给*的写作上。如果考试遇到了根本没见过的题目,那么只能说明大家的准备不够充分,如果审题时间占用的过多,那么同样也


3、步段落这样写,你的托福独立写作更有威力!到底怎样写出好的让步段?今天小新就来和大家详细讲讲让步段的写法,助力你的托福写作!写还是不写?这是个问题Q:很多同学有疑问,在一篇完整的独立作文中,让步段是不是一定要写呢?可不可以不写呢?老师:让步段不是必须要写的,考生们可以在作文里只提出支持自己观点的两至三个正面的理由,这样也可以得出最后的结论。比如说是否同意“新的科技产品发布,过段时间购买比马上购买要好”,我们完全可以只提出过段时间购买的两个正面理由:一. 价格会更便宜; 二. 产品的性能会更优化,这样整篇作文的论点还是明确的。但是这篇*当然也可以加上让步段,过段时间再买的坏处,或是马上购买的好处。

4、这样会显得这篇*论证的逻辑更加严密和全面,我们确实是进行了优劣对比后,才得出自己的观点。尤其要注意的是,如果作文题目本身的观点的反面并不能够被忽略,那么建议让步段是一定要写的,这样显得我们得出自己的观点才不牵强。比如作文题目“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing computer games is a waste of time. Children should not be allowed to play them.”。我们可以写正面的两个观点,即玩电脑游戏的两个好处,但是我们同样不能忽略玩电脑游戏的坏处

5、,所以就要写让步段了,不然观点就会显得过于偏激。怎么写让步段?这又是个问题重中之重: “让一小步,进一大步”!让步段的最重要目的是对让步内容地不断削弱,以退为进,先提出坏处,然后再否定它。但是要记住的是让步段与支持段结构一致,也是有主题句,然后要对主题句进行展开解释。所以常见的套路是:主题句(不可否认A也有坏处)+解释(进一步解释说明坏处是什么)+让步(但是呢,这些坏处可以被解决掉,或是不太重要)1.让步段主题句写法让步段的主题句一般是这样的:不可否认的是,A可能会有一些坏处。这里我们尽量语气要委婉些,下面是一些会用到的词组表达:Admittedly / Undoubtedly / There

6、 is no denying that / It cannot be denied thatMay / might / possibly / probablyOne / one or two / a couple of / minor / severalTo some extent / to some degree【常见错误】很多考生让步段用although开头,但是although后面只能跟一个从句,所以后面主题句的内容就没有办法展开了。2. 让步如何实现让步段的表述可以参考以下模式:?让步方的好处比支持方的好处次要,或者支持方的坏处比起好处来次要。However, the advantag

7、es of A are more important than those of B.?让步方优点与支持方优点比起来较少,或支持方缺点与优点比起来较少。However, the advantages of A are far more than those / that of B.However, the advantages of A outnumber those / that of B.?对方的好处,我方也可以有办法得到;我方的坏处可以有办法消除。However, the problem can be solved by However, the negative influence c

8、an be eliminated by 3. 让步段范例赏析QDo you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing computer games is a waste of time. Children should not be allowed to play them.主题句:Admittedly, playing computer games does harbor several drawbacks.解释:Some children are addicted to playing computergames and

9、 ignore their studies, thereby suffering from poor academic performance. Also, over exposure to computer games with high concentration will sooner or later cause the impairment of their eyesight.让步:However, most children are able to control themselves to play games in moderation. Also, their parents

10、 can intervene and supervise as well. Specifically, they could set strict rules on how much time their children could play games everyday and on what conditions they could do so, therefore it is completely unnecessary to forbid them to play computer games.托福写作范文:新建大学The government has announced that

11、 it plans to build a new university. Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community. Use specific details in your discussion.I was fortunate enough to grow up in a small

12、 town where the state university is located, and my familys life was richer as a result of having this university in our midst. Living in a “college town” can have its disadvantages, but I would readily advocate having a new university established in my community.One of the primary advantages of hav

13、ing a university situated in a community is the economic boost it would enjoy. First and foremost, the community could look forward to the creation of steady jobs, including chefs to cook in the dining room, librarians to catalog books, and gardeners to landscape the grounds. Local restaurants, movi

14、e theaters and bookstores would benefit from the spending power of young college students, and new cafes and bars might even spring up.However, a college town finds itself enriched not just financially but in other, less tangible ways. University life consists not just of academic but of extracurric

15、ular pursuits. Professors regularly give lectures on their fields of expertise, from Dostoevsky and Russian literature to American Civil War history, and these lectures are usually open to the public, as are concerts, poetry readings and plays. Especially in a small town, international students prov

16、ide glimpses into other cultures that would otherwise not be so readily available. In the town where I grew up, a large number of doctoral students came from India with their families. The daughter of one such family eventually became my best friend; her family brought me to local Indian cultural ev

17、ents and I grew to love the culture and now consider Indian food to be practically my native cuisine.It would be inaccurate, though, to portray a college town as a utopia. Its an unavoidable fact that some undergraduates consider partying to be central to the college experience, and when such studen

18、ts live off campus in apartments, their lifestyles are likely to cause tension among their neighbors. Longtime residents who relish their communities as peaceful, family-oriented places to live are naturally disturbed when a group of students rent the house next door and create an atmosphere of drin

19、king, parties and loud music at odd hours. There is no easy solution, but communication between the university administration and the community is an essential part of the planning process before the university is established.When a university is established, it becomes inextricably connected to the

20、 community where it is located. Alumni who return, years later, for reunions might have some of their fondest memories away from campus, for example in the coffee shop where they spent hours studying, or at the ice cream shop that was a Friday night destination. Planning and discussion between the a

21、dministration and the community will always be necessary to reduce conflict, but if given the opportunity to welcome a new university to my community, I would be more than enthusiastic about the prospect.Eg: Four centuries ago, Christopher Columbus, one of the Italian mariners whom the decline of th

22、eir own republics had put at the service of the world and of adventure, seeking for Spain a westward passage to the Indies as setoff against the achievements of Portuguese discoverers, lighted on America.Eg: With these hopes and in this belief I would urge you, laying aside all hindrance, thrusting away all private aims, to devote yourselves unswervingly and unflinchingly to the vigorous and successful prosecution of this war.高效学习托福写作方法有哪些


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