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1、托福口语表述中口误太多如何应对 托福口语表述中口误太多如何应对?先来了解这7个易错口语点,今天给大家带来托福口语表述中口误太多如何应对 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧托福口语表述中口误太多如何应对?先来了解这7个易错口语点1. 冠词英语中的冠词即a, an以及the。我发现中文里并没有冠词,实际上,很多语言都不使用冠词,但在英语中,我们使用它们。要学好并精通英语,你必须学会使用它们,大多时候,你只需要用到其中2个即可。An通常置于以元音开头的名词之前,但我常常听到会有人在不合时宜时候使用冠词。2. 性别中文里以TA(第一声)作为第三人称单数代词,男他女她读音相同。当然书写

2、的时候区分男女性别。英语中TA的书写跟汉语一样,但区别于汉字,英语中他和她的发音也不同。我时常听到多年说英语的人依然对性别指称混淆不清。其实,只要多加训练,你的大脑就会自动输出你想要表达的正确性别指称。3. 此外,当句子中出现第三人称单数代词时,大多动词后需要在其后加上s。其实,你只需要记住s跟在他/她/它或具体的名称后面就好了。重申一下,注重这一点并付诸于实践,即使你只在心中默念,也会收到很好的效果。4. 另一个常见错误即名词的复数问题。在中文里,我们用量词许多狗来表达复数概念。而在英语中,我们在名词后加s代表复数,dogs即表达许多狗的概念。5. 动词的时态也是困扰中国英语使用者的难题之一

3、。在英语学习中,学好它们并无捷径可走。我们说Yesterday, I walked to school而不是yesterday I walk to school.。涉及到不规则动词,它并不适用于一般动词变换规则,它的过去式变换表可以在网上找到。比如,我们说Yesterday, I ran to school而不是Yesterday I run to school。6. 对介词用法混淆不清。这是我观察到的第二大高频错误,并没有特定的规则能把In, at, of, with.的用法变得简单。此外,有时候介词的使用还因英式英语和“堕落”的美国英语的不同而有所不同。7.动词的省略。在中文里,当用形容词

4、修饰主语时,不一定非要有动词才能构成完整的句子(我并不是中文专家,碰巧对这个知道一点点)。你可以说,我很好(I very good),但在英语中,你必须加上be动词,I am very good才是完整、正确的形式。我认为语言学习者更容易去将一种语言机械生硬的翻译成另外一种语言。当然这有时候也凑效。然而久而久之就造成了我们常说的中式英语。这种情况在那些只专注于词汇学习而忽视口语练习的学习者身上表现的特别明显。托福口语范文:实地接受采访还是电话采访题目A company plans to interview you. You can go to their company for the int

5、erview, but the company is far from where you live. Or you can have a telephone interview. Which do you prefer? Why?Sample ResponseI would rather have an interview at a company than over the telephone for two reasons.First, I show the company that I am really interested in working there because I am

6、 willing to go to the effort of traveling far. Therefore, the company may be more willing to hire me.Second, I can learn more about the company if I visit it. I may even be able to get a tour. Seeing the company will help me decide if I really want to work there or not.Those are the reasons I prefer

7、 to have an interview at the company rather than on the phone.托福口语范文:如何帮助大一新生了解校园题目Which of the following methods do you think can help freshman students learn about their campus?-Arrange a partner from sophomore students-Organize a campus tour-Set up a Q A centerSample ResponseI think the best way

8、for a school to teach its freshmen students about its campus is to pair each student with a sophomore.Every student has different concerns, and some of the questions may be very specialized. Asking a person one-on-one is the most efficient way of addressing individual questions.Since sophomores have

9、 recently gone through the process of entering the school, they also understand the fears that the freshmen face. They can offer needed friendship and support to make the students comfortable.Pairing a new student with a sophomore is therefore the best way to teach freshmen about a campus.托福口语范文:做大人

10、比做孩子容易题目Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier to be an adult than to be a child.Sample ResponseI think that it is easier to be an adult than a child. Children have their basic needs taken care of, but adults have more freedom to live the way they want to.First, adults u

11、nderstand how to solve problems. Instead of relying on parents for explanations and solutions, they can search for their own answers. As a result, adults have less worry because they can solve their own problems.Second, adults can decide about many things that children must accept. For example, they can decide where to live or travel, how to spend money, and what to eat. It is more fun to make these decisions than rely on someone else.Since adults have the freedom to solve their own problems and make decisions, I think it is easier to be an adult than a child.托福口语表述中口误太多如何应对


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