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1、Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Improvement静电放电(ESD)改进,Electrostatic Discharge (ESD),ESD Generation 静电的产生,ESD is generated per the following: 静电产生于以下几点Friction and Separation 摩擦和分离Induction 感应Capacitance Variation 容量变化,ESD Generation 静电的产生ESD is ge,ESD Damage 静电的损害,Catastrophic failure 突变失效When a comp

2、onent is damaged to the point where it is dead, and it will never function again. This is the easiest type of ESD damage to be detected during testing 当一个组件损坏到死,它将永远不会再次运行。这是能够检测中的静电放电损伤的最简单的类型Latent failure 潜在失效ESD weakens or wounds the component to the point where it will still function properly d

3、uring testing, but over time the wounded component will cause poor system performance and will eventually result in complete system failure. 被ESD削弱或创伤的元件,虽然其在测试过程中仍能正常工作,但随着时间的推移,受伤的元件将导致系统性能降低,最终将导致系统完全失效。It occurs after final inspection or in the hands of the end-consumer, the cost for repair is v

4、ery high. 这种损伤发生在最终检验或在最终消费者手中,维修费用很高。This type of damage is hard to find, and it severely affects the reputation of the product brand. 这种类型的损伤是很难找到的,它严重影响产品的品牌声誉。,ESD Damage 静电的损害Catastrophic,Effect of Humidity 湿度的影响,Static electricity can be more easily accumulated in a dry environment (e.g. extra

5、 caution in winter time due to low humidity and high static) 静电可以更容易积累在干燥的环境中(比如:冬天需格外小心由于低湿度和高静电),Effect of Humidity 湿度的影响Stati,ESD Sensitivity 静电的敏感,It is touchable if static electricity is over 3000V 如果静电超过3000V,它是可触觉的It is audible if static electricity is over 5000V 如果静电超过5000V,它是可听到的It is seeab

6、le if static electricity is over 10000V 如果静电超过10000V,它是可看见的,ESD Sensitivity 静电的敏感It is t,Susceptibility of Various Devices Exposed to ESD 暴露在静电区各种设备的敏感程度,ESD by a human being could damage any common-seen semiconductors 由人产生的静电可以破坏任何常见的半导体,Susceptibility of Various Devi,ESD Control Plan 静电控制方案,ESD co

7、ntrol plan needs to cover the following questions:静电控制方案需要包括以下问题:Why have ESD protection and control? 为什么静电要保护和控制?Without appropriate ESD protection and control, the damage and the loss could be significant and costly. Static electricity cant be eliminated but can be controlled 没有适当的静电保护和控制,损害,损失可能代

8、价高昂。静电不能消除但可以控制Who should participate in ESD control training? 谁应该参与静电控制训练?Personnel who are in Suppliers, R&D, Purchasing, Warehouse, Producing & Testing, Packaging, Customer Support 这些人员来自: 供应商,研发,采购,仓库,生产&测试,包装,客户支持过程Where is the ESD protection area and ESD control area? 哪里是静电保护区和控制区?Places at Su

9、ppliers, Labs, IQC, Storage, Production Line, Assembly and Test, Packaging and Repairing 这些区域在供应商,实验室,来料检验,储存,生产线,组装和测试,包装和维修What to control? 要控制什么?Environment (floor, humidity, bench, jig, etc.) 环境(地面,湿度,工作台,夹具,等等)Personnel (clothing, shoes, grounding, etc.) 人员(服装,鞋子,接地,等等)Material (incoming, trans

10、porting, packaging, etc.) 物料(来料,运输,包装,等等)How to do (what rules to follow)? 如何做(需要采用什么样的规则)All ESD sensitive items will be handled in ESD protection area 所有静电敏感的项目必将在静电保护区内处理The storage and transportation of ESD sensitive components, circuit boards, assemblies and systems (both reparable and servicea

11、ble) have to be in static shielding and non-charge generating packages or containers静电敏感元件,电路板,组件和系统(包括修理和维修)的储存和运输必须放置在静电屏蔽和非电荷产生的包装或容器The whole ESD protection and control process need to be tested and monitored整个静电保护和控制过程中需要进行检测和监测,ESD Control Plan 静电控制方案ESD co,Environment Control 环境控制,Temperature

12、 and Humidity 温度和湿度High ESD risk area (e.g. production line and repair station): 静电高危险区域(如生产线和维修站):Temperature: 20-30C 温度: 20-30摄氏度Humidity (RH): 45-75% 湿度(相对湿度):45-75%Other areas: 其它区域Temperature: 20-30C 温度: 20-30摄氏度Humidity (RH): 30-75% 湿度(相对湿度):30-75%Local environment need to be adjusted for some

13、 ESD sensitive items with special requirements当地环境需要调整针对有一些特殊要求的静电敏感材料,Environment Control 环境控制Temp,Typical EPA Grounding System典型的静电保护区域的接地系统,ESD Protection Area (EPA) grounding system 静电保护区域的接地系统,Typical EPA Grounding System典,Grounding Workstation in Parallel 工作台并行接地,All EPA workstations shall be

14、covered with ESD protection pads (static dissipative pads) 所有静电保护区域的工作站应覆盖静电保护垫(静电耗散垫)All EPA workstations shall be grounded in parallel to one common ground line所有静电保护区域的工作站必须并行接地于一个共同的接地线,Grounding Workstation in Paral,ESD Control Procedure 静电控制程序,All personnel shall measure their wrist straps/foo

15、t straps and human resistance prior to entering ESD protected areas. Only “Pass” personnel are allowed to enter, and record their acceptance accordingly所有人员应测量自己的手腕带/脚带和人体电阻当进入静电保护区之前。只有“合格”人员将被允许进入,并记录相应的验收状况。Make sure wrist straps are in good contact with human skin, and securely grounded. Ensurin

16、g straps are not loosely worn. 确保腕带与人体皮肤接触良好,并可靠接地。确保腕带不松散和磨损。All equipment, instrument, tools, work benches are grounded appropriately 所有的设备,仪器,工具,工作椅是适当的接地Conductive flooring (or floor mat) and conductive chairs shall be used in ESD protected area导电地板(或地板垫)和导电椅应用于静电保护区Mobile carts for transportati

17、on shall have conductive wheels and drag chains移动推车应带有导电轮和拖链Keep all sources of static electricity (e.g. Styrofoam material, clear polyethylene and polypropylene films and bags) far from ESD sensitive items.保持所有的静电来源(例如:聚苯乙烯材料,透明的聚乙烯,聚丙烯薄膜和袋)远离静电敏感产品。All personnel shall adhere to ESD policies 所有人员应遵

18、守静电防护政策,ESD Control Procedure 静电控制程序Al,ESD Policy 静电防护政策,Test wrist straps and ESD footwear daily 每日测试腕带和静电鞋Keep wrist band snug 保持手腕带舒适并紧绷的Only trained or escorted people are allowed in ESD protected area 只有经过培训或护送人员方可允许进入静电防护区Keep work area clean and clear of insulators 保持工作区域的清洁和清除绝缘物Handle un-pa

19、ckaged ESD sensitive items only when grounded 只有当接地处时,才能处理未包装的静电敏感产品Visually check all grounding cords to make sure they are connected. 目视检查所有接地线确保其良好的连接。Make sure Ionizers are maintained and air flow is not blocked 确保离子发生器已妥善地维护和空气是流通的Use shielded packaging for shipping or storing ESD sensitive ite

20、ms outside the ESD protected area 使用屏蔽用于运输或储存的静电敏感产品在静电保护区外Ground Conductors, including people 接地导体,包括人Neutralize insulators with Ionizers 中和绝缘和离子Shield ESD sensitive items when storing or transporting outside EPA 在静电防护区外贮存或运输时,要屏蔽静电敏感产品。,ESD Policy 静电防护政策Test wrist s,Work Area Control Techniques工作区

21、的控制技术,Remove unneeded static objects from workstation 从工作站删除不需要的静电对象Keep objects a safe distance away from sensitive components and assemblies 保持对象的安全距离到敏感元件和组件Use a topical antistatic to eliminate static to build up 使用局部抗静电来消除静电的建立Minimize movement and friction 减少运动和摩擦Use ESD protective packaging t

22、o protect sensitive parts 使用静电防护包装来保护敏感部件Place components and assemblies on a dissipative mat or dissipative work surface 将部件和组件放在一个静电耗散的垫子或静电耗散的工作台All personnel, surfaces and equipment must be grounded to drain off any charges 所有人员,表面和设备必须接地排除任何电荷。Keep work surfaces clean and free of dirt build up

23、保持工作台表面清洁、无污垢,Work Area Control Techniques工,Storage, Packing and Handling存储,包装和处理,ESD sensitive items must always be put in protective packaging or containers before moving from an ESD protective area 当静电敏感物品搬到静电防护区之前,必须放入保护性包装或容器Shielding is necessary to prevent a sensitive device from being charge

24、d by exposure to ESD or being touched by a charged object during transportation or storage 屏蔽是必要的,用于防止敏感器件被暴露的静电或运输、存储过程中接触到的带电物体,Storage, Packing and Handling,Marking, Labeling and Signs标记,标签和标志,ESD-protected areas shall be recognized by the signs or placards that are displayed before personnel ent

25、er the area. These areas shall be marked off with yellow ESD tape on the floor 静电保护区应由显示的标志或标牌进行识别当人员进入此区域.这些地区应当标上黄色的防静电胶带在地板上,Marking, Labeling and Signs标记,Marking, Labeling and Signs标记,标签和标志,Shipping Container Label 集装箱标签Grounding Point Sign 接地点符号,Marking, Labeling and Signs标记,Marking, Labeling a

26、nd Signs标记,标签和标志,Unit pack label 部品包装标签Equipment label 设备标签,Marking, Labeling and Signs标记,ESD Wrist Straps and Foot Straps防静电手腕带,脚带,Corded wrist straps: 捆扎式手腕带Cordless wrist straps: 无绳式手腕带Foot Straps: 鞋带ESD shoes: 静电鞋,ESD Wrist Straps and Foot Stra,Daily Measurement of ESD Protection ESD保护和每日测量,Wris

27、t Strap testing腕带的测试ESD footwear testing静电鞋的测试,Daily Measurement of ESD Prote,Commonly-seen ESD Concerns常见的ESD关注事项,No wrist straps while handling chips or PCB boards 没有带腕带而直接处理贴片部品或电路板Put PCB on static generating material, e.g. Styrofoam and bubble bag could generate static electricity easily将PCB放在产

28、生静电的材料,如泡沫和气泡袋非常容易产生静电Wrist strap not connecting to the grounding per ESD policy腕带没有接地根据静电防护政策,Commonly-seen ESD Concerns常见的,Commonly-seen ESD Concerns常见的ESD关注事项,Document folder could generate static electricity文件夹可能产生静电Paper could be static dissipative with certain moisture, not good to put the PCB

29、 on cardboard (especially with tape)带有一定水分的纸可能消耗静电,将PCB放在纸板上不好(尤其还带有胶纸)Put PCB on non-conductive chair把PCB放在绝缘的椅子上,Commonly-seen ESD Concerns常见的,Commonly-seen ESD Concerns常见的ESD关注事项,Not shielded while handling处理时没有做屏蔽The chain of mobile car is not grounded properly移动推车的车链没有接地Grounding is not secured接地不安全,Commonly-seen ESD Concerns常见的,ESD Industry StandardESD行业标准,IEC 61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharge Standards IEC 61000-4-2 静电放电标准,ESD Industry StandardESD行业标准I,


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