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1、,Essay Writing,1,Essay Writing1,On the test paper there is a small box where examinees should write the title of their essay. The purpose is for the marker to quickly see what question has been chosen. Examinees need not come up with a clever title; a simple title repeating the essay question or cha

2、nging it a little is all that is required.The title can be written in lower-case letters as it is in the question or it can be capitalized.,Essay Titles,2,On the test paper there is a s,Essay question: What are your career goals?Essay title: My Career GoalsEssay question:“The Internet has improved o

3、ur lives.” Discuss.Essay title: The Internet has improved our livesThe InternetHas the Internet Improved Our Lives?,3,Essay question: 3,Every essay or paper is made up of three parts: Introduction Body Conclusion,Structure,4,Every essay or paper is made u,a Five Paragraph Essay,an introduction three

4、 main body paragraphs a conclusion,5,a Five Paragraph Essayan intro,The introduction is the first paragraph of the paper. It often begins with a general statement about the topic and ends with a more specific statement of the main idea of your paper. The purpose of the introduction is to let the rea

5、der know what the topic is inform the reader about your point of view arouse the readers curiosity so that he or she will want to read about your topic,6,The introduction is the first,Introduction,The introduction should start with a general discussion of your subject and lead to a very specific sta

6、tement of your main point, or thesis. Sometimes an essay begins with a grabber, such as a challenging claim, or surprising story to catch a readers attention. The thesis should tell in one (or at most two) sentence(s), what your overall point or argument is, and briefly, what your main body paragrap

7、hs will be about.,7,IntroductionThe introduction s,For example, in an essay about the importance of airbags in cars, the introduction might start with some information about car accidents and survival rates. It might also have a grabber about someone who survived a terrible accident because of an ai

8、rbag. The thesis would briefly state the main reasons for recommending airbags, and each reason would be discussed in the main body of the essay.,8,For example, in an essay about,The body of the paper follows the introduction. It consists of a number of paragraphs in which you develop your ideas in

9、detail. Limit each paragraph to one main idea. (Dont try to talk about more than one idea per paragraph.) Prove your points continually by using specific examples and quotations. Use transition words to ensure a smooth flow of ideas from paragraph to paragraph.,Body,9,The body of the paper follows,T

10、ransitions,Does the first paragraph tell us a pro and the second a con? (on the other hand . . .) Does the second paragraph tell us something of greater significance? (more importantly . . .),10,Transitions10,Transition words and phrases,buton the contraryin contrasthoweveralthough,soconsequentlyas

11、a resultthereforeas a consequence,11,Transition words and phrases,Transition words and phrases,and/alsobesides thismoreoverfurthermorein addition,because of/becausedue toowing tosinceas,12,Transition words and phrases,Main Body Paragraphs (3),Each main body paragraph will focus on a single idea, rea

12、son, or example that supports your thesis. Each paragraph will have a clear topic sentence (a mini thesis that states the main idea of the paragraph) and as much discussion or explanation as is necessary to explain the point. You should try to use details and specific examples to make your ideas cle

13、ar and convincing.,13,Main Body Paragraphs (3)Each m,Paragraph structure,topic sentence2. specific details (more information, examples)3. conclusion,14,Paragraph structuretopic sente,Read and number the sentences in the correct order:People can see what the animals look like and how they behave.As a

14、 result, they may develop an interest in protecting animals and the environment.Zoos have an important role in educating the public about animal conservation.We can read about animals or watch them on television, but seeing them in real life is so much better.,3-4-1-2,15,Read and number the sentence

15、s,Brainstorming,Sit down with a pencil and paper, or at your computer, and write whatever comes into your head about your topic, no matter how confused or disorganized. Keep writing for a short but specific amount of time, say 35 minutes. Dont stop to change what youve written or to correct spelling

16、 or grammar errors. After a few minutes, read through what you have written. You will probably throw out most of it, but some of what youve written may give you an idea you can develop. Do some more brainstorming and see what else you can come up with.,16,Brainstorming Sit down with a,My father,Neve

17、r complains,good at DIY,can fix the car,plays the guitar,Works hard for family,gave up musical career for family,The person I most admire,optimistic,friendly,17,My fatherNever complainsgood a,Organize Your Ideas,Develop an outline to organize your ideas. An outline shows your main ideas and the orde

18、r in which you are going to write about them. Write down all the main ideas.List the subordinate ideas below the main ideas.Avoid any repetition of ideas.,18,Organize Your IdeasDevelop an,My father,talented,does a lot for the family,Never complains,good at DIY,can fix the car,plays the guitar,Works

19、hard for family,gave up musical career for family,The person I most admire,personality,optimistic,friendly,19,My fathertalenteddoes a lot fo,Three topic sentences,My father is the most good-natured person I know.He is very talented in a variety of fields.I respect my dads selflessness.,20,Three topi

20、c sentencesMy father,The conclusion is the last paragraph of the paper. Its purpose is to summarize your main points, leaving out specific examples restate the main idea of the paper,21,The conclusion is the last par,Conclusion,Your conclusion begins with a restatement of your main point; but be sur

21、e to paraphrase, not just repeat your thesis sentence. Then you want to add some sentences that emphasize the importance of the topic and the significance of your view. Think about what idea or feeling you want to leave your reader with. The conclusion is the reverse of the introduction in that it s

22、tarts out very specific and becomes a bit more general as you finish.,22,ConclusionYour conclusion begi,Sample: The person I most admire,There are many people that I greatly admire. Some are famous sportsmen and celebrities while others are just ordinary people such as my teachers and friends. Howev

23、er, there was one person that I look up to much more than anyone else; that is my father.My father is the most good-natured person I know. I have never seen him angry even though my sister and I often got into trouble when we were at school. He is always friendly and optimistic. Although he grew up

24、in a poor family and has had a hard life, he never complains.,23,Sample: The person I most admi,Another reason I admire my father so much is that he is very talented in a variety of fields. He can play the guitar and the piano extremely well. Hes also really good at drawing and painting. Moreover, m

25、y father is a skillful handyman. For example, whenever our car has a problem, he can fix it by himself.Last but not least, I respect my dads selflessness. When I was born, he gave up his career as a professional musician and he found a better paying but boring office job. In fact, because my mother was too sick to work, my father also got a part-time job.In conclusion, my father is the person that I admire the most because of his good nature, talents, and self-sacrifice for his family. Hopefully, I will be like him one day.,24,Another reason I admire my fa,


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