1、Module 1,Unit 1 It was my birthday on Saturday.,Module 1 Unit 1 It was my birt,Module-1-Unit-1-It-was-my-birthday-on-Saturday课件1-外研版(一起)-课件,Module-1-Unit-1-It-was-my-birthday-on-Saturday课件1-外研版(一起)-课件,Where was the cat?,Where was the cat?,Where was the cat?,Where was the cat?,Where was the cat?,Wher
2、e was the cat?,Listen & answer questions,Q 1: What is Amy doing ?Q 2: Where does she live ?,She is reading a letter.,She lives in London.,Listen & answer questionsQ 1:,Q 3: Where is the letter from?Q 4: Whats Lucys new friends name ?,It is from lucy.,Her name is Zara.,Q 3: Where is the letter from?,
3、She was thin.,She is fat now.,She was thin.She is fat now.,It was thin.,It is fat now.,It was thin. It is fat now.,Where was she ?,She was in Beijing.,Where was she ?She was in Beij,Where was he ?,He was in Hongkong.,Where was he ?He was in Hongko,Where was he ?,He was in Shanghai.,Where was he ?He
4、was in Shangh,Where was he ?,He was in Singapore.,Where was he ?He was in Singap,Where were they ?,They were at Buckingham Palace.,Where were they ?They were at,Buckingham Palace,Buckingham Palace,London Bridge,London Eye,London BridgeLondon Eye,Big Ben,Big Ben,Where were they ?,They were in Macao.,
5、Where were they ?They were in,Where were they ?,They were in Nanjing.,Where were they ?They were in,Where were they ?,They were in Lhasa.,P4 part 4 and AB,Where were they ?They were in,Zara,This is _.Shes got _, _ hair.Shes very _.,ZaraThis is _.,This is _.Shes got _, _ hair.Shes very _.,This is _.,
6、This is _.Hes got _, _ hair.Hes very _.,This is _.,This is _.Shes got _, _ hair.Shes very _.,Sum up lead in u2,This is _.Sum up lead in u,Her name is _ .Shes got _ , _ hair.Shes very _.,Her name is _ .,Where were they ?They were at _.,the Great Wall,the Great Wall,Introducing your friend,This is my
7、friend, _.Hes / Shes got _ ,_ hair.Hes / Shes _.Words market: good, nice, clever, shy, cute, quiet, beautiful, helpful, fat-thin, tall-short, loud,Introducing your friendThis is,Write about yourself,1) My name is _.2) Im _ now.3) I live in Xiamen. Its _.4) Ive got _ , _ hair.5) Im _.,Write about yourself1) My name,