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1、NCE2-41-新概念英语第二册-Lesson41-Do-you-call-that-a-hat,NCE2-41-新概念英语第二册-Lesson41-Do-y,New words and expressions,rude mirror holeremark remind lighthouse,adj. 无礼的n. 镜子n. 孔v. 评说v. 提醒n. 灯塔,New words and expressionsrude,1. rude: adj.粗鲁的,无礼的,猛烈的,残暴的 -polite/ civil/ tender/ gentle rudely adv. 粗暴地,无礼地 rudeness n

2、. 粗鲁,无礼e.g. The manager refused my request rudely. You dont have to be so rude to me. I dont owe you anything. His rudeness made everybody present angry.,1. rude: adj.粗鲁的,无礼的,猛烈的,残暴的 -,mirror,My wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror. (3)look at oneself in the mirror 照镜子,mirrorMy wife

3、answered as she,a mirror of,Mark Twains novel is a mirror of his time.马克吐温的小说是他那个时代的真实写照。a mirror of的真实写照,a mirror ofMark Twains novel,remind, vt. 提醒remind sb. of sth. remind sb. to do sth. remind sb. that,remind vt. 提醒,remind, vt. 使想起莴苣总是使我想起了我的初中时光。Lettuce always reminds me of my middle-school tim

4、e.,remind vt. 使想起,5. light: v.点着,变亮e.g. Lets light a fire in the room. Light the torch- I cant see the path. adj.轻的,发光的,明亮的,浅的 a light aircraft 轻型直升飞机as light as a feather 轻如鸿毛He is three pounds lighter than last month. n.光,日光 moonlight/ sunlight lighten: v.减轻,(使)轻松e.g. These new windows have lighte

5、ned the room. His face lightened as she apologized.,5. light: v.点着,变亮e.g. Lets l,Lets read and answer the questions firstly!,Lets read and answer the ques,Comprehension questions:1 Were you in a shop or a theatre? A shop.2 Who were you with? My wife.3 She was trying a hat on, wasnt she? Yes, she was

6、.4 What did you say to your wife? Do you call that a hat?,Comprehension questions:,5 Did she think you were being rude? Yes, she did.6 How long had you been in the hat shop? Half an hour.7 What was the remark you suddenly made? We mustnt buy things we dont need.8 How soon did you regret saying it? A

7、lmost at once.,5 Did she think you were being,9 What did your wife remind you of? The terrible tie I bought yesterday.10 Do you think its terrible or beautiful? Beautiful.11 Can a man have too many ties? No, he cant.12 What about a woman and her hats? A woman cant have too many hats either.,9 What d

8、id your wife remind yo,Lesson 41 课文讲解:Do you call that a hat? Call我们知道最常用的是“打电话”的意思。同时,call还可表示 “把叫做、称为”,常用于口语和非正式文体中。在第10课中我们讲到过 name 和 call 的区别,这里再复习一下: name 通常表示给一个新产生的人或物命名, “给取名”,是学名,比较正式,如: His parents named him Robert, but the boys call him Bob.,Lesson 41 课文讲解:,Do you call that a hat? I said

9、to my wife. You neednt be so rude about it, my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror. neednt be so rude这里的neednt表示“不必要、没必要”。 英语中实际上有两个 need。 一个是普通动词need,是表示“需要”的意思。 比如:I need a car(我需要一辆汽车。); 另一个是情态动词need。是表示“必要”。情态动词的need和can,may等情态动词一样,后接动词原形,但只用于否定和疑问句,肯定句用must,have to,ought to或 sh

10、ould。也就是说情态动词的need只能表示“不必要”(neednt)或是“有必要吗?”(Do you need)。而如果要表示“有必要、必须”就使用must,have to,ought to或 should。,Do you call that a hat? I sa,text,1、Do you call that a hat?“Do you call that +(冠词)+名词”这个结构可以表达一种轻蔑的含义:Do you call that a dog?,text1、Do you call that a hat?,2、You neednt be so rude about it.(2)ne

11、ednt do be rude about sth. 对很粗鲁,2、You neednt be so rude about,We mustnt buy things we dont need, I remarked _5_. I regretted saying it almost at once.You neednt have said that, my wife answered. I neednt _6_ you of that _7_ tie you bought yesterday.,We mustnt buy things we don,We mustnt buy things w

12、e dont need. 首先,这句话中mustnt表示“不应该”,是表示一种“禁止”的意思。大家知道:must是表示“必须做某事”,而其否定形式就是mustnt,表示“不应该,不准、禁止”干某事。而和我们前面说的neednt做比较可以看出,neednt表示“不必要,没必要”干某事,但仍可以干。试比较: You neednt shout; he can hear you.你不必喊,他能听到你。 You mustnt shout; Tom is sleeping.你不准喊,汤姆在睡觉。 在we dont need中,这个need是个普通动词,是个实义动词,表示“需要”。所以things we d

13、ont need就表示“我们不需要的东西”。,We mustnt buy things we dont,I find it beautiful, I said. A man can _8_ have too many ties.And a woman cant have too many hats, she answered.Ten minutes later we _9_ out of the shop together. My wife was _10_ a hat that looked like a lighthouse!,I find it beautiful, I said.,Te

14、n minutes later we walked out of the shop together. My wife was wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse! 10分钟以后,我们一道走出了商店。我妻子戴着一顶像灯塔一样的帽子。 Wear在这里是表示“穿、戴”的意思,再比如: Wear a black dress穿一件黑衣服 Wear a diamond earrings 戴一对钻石耳环 Wear the glasses 戴眼镜 Wear perfume 用香水 The girl wears too much make-up. 这个女孩妆

15、化得太浓了。,Ten minutes later we walked ou,本课必须熟记的词组: look at oneself in the mirror 照镜子 the chair with holes 带网眼的椅子 in front of 在前面 regret doing sth. 后悔做了某事 remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事 canttoo再也不过分 walk out of 走出 wear a hat 戴帽子 look like 看起来象,本课必须熟记的词组: look at oneself in,语法讲解:need主要有两种用法,1.作为“实义动词”表示“需要”。

16、2.在neednt结构中need作为“情态动词”。neednt用于否定句,表示“不必”、“没必要”.首先来看need作为“实义动词”表示“需要”。其各种形式的变化都和普通动词一模一样的:,语法讲解:need主要有两种用法 1.作为“实义动词”表示“,I need a new hat. I must buy one. 我需要一顶新帽子。我必须买一顶。 He needs a haircut. He must have one. 他需要理发。他一定要理发。 I wont buy that. I dont need it. 我不会买那个,我不需要它。 Do you need a car? 你需要一辆车

17、吗?,I need a new hat. I must buy o,再来看看在neednt结构中need如果要作为“情态动词”的情况。 这里所谓的“情态动词”,就是指和can、must、may等一样的情态动词,它们是没有时态和单复数的变化。 那么这种neednt可以做为must疑问句的否定回答,表示“不必”、“没必要”。比如: A:Must I do all these exercises? 我必须做所有的这些练习吗? B:No, you neednt. 不,你不必。 如果你要表达“你必须”的意思时,就用“Yes, you must.”,再来看看在neednt结构中need如果要作为“情态动词

18、”,当然了,neednt也可以单句使用,比如来看我们这课课文中的几次使用: You neednt be so rude about it. 你说话没必要这样不客气。 You neednt have said that. 你没必要这么说。 We mustnt buy things we dont need. 我们不应该买我们不需要的东西。 I neednt remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday. 我也不必提醒你昨天买的那条糟糕透了的领带。,当然了,neednt也可以单句使用,比如来看我们这课课文中,2. 这里neednt还可以用

19、dont have to来代替: You neednt wait for me.You dont have to wait for me. 你不必等我。(还没有等) You neednt have waited for me.You didnt have to wait for me. 你不必等我的阿。(已经等过了。),2. 这里neednt还可以用dont have to来,3. mustnt和neednt的区别 Neednt上面讲过是表示“不必、没必要”。而mustnt就表示“不应该”。同时,neednt也是可以用dont have to来代替。 You mustnt make a noi

20、se. The children are asleep. 你不应吵闹,孩子们都睡了。(这里mustnt表示“不应该”。,3. mustnt和neednt的区别 Need,You neednt drive so quickly; we have plenty of time. 你不必开得那么快,我们有足够的时间。 Or: You dont have to(havent got to) drive so quickly; we have plenty of time. You neednt come with us if you dont want to. 如果你不想去,你不必和我们一道去。 Or

21、: You dont have to (havent got to) come with us if you dont want to. 教材188页 c 练习本语法,You neednt drive so quickly;,Lets read again!,Lets read again!,Do you call that a hat?,Do you call that a hat? I said to my wife.You neednt be so rude about it, my wife answered as she looked at herself in the mirror

22、.I sat down on one of those modern chairs with holes in it and waited. We had been in the hat shop for half an hour and my wife was still in front of the mirror.,Do you call that a hat?Do you,We mustnt buy things we dont need, I remarked suddenly. I regretted saying it almost at once.You neednt have

23、 said that, my wife answered. I neednt remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday.,We mustnt buy things we don,I find it beautiful, I said. A man can never have too many ties.And a woman cant have too many hats, she answered.Ten minutes later we walked out of the shop together. My wife was

24、 wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse!,I find it beautiful, I said.,1 call that a hat - to my wife2 neednt - so rude - answered3 sat - modern chair - holes - waited4 half an hour - wife - still - mirror5 mustnt buy - dont need - remarked6 neednt - said that - answered7 remind - terrible tie -

25、 yesterday8 a man - never - too many - I said9 a woman - many hats- answered10 out - shop - wife - hat - lighthouse,Tell the story,1 call that a hat - to my wi,Jack, you cant be rude _ the poor.A withC toD about,be rude to sb. 对某人很粗鲁,Jack, you cant be rude _ t,3、我坐在一张新式的满是网眼儿的椅子上, 等待着.I sat down on

26、one of those modern chairs _holes _ it and waited.Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle.,with,in,3、我坐在一张新式的满是网眼儿的椅子上, 等待着.withi,translation,4、我们在这家帽店已经呆了半个小时了, 而我的妻子仍在镜子面前. We had been in the hat shop for half an hour and my wife was still in front of the mirror.名词修

27、饰名词, 一般用单数:bookstore书店drugstore药店,translation4、我们在这家帽店已经呆了半个小时了,translation,5、“我们不应该买我们不需要的东西, “我突然发表意见说, 但马上又后悔说了这话. We mustnt buy things (that)we dont need, I remarked suddenly. I regretted saying it almost at once.,translation5、“我们不应该买我们不需要的东西,6、You neednt have said that, my wife answered. I need

28、nt remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday.,neednt have done 原本不必做, 但是做了You neednt have bought the gifts.,neednt do 不必做 You neednt come.,6、You neednt have said that,need,1.做情态动词时,仅用于否定句和疑问句,只有现在时,过去式要用neednt have,疑问式用need+人称+do?否定式用need not (neednt),如: Need we leave soon? Yes, you must.

29、No, you neednt,need1.做情态动词时,仅用于否定句和疑问句,只有现在时,,need,You neednt have hurried. =It was not necessary for you to hurry, but you did. 你当时不必这么匆忙。,needYou neednt have hurried.,need,2.做实义动词时,其变化与一般的实义动词相同,后接带to的不定式need to dodont need toDo you need to ?need doing 表被动,need2.做实义动词时,其变化与一般的实义动词相同,后接带,need,我需要稍微

30、休息下。(一般过去时)I needed to take a short rest.I needed a short rest.,need我需要稍微休息下。(一般过去时),7、I find it beautiful, I said.你会发现很难和她闲聊。Youll find it difficult to make conversation with her.我觉得张鹤很认真。I find Zhanghe very hard-working.,7、I find it beautiful, I sai,8、A man can never have too many ties.can neverto

31、ocannottoo 无论也不为过再多的领带对一个男人来说也不为过。,8、A man can never have too man,can nevertoocannottoo,I can never thank you too much. 感激不尽。Drinking water can never be too clean. 饮用水越干净越好。A wife can never complain too much. 妻子怎么罗嗦也不为过。You cant be too careful in doing your work. 你工作越小心越好。,can nevertoocannottoo,tran

32、slation,9、十分钟以后, 我们一道走出了商店. 我妻子戴着一顶像灯塔一样的帽子. Ten minutes later we walked out of the shop together. My wife was wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse!,translation9、十分钟以后, 我们一道走出了商店.,P188 exercise B,1 neednt2 mustnt need3 needntneed,P188 exercise B1 neednt,P188 exercise C,1 mustnt 2 mustnt3 need

33、nt 4 neednt5 mustnt,P188 exercise C1 mustnt,remark & observe & notice P188,1) remark与observe都可以表示“说,评论说”,它们比say要正式:You look good in this suit! She remarked /observed.,remark & observe & notice P188,2) notice和observe都可以表示“注意到,察觉到”,但有一定区别。notice指无意中“察觉到”Did you notice her ring? Did you notice how she

34、was dressed?I didnt notice his leaving.,2) notice和observe都可以表示“注意到,察觉到,3) observe则可以指有意观察、仔细地看,比notice更正式他仔细地看着我. He observed me carefully. The police have been observing the thiefs movements.,3) observe则可以指有意观察、仔细地看,比notic,P189 Exercise,1 remarked 2 noticed3 remarksmake rude remarks about 说的坏话4 not

35、ice,P189 Exercise 1 remarked,Grammar focus,neednt have done本不必做的,却做了,shouldnt +have done本不应该做的,却做了,Grammar focusneednt have done,摩拳擦掌 练练手,There was plenty of time. She_.A. mustnt have hurried B. neednt have hurriedC. didnt need hurryD. mustnt hurry,摩拳擦掌 练练手There was plenty of ti,摩拳擦掌 练练手,He had know

36、n the matter before you told him, so you _ have told it to him.A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. might,摩拳擦掌 练练手He had known the matte,摩拳擦掌 练练手,You _ me about it earlier, but you didnt.A. should have told B. would have told C. must have told D. should tell,摩拳擦掌 练练手You _ me about,摩拳擦掌 练练手,They _ the plan

37、e, or perhaps they have been prevented from coming for some reason.A. can have missed B. may have missedC. can have lost D. may have lost,摩拳擦掌 练练手They _ the pla,摩拳擦掌 练练手,Need we leave soon? Yes, you _.A needB mayC mustD do,摩拳擦掌 练练手Need we leave soon?,摩拳擦掌 练练手,May I go now? No, you _. A. mustnt B. ne

38、ednt C. mightnt D. wont,摩拳擦掌 练练手May I go now? No, y,摩拳擦掌 练练手,- That must be a mistake.- No .it _ be.A. cant B. isnt able to C. can D. was able to,摩拳擦掌 练练手- That must be a mi,摩拳擦掌 练练手,Did he need _ then? A. leave B. to leave C. leaving D. left,摩拳擦掌 练练手Did he need _ t,摩拳擦掌 练练手,One of the few things yo

39、u _ say about English people is that they talk a lot about the weather.A. need B. must C. should D. can,摩拳擦掌 练练手One of the few things,摩拳擦掌 练练手,This printer is of good quality. If it _ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense.A. would B. should C. could D. might,摩拳擦掌 练练手Thi

40、s printer is of goo,摩拳擦掌 练练手,She _have left school, for her bike is still here.A. cantB. wouldntC. shouldntD. neednt,摩拳擦掌 练练手She _have left s,摩拳擦掌 练练手,Although this _ sound like a simple task,great care is needed.A. mustB. mayC. shallD. should,摩拳擦掌 练练手Although this _,摩拳擦掌 练练手,Im sorry. I _ at you th

41、e other day.Forget it. I was out of control myself.A. shouldnt had shoutedB. shouldnt have shoutedC. mustnt shoutD. mustnt have shouted,摩拳擦掌 练练手Im sorry. I _ at,Asking questions:Ask me if 1 I was in a hat shop. (Where)2 I was with my wife. (Who)3 she was trying on a hat. (What)4 it looked terrible.

42、(How)5 wed been in the shop for half an hour. (How long),Asking questions:Ask me if ,6 I sat down on a modern chair. (Where)7 it had holes in it. (What)8 my wife was looking at herself in the mirror. (What doing)9 I made a sudden remark. (What)10 I regretted it almost at once. (How soon)11 I said we

43、 mustnt buy things we dont need. (What),6 I sat down on a modern chair,Key to Summary writing1 .The writers wife was trying on a hat but he did not like it.2 .He sat down and waited for her. 3 .Then they began arguing again. 4 .He had bought a tie the day before but his wife did not like it.5 .A man

44、 can never have too many ties,he said. 6 .His wife used exactly the same argument and bought the hat. 7 .It looked like a lighthouse. (67 words),Key to Summary writing,Key to Composition1 My wife not only has too many hats but too many dresses as well.2 We have been invited to a party this evening b

45、ut she does not want to go.3 She keeps looking at all those dresses and saying, I havent got anything to wear!,Key to Composition,Key to KS ExercisesC1 mustnt 2 mustnt3 neednt 4 neednt5 mustnt,Key to KS Exercises,Key to SD Exercises1 remarked 2 noticed3 remarks 4 notice,Key to SD Exercises,1. a 根据课文

46、第一句 Do you call it a hat? I said to my wife. (“你把那个叫帽子吗?”我对妻子说),可以判断作者不喜欢那顶帽子,所以a. didnt like the hat his wife had chosen 是正确答案。 其他3个选择都与事实不符。,1. a 根据课文第一句 Do you call i,2. a 根据课文第9-10行 You neednt have said that, my wife answered. I neednt remind you of that terrible tie you bought yesterday, 可以判断只有

47、a. his wife reminded him that he had bought a terrible tie 与课文的实际情况相符,是作者为对他妻子粗鲁讲话而后悔的原因,其他3个选择都与事实不符,也不合乎逻辑。,2. a 根据课文第9-10行 You needn,3. c a. mustnt (不应该);b. wont(不想要);c. neednt(不必);d. dont need(不需要)4个选择中只有c. neednt 与后面一句It isnt necessary(没必要)的含义相同,所以选c.,3. c a. mustnt (不应该);b. wo,4. d a. still 和

48、d. yet 都有“还,仍然”的含义,但yet只能用于否定和疑问句中,表示“还没”,still常用于肯定句中。前面一句是肯定句,用了still,本句是完成时态的否定句,因此只能选d. b. even(甚至),c. also(也)都不合乎题目意思和语法,4. d a. still 和 d. yet,5. c a. neednt, b. need not, d. havent need 都有语法错误,只有c.最合乎题目意思和语法,所以只能选c. c. dont need 不需要, 这里把need 当做实意动词。用助动词do 来帮助完成。 a. neednt 不是很清楚,我们既可以把它当做情态动词,

49、又可以当做实意动词。所以我们不选a. 我们不能选一个模棱两可的答案。,5. c a. neednt, b. need no,6. b 本句是针对一个事物的性质或状态提问的,回答是beautiful. a. what (什么); c. How much(多少); d. where(哪里)这3个疑问词都不是问状态或性质的,只有b. How 是对状态或性质提问的,所以应该选b.,6. b 本句是针对一个事物的性质或状态提问的,回答是,7. b 只有b. impossible(不可能的,办不到的)同前一句中的can never have(永远不能有)的意思比较接近,因此应该选b. a. unable(

50、不能的,不会的)指人没能力,不能用it做主语。 c. improbable(不大可能发生的,未必会的)语气不如impossible 强。 d. incapable(无能力的,不能的)指人没能力。,7. b 只有b. impossible(不可能的,办,8. a a. reflection(映像,反射的图像), b. idol(偶像,神像), c .imagination(想象,想象力 ), d. picture(图画,照片),只有a.最符合题目的意思。照镜子所看到的结果应该是自己的映像reflection,所以应该选a.,8. a a. reflection(映像,反射的图像,9. d 前一句


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