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1、PQE培训教材-8D报告,2022/11/4,PQE培训教材8D报告,PQE培训教材-8D报告2022/10/9PQE培训教材8D,CONTENT,1.What is the 8-Discipline. 3 何謂8D? 2.When shall 8-D be used. 4 什么時候用到8D. 3.Containment &Corrective action. 5 內容及改善措施. 4.Goals. 6 目標. 5.Responsibilities. 7 負責(人). 6.The 8-Discipline in detail. 8 8D詳述. 7.Problem Analysis. 16 問題

2、分析. 8.The Procedure of problem Analysis. 17 問題分析過程.,PQE培训教材8D报告,CONTENT 1.What is t,What is the 8-Discipline. A systemic approach utilized for root cause finding and and problem solving. 一個發現根本原因及解決問題的系統的原則方法. Discipline 1: Use Team Approach. 原則1:采用團体方法(選擇合适人員) Discipline 2: Describe The Problem 原則2

3、:描述問題 Discipline 3: Containment Plan 原則3:具体計划 Discipline 4: Describe The Root Cause 原則4:根本原因的描述(分析),PQE培训教材8D报告,PQE培训教材8D报告,Discipline 5: Permanent C/A Plan. 原則5: 永久(長久)的保証計划. Discipline 6: Verification of Effectiveness. 原則6:改善效果的評估 Discipline 7: Prevent Recurrence. 原則7:預防措施 Discipline 8: Congratula

4、te Your Team,Case Close. 原則8:結案予參与組員以勉勵,When shall 8-D be used,The fallout consistently over the DPPM goal.,不良率連續超出DPPM目標值,MEET THE DPPM goal but one failure more than 20% to the fallout,達到DPPM但某項不良率超過整個不良的20%,PQE培训教材8D报告,Discipline 5: Perman,A Defect occurred that should have been contained within

5、the process. 制程中潛在的缺陷( 缺點/不良) The defect is induced by the process. 制程導致的缺陷( 缺點) The failing parameter was not tested by process. 制程無法測出錯誤參數(存在的缺陷)Definitions Containment & Corrective action Containment short term,temporary fix. 短期,暫時解決方法 Risk assessment of F/G & Field F/G和FIELD風險估計 Functional / Vis

6、ual screen of a statistically significant sample 功能的/可視化的清晰的統計抽樣方法.,PQE培训教材8D报告,A Defect occurred th,Corrective Action Loger term, permanent fix. 長期(長久) 解決方案Goals containment plan available within 2 working days of receipt of 8-D. 收到8D后,兩個工作天必須做好短期計划 Containment plan implemented within 5 working day

7、s of receipt of 8-D. 收到8D后,5天內短期計划須貫徹執行 Corrective action plan available within 5 working days of receipt of 8-D. 收到8D后,5天內做好改善措施計划,PQE培训教材8D报告,Corrective Action ,Compaq agreed Corrective Action in place within 3 months of receipt of 8-D. 三個月后,康柏接受該改善措施Responsibilities The originator Initiate the 8-

8、D 發起(開始)8D Copy the 8-D to all CPQ manufacturing sites(as applicable) 給所有CPQ生產地發送8D The supplier Provide responses in 8-D format 以8D格式提供結果,PQE培训教材8D报告,Compaq agreed Corrective A,Communicate 8-D details internally as necessary 內部8D討論. Respond with Containment / Corrective Action Plans as pergoals 對每一

9、個目標審核是否達到 Provide weekly updates to CPQ team as per Business plan 作為商業計划,每周CPQ更新資料 Achieve goals on timescales for implementation of containment and corrective actions 在計划時間內完成目標 Communicate corrective action plan to all supplier sites for awareness 改善措施向所有提供商宣導.,PQE培训教材8D报告,Communicate 8-D details,

10、Discipline 1: Team Members Select and record internal and external team members 選擇和記錄內部及外部負責人員 Select a Team Champion 選擇一個齊心合力的團隊 Remove road blocks for the team 去掉隊里的不積极分子 Select a team leader 确立團隊負責人 Direct efforts & takes responsibility 直接負責,接受責任(壓力) Team work,PQE培训教材8D报告,Discipline 1: Team Memb,

11、Discipline 2: Describe the problem Use terms understood by the customer 使用消費者理解的術語 Describe the change in condition or pre-existing condition which caused the problem 描術目前進展狀況及潛在的影響因素 Express the condition in quantifiable terms 用可量化術語表達(描述)現狀,PQE培训教材8D报告,Discipline 2: Describ,Discipline 3: Containme

12、nt plan Describe who,what, when & how you will capture and contain the defects now, and prevent them from getting to the customer 詳細描述你將确認方法:什么時候,及如何解決之些缺陷, 解決什么缺陷, 以及你將采取什么措施,防止這些缺陷在 到達客戶手上被解決. Consider the effect of the containment plan on: 考慮這些計划:花費,交付及會否引起其它不良 Cost Delvery Inducement of other ty

13、pes of defects,PQE培训教材8D报告,Discipline 3: Contain,Discipline 4: Define the root root cause Describe why the change in condition occurred, or identify the “Hole” in the systemwhich allowed the pre-existing condition to go undetected 解述為什么會產生這些變化?确定這些允許存在的未被 發現的潛在缺陷的嚴重性. Categorize the root causes, e.g

14、.: 根本原因的分類:物料,机械設備,方法,人為,維護,環境等. Material Machine Methods Manpower Maintenance Environment,PQE培训教材8D报告,Discipline 4: Define th,Discipline 5: Implement permanent C/A Describe who,what when & how you will inplement changes in material,manpower,methods,etc.to totally eliminate the root cause of the pro

15、blem 描述你在物料,人力,方法等方面采取什么解救措施來除掉其根本原因 Consider permanent C/A impact upon: 考慮長久C/A影響: Inducing other types of defects 導致其它類型的缺陷. Elimination of containment activities(I.e.:If C/A plan works containment activities should no longer be required) 去除各种短期措施(如果C/A計划巳生效則短期計划不再有效),PQE培训教材8D报告,Discipline 5: Imp

16、lement,Discipline 6: Verify effectiveness of actions Describe verification results in quantifiable term E.G.: 描述改善結果 Achieved CPK 1.5 完成CPK-1.5 Decreased defect occurrences to zero 不良率巳降到零 Continue containment activities until permanent C/A actions are verified as being effevtive 在長期改善措施生效前堅持短期措施,PQ

17、E培训教材8D报告,Discipline 6: Verify ef,Discipline 7: Prevent recurrence Describe the internal and/or external cultural or systemic changes that must be made to prevent the problem from recurring 描述這些防止再次次發生的內部/外部或系統的變化(措施) The team champion is rsponsible for taking these recommendations back to managemen

18、t and driving implementation 負責人應將這些措施加入管理方案,并作好補充.,PQE培训教材8D报告,Discipline 7: Prevent r,Discipline 8: Congratulate your team Champion and team leader recognizes team members for their role in solving the problem 負責人應給予參与人員按所在作用不同予以獎勵 Problem analysis Why P/A failed? 為什么不能正确分析不良狀況? Jumping to conclus

19、ion Based on limited information about the problem 僅基于對問題一知半解就下結論. Failure to define the problem 不能正确的定義問題,PQE培训教材8D报告,Discipline 8: Congratul,Flounder in a mass of information 被太多的信息所因扰 Not able to clearly focus on exactly what it is trying to resolve 不能找到解決問題的關鍵所在Action overkill Take many actions

20、at once 一下采取太多的糾正措施 The actions are not checked to see if they really correct the problem 在沒有确認能否真正解決問題之前就付諸實施 If problem disappears ,no one is certain why 無法确認不良解決的根本原因,PQE培训教材8D报告,Flounder in a mass of inform,Describe Problem State problem specify problem .WHAT, WHERE,WHEN,EXTENT Identify Possible

21、 causes 找出所有可能的原因 Use knowledge,experience 利用知識和經驗 Identify distinctions and changes 估計可能的原因諸實施原因 Evaluate Possible Causes 估計可能的原因,PQE培训教材8D报告,Describe ProblemPQE培训教材8D报告,Test possible causes to determine most probable cause 對所有可能的原因進行測試以确定最有可能引起不良的原因 Confirm True Cause Verify assumptions made in te

22、sting;conduct observation;try fix and check result 用試驗對假設進行确認,同巳有的資料進行對比,嘗試得出結論并驗証 .WHAT, WHERE,WHEN,EXTENT Identify Possible causes 找出所有可能的原因 Use knowledge,experience 利用知識和經驗 Identify distinctions and changes 估計可能的原因諸實施原因,PQE培训教材8D报告,Test possible causes to,Evaluate Possible Causes 估計可能的原因 Test pos

23、sible causes to determine most probable cause 對所有可能的原因進行測試以确定最有可能引起不良的原因Confirm True Cause 确認真正的原因. Verify assumptions made in testing; conduct observation; try fix and check result 用試驗對假設進行确認,同巳有資料進行對比,嘗試得出結論并驗証Problem Analysis Describe Problem state problem 問題的狀況,PQE培训教材8D报告,Evaluate Possible Caus

24、esPQE培训教,What is the defective object(unit)? 不良對象是什么? What is the defect 不良的原因(為什么被判為不良)Specify problem問題的詳細描述 IS IS NOT What what specific object(s)has What similar object(s)could reasonably the defect have the defect,but does not? 哪一類對象會有不良 哪一類對象本來可能會有不良,但卻沒有 不良被發現? What is the specific defect? Wh

25、at other defects could reasonably be observed,but is not? 是在什么地方發現不良(地理上的)? 有什么不良本來應該被發現,但卻沒有被發現?,PQE培训教材8D报告,What is the defective object,Where Where is the defective object Where else could the defective objective observed(geographically)? Be observe,but is not? 是在什么地方發現不良(地理上的)? 還有什么地方應該發現不良,但沒有發

26、現? 不良被發現? Where is the defect on the object? Where else could the defective be on the object,but is not? 不良出現在產品的什么地方? 此產品還有什么地方可能出現或發現不良, 但卻沒有出現(或發現)?Problem Analysis Describe ProblemSpecify problem,PQE培训教材8D报告,PQE培训教材8D报告,When When was the defective object When else could the defective object firs

27、t observed(in clock/calendar have been first observed,but was not? When since that time has the What other times could the defective defective object been observed? Object have been observed,but was Any patterm? Not ? When,in the objects life cycle or When else could the defect have been history,was

28、 the defect frst obser first observed in the objects life cycle -ved? But was not? 不良品第一次被發現是在什么時間 在此之前有沒有不良品本應被發現但卻此次不良產生在什么時候?有何特征? 沒有被發現?在產品的生命周期中,不良品第一次被發 有什么別的不良本應被發現卻沒有被發現是在何時? 現?,IS IS NOT,PQE培训教材8D报告,IS,Extent How many objects have the defect? How many objects have the defect but do not? Wha

29、t is the size of a single defect? What other size could the defectHow many defects are each object? Be,but is not?What has been the trend? What other trends could have been expected,but were not observed?有多少產品有此類不良? 有多少產品本可能有此不良但卻沒有?單項不良有多少? 為什么在其余的也應有不良發現的產品 此种不良每件產品有几處? 卻沒有發現不良? 發展趨勢如何? 同一產品上有多少本應

30、有不良發現的地 方卻沒有發現不良? 為何另外一個預想中的發展趨勢沒有發生?,PQE培训教材8D报告,Extent PQE培训,Problem Analysis Identify Possible Causes Identify Possible CauseUse knowledge and experience to develop possible cause state-ments.利用知識与經驗來找出問題產生的可能原因.Use distinctions and changes to develop possible cause statements.利用差別与變异來找出問題產生的可能原因

31、.From experience,what could have caused this deviation?由經驗判斷,是什么因素導致這种現象產生.What is different or unique about or about each distinction?所有的特征量中變化的量有哪些?,PQE培训教材8D报告,PQE培训教材8D报告,When did the change occur?變化出現的時間How could each change have caused this deviation?各不同的因素變更是如何導致不良現象的產生?How could a change plu

32、s a distinction have caused this deviation?一個變化加上一個特性后是如何引起不良的產生?How could a change plus a change have caused this deviation?兩個變化相加是如何引起不良的產生?,PQE培训教材8D报告,When did the change occur?PQE培,Problem Analysis Evaluate Possible Cause Evaluate possible causesTest possible cause against the IS and IS NOT to

33、determine most pro-bable cause.對IS 項和IS NOT 項中不同的可能性的因素以确定最可能的原因.If ”X” is the true cause,how does it explain both the IS and IS NOTInfromation.假如找到一個真因,那么這個真因是如何解釋IS項和IS NOT項中的各個條件的.,PQE培训教材8D报告,PQE培训教材8D报告,What assumptions have to be made to explain the specification?必須作出何种假設,方可解釋上述細節.Of the cause

34、s tested against the specification,which best explainsThe IS and IS NOT data?如果此原因被証明不是真因,該如何給它為非真因的合理解釋?,PQE培训教材8D报告,PQE培训教材8D报告,Problem Analysis Confirm True Cause Confirm true causeVerify assumptions made in testing conduct observationTry fix and check result.确認我們針對不良現象所作出的假設.看能否确認并檢查之.What can b

35、e done to verify any assumptions made in testingThis cause?為了驗証我們在檢驗不良原因時所作的假設, 能夠采取哪些措施?When corrective action is taken,how will results be checked?如果己經采取改善(糾正措施,怎樣确認改善結果? 以上是對8D的基本概念的描述,下面是8D FORM來描述, 也許會更清晰些,PQE培训教材8D报告,PQE培训教材8D报告,PQE培训教材8D报告,PQE培训教材8D报告,寫8D注意事項 收到客戶抱怨後24小時內必須回復 8D不是一氣呵成全部寫完,不是兩個小時或半小時 8個項目可寫好 因8D可用版本控制,收到抱怨後24小時內可以完成1D. 2D.4D.6D可用REV:A或R00來控制 接下來找到真因後在A版之前提下寫出3D. 5D.6D.7D. REV定義為B或R01,PQE培训教材8D报告,PQE培训教材8D报告,演讲完毕,谢谢听讲!,再见,see you again,2022/11/4,PQE培训教材8D报告,演讲完毕,谢谢听讲!再见,see you again2022,


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