1、Travel,1,Travel1,The World is a book, and those who do not travel, read only one page. St.Augustine,2,The World is a book, and thos,Why do we travel ?,3,2022/11/4,Why do we travel ?32022/10/9,Reasons,To expand ones horizonsTo fulfill curiosity for something exoticTo expect a miracle in lifeTo escape
2、 from a monotonous lifestyleTo learn about the special flavor of a certain cultureBalabalabala,4,2022/11/4,Reasons To expand ones horizo,Have fun!,5,2022/11/4,Have fun!52022/10/9,Attention,6,2022/11/4,Attention 62022/10/9,Travel route & resort,Make sure of the travel route and tourism resort ,otherw
3、ise you may get lost. To make plans about travel route and resort you can refer to some guide books or you may look for some useful information on the Internet . Asking a native guide or friend is another good choice.,7,2022/11/4,Travel route & resortMake sure,Things you should learn before your tri
4、p:Conventions and customsTaboosClimateLanguageStandards of consumption,8,2022/11/4,Things you should learn befor,Luggage for your journey,Necessary clothesMedicineCashCredit cardsMapSunglassesCommunication equipmentsCamera or DV,9,2022/11/4,Luggage for your journeyNecess,Weather,Rubbish,Animal,prope
5、rty,Safety,During the trip,10,2022/11/4,WeatherRubbishAnimalproperty,Types of travel,Group travel Backpack travel,11,2022/11/4,Types of travel 112022/,Group travel,In China, it is the most common way of travelling. When it comes to travelling, most Chinese people will go to a travel agency first. In
6、 a travel agency you can find a lot of travel information, the only thing you need to do is to choose a travel group to sign up for. Then go home to do the packings.,12,2022/11/4,Group travelIn China, it is th,Advantages,No preparationTime savingSecurity guaranteesConvenientMaking more friendsLearni
7、ng while travelling,13,2022/11/4,Advantages No preparation13202,Disadvantages,Look at the pictures below, then you can find the disadvantages of group travel.,14,2022/11/4,Disadvantages Look at the,15,2022/11/4,The only thing people do while,You are often forced to buy things while taking group trav
8、el. Whats worse, the souvenirs you bought may be products of poor qualities.,16,2022/11/4,You must buy something.Tour gu,A vicious circle of group travel,17,2022/11/4,Have a nap on the tourist bus,Backpack travel,As a new type of travel, backpack travel is developing rapidly in recent years . More a
9、nd more people are tired of group travel, they want to travel independently . They want to see places which most of us dont familiar with.,18,2022/11/4,Backpack travelAs a new type o,Travel alone, maybe we can not enjoy the happy that sharing with others. But when being used to it, we can also be ve
10、ry delighted just standing there as if the beauty is only belong to ourselves.,19,2022/11/4,Travel alone, maybe we can not,20,2022/11/4,202022/10/9,21,2022/11/4,212022/10/9,22,2022/11/4,222022/10/9,23,2022/11/4,232022/10/9,24,2022/11/4,242022/10/9,25,2022/11/4,252022/10/9,26,2022/11/4,262022/10/9,27,2022/11/4,272022/10/9,28,2022/11/4,282022/10/9,29,2022/11/4,292022/10/9,